process = global.process ipc = require 'ipc' remote = require 'remote' # Window object returned by "". class FakeWindow constructor: (@embedderId, @guestId) -> close: -> ipc.send 'ATOM_SHELL_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_CLOSE', @embedderId, @guestId focus: -> ipc.send 'ATOM_SHELL_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_METHOD', @guestId, 'focus' blur: -> ipc.send 'ATOM_SHELL_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_METHOD', @guestId, 'blur' unless process.guestInstanceId? # Override default window.close. window.close = -> remote.getCurrentWindow().close() # Make the browser window or guest view emit "new-window" event. = (url, frameName='', features='') -> options = {} for feature in features.split ',' [name, value] = feature.split '=' options[name] = if value is 'yes' true else if value is 'no' false else value options.x ?= options.left options.y ?= options.title ?= name options.width ?= 800 options.height ?= 600 [embedderId, guestId] = ipc.sendSync 'ATOM_SHELL_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_OPEN', url, frameName, options new FakeWindow(embedderId, guestId) # Use the dialog API to implement alert(). window.alert = (message, title='') -> dialog = remote.require 'dialog' buttons = ['OK'] dialog.showMessageBox remote.getCurrentWindow(), {message, title, buttons} # And the confirm(). window.confirm = (message, title='') -> dialog = remote.require 'dialog' buttons = ['OK', 'Cancel'] not dialog.showMessageBox remote.getCurrentWindow(), {message, title, buttons} # But we do not support prompt(). window.prompt = -> throw new Error('prompt() is and will not be supported in atom-shell.')