const chai = require('chai') const dirtyChai = require('dirty-chai') const {deprecations, deprecate, nativeImage} = require('electron') const {expect} = chai chai.use(dirtyChai) describe.only('deprecations', () => { beforeEach(() => { deprecations.setHandler(null) process.throwDeprecation = true }) it('allows a deprecation handler function to be specified', () => { const messages = [] deprecations.setHandler(message => { messages.push(message) }) deprecate.log('this is deprecated') expect(messages).to.deep.equal(['this is deprecated']) }) it('returns a deprecation handler after one is set', () => { const messages = [] deprecations.setHandler(message => { messages.push(message) }) deprecate.log('this is deprecated') expect(deprecations.getHandler())'function') }) it('returns a deprecation warning', () => { const messages = [] deprecations.setHandler(message => { messages.push(message) }) deprecate.warn('old', 'new') expect(messages).to.deep.equal([`'old' is deprecated. Use 'new' instead.`]) }) it('renames a method', () => { expect(nativeImage.createFromDataUrl) expect(nativeImage.createFromDataURL)'function') deprecate.alias(nativeImage, 'createFromDataUrl', 'createFromDataURL') expect(nativeImage.createFromDataUrl)'function') }) it('renames a property', () => { let msg deprecations.setHandler(m => { msg = m }) const oldProp = 'dingyOldName' const newProp = 'shinyNewName' let value = 0 const o = {[newProp]: value} expect(o) expect(o)'number') deprecate.renameProperty(o, oldProp, newProp) o[oldProp] = ++value expect(msg)'string') expect(msg).to.include(oldProp) expect(msg).to.include(newProp) expect(o) expect(o) }) it('doesn\'t deprecate a property not on an object', () => { const o = {} expect(() => { deprecate.removeProperty(o, 'iDontExist') }).to.throw(/Cannot deprecate a property on an object which does not have that property/) }) it('deprecates a property of an object', () => { let msg deprecations.setHandler(m => { msg = m }) const prop = 'itMustGo' let o = {[prop]: 0} deprecate.removeProperty(o, prop) const temp = o[prop] expect(temp).to.equal(0) expect(msg)'string') expect(msg).to.include(prop) }) it('warns if deprecated property is already set', () => { let msg deprecations.setHandler(m => { msg = m }) const oldProp = 'dingyOldName' const newProp = 'shinyNewName' let o = {[oldProp]: 0} deprecate.renameProperty(o, oldProp, newProp) expect(msg)'string') expect(msg).to.include(oldProp) expect(msg).to.include(newProp) }) it('throws an exception if no deprecation handler is specified', () => { expect(() => { deprecate.log('this is deprecated') }).to.throw(/this is deprecated/) }) })