--- title: "ES Modules (ESM) in Electron" description: "The ES module (ESM) format is the standard way of loading JavaScript packages." slug: esm hide_title: false --- # ES Modules (ESM) in Electron ## Introduction The ECMAScript module (ESM) format is [the standard way of loading JavaScript packages](https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-modules). Chromium and Node.js have their own implementations of the ESM specification, and Electron chooses which module loader to use depending on the context. This document serves to outline the limitations of ESM in Electron and the differences between ESM in Electron and ESM in Node.js and Chromium. :::info This feature was added in `electron@28.0.0`. ::: ## Summary: ESM support matrix This table gives a general overview of where ESM is supported and which ESM loader is used. | Process | ESM Loader | ESM Loader in Preload | Applicable Requirements | |----------------------|------------|-----------------------|-------------------------| | Main | Node.js | N/A | | | Renderer (Sandboxed) | Chromium | Unsupported | | | Renderer (Unsandboxed & Context Isolated) | Chromium | Node.js | | | Renderer (Unsandboxed & Non Context Isolated) | Chromium | Node.js | | ## Main process Electron's main process runs in a Node.js context and uses its ESM loader. Usage should follow [Node's ESM documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html). To enable ESM in a file in the main process, one of the following conditions must be met: - The file ends with the `.mjs` extension - The nearest parent package.json has `"type": "module"` set See Node's [Determining Module System](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#determining-module-system) doc for more details. ### Caveats #### You must use `await` generously before the app's `ready` event ES Modules are loaded **asynchronously**. This means that only side effects from the main process entry point's imports will execute before the `ready` event. This is important because certain Electron APIs (e.g. [`app.setPath`](../api/app.md#appsetpathname-path)) need to be called **before** the app's `ready` event is emitted. With top-level `await` available in Node.js ESM, make sure to `await` every Promise that you need to execute before the `ready` event. Otherwise, your app may be `ready` before your code executes. This is particularly important to keep in mind for dynamic ESM import statements (static imports are unaffected). For example, if `index.mjs` calls `import('./set-up-paths.mjs')` at the top level, the app will likely already be `ready` by the time that dynamic import resolves. ```js @ts-expect-error=[2] title='index.mjs (Main Process)' // add an await call here to guarantee that path setup will finish before `ready` import('./set-up-paths.mjs') app.whenReady().then(() => { console.log('This code may execute before the above import') }) ``` :::caution Transpiler translations JavaScript transpilers (e.g. Babel, TypeScript) have historically supported ES Module syntax before Node.js supported ESM imports by turning these calls to CommonJS `require` calls.
Example: @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs The `@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs` plugin will transform ESM imports down to `require` calls. The exact syntax will depend on the [`importInterop` setting](https://babeljs.io/docs/babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs#importinterop). ```js @nolint @ts-nocheck title='@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs' import foo from "foo"; import { bar } from "bar"; foo; bar; // with "importInterop: node", compiles to ... "use strict"; var _foo = require("foo"); var _bar = require("bar"); _foo; _bar.bar; ```
These CommonJS calls load module code synchronously. If you are migrating transpiled CJS code to native ESM, be careful about the timing differences between CJS and ESM. ::: ## Renderer process Electron's renderer processes run in a Chromium context and will use Chromium's ESM loader. In practice, this means that `import` statements: - will not have access to Node.js built-in modules - will not be able to load npm packages from `node_modules` ```html ``` If you wish to load JavaScript packages via npm directly into the renderer process, we recommend using a bundler such as webpack or Vite to compile your code for client-side consumption. ## Preload scripts A renderer's preload script will use the Node.js ESM loader _when available_. ESM availability will depend on the values of its renderer's `sandbox` and `contextIsolation` preferences, and comes with a few other caveats due to the asynchronous nature of ESM loading. ### Caveats #### ESM preload scripts must have the `.mjs` extension Preload scripts will ignore `"type": "module"` fields, so you _must_ use the `.mjs` file extension in your ESM preload scripts. #### Sandboxed preload scripts can't use ESM imports Sandboxed preload scripts are run as plain JavaScript without an ESM context. If you need to use external modules, we recommend using a bundler for your preload code. Loading the `electron` API is still done via `require('electron')`. For more information on sandboxing, see the [Process Sandboxing](./sandbox.md) docs. #### Unsandboxed ESM preload scripts will run after page load on pages with no content If the response body for a renderer's loaded page is _completely_ empty (i.e. `Content-Length: 0`), its preload script will not block the page load, which may result in race conditions. If this impacts you, change your response body to have _something_ in it (e.g. an empty `html` tag (``)) or swap back to using a CommonJS preload script (`.js` or `.cjs`), which will block the page load. ### ESM preload scripts must be context isolated to use dynamic Node.js ESM imports If your unsandboxed renderer process does not have the `contextIsolation` flag enabled, you cannot dynamically `import()` files via Node's ESM loader. ```js @ts-nocheck title='preload.mjs' // ❌ these won't work without context isolation const fs = await import('node:fs') await import('./foo') ``` This is because Chromium's dynamic ESM `import()` function usually takes precedence in the renderer process and without context isolation, there is no way of knowing if Node.js is available in a dynamic import statement. If you enable context isolation, `import()` statements from the renderer's isolated preload context can be routed to the Node.js module loader.