name: Update AppVeyor Image # Run chron daily Mon-Fri on: workflow_dispatch: schedule: - cron: '0 8 * * 1-5' # runs 8:00 every business day (see permissions: {} jobs: bake-appveyor-image: name: Bake AppVeyor Image runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Generate GitHub App token uses: electron/github-app-auth-action@384fd19694fe7b6dcc9a684746c6976ad78228ae # v1.1.1 id: generate-token with: creds: ${{ secrets.APPVEYOR_UPDATER_GH_APP_CREDS }} - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683 # v4.2.2 with: fetch-depth: 0 token: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }} - name: Setup Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@0a44ba7841725637a19e28fa30b79a866c81b0a6 # v4.0.4 with: node-version: 20.11.x - name: Yarn install run: | node script/yarn.js install --frozen-lockfile - name: Set Repo for Commit run: git config --global --add $GITHUB_WORKSPACE - name: Check AppVeyor Image env: APPVEYOR_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.APPVEYOR_TOKEN }} run: | node ./script/prepare-appveyor if [ -f ./image_version.txt ]; then echo "APPVEYOR_IMAGE_VERSION="$(cat image_version.txt)"" >> $GITHUB_ENV rm image_version.txt fi - name: (Optionally) Update Appveyor Image if: ${{ env.APPVEYOR_IMAGE_VERSION }} uses: mikefarah/yq@bbdd97482f2d439126582a59689eb1c855944955 # v4.44.3 with: cmd: | yq '.image = "${{ env.APPVEYOR_IMAGE_VERSION }}"' "appveyor.yml" > "appveyor2.yml" yq '.image = "${{ env.APPVEYOR_IMAGE_VERSION }}"' "appveyor-woa.yml" > "appveyor-woa2.yml" - name: (Optionally) Generate Commit Diff if: ${{ env.APPVEYOR_IMAGE_VERSION }} run: | diff -w -B appveyor.yml appveyor2.yml > appveyor.diff || true patch -f appveyor.yml < appveyor.diff rm appveyor2.yml appveyor.diff git add appveyor.yml - name: (Optionally) Generate Commit Diff for WOA if: ${{ env.APPVEYOR_IMAGE_VERSION }} run: | diff -w -B appveyor-woa.yml appveyor-woa2.yml > appveyor-woa.diff || true patch -f appveyor-woa.yml < appveyor-woa.diff rm appveyor-woa2.yml appveyor-woa.diff git add appveyor-woa.yml - name: (Optionally) Commit to Branch if: ${{ env.APPVEYOR_IMAGE_VERSION }} uses: dsanders11/github-app-commit-action@43de6da2f4d927e997c0784c7a0b61bd19ad6aac # v1.5.0 with: message: 'build: update appveyor image to latest version' ref: bump-appveyor-image token: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }} - name: (Optionally) Create Pull Request if: ${{ env.APPVEYOR_IMAGE_VERSION }} run: | printf "This PR updates appveyor.yml to the latest baked image, ${{ env.APPVEYOR_IMAGE_VERSION }}.\n\nNotes: none" | gh pr create --head bump-appveyor-image --label no-backport --label semver/none --title 'build: update appveyor image to latest version' --body-file=- env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}