import { expect } from 'chai' import { net, session, ClientRequest, BrowserWindow } from 'electron' import * as http from 'http' import * as url from 'url' import { AddressInfo, Socket } from 'net' import { emittedOnce } from './events-helpers' const kOneKiloByte = 1024 const kOneMegaByte = kOneKiloByte * kOneKiloByte function randomBuffer (size: number, start: number = 0, end: number = 255) { const range = 1 + end - start const buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(size) for (let i = 0; i < size; ++i) { buffer[i] = start + Math.floor(Math.random() * range) } return buffer } function randomString (length: number) { const buffer = randomBuffer(length, '0'.charCodeAt(0), 'z'.charCodeAt(0)) return buffer.toString() } const cleanupTasks: (() => void)[] = [] function cleanUp () { cleanupTasks.forEach(t => t()) cleanupTasks.length = 0 } async function getResponse (urlRequest: Electron.ClientRequest) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { urlRequest.on('error', reject) urlRequest.on('abort', reject) urlRequest.on('response', (response) => resolve(response)) urlRequest.end() }) } async function collectStreamBody (response: Electron.IncomingMessage | http.IncomingMessage) { return (await collectStreamBodyBuffer(response)).toString() } function collectStreamBodyBuffer (response: Electron.IncomingMessage | http.IncomingMessage) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { response.on('error', reject); (response as NodeJS.EventEmitter).on('aborted', reject) const data: Buffer[] = [] response.on('data', (chunk) => data.push(chunk)) response.on('end', (chunk?: Buffer) => { if (chunk) data.push(chunk) resolve(Buffer.concat(data)) }) }) } function respondNTimes (fn: http.RequestListener, n: number): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { const server = http.createServer((request, response) => { fn(request, response) // don't close if a redirect was returned if ((response.statusCode < 300 || response.statusCode >= 399) && n <= 0) { n-- server.close() } }) server.listen(0, '', () => { resolve(`${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}`) }) const sockets: Socket[] = [] server.on('connection', s => sockets.push(s)) cleanupTasks.push(() => { server.close() sockets.forEach(s => s.destroy()) }) }) } function respondOnce (fn: http.RequestListener) { return respondNTimes(fn, 1) } let routeFailure = false respondNTimes.toRoutes = (routes: Record, n: number) => { return respondNTimes((request, response) => { if (routes.hasOwnProperty(request.url || '')) { (async () => { await Promise.resolve(routes[request.url || ''](request, response)) })().catch((err) => { routeFailure = true console.error('Route handler failed, this is probably why your test failed', err) response.statusCode = 500 response.end() }) } else { response.statusCode = 500 response.end()`Unexpected URL: ${request.url}`) } }, n) } respondOnce.toRoutes = (routes: Record) => respondNTimes.toRoutes(routes, 1) respondNTimes.toURL = (url: string, fn: http.RequestListener, n: number) => { return respondNTimes.toRoutes({ [url]: fn }, n) } respondOnce.toURL = (url: string, fn: http.RequestListener) => respondNTimes.toURL(url, fn, 1) respondNTimes.toSingleURL = (fn: http.RequestListener, n: number) => { const requestUrl = '/requestUrl' return respondNTimes.toURL(requestUrl, fn, n).then(url => `${url}${requestUrl}`) } respondOnce.toSingleURL = (fn: http.RequestListener) => respondNTimes.toSingleURL(fn, 1) describe('net module', () => { beforeEach(() => { routeFailure = false }) afterEach(cleanUp) afterEach(async function () { await session.defaultSession.clearCache() if (routeFailure && this.test) { if (!this.test.isFailed()) { throw new Error('Failing this test due an unhandled error in the respondOnce route handler, check the logs above for the actual error') } } }) describe('HTTP basics', () => { it('should be able to issue a basic GET request', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.method).to.equal('GET') response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should be able to issue a basic POST request', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.method).to.equal('POST') response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'POST', url: serverUrl }) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should fetch correct data in a GET request', async () => { const expectedBodyData = 'Hello World!' const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.method).to.equal('GET') response.end(expectedBodyData) }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) const body = await collectStreamBody(response) expect(body).to.equal(expectedBodyData) }) it('should post the correct data in a POST request', async () => { const bodyData = 'Hello World!' const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const postedBodyData = await collectStreamBody(request) expect(postedBodyData).to.equal(bodyData) response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'POST', url: serverUrl }) urlRequest.write(bodyData) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) }) it('should support chunked encoding', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.chunkedEncoding = true expect(request.method).to.equal('POST') expect(request.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.equal('chunked') expect(request.headers['content-length']).to.equal(undefined) request.on('data', (chunk: Buffer) => { response.write(chunk) }) request.on('end', (chunk: Buffer) => { response.end(chunk) }) }) const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'POST', url: serverUrl }) let chunkIndex = 0 const chunkCount = 100 let sent = Buffer.alloc(0) urlRequest.chunkedEncoding = true while (chunkIndex < chunkCount) { chunkIndex += 1 const chunk = randomBuffer(kOneKiloByte) sent = Buffer.concat([sent, chunk]) urlRequest.write(chunk) } const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(response) expect(sent.equals(received)) expect(chunkIndex) }) it('should emit the login event when 401', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass'] const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { return response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end() } response.writeHead(200).end('ok') }) let loginAuthInfo: Electron.AuthInfo const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl }) request.on('login', (authInfo, cb) => { loginAuthInfo = authInfo cb(user, pass) }) const response = await getResponse(request) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(loginAuthInfo!.realm).to.equal('Foo') expect(loginAuthInfo!.scheme).to.equal('basic') }) it('should response when cancelling authentication', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }) response.end('unauthenticated') } else { response.writeHead(200).end('ok') } }) const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl }) request.on('login', (authInfo, cb) => { cb() }) const response = await getResponse(request) const body = await collectStreamBody(response) expect(body).to.equal('unauthenticated') }) it('should share credentials with WebContents', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass'] const serverUrl = await respondNTimes.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { return response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end() } return response.writeHead(200).end('ok') }, 2) const bw = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }) bw.webContents.on('login', (event, details, authInfo, cb) => { event.preventDefault() cb(user, pass) }) await bw.loadURL(serverUrl) bw.close() const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl }) let logInCount = 0 request.on('login', () => { logInCount++ }) const response = await getResponse(request) await collectStreamBody(response) expect(logInCount).to.equal(0, 'should not receive a login event, credentials should be cached') }) it('should share proxy credentials with WebContents', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass'] const proxyUrl = await respondNTimes((request, response) => { if (!request.headers['proxy-authorization']) { return response.writeHead(407, { 'Proxy-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end() } return response.writeHead(200).end('ok') }, 2) const customSession = session.fromPartition(`net-proxy-test-${Math.random()}`) await customSession.setProxy({ proxyRules: proxyUrl.replace('http://', ''), proxyBypassRules: '<-loopback>' }) const bw = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { session: customSession } }) bw.webContents.on('login', (event, details, authInfo, cb) => { event.preventDefault() cb(user, pass) }) await bw.loadURL('') bw.close() const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: '', session: customSession }) let logInCount = 0 request.on('login', () => { logInCount++ }) const response = await getResponse(request) const body = await collectStreamBody(response) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(body).to.equal('ok') expect(logInCount).to.equal(0, 'should not receive a login event, credentials should be cached') }) it('should upload body when 401', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass'] const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { return response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end() } response.writeHead(200) request.on('data', (chunk) => response.write(chunk)) request.on('end', () => response.end()) }) const requestData = randomString(kOneKiloByte) const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl }) request.on('login', (authInfo, cb) => { cb(user, pass) }) request.write(requestData) const response = await getResponse(request) const responseData = await collectStreamBody(response) expect(responseData).to.equal(requestData) }) }) describe('ClientRequest API', () => { it('request/response objects should emit expected events', async () => { const bodyData = randomString(kOneKiloByte) const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.end(bodyData) }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) // request close event const closePromise = emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'close') // request finish event const finishPromise = emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'close') // request "response" event const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) response.on('error', (error: Error) => { expect(error)'Error') }) const statusCode = response.statusCode expect(statusCode).to.equal(200) // response data event // respond end event const body = await collectStreamBody(response) expect(body).to.equal(bodyData) urlRequest.on('error', (error) => { expect(error)'Error') }) await Promise.all([closePromise, finishPromise]) }) it('should be able to set a custom HTTP request header before first write', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name' const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value' const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(customHeaderValue) response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue) expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue) expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName.toLowerCase())).to.equal(customHeaderValue) urlRequest.write('') expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue) expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName.toLowerCase())).to.equal(customHeaderValue) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should be able to set a non-string object as a header value', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Integer-Value' const customHeaderValue = 900 const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(customHeaderValue.toString()) response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue as any) expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue) expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName.toLowerCase())).to.equal(customHeaderValue) urlRequest.write('') expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue) expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName.toLowerCase())).to.equal(customHeaderValue) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should not be able to set a custom HTTP request header after first write', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name' const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value' const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(undefined) response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.write('') expect(() => { urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue) }).to.throw() expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(undefined) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should be able to remove a custom HTTP request header before first write', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name' const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value' const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(undefined) response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue) expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue) urlRequest.removeHeader(customHeaderName) expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(undefined) urlRequest.write('') const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should not be able to remove a custom HTTP request header after first write', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name' const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value' const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(customHeaderValue) response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue) expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue) urlRequest.write('') expect(() => { urlRequest.removeHeader(customHeaderName) }).to.throw() expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should be able to set cookie header line', async () => { const cookieHeaderName = 'Cookie' const cookieHeaderValue = 'test=12345' const customSession = session.fromPartition('test-cookie-header') const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[cookieHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(cookieHeaderValue) response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.end() }) await customSession.cookies.set({ url: `${serverUrl}`, name: 'test', value: '11111', expirationDate: 0 }) const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl, session: customSession }) urlRequest.setHeader(cookieHeaderName, cookieHeaderValue) expect(urlRequest.getHeader(cookieHeaderName)).to.equal(cookieHeaderValue) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should be able to receive cookies', async () => { const cookie = ['cookie1', 'cookie2'] const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.setHeader('set-cookie', cookie) response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.headers['set-cookie']).to.have.same.members(cookie) }) it('should be able to abort an HTTP request before first write', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.end()'Unexpected request event') }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.on('response', () => {'unexpected response event') }) const aborted = emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'abort') urlRequest.abort() urlRequest.write('') urlRequest.end() await aborted }) it('it should be able to abort an HTTP request before request end', async () => { let requestReceivedByServer = false let urlRequest: ClientRequest | null = null const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(() => { requestReceivedByServer = true urlRequest!.abort() }) let requestAbortEventEmitted = false urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.on('response', () => {'Unexpected response event') }) urlRequest.on('finish', () => {'Unexpected finish event') }) urlRequest.on('error', () => {'Unexpected error event') }) urlRequest.on('abort', () => { requestAbortEventEmitted = true }) await emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'close', () => { urlRequest!.chunkedEncoding = true urlRequest!.write(randomString(kOneKiloByte)) }) expect(requestReceivedByServer).to.equal(true) expect(requestAbortEventEmitted).to.equal(true) }) it('it should be able to abort an HTTP request after request end and before response', async () => { let requestReceivedByServer = false let urlRequest: ClientRequest | null = null const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { requestReceivedByServer = true urlRequest!.abort() process.nextTick(() => { response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.end() }) }) let requestFinishEventEmitted = false urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.on('response', () => {'Unexpected response event') }) urlRequest.on('finish', () => { requestFinishEventEmitted = true }) urlRequest.on('error', () => {'Unexpected error event') }) urlRequest.end(randomString(kOneKiloByte)) await emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'abort') expect(requestFinishEventEmitted).to.equal(true) expect(requestReceivedByServer).to.equal(true) }) it('it should be able to abort an HTTP request after response start', async () => { let requestReceivedByServer = false const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { requestReceivedByServer = true response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.write(randomString(kOneKiloByte)) }) let requestFinishEventEmitted = false let requestResponseEventEmitted = false let responseCloseEventEmitted = false const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.on('response', (response) => { requestResponseEventEmitted = true const statusCode = response.statusCode expect(statusCode).to.equal(200) response.on('data', () => {}) response.on('end', () => {'Unexpected end event') }) response.on('error', () => {'Unexpected error event') }) response.on('close' as any, () => { responseCloseEventEmitted = true }) urlRequest.abort() }) urlRequest.on('finish', () => { requestFinishEventEmitted = true }) urlRequest.on('error', () => {'Unexpected error event') }) urlRequest.end(randomString(kOneKiloByte)) await emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'abort') expect(requestFinishEventEmitted)'request should emit "finish" event') expect(requestReceivedByServer)'request should be received by the server') expect(requestResponseEventEmitted)'"response" event should be emitted') expect(responseCloseEventEmitted)'response should emit "close" event') }) it('abort event should be emitted at most once', async () => { let requestReceivedByServer = false let urlRequest: ClientRequest | null = null const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(() => { requestReceivedByServer = true urlRequest!.abort() urlRequest!.abort() }) let requestFinishEventEmitted = false let abortsEmitted = 0 urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.on('response', () => {'Unexpected response event') }) urlRequest.on('finish', () => { requestFinishEventEmitted = true }) urlRequest.on('error', () => {'Unexpected error event') }) urlRequest.on('abort', () => { abortsEmitted++ }) urlRequest.end(randomString(kOneKiloByte)) await emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'abort') expect(requestFinishEventEmitted)'request should emit "finish" event') expect(requestReceivedByServer)'request should be received by server') expect(abortsEmitted).to.equal(1, 'request should emit exactly 1 "abort" event') }) it('should allow to read response body from non-2xx response', async () => { const bodyData = randomString(kOneKiloByte) const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 404 response.end(bodyData) }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) const bodyCheckPromise = getResponse(urlRequest).then(r => { expect(r.statusCode).to.equal(404) return r }).then(collectStreamBody).then(receivedBodyData => { expect(receivedBodyData.toString()).to.equal(bodyData) }) const eventHandlers = Promise.all([ bodyCheckPromise, emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'close') ]) urlRequest.end() await eventHandlers }) describe('webRequest', () => { afterEach(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest(null) }) it('Should throw when invalid filters are passed', () => { expect(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( { urls: ['*://'] }, (details, callback) => { callback({ cancel: false }) } ) }).to.throw('Invalid url pattern *:// Empty path.') expect(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( { urls: [ '*://', '*://' ] }, (details, callback) => { callback({ cancel: false }) } ) }).to.throw('Invalid url pattern *:// Empty path.') }) it('Should not throw when valid filters are passed', () => { expect(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( { urls: ['*://'] }, (details, callback) => { callback({ cancel: false }) } ) }).to.not.throw() }) it('Requests should be intercepted by webRequest module', async () => { const requestUrl = '/requestUrl' const redirectUrl = '/redirectUrl' let requestIsRedirected = false const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toURL(redirectUrl, (request, response) => { requestIsRedirected = true response.end() }) let requestIsIntercepted = false session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( (details, callback) => { if (details.url === `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`) { requestIsIntercepted = true // Disabled due to false positive in StandardJS // eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal callback({ redirectURL: `${serverUrl}${redirectUrl}` }) } else { callback({ cancel: false }) } }) const urlRequest = net.request(`${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(response) expect(requestIsRedirected)'The server should receive a request to the forward URL') expect(requestIsIntercepted)'The request should be intercepted by the webRequest module') }) it('should to able to create and intercept a request using a custom session object', async () => { const requestUrl = '/requestUrl' const redirectUrl = '/redirectUrl' const customPartitionName = 'custom-partition' let requestIsRedirected = false const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toURL(redirectUrl, (request, response) => { requestIsRedirected = true response.end() }) session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest(() => {'Request should not be intercepted by the default session') }) const customSession = session.fromPartition(customPartitionName, { cache: false }) let requestIsIntercepted = false customSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest((details, callback) => { if (details.url === `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`) { requestIsIntercepted = true // Disabled due to false positive in StandardJS // eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal callback({ redirectURL: `${serverUrl}${redirectUrl}` }) } else { callback({ cancel: false }) } }) const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`, session: customSession }) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(response) expect(requestIsRedirected)'The server should receive a request to the forward URL') expect(requestIsIntercepted)'The request should be intercepted by the webRequest module') }) it('should to able to create and intercept a request using a custom partition name', async () => { const requestUrl = '/requestUrl' const redirectUrl = '/redirectUrl' const customPartitionName = 'custom-partition' let requestIsRedirected = false const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toURL(redirectUrl, (request, response) => { requestIsRedirected = true response.end() }) session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest(() => {'Request should not be intercepted by the default session') }) const customSession = session.fromPartition(customPartitionName, { cache: false }) let requestIsIntercepted = false customSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest((details, callback) => { if (details.url === `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`) { requestIsIntercepted = true // Disabled due to false positive in StandardJS // eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal callback({ redirectURL: `${serverUrl}${redirectUrl}` }) } else { callback({ cancel: false }) } }) const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`, partition: customPartitionName }) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(response) expect(requestIsRedirected)'The server should receive a request to the forward URL') expect(requestIsIntercepted)'The request should be intercepted by the webRequest module') }) }) it('should throw when calling getHeader without a name', () => { expect(() => { (net.request({ url: 'https://test' }).getHeader as any)() }).to.throw(/`name` is required for getHeader\(name\)/) expect(() => { net.request({ url: 'https://test' }).getHeader(null as any) }).to.throw(/`name` is required for getHeader\(name\)/) }) it('should throw when calling removeHeader without a name', () => { expect(() => { (net.request({ url: 'https://test' }).removeHeader as any)() }).to.throw(/`name` is required for removeHeader\(name\)/) expect(() => { net.request({ url: 'https://test' }).removeHeader(null as any) }).to.throw(/`name` is required for removeHeader\(name\)/) }) it('should follow redirect when no redirect handler is provided', async () => { const requestUrl = '/302' const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toRoutes({ '/302': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302 response.setHeader('Location', '/200') response.end() }, '/200': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200 response.end() } }) const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}` }) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) }) it('should follow redirect chain when no redirect handler is provided', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toRoutes({ '/redirectChain': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302 response.setHeader('Location', '/302') response.end() }, '/302': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302 response.setHeader('Location', '/200') response.end() }, '/200': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200 response.end() } }) const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}/redirectChain` }) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) }) it('should not follow redirect when request is canceled in redirect handler', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302 response.setHeader('Location', '/200') response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl }) urlRequest.end() urlRequest.on('redirect', () => { urlRequest.abort() }) urlRequest.on('error', () => {}) await emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'abort') }) it('should not follow redirect when mode is error', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302 response.setHeader('Location', '/200') response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, redirect: 'error' }) urlRequest.end() await emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'error') }) it('should follow redirect when handler calls callback', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toRoutes({ '/redirectChain': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302 response.setHeader('Location', '/302') response.end() }, '/302': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302 response.setHeader('Location', '/200') response.end() }, '/200': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200 response.end() } }) const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}/redirectChain`, redirect: 'manual' }) const redirects: string[] = [] urlRequest.on('redirect', (status, method, url) => { redirects.push(url) urlRequest.followRedirect() }) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(redirects).to.deep.equal([ `${serverUrl}/302`, `${serverUrl}/200` ]) }) it('should throw if given an invalid session option', () => { expect(() => { net.request({ url: 'https://foo', session: 1 as any }) }).to.throw('`session` should be an instance of the Session class') }) it('should throw if given an invalid partition option', () => { expect(() => { net.request({ url: 'https://foo', partition: 1 as any }) }).to.throw('`partition` should be a string') }) it('should be able to create a request with options', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name' const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value' const serverUrlUnparsed = await respondOnce.toURL('/', (request, response) => { expect(request.method).to.equal('GET') expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(customHeaderValue) response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.end() }) const serverUrl = url.parse(serverUrlUnparsed) const options = { port: serverUrl.port ? parseInt(serverUrl.port, 10) : undefined, hostname: '', headers: { [customHeaderName]: customHeaderValue } } const urlRequest = net.request(options) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should be able to pipe a readable stream into a net request', async () => { const bodyData = randomString(kOneMegaByte) let netRequestReceived = false let netRequestEnded = false const [nodeServerUrl, netServerUrl] = await Promise.all([ respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => response.end(bodyData)), respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { netRequestReceived = true let receivedBodyData = '' request.on('data', (chunk) => { receivedBodyData += chunk.toString() }) request.on('end', (chunk: Buffer | undefined) => { netRequestEnded = true if (chunk) { receivedBodyData += chunk.toString() } expect(receivedBodyData) response.end() }) }) ]) const nodeRequest = http.request(nodeServerUrl) const nodeResponse = await getResponse(nodeRequest as any) as any as http.ServerResponse const netRequest = net.request(netServerUrl) const responsePromise = emittedOnce(netRequest, 'response') // TODO(@MarshallOfSound) - FIXME with #22730 nodeResponse.pipe(netRequest as any) const [netResponse] = await responsePromise expect(netResponse.statusCode).to.equal(200) await collectStreamBody(netResponse) expect(netRequestReceived)'net request received') expect(netRequestEnded)'net request ended') }) it('should report upload progress', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.end() }) const netRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, method: 'POST' }) expect(netRequest.getUploadProgress()).to.deep.equal({ active: false }) netRequest.end(Buffer.from('hello')) const [position, total] = await emittedOnce(netRequest, 'upload-progress') expect(netRequest.getUploadProgress()).to.deep.equal({ active: true, started: true, current: position, total }) }) it('should emit error event on server socket destroy', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request) => { request.socket.destroy() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.end() const [error] = await emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'error') expect(error.message).to.equal('net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE') }) it('should emit error event on server request destroy', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { request.destroy() response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.end(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)) const [error] = await emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'error') expect(error.message)['net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET', 'net::ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED']) }) it('should not emit any event after close', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.end() await emittedOnce(urlRequest, 'close') await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ['finish', 'abort', 'close', 'error'].forEach(evName => { urlRequest.on(evName as any, () => { reject(new Error(`Unexpected ${evName} event`)) }) }) setTimeout(resolve, 50) }) }) }) describe('IncomingMessage API', () => { it('response object should implement the IncomingMessage API', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name' const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value' const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue) response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(response.statusMessage).to.equal('OK') const headers = response.headers expect(headers)'object') const headerValue = headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()] expect(headerValue).to.equal(customHeaderValue) const httpVersion = response.httpVersion expect(httpVersion)'string') const httpVersionMajor = response.httpVersionMajor expect(httpVersionMajor)'number') const httpVersionMinor = response.httpVersionMinor expect(httpVersionMinor)'number') await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should discard duplicate headers', async () => { const includedHeader = 'max-forwards' const discardableHeader = 'Max-Forwards' const includedHeaderValue = 'max-fwds-val' const discardableHeaderValue = 'max-fwds-val-two' const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.setHeader(discardableHeader, discardableHeaderValue) response.setHeader(includedHeader, includedHeaderValue) response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(response.statusMessage).to.equal('OK') const headers = response.headers expect(headers)'object') expect(headers) expect(headers) expect(headers[includedHeader]).to.equal(includedHeaderValue) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should join repeated non-discardable value with ,', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200 response.statusMessage = 'OK' response.setHeader('referrer-policy', ['first-text', 'second-text']) response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(response.statusMessage).to.equal('OK') const headers = response.headers expect(headers)'object') expect(headers)'referrer-policy') expect(headers['referrer-policy']).to.equal('first-text, second-text') await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should be able to pipe a net response into a writable stream', async () => { const bodyData = randomString(kOneKiloByte) let nodeRequestProcessed = false const [netServerUrl, nodeServerUrl] = await Promise.all([ respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => response.end(bodyData)), respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const receivedBodyData = await collectStreamBody(request) expect(receivedBodyData) nodeRequestProcessed = true response.end() }) ]) const netRequest = net.request(netServerUrl) const netResponse = await getResponse(netRequest) const serverUrl = url.parse(nodeServerUrl) const nodeOptions = { method: 'POST', path: serverUrl.path, port: serverUrl.port } const nodeRequest = http.request(nodeOptions) const nodeResponsePromise = emittedOnce(nodeRequest, 'response'); // TODO(@MarshallOfSound) - FIXME with #22730 (netResponse as any).pipe(nodeRequest) const [nodeResponse] = await nodeResponsePromise netRequest.end() await collectStreamBody(nodeResponse) expect(nodeRequestProcessed).to.equal(true) }) }) describe('Stability and performance', () => { it('should free unreferenced, never-started request objects without crash', (done) => { net.request('https://test') process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process.electronBinding('v8_util') v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting() done() }) }) it('should collect on-going requests without crash', async () => { let finishResponse: (() => void) | null = null const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.write(randomString(kOneKiloByte)) finishResponse = () => { response.write(randomString(kOneKiloByte)) response.end() } }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) process.nextTick(() => { // Trigger a garbage collection. const v8Util = process.electronBinding('v8_util') v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting() finishResponse!() }) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should collect unreferenced, ended requests without crash', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process.electronBinding('v8_util') v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting() }) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should finish sending data when urlRequest is unreferenced', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(request) expect(received.length).to.equal(kOneMegaByte) response.end() }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.on('close', () => { process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process.electronBinding('v8_util') v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting() }) }) urlRequest.write(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) await collectStreamBody(response) }) it('should finish sending data when urlRequest is unreferenced for chunked encoding', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(request) response.end() expect(received.length).to.equal(kOneMegaByte) }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.chunkedEncoding = true urlRequest.write(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)) const response = await getResponse(urlRequest) await collectStreamBody(response) process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process.electronBinding('v8_util') v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting() }) }) it('should finish sending data when urlRequest is unreferenced before close event for chunked encoding', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(request) response.end() expect(received.length).to.equal(kOneMegaByte) }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.chunkedEncoding = true urlRequest.write(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)) const v8Util = process.electronBinding('v8_util') v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting() await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)) }) it('should finish sending data when urlRequest is unreferenced', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(request) response.end() expect(received.length).to.equal(kOneMegaByte) }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.on('close', () => { process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process.electronBinding('v8_util') v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting() }) }) urlRequest.write(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)) await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)) }) it('should finish sending data when urlRequest is unreferenced for chunked encoding', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(request) response.end() expect(received.length).to.equal(kOneMegaByte) }) const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl) urlRequest.on('close', () => { process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process.electronBinding('v8_util') v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting() }) }) urlRequest.chunkedEncoding = true urlRequest.write(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)) await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)) }) }) })