const cp = require('child_process') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ['default'], string: ['jUnitDir'] }) const BASE = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..') const DISABLED_TESTS = require('./node-disabled-tests.json') const NODE_DIR = path.resolve(BASE, 'third_party', 'electron_node') const NPX_CMD = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npx.cmd' : 'npx' const JUNIT_DIR = args.jUnitDir ? path.resolve(args.jUnitDir) : null const TAP_FILE_NAME = 'test.tap' const utils = require('./lib/utils') const { YARN_VERSION } = require('./yarn') if (!process.mainModule) { throw new Error('Must call the node spec runner directly') } const defaultOptions = [ 'tools/', '-p', 'tap', '--logfile', TAP_FILE_NAME, '--mode=debug', 'default', `--skip-tests=${DISABLED_TESTS.join(',')}`, '--shell', utils.getAbsoluteElectronExec(), '-J' ] const getCustomOptions = () => { let customOptions = ['tools/'] // Add all custom arguments. const extra = process.argv.slice(2) if (extra) { customOptions = customOptions.concat(extra) } // We need this unilaterally or Node.js will try // to run from out/Release/node. customOptions = customOptions.concat([ '--shell', utils.getAbsoluteElectronExec() ]) return customOptions } async function main () { const options = args.default ? defaultOptions : getCustomOptions() const testChild = cp.spawn('python', options, { env: { ...process.env, ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: 'true', ELECTRON_EAGER_ASAR_HOOK_FOR_TESTING: 'true' }, cwd: NODE_DIR, stdio: 'inherit' }) testChild.on('exit', (testCode) => { if (JUNIT_DIR) { fs.mkdirSync(JUNIT_DIR) const converterStream = require('tap-xunit')() fs.createReadStream( path.resolve(NODE_DIR, TAP_FILE_NAME) ).pipe(converterStream).pipe( fs.createWriteStream(path.resolve(JUNIT_DIR, 'nodejs.xml')) ).on('close', () => { process.exit(testCode) }) } }) } main().catch((err) => { console.error('An unhandled error occurred in the node spec runner', err) process.exit(1) })