# Accessibility Accessibility concerns in Electron applications are similar to those of websites because they're both ultimately HTML. ## Manually enabling accessibility features Electron applications will automatically enable accessibility features in the presence of assistive technology (e.g. [JAWS](https://www.freedomscientific.com/products/software/jaws/) on Windows or [VoiceOver](https://help.apple.com/voiceover/mac/10.15/) on macOS). See Chrome's [accessibility documentation][a11y-docs] for more details. You can also manually toggle these features either within your Electron application or by setting flags in third-party native software. ### Using Electron's API By using the [`app.setAccessibilitySupportEnabled(enabled)`][setAccessibilitySupportEnabled] API, you can manually expose Chrome's accessibility tree to users in the application preferences. Note that the user's system assistive utilities have priority over this setting and will override it. ### Within third-party software #### macOS On macOS, third-party assistive technology can toggle accessibility features inside Electron applications by setting the `AXManualAccessibility` attribute programmatically: Using Objective-C: ```objc CFStringRef kAXManualAccessibility = CFSTR("AXManualAccessibility"); + (void)enableAccessibility:(BOOL)enable inElectronApplication:(NSRunningApplication *)app { AXUIElementRef appRef = AXUIElementCreateApplication(app.processIdentifier); if (appRef == nil) return; CFBooleanRef value = enable ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse; AXUIElementSetAttributeValue(appRef, kAXManualAccessibility, value); CFRelease(appRef); } ``` Using Swift: ```swift import Cocoa let name = CommandLine.arguments.count >= 2 ? CommandLine.arguments[1] : "Electron" let pid = NSWorkspace.shared.runningApplications.first(where: {$0.localizedName == name})!.processIdentifier let axApp = AXUIElementCreateApplication(pid) let result = AXUIElementSetAttributeValue(axApp, "AXManualAccessibility" as CFString, true as CFTypeRef) print("Setting 'AXManualAccessibility' \(error.rawValue == 0 ? "succeeded" : "failed")") ``` [a11y-docs]: https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/accessibility#TOC-How-Chrome-detects-the-presence-of-Assistive-Technology [setAccessibilitySupportEnabled]: ../api/app.md#appsetaccessibilitysupportenabledenabled-macos-windows