'use strict' let nextCommandId = 0 // Maps role to methods of webContents const rolesMap = { undo: 'undo', redo: 'redo', cut: 'cut', copy: 'copy', paste: 'paste', pasteandmatchstyle: 'pasteAndMatchStyle', selectall: 'selectAll', minimize: 'minimize', close: 'close', delete: 'delete', quit: 'quit', togglefullscreen: 'toggleFullScreen' } // Maps methods that should be called directly on the BrowserWindow instance const methodInBrowserWindow = { minimize: true, close: true, toggleFullScreen: function (window) { window.setFullScreen(!window.isFullScreen()) } } const methodInApp = { quit: true } const MenuItem = function (options) { const {app, Menu} = require('electron') this.selector = options.selector this.type = options.type this.role = options.role this.label = options.label this.sublabel = options.sublabel this.accelerator = options.accelerator this.icon = options.icon this.enabled = options.enabled this.visible = options.visible this.checked = options.checked this.submenu = options.submenu if (this.submenu != null && this.submenu.constructor !== Menu) { this.submenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(this.submenu) } if (this.type == null && this.submenu != null) { this.type = 'submenu' } if (this.type === 'submenu' && (this.submenu == null || this.submenu.constructor !== Menu)) { throw new Error('Invalid submenu') } this.overrideReadOnlyProperty('type', 'normal') this.overrideReadOnlyProperty('role') this.overrideReadOnlyProperty('accelerator') this.overrideReadOnlyProperty('icon') this.overrideReadOnlyProperty('submenu') this.overrideProperty('label', '') this.overrideProperty('sublabel', '') this.overrideProperty('enabled', true) this.overrideProperty('visible', true) this.overrideProperty('checked', false) if (!MenuItem.types.includes(this.type)) { throw new Error(`Unknown menu item type: ${this.type}`) } this.overrideReadOnlyProperty('commandId', ++nextCommandId) const click = options.click this.click = (event, focusedWindow) => { // Manually flip the checked flags when clicked. if (this.type === 'checkbox' || this.type === 'radio') { this.checked = !this.checked } if (this.role && rolesMap[this.role] && process.platform !== 'darwin' && focusedWindow != null) { const methodName = rolesMap[this.role] if (methodInApp[methodName]) { return app[methodName]() } else if (typeof methodInBrowserWindow[methodName] === 'function') { return methodInBrowserWindow[methodName](focusedWindow) } else if (methodInBrowserWindow[methodName]) { return focusedWindow[methodName]() } else { const {webContents} = focusedWindow return webContents != null ? webContents[methodName]() : void 0 } } else if (typeof click === 'function') { return click(this, focusedWindow, event) } else if (typeof this.selector === 'string' && process.platform === 'darwin') { return Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder(this.selector) } } } MenuItem.types = ['normal', 'separator', 'submenu', 'checkbox', 'radio'] MenuItem.prototype.overrideProperty = function (name, defaultValue) { if (defaultValue == null) { defaultValue = null } if (this[name] == null) { this[name] = defaultValue } } MenuItem.prototype.overrideReadOnlyProperty = function (name, defaultValue) { this.overrideProperty(name, defaultValue) Object.defineProperty(this, name, { enumerable: true, writable: false, value: this[name] }) } module.exports = MenuItem