## Class: TouchBarButton > Create a button in the touch bar for native macOS applications Process: [Main](../glossary.md#main-process)<br /> _This class is not exported from the `'electron'` module. It is only available as a return value of other methods in the Electron API._ ### `new TouchBarButton(options)` * `options` Object * `label` String (optional) - Button text. * `accessibilityLabel` String (optional) - A short description of the button for use by screenreaders like VoiceOver. * `backgroundColor` String (optional) - Button background color in hex format, i.e `#ABCDEF`. * `icon` [NativeImage](native-image.md) | String (optional) - Button icon. * `iconPosition` String (optional) - Can be `left`, `right` or `overlay`. Defaults to `overlay`. * `click` Function (optional) - Function to call when the button is clicked. * `enabled` Boolean (optional) - Whether the button is in an enabled state. Default is `true`. When defining `accessibilityLabel`, ensure you have considered macOS [best practices](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsaccessibilitybutton/1524910-accessibilitylabel?language=objc). ### Instance Properties The following properties are available on instances of `TouchBarButton`: #### `touchBarButton.accessibilityLabel` A `String` representing the description of the button to be read by a screen reader. Will only be read by screen readers if no label is set. #### `touchBarButton.label` A `String` representing the button's current text. Changing this value immediately updates the button in the touch bar. #### `touchBarButton.backgroundColor` A `String` hex code representing the button's current background color. Changing this value immediately updates the button in the touch bar. #### `touchBarButton.icon` A `NativeImage` representing the button's current icon. Changing this value immediately updates the button in the touch bar. #### `touchBarButton.iconPosition` A `String` - Can be `left`, `right` or `overlay`. Defaults to `overlay`. #### `touchBarButton.enabled` A `Boolean` representing whether the button is in an enabled state.