# crash-reporter An example of automatically submitting crash reporters to remote server: ```javascript crashReporter = require('crash-reporter'); crashReporter.start({ productName: 'YourName', companyName: 'YourCompany', submitUrl: 'https://your-domain.com/url-to-submit', autoSubmit: true }); ``` ## crashReporter.start(options) * `options` Object * `productName` String, default: Atom-Shell * `companyName` String, default: GitHub, Inc * `submitUrl` String, default: * URL that crash reports would be sent to as POST * `autoSubmit` Boolean, default: true * Send the crash report without user interaction * `ignoreSystemCrashHandler` Boolean, default: false * `extra` Object * An object you can define which content will be send along with the report. * Only string properties are send correctly. * Nested objects are not supported. # crash-reporter payload The crash reporter will send the following data to the `submitUrl` as `POST`: * `rept` String - eg. atom-shell-crash-service * `ver` String - The version of atom-shell * `platform` String - eg. win32 * `process_type` String - eg. browser * `ptime` Number * `_version` String - The version in `package.json` * `_productName` String - The product name in the crashReporter `options` object * `prod` String - Name of the underlying product. In this case Atom-Shell * `_companyName` String - The company name in the crashReporter `options` object * `upload_file_minidump` File - The crashreport as file * All level one properties of the `extra` object in the crashReporter `options` object