# Build machines configs. machine-linux: &machine-linux docker: - image: electronbuilds/electron:0.0.8 resource_class: 2xlarge machine-mac: &machine-mac macos: xcode: "8.3.3" # Build configurations options. env-debug-build: &env-debug-build GN_CONFIG: //electron/build/args/debug.gn env-testing-build: &env-testing-build GN_CONFIG: //electron/build/args/testing.gn env-release-build: &env-release-build GN_CONFIG: //electron/build/args/release.gn BUILD_NATIVE_MKSNAPSHOT: false # ARM(64) builds will redefine it. NOTIFY_SLACK: true # Build targets options. env-ia32: &env-ia32 GN_EXTRA_ARGS: 'target_cpu = "x86"' NPM_CONFIG_ARCH: ia32 env-arm: &env-arm GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm=True' GN_EXTRA_ARGS: 'target_cpu = "arm"' MKSNAPSHOT_TOOLCHAIN: //build/toolchain/linux:clang_arm env-arm64: &env-arm64 GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm64=True' GN_EXTRA_ARGS: 'target_cpu = "arm64" fatal_linker_warnings = false enable_linux_installer = false' MKSNAPSHOT_TOOLCHAIN: //build/toolchain/linux:clang_arm64 # Individual (shared) steps. step-maybe-notify-slack-failure: &step-maybe-notify-slack-failure run: name: Send a Slack notification on failure command: | if [ "$NOTIFY_SLACK" == "true" ]; then export MESSAGE="Build failed for *<$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL|$CIRCLE_JOB>* nightly build." curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \ -d "{\"text\": \"$MESSAGE\", \"attachments\": [{\"color\": \"#FC5C3C\",\"title\": \"$CIRCLE_JOB nightly build results\",\"title_link\": \"$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL\"}]}" $SLACK_WEBHOOK fi when: on_fail step-maybe-notify-slack-success: &step-maybe-notify-slack-success run: name: Send a Slack notification on success command: | if [ "$NOTIFY_SLACK" == "true" ]; then export MESSAGE="Build succeeded for *<$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL|$CIRCLE_JOB>* nightly build." curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \ -d "{\"text\": \"$MESSAGE\", \"attachments\": [{\"color\": \"good\",\"title\": \"$CIRCLE_JOB nightly build results\",\"title_link\": \"$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL\"}]}" $SLACK_WEBHOOK fi when: on_success step-add-depot-tools-to-path: &step-add-depot-tools-to-path run: name: Add depot tools to PATH command: echo 'export PATH="$PATH:'"$PWD"'/depot_tools"' >> $BASH_ENV step-setup-env-for-build: &step-setup-env-for-build run: name: Setup Environment Variables command: | # To find `gn` executable. echo 'export CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH="'"$PWD"'/src/buildtools"' >> $BASH_ENV # https://github.com/mozilla/sccache SCCACHE_PATH="$PWD/src/electron/external_binaries/sccache" echo 'export SCCACHE_PATH="'"$SCCACHE_PATH"'"' >> $BASH_ENV step-electron-gn-gen: &step-electron-gn-gen run: name: Electron GN gen command: | cd src gn gen out/Default --args='import("'$GN_CONFIG'") cc_wrapper="'"$SCCACHE_PATH"'"'" $GN_EXTRA_ARGS" step-electron-build: &step-electron-build run: name: Electron build command: | cd src ninja -C out/Default electron step-electron-dist-build: &step-electron-dist-build run: name: Build dist.zip command: | cd src ninja -C out/Default electron:electron_dist_zip step-electron-dist-store: &step-electron-dist-store store_artifacts: path: src/out/Default/dist.zip destination: dist.zip step-nodejs-headers-build: &step-nodejs-headers-build run: name: Build Node.js headers command: | cd src ninja -C out/Default third_party/electron_node:headers step-persist-data-for-tests: &step-persist-data-for-tests persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: # To run `gn args` for that dir. - src/out/Default/args.gn - src/out/Default/build.ninja # Build artifacts - src/out/Default/dist.zip - src/out/Default/gen/node_headers - src/out/ffmpeg/libffmpeg.so step-electron-dist-unzip: &step-electron-dist-unzip run: name: Unzip dist.zip command: | cd src/out/Default # -o overwrite files WITHOUT prompting # TODO(alexeykuzmin): Remove '-o' when it's no longer needed. unzip -o dist.zip step-ffmpeg-gn-gen: &step-ffmpeg-gn-gen run: name: ffmpeg GN gen command: | cd src gn gen out/ffmpeg --args='import("//electron/build/args/ffmpeg.gn") cc_wrapper="'"$SCCACHE_PATH"'"'" $GN_EXTRA_ARGS" step-ffmpeg-build: &step-ffmpeg-build run: name: Non proprietary ffmpeg build command: | cd src ninja -C out/ffmpeg third_party/ffmpeg step-ffmpeg-store: &step-ffmpeg-store store_artifacts: path: src/out/ffmpeg/libffmpeg.so destination: libffmpeg.so step-verify-ffmpeg: &step-verify-ffmpeg run: name: Verify ffmpeg command: | cd src python electron/script/verify-ffmpeg.py --source-root "$PWD" --build-dir out/Default --ffmpeg-path out/ffmpeg step-maybe-native-mksnapshot-gn-gen: &step-maybe-native-mksnapshot-gn-gen run: name: native mksnapshot GN gen command: | if [ "$BUILD_NATIVE_MKSNAPSHOT" == "true" ]; then cd src gn gen out/native_mksnapshot --args='import("//electron/build/args/native_mksnapshot.gn") cc_wrapper="'"$SCCACHE_PATH"'" v8_snapshot_toolchain="'"$MKSNAPSHOT_TOOLCHAIN"'"'" $GN_EXTRA_ARGS" fi step-maybe-native-mksnapshot-build: &step-maybe-native-mksnapshot-build run: name: native mksnapshot (arm/arm64) build command: | if [ "$BUILD_NATIVE_MKSNAPSHOT" == "true" ]; then cd src ninja -C out/native_mksnapshot v8:mksnapshot fi step-maybe-native-mksnapshot-store: &step-maybe-native-mksnapshot-store store_artifacts: path: src/out/native_mksnapshot/mksnapshot destination: mksnapshot step-setup-for-headless-testing: &step-setup-for-headless-testing run: name: Setup for headless testing command: sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start step-electron-tests-run: &step-electron-tests-run run: name: Run Electron tests environment: DISPLAY: ':99.0' MOCHA_REPORTER: mocha-multi-reporters MOCHA_FILE: junit/test-results.xml MOCHA_MULTI_REPORTERS: mocha-junit-reporter, tap ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS: 1 command: | cd src export ELECTRON_OUT_DIR=Default (cd electron && npm run test -- --ci --enable-logging) step-electron-tests-store-results: &step-electron-tests-store-results store_test_results: path: src/junit step-show-sccache-stats: &step-show-sccache-stats run: name: Check sccache stats after build command: $SCCACHE_PATH -s # Lists of steps. steps-checkout: &steps-checkout steps: - checkout: path: src/electron - run: name: Get depot tools command: | git clone --depth=1 https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git - <<: *step-add-depot-tools-to-path - restore_cache: paths: - ~/.gclient-cache keys: - v1-gclient-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "src/electron/DEPS" }} - v1-gclient-cache-{{ arch }}- - run: name: Gclient sync command: | # CircleCI does not support interpolation when setting environment variables. # https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/env-vars/#setting-an-environment-variable-in-a-shell-command echo 'export GIT_CACHE_PATH="$HOME/.gclient-cache"' >> $BASH_ENV source $BASH_ENV gclient config \ --name "src/electron" \ --unmanaged \ $GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS \ "$CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL" gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags - save_cache: paths: - ~/.gclient-cache key: v1-gclient-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "src/electron/DEPS" }} - run: name: Remove some unused data to avoid storing it in the workspace command: | rm -rf src/android_webview rm -rf src/ios rm -rf src/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - depot_tools - src steps-debug-build: &steps-debug-build steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - <<: *step-add-depot-tools-to-path - <<: *step-setup-env-for-build # Electron app - <<: *step-electron-gn-gen - <<: *step-electron-build - <<: *step-show-sccache-stats steps-testing-build: &steps-testing-build steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - <<: *step-add-depot-tools-to-path - <<: *step-setup-env-for-build # Electron app - <<: *step-electron-gn-gen - <<: *step-electron-build - <<: *step-electron-dist-build - <<: *step-electron-dist-store # ffmpeg - <<: *step-ffmpeg-gn-gen - <<: *step-ffmpeg-build - <<: *step-ffmpeg-store # Node.js headers - <<: *step-nodejs-headers-build - <<: *step-show-sccache-stats # Save all data needed for a further tests run. - <<: *step-persist-data-for-tests steps-release-build: &steps-release-build steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - <<: *step-add-depot-tools-to-path - <<: *step-setup-env-for-build # Electron app - <<: *step-electron-gn-gen - <<: *step-electron-build - <<: *step-electron-dist-build - <<: *step-electron-dist-store # ffmpeg - <<: *step-ffmpeg-gn-gen - <<: *step-ffmpeg-build - <<: *step-ffmpeg-store # native mksnapshot - <<: *step-maybe-native-mksnapshot-gn-gen - <<: *step-maybe-native-mksnapshot-build - <<: *step-maybe-native-mksnapshot-store # Node.js headers - <<: *step-nodejs-headers-build - <<: *step-show-sccache-stats # Save all data needed for a further tests run. - <<: *step-persist-data-for-tests - <<: *step-maybe-notify-slack-failure - <<: *step-maybe-notify-slack-success steps-tests: &steps-tests steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - <<: *step-add-depot-tools-to-path - <<: *step-electron-dist-unzip - <<: *step-setup-for-headless-testing - <<: *step-verify-ffmpeg - <<: *step-electron-tests-run - <<: *step-electron-tests-store-results # TODO(alexeykuzmin): Use shared build steps defined above for Mac builds. mac-build-steps: &mac-build-steps steps: - run: name: Setup depot tools command: | git clone --depth=1 https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git echo 'export PATH="$PATH:'"$PWD"'/depot_tools"' >> $BASH_ENV echo 'export GIT_CACHE_PATH="$HOME/.gclient-cache"' >> $BASH_ENV - run: name: Install Node.js 10 on MacOS command: | echo 'Installing Node.js 10 for MacOS' brew update brew install node@10 brew install gnu-tar echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-tar/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"' >> $BASH_ENV - checkout: path: src/electron - run: name: Gclient sync command: | gclient config \ --name "src/electron" \ --unmanaged \ $GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS \ "$CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL" gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags - run: name: GN gen command: | cd src SCCACHE_PATH="$PWD/electron/external_binaries/sccache" echo 'export SCCACHE_WRAPPER="'"$SCCACHE_PATH"'"' >> $BASH_ENV echo 'export CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH="'"$PWD"'/buildtools"' >> $BASH_ENV source $BASH_ENV gn gen out/Default --args='import("'$GN_CONFIG'") cc_wrapper="'"$SCCACHE_PATH"'"'" $GN_EXTRA_ARGS" - run: name: Ninja build command: | cd src ninja -C out/Default electron:electron_app - run: name: Build dist.zip command: | cd src ninja -C out/Default electron:electron_dist_zip - run: name: Check sccache stats after build command: $SCCACHE_WRAPPER -s - run: name: Test environment: MOCHA_REPORTER: mocha-multi-reporters MOCHA_FILE: junit/test-results.xml MOCHA_MULTI_REPORTERS: mocha-junit-reporter, tap ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS: 1 command: | if [ "$RUN_TESTS" != "false" ]; then cd src ninja -C out/Default third_party/electron_node:headers export ELECTRON_OUT_DIR=Default (cd electron && npm run test -- --ci --enable-logging) fi - <<: *step-maybe-notify-slack-failure - <<: *step-maybe-notify-slack-success - store_test_results: path: src/junit - store_artifacts: path: src/junit - store_artifacts: path: src/out/Default/dist.zip # List of all jobs. version: 2 jobs: # Layer 1: Checkout. linux-checkout: <<: *machine-linux <<: *steps-checkout linux-arm-checkout: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-arm <<: *steps-checkout linux-arm64-checkout: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-arm64 <<: *steps-checkout # Layer 2: Builds. linux-x64-debug: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-debug-build <<: *steps-debug-build linux-x64-testing: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-testing-build <<: *steps-testing-build linux-x64-release: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-release-build <<: *steps-release-build linux-ia32-debug: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-ia32 <<: *env-debug-build <<: *steps-debug-build linux-ia32-testing: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-ia32 <<: *env-testing-build <<: *steps-testing-build linux-ia32-release: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-ia32 <<: *env-release-build <<: *steps-release-build linux-arm-debug: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-arm <<: *env-debug-build <<: *steps-debug-build linux-arm-testing: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-arm <<: *env-testing-build <<: *steps-testing-build linux-arm-release: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-arm <<: *env-release-build BUILD_NATIVE_MKSNAPSHOT: true <<: *steps-release-build linux-arm64-debug: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-arm64 <<: *env-debug-build <<: *steps-debug-build linux-arm64-testing: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-arm64 <<: *env-testing-build <<: *steps-testing-build linux-arm64-release: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-arm64 <<: *env-release-build BUILD_NATIVE_MKSNAPSHOT: true <<: *steps-release-build # Layer 3: Tests. linux-x64-testing-tests: <<: *machine-linux <<: *steps-tests linux-x64-release-tests: <<: *machine-linux <<: *steps-tests linux-ia32-testing-tests: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-ia32 <<: *steps-tests linux-ia32-release-tests: <<: *machine-linux environment: <<: *env-ia32 <<: *steps-tests # Mac builds. # TODO(alexeykuzmin): Use shared configs for them too. electron-osx-testing: environment: GN_CONFIG: //electron/build/args/testing.gn <<: *machine-mac <<: *mac-build-steps electron-mas-testing: environment: GN_CONFIG: //electron/build/args/testing.gn GN_EXTRA_ARGS: 'is_mas_build = true' <<: *machine-mac <<: *mac-build-steps workflows: version: 2 build-linux: jobs: - linux-checkout - linux-arm-checkout - linux-arm64-checkout - linux-x64-debug: requires: - linux-checkout - linux-x64-testing: requires: - linux-checkout - linux-x64-testing-tests: requires: - linux-x64-testing - linux-ia32-debug: requires: - linux-checkout - linux-ia32-testing: requires: - linux-checkout - linux-ia32-testing-tests: requires: - linux-ia32-testing - linux-arm-debug: requires: - linux-arm-checkout - linux-arm-testing: requires: - linux-arm-checkout - linux-arm64-debug: requires: - linux-arm64-checkout - linux-arm64-testing: requires: - linux-arm64-checkout build-mac-fork-prs: jobs: - electron-mas-testing: filters: branches: # only from forks only: /^pull\/.*$/ - electron-osx-testing: filters: branches: # only from forks only: /^pull\/.*$/ nightly-release-test: triggers: - schedule: cron: "0 0 * * *" filters: branches: only: - master jobs: - linux-checkout - linux-arm-checkout - linux-arm64-checkout - linux-x64-release: requires: - linux-checkout - linux-x64-release-tests: requires: - linux-x64-release - linux-ia32-release: requires: - linux-checkout - linux-ia32-release-tests: requires: - linux-ia32-release - linux-arm-release: requires: - linux-arm-checkout - linux-arm64-release: requires: - linux-arm64-checkout