// Copyright (c) 2018 GitHub, Inc. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "shell/browser/api/electron_api_view.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "ash/style/rounded_rect_cutout_path_builder.h" #include "gin/data_object_builder.h" #include "gin/handle.h" #include "gin/wrappable.h" #include "shell/browser/javascript_environment.h" #include "shell/common/gin_converters/callback_converter.h" #include "shell/common/gin_converters/gfx_converter.h" #include "shell/common/gin_helper/dictionary.h" #include "shell/common/gin_helper/object_template_builder.h" #include "shell/common/node_includes.h" #include "ui/views/background.h" #include "ui/views/layout/flex_layout.h" #include "ui/views/layout/layout_manager_base.h" #if BUILDFLAG(IS_MAC) #include "shell/browser/animation_util.h" #endif namespace gin { template <> struct Converter { static bool FromV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, views::ChildLayout* out) { gin_helper::Dictionary dict; if (!gin::ConvertFromV8(isolate, val, &dict)) return false; gin::Handle view; if (!dict.Get("view", &view)) return false; out->child_view = view->view(); if (dict.Has("bounds")) dict.Get("bounds", &out->bounds); out->visible = true; if (dict.Has("visible")) dict.Get("visible", &out->visible); return true; } }; template <> struct Converter { static bool FromV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, views::ProposedLayout* out) { gin_helper::Dictionary dict; if (!gin::ConvertFromV8(isolate, val, &dict)) return false; if (!dict.Get("size", &out->host_size)) return false; if (!dict.Get("layouts", &out->child_layouts)) return false; return true; } }; template <> struct Converter { static bool FromV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, views::LayoutOrientation* out) { std::string orientation = base::ToLowerASCII(gin::V8ToString(isolate, val)); if (orientation == "horizontal") { *out = views::LayoutOrientation::kHorizontal; } else if (orientation == "vertical") { *out = views::LayoutOrientation::kVertical; } else { return false; } return true; } }; template <> struct Converter { static bool FromV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, views::LayoutAlignment* out) { std::string orientation = base::ToLowerASCII(gin::V8ToString(isolate, val)); if (orientation == "start") { *out = views::LayoutAlignment::kStart; } else if (orientation == "center") { *out = views::LayoutAlignment::kCenter; } else if (orientation == "end") { *out = views::LayoutAlignment::kEnd; } else if (orientation == "stretch") { *out = views::LayoutAlignment::kStretch; } else if (orientation == "baseline") { *out = views::LayoutAlignment::kBaseline; } else { return false; } return true; } }; template <> struct Converter { static bool FromV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, views::FlexAllocationOrder* out) { std::string orientation = base::ToLowerASCII(gin::V8ToString(isolate, val)); if (orientation == "normal") { *out = views::FlexAllocationOrder::kNormal; } else if (orientation == "reverse") { *out = views::FlexAllocationOrder::kReverse; } else { return false; } return true; } }; template <> struct Converter { static v8::Local ToV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, const views::SizeBound& in) { if (in.is_bounded()) return v8::Integer::New(isolate, in.value()); return v8::Number::New(isolate, std::numeric_limits::infinity()); } }; template <> struct Converter { static v8::Local ToV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, const views::SizeBounds& in) { return gin::DataObjectBuilder(isolate) .Set("width", in.width()) .Set("height", in.height()) .Build(); } }; } // namespace gin namespace electron::api { using LayoutCallback = base::RepeatingCallback; class JSLayoutManager : public views::LayoutManagerBase { public: explicit JSLayoutManager(LayoutCallback layout_callback) : layout_callback_(std::move(layout_callback)) {} ~JSLayoutManager() override {} // views::LayoutManagerBase views::ProposedLayout CalculateProposedLayout( const views::SizeBounds& size_bounds) const override { v8::Isolate* isolate = JavascriptEnvironment::GetIsolate(); v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); return layout_callback_.Run(size_bounds); } private: LayoutCallback layout_callback_; }; View::View(views::View* view) : view_(view) { view_->set_owned_by_client(); view_->AddObserver(this); } View::View() : View(new views::View()) {} View::~View() { if (!view_) return; view_->RemoveObserver(this); if (delete_view_) view_.ClearAndDelete(); } void View::ReorderChildView(gin::Handle child, size_t index) { view_->ReorderChildView(child->view(), index); const auto i = std::ranges::find_if(child_views_, [&](const ChildPair& child_view) { return child_view.first == child->view(); }); DCHECK(i != child_views_.end()); // If |view| is already at the desired position, there's nothing to do. const auto pos = std::next( child_views_.begin(), static_cast(std::min(index, child_views_.size() - 1))); if (i == pos) return; if (pos < i) { std::rotate(pos, i, std::next(i)); } else { std::rotate(i, std::next(i), std::next(pos)); } } void View::AddChildViewAt(gin::Handle child, std::optional maybe_index) { // TODO(nornagon): !view_ is only for supporting the weird case of // WebContentsView's view being deleted when the underlying WebContents is // destroyed (on non-Mac). We should fix that so that WebContentsView always // has a View, possibly a wrapper view around the underlying platform View. if (!view_) return; // This will CHECK and crash in View::AddChildViewAtImpl if not handled here. if (view_ == child->view()) { gin_helper::ErrorThrower(isolate()).ThrowError( "A view cannot be added as its own child"); return; } size_t index = std::min(child_views_.size(), maybe_index.value_or(child_views_.size())); // If the child is already a child of this view, just reorder it. // This matches the behavior of View::AddChildViewAtImpl and // otherwise will CHECK if the same view is added multiple times. if (child->view()->parent() == view_) { ReorderChildView(child, index); return; } child_views_.emplace(child_views_.begin() + index, // index child->view(), v8::Global(isolate(), child->GetWrapper())); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_MAC) // Disable the implicit CALayer animations that happen by default when adding // or removing sublayers. // See // https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CoreAnimation_guide/ReactingtoLayerChanges/ReactingtoLayerChanges.html // and https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/14911 // TODO(nornagon): Disabling these CALayer animations (which are specific to // WebContentsView, I think) seems like this is something that remote_cocoa // or views should be taking care of, but isn't. This should be pushed // upstream. ScopedCAActionDisabler disable_animations; #endif view_->AddChildViewAt(child->view(), index); } void View::RemoveChildView(gin::Handle child) { if (!view_) return; const auto it = std::ranges::find_if(child_views_, [&](const ChildPair& child_view) { return child_view.first == child->view(); }); if (it != child_views_.end()) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_MAC) ScopedCAActionDisabler disable_animations; #endif // Remove from child_views first so that OnChildViewRemoved doesn't try to // remove it again child_views_.erase(it); // It's possible for the child's view to be invalid here // if the child's webContents was closed or destroyed. if (child->view()) view_->RemoveChildView(child->view()); } } void View::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) { if (!view_) return; view_->SetBoundsRect(bounds); } gfx::Rect View::GetBounds() { if (!view_) return {}; return view_->bounds(); } void View::SetLayout(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local value) { if (!view_) return; gin_helper::Dictionary dict(isolate, value); LayoutCallback calculate_proposed_layout; if (dict.Get("calculateProposedLayout", &calculate_proposed_layout)) { view_->SetLayoutManager(std::make_unique( std::move(calculate_proposed_layout))); } else { auto* layout = view_->SetLayoutManager(std::make_unique()); views::LayoutOrientation orientation; if (dict.Get("orientation", &orientation)) layout->SetOrientation(orientation); views::LayoutAlignment main_axis_alignment; if (dict.Get("mainAxisAlignment", &main_axis_alignment)) layout->SetMainAxisAlignment(main_axis_alignment); views::LayoutAlignment cross_axis_alignment; if (dict.Get("crossAxisAlignment", &cross_axis_alignment)) layout->SetCrossAxisAlignment(cross_axis_alignment); gfx::Insets interior_margin; if (dict.Get("interiorMargin", &interior_margin)) layout->SetInteriorMargin(interior_margin); int minimum_cross_axis_size; if (dict.Get("minimumCrossAxisSize", &minimum_cross_axis_size)) layout->SetMinimumCrossAxisSize(minimum_cross_axis_size); bool collapse_margins; if (dict.Has("collapseMargins") && dict.Get("collapseMargins", &collapse_margins)) layout->SetCollapseMargins(collapse_margins); bool include_host_insets_in_layout; if (dict.Has("includeHostInsetsInLayout") && dict.Get("includeHostInsetsInLayout", &include_host_insets_in_layout)) layout->SetIncludeHostInsetsInLayout(include_host_insets_in_layout); bool ignore_default_main_axis_margins; if (dict.Has("ignoreDefaultMainAxisMargins") && dict.Get("ignoreDefaultMainAxisMargins", &ignore_default_main_axis_margins)) layout->SetIgnoreDefaultMainAxisMargins(ignore_default_main_axis_margins); views::FlexAllocationOrder flex_allocation_order; if (dict.Get("flexAllocationOrder", &flex_allocation_order)) layout->SetFlexAllocationOrder(flex_allocation_order); } } std::vector> View::GetChildren() { std::vector> ret; ret.reserve(child_views_.size()); v8::Isolate* isolate = JavascriptEnvironment::GetIsolate(); for (auto& [view, global] : child_views_) ret.push_back(global.Get(isolate)); return ret; } void View::SetBackgroundColor(std::optional color) { if (!view_) return; view_->SetBackground(color ? views::CreateSolidBackground(*color) : nullptr); } void View::SetBorderRadius(int radius) { border_radius_ = radius; ApplyBorderRadius(); } void View::ApplyBorderRadius() { if (!border_radius_.has_value() || !view_) return; auto size = view_->bounds().size(); // Restrict border radius to the constraints set in the path builder class. // If the constraints are exceeded, the builder will crash. int radius; { float r = border_radius_.value() * 1.f; r = std::min(r, size.width() / 2.f); r = std::min(r, size.height() / 2.f); r = std::max(r, 0.f); radius = std::floor(r); } // RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder has a minimum size of 32 x 32. if (radius > 0 && size.width() >= 32 && size.height() >= 32) { auto builder = ash::RoundedRectCutoutPathBuilder(gfx::SizeF(size)); builder.CornerRadius(radius); view_->SetClipPath(builder.Build()); } else { view_->SetClipPath(SkPath()); } } void View::SetVisible(bool visible) { if (!view_) return; view_->SetVisible(visible); } bool View::GetVisible() const { return view_ ? view_->GetVisible() : false; } void View::OnViewBoundsChanged(views::View* observed_view) { ApplyBorderRadius(); Emit("bounds-changed"); } void View::OnViewIsDeleting(views::View* observed_view) { DCHECK_EQ(observed_view, view_); view_ = nullptr; } void View::OnChildViewRemoved(views::View* observed_view, views::View* child) { std::erase_if(child_views_, [child](const ChildPair& child_view) { return child_view.first == child; }); } // static gin_helper::WrappableBase* View::New(gin::Arguments* args) { View* view = new View(); view->InitWithArgs(args); return view; } // static v8::Local View::GetConstructor(v8::Isolate* isolate) { static base::NoDestructor> constructor; if (constructor.get()->IsEmpty()) { constructor->Reset(isolate, gin_helper::CreateConstructor( isolate, base::BindRepeating(&View::New))); } return v8::Local::New(isolate, *constructor.get()); } // static gin::Handle View::Create(v8::Isolate* isolate) { v8::Local context = isolate->GetCurrentContext(); v8::Local obj; if (GetConstructor(isolate)->NewInstance(context, 0, nullptr).ToLocal(&obj)) { gin::Handle view; if (gin::ConvertFromV8(isolate, obj, &view)) return view; } return {}; } // static void View::BuildPrototype(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local prototype) { prototype->SetClassName(gin::StringToV8(isolate, "View")); gin_helper::ObjectTemplateBuilder(isolate, prototype->PrototypeTemplate()) .SetMethod("addChildView", &View::AddChildViewAt) .SetMethod("removeChildView", &View::RemoveChildView) .SetProperty("children", &View::GetChildren) .SetMethod("setBounds", &View::SetBounds) .SetMethod("getBounds", &View::GetBounds) .SetMethod("setBackgroundColor", &View::SetBackgroundColor) .SetMethod("setBorderRadius", &View::SetBorderRadius) .SetMethod("setLayout", &View::SetLayout) .SetMethod("setVisible", &View::SetVisible) .SetMethod("getVisible", &View::GetVisible); } } // namespace electron::api namespace { using electron::api::View; void Initialize(v8::Local exports, v8::Local unused, v8::Local context, void* priv) { v8::Isolate* isolate = context->GetIsolate(); gin_helper::Dictionary dict(isolate, exports); dict.Set("View", View::GetConstructor(isolate)); } } // namespace NODE_LINKED_BINDING_CONTEXT_AWARE(electron_browser_view, Initialize)