## Class: TouchBar > Create TouchBar layouts for native macOS applications Process: [Main](../tutorial/quick-start.md#main-process) ### `new TouchBar(items)` * `items` ([TouchBarButton](touch-bar-button.md) | [TouchBarColorPicker](touch-bar-color-picker.md) | [TouchBarGroup](touch-bar-group.md) | [TouchBarLabel](touch-bar-label.md) | [TouchBarPopover](touch-bar-popover.md) | [TouchBarSlider](touch-bar-slider.md) | [TouchBarSpacer](touch-bar-spacer.md))[] Creates a new touch bar with the specified items. Use `BrowserWindow.setTouchBar` to add the `TouchBar` to a window. **Note:** The TouchBar API is currently experimental and may change or be removed in future Electron releases. ## Examples Below is an example of a simple slot machine touch bar game with a button and some labels. ```javascript const {app, BrowserWindow, TouchBar} = require('electron') const {TouchBarLabel, TouchBarButton, TouchBarSpacer} = TouchBar let spinning = false // Reel labels const reel1 = new TouchBarLabel() const reel2 = new TouchBarLabel() const reel3 = new TouchBarLabel() // Spin result label const result = new TouchBarLabel() // Spin button const spin = new TouchBarButton({ label: '🎰 Spin', backgroundColor: '#7851A9', click: () => { // Ignore clicks if already spinning if (spinning) { return } spinning = true result.label = '' let timeout = 10 const spinLength = 4 * 1000 // 4 seconds const startTime = Date.now() const spinReels = () => { updateReels() if ((Date.now() - startTime) >= spinLength) { finishSpin() } else { // Slow down a bit on each spin timeout *= 1.1 setTimeout(spinReels, timeout) } } spinReels() } }) const getRandomValue = () => { const values = ['🍒', '💎', '7️⃣', '🍊', '🔔', '⭐', '🍇', '🍀'] return values[Math.floor(Math.random() * values.length)] } const updateReels = () => { reel1.label = getRandomValue() reel2.label = getRandomValue() reel3.label = getRandomValue() } const finishSpin = () => { const uniqueValues = new Set([reel1.label, reel2.label, reel3.label]).size if (uniqueValues === 1) { // All 3 values are the same result.label = '💰 Jackpot!' result.textColor = '#FDFF00' } else if (uniqueValues === 2) { // 2 values are the same result.label = '😍 Winner!' result.textColor = '#FDFF00' } else { // No values are the same result.label = '🙁 Spin Again' result.textColor = null } spinning = false } const touchBar = new TouchBar([ spin, new TouchBarSpacer({size: 'large'}), reel1, new TouchBarSpacer({size: 'small'}), reel2, new TouchBarSpacer({size: 'small'}), reel3, new TouchBarSpacer({size: 'large'}), result ]) let window app.once('ready', () => { window = new BrowserWindow({ frame: false, titleBarStyle: 'hidden-inset', width: 200, height: 200, backgroundColor: '#000' }) window.loadURL('about:blank') window.setTouchBar(touchBar) }) ```