const app = require('electron').app; if (!app.isReady()) { throw new Error('Can not initialize protocol module before app is ready'); } const session = require('electron').session; // Returns the protocol property for default session. const protocol = session.defaultSession.protocol; // Warn about removed APIs. var logAndThrow = function(callback, message) { console.error(message); if (callback) { return callback(new Error(message)); } else { throw new Error(message); } }; protocol.registerProtocol = function(scheme, handler, callback) { return logAndThrow(callback, 'registerProtocol API has been replaced by the register[File/Http/Buffer/String]Protocol API family, please switch to the new APIs.'); }; protocol.isHandledProtocol = function(scheme, callback) { return logAndThrow(callback, 'isHandledProtocol API has been replaced by isProtocolHandled.'); }; protocol.interceptProtocol = function(scheme, handler, callback) { return logAndThrow(callback, 'interceptProtocol API has been replaced by the intercept[File/Http/Buffer/String]Protocol API family, please switch to the new APIs.'); }; module.exports = protocol;