#!/usr/bin/env node const childProcess = require('child_process'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const { hashElement } = require('folder-hash'); const path = require('path'); const unknownFlags = []; require('colors'); const pass = '✓'.green; const fail = '✗'.red; const args = require('minimist')(process.argv, { string: ['runners', 'target'], boolean: ['buildNativeTests', 'runTestFilesSeperately'], unknown: arg => unknownFlags.push(arg) }); const unknownArgs = []; for (const flag of unknownFlags) { unknownArgs.push(flag); const onlyFlag = flag.replace(/^-+/, ''); if (args[onlyFlag]) { unknownArgs.push(args[onlyFlag]); } } const utils = require('./lib/utils'); const { YARN_VERSION } = require('./yarn'); const BASE = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..'); const NPX_CMD = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npx.cmd' : 'npx'; const runners = new Map([ ['main', { description: 'Main process specs', run: runMainProcessElectronTests }], ['remote', { description: 'Remote based specs', run: runRemoteBasedElectronTests }], ['native', { description: 'Native specs', run: runNativeElectronTests }] ]); const specHashPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../spec/.hash'); let runnersToRun = null; if (args.runners !== undefined) { runnersToRun = args.runners.split(',').filter(value => value); if (!runnersToRun.every(r => [...runners.keys()].includes(r))) { console.log(`${fail} ${runnersToRun} must be a subset of [${[...runners.keys()].join(' | ')}]`); process.exit(1); } console.log('Only running:', runnersToRun); } else { console.log(`Triggering runners: ${[...runners.keys()].join(', ')}`); } async function main () { const [lastSpecHash, lastSpecInstallHash] = loadLastSpecHash(); const [currentSpecHash, currentSpecInstallHash] = await getSpecHash(); const somethingChanged = (currentSpecHash !== lastSpecHash) || (lastSpecInstallHash !== currentSpecInstallHash); if (somethingChanged) { await installSpecModules(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'spec')); await installSpecModules(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'spec-main')); await getSpecHash().then(saveSpecHash); } if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../electron.d.ts'))) { console.log('Generating electron.d.ts as it is missing'); generateTypeDefinitions(); } await runElectronTests(); } function generateTypeDefinitions () { const { status } = childProcess.spawnSync('npm', ['run', 'create-typescript-definitions'], { cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '..'), stdio: 'inherit', shell: true }); if (status !== 0) { throw new Error(`Electron typescript definition generation failed with exit code: ${status}.`); } } function loadLastSpecHash () { return fs.existsSync(specHashPath) ? fs.readFileSync(specHashPath, 'utf8').split('\n') : [null, null]; } function saveSpecHash ([newSpecHash, newSpecInstallHash]) { fs.writeFileSync(specHashPath, `${newSpecHash}\n${newSpecInstallHash}`); } async function runElectronTests () { const errors = []; const testResultsDir = process.env.ELECTRON_TEST_RESULTS_DIR; for (const [runnerId, { description, run }] of runners) { if (runnersToRun && !runnersToRun.includes(runnerId)) { console.info('\nSkipping:', description); continue; } try { console.info('\nRunning:', description); if (testResultsDir) { process.env.MOCHA_FILE = path.join(testResultsDir, `test-results-${runnerId}.xml`); } await run(); } catch (err) { errors.push([runnerId, err]); } } if (errors.length !== 0) { for (const err of errors) { console.error('\n\nRunner Failed:', err[0]); console.error(err[1]); } console.log(`${fail} Electron test runners have failed`); process.exit(1); } } async function runTestUsingElectron (specDir, testName) { let exe = path.resolve(BASE, utils.getElectronExec()); const runnerArgs = [`electron/${specDir}`, ...unknownArgs.slice(2)]; if (process.platform === 'linux') { runnerArgs.unshift(path.resolve(__dirname, 'dbus_mock.py'), exe); exe = 'python3'; } const { status, signal } = childProcess.spawnSync(exe, runnerArgs, { cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../..'), stdio: 'inherit' }); if (status !== 0) { if (status) { const textStatus = process.platform === 'win32' ? `0x${status.toString(16)}` : status.toString(); console.log(`${fail} Electron tests failed with code ${textStatus}.`); } else { console.log(`${fail} Electron tests failed with kill signal ${signal}.`); } process.exit(1); } console.log(`${pass} Electron ${testName} process tests passed.`); } const specFilter = (file) => { if (!/-spec\.[tj]s$/.test(file)) { return false; } else { return true; } }; async function runTests (specDir, testName) { if (args.runTestFilesSeperately) { const getFiles = require('../spec/static/get-files'); const testFiles = await getFiles(path.resolve(__dirname, `../${specDir}`), { filter: specFilter }); const baseElectronDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..'); unknownArgs.splice(unknownArgs.length, 0, '--files', ''); testFiles.sort().forEach(async (file) => { unknownArgs.splice((unknownArgs.length - 1), 1, path.relative(baseElectronDir, file)); console.log(`Running tests for ${unknownArgs[unknownArgs.length - 1]}`); await runTestUsingElectron(specDir, testName); }); } else { await runTestUsingElectron(specDir, testName); } } async function runRemoteBasedElectronTests () { await runTests('spec', 'remote'); } async function runNativeElectronTests () { let testTargets = require('./native-test-targets.json'); const outDir = `out/${utils.getOutDir()}`; // If native tests are being run, only one arg would be relevant if (args.target && !testTargets.includes(args.target)) { console.log(`${fail} ${args.target} must be a subset of [${[testTargets].join(', ')}]`); process.exit(1); } // Optionally build all native test targets if (args.buildNativeTests) { for (const target of testTargets) { const build = childProcess.spawnSync('ninja', ['-C', outDir, target], { cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../..'), stdio: 'inherit' }); // Exit if test target failed to build if (build.status !== 0) { console.log(`${fail} ${target} failed to build.`); process.exit(1); } } } // If a specific target was passed, only build and run that target if (args.target) testTargets = [args.target]; // Run test targets const failures = []; for (const target of testTargets) { console.info('\nRunning native test for target:', target); const testRun = childProcess.spawnSync(`./${outDir}/${target}`, { cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../..'), stdio: 'inherit' }); // Collect failures and log at end if (testRun.status !== 0) failures.push({ target }); } // Exit if any failures if (failures.length > 0) { console.log(`${fail} Electron native tests failed for the following targets: `, failures); process.exit(1); } console.log(`${pass} Electron native tests passed.`); } async function runMainProcessElectronTests () { await runTests('spec-main', 'main'); } async function installSpecModules (dir) { const nodeDir = path.resolve(BASE, `out/${utils.getOutDir({ shouldLog: true })}/gen/node_headers`); const env = Object.assign({}, process.env, { npm_config_nodedir: nodeDir, npm_config_msvs_version: '2019', npm_config_yes: 'true' }); if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, 'node_modules'))) { await fs.remove(path.resolve(dir, 'node_modules')); } const { status } = childProcess.spawnSync(NPX_CMD, [`yarn@${YARN_VERSION}`, 'install', '--frozen-lockfile'], { env, cwd: dir, stdio: 'inherit' }); if (status !== 0 && !process.env.IGNORE_YARN_INSTALL_ERROR) { console.log(`${fail} Failed to yarn install in '${dir}'`); process.exit(1); } } function getSpecHash () { return Promise.all([ (async () => { const hasher = crypto.createHash('SHA256'); hasher.update(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../spec/package.json'))); hasher.update(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../spec-main/package.json'))); hasher.update(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../spec/yarn.lock'))); hasher.update(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../spec-main/yarn.lock'))); hasher.update(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../script/spec-runner.js'))); return hasher.digest('hex'); })(), (async () => { const specNodeModulesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../spec/node_modules'); if (!fs.existsSync(specNodeModulesPath)) { return null; } const { hash } = await hashElement(specNodeModulesPath, { folders: { exclude: ['.bin'] } }); return hash; })() ]); } main().catch((error) => { console.error('An error occurred inside the spec runner:', error); process.exit(1); });