import { expect } from 'chai' import * as childProcess from 'child_process' import * as path from 'path' import * as util from 'util' import { emittedOnce } from './events-helpers' import { ifdescribe, ifit } from './spec-helpers' import { webContents, WebContents } from 'electron' const features = process.electronBinding('features') describe('node feature', () => { const fixtures = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'spec', 'fixtures') describe('child_process', () => { describe('child_process.fork', () => { it('Works in browser process', (done) => { const child = childProcess.fork(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'ping.js')) child.on('message', (msg) => { expect(msg).to.equal('message') done() }) child.send('message') }) }) }) describe('contexts', () => { describe('setTimeout called under Chromium event loop in browser process', () => { it('Can be scheduled in time', (done) => { setTimeout(done, 0) }) it('Can be promisified', (done) => { util.promisify(setTimeout)(0).then(done) }) }) describe('setInterval called under Chromium event loop in browser process', () => { it('can be scheduled in time', (done) => { let interval: any = null let clearing = false const clear = () => { if (interval === null || clearing) return // interval might trigger while clearing (remote is slow sometimes) clearing = true clearInterval(interval) clearing = false interval = null done() } interval = setInterval(clear, 10) }) }) }) describe('NODE_OPTIONS', () => { let child: childProcess.ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams let exitPromise: Promise it('Fails for options disallowed by Node.js itself', (done) => { after(async () => { const [code, signal] = await exitPromise expect(signal).to.equal(null) // Exit code 9 indicates cli flag parsing failure expect(code).to.equal(9) child.kill() }) const env = Object.assign({}, process.env, { NODE_OPTIONS: '--v8-options' }) child = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, { env }) exitPromise = emittedOnce(child, 'exit') let output = '' let success = false const cleanup = () => { child.stderr.removeListener('data', listener) child.stdout.removeListener('data', listener) } const listener = (data: Buffer) => { output += data if (/electron: --v8-options is not allowed in NODE_OPTIONS/m.test(output)) { success = true cleanup() done() } } child.stderr.on('data', listener) child.stdout.on('data', listener) child.on('exit', () => { if (!success) { cleanup() done(new Error(`Unexpected output: ${output.toString()}`)) } }) }) it('Disallows crypto-related options', (done) => { after(() => { child.kill() }) const env = Object.assign({}, process.env, { NODE_OPTIONS: '--use-openssl-ca' }) child = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, ['--enable-logging'], { env }) let output = '' const cleanup = () => { child.stderr.removeListener('data', listener) child.stdout.removeListener('data', listener) } const listener = (data: Buffer) => { output += data if (/The NODE_OPTION --use-openssl-ca is not supported in Electron/m.test(output)) { cleanup() done() } } child.stderr.on('data', listener) child.stdout.on('data', listener) }) }) describe('Node.js cli flags', () => { let child: childProcess.ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams let exitPromise: Promise it('Prohibits crypto-related flags in ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE mode', (done) => { after(async () => { const [code, signal] = await exitPromise expect(signal).to.equal(null) expect(code).to.equal(9) child.kill() }) child = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, ['--force-fips'], { env: { ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: 'true' } }) exitPromise = emittedOnce(child, 'exit') let output = '' const cleanup = () => { child.stderr.removeListener('data', listener) child.stdout.removeListener('data', listener) } const listener = (data: Buffer) => { output += data if (/.*The Node.js cli flag --force-fips is not supported in Electron/m.test(output)) { cleanup() done() } } child.stderr.on('data', listener) child.stdout.on('data', listener) }) }) ifdescribe(features.isRunAsNodeEnabled())('inspector', () => { let child: childProcess.ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams let exitPromise: Promise afterEach(async () => { if (child && exitPromise) { const [code, signal] = await exitPromise expect(signal).to.equal(null) expect(code).to.equal(0) } else if (child) { child.kill() } }) it('Supports starting the v8 inspector with --inspect/--inspect-brk', (done) => { child = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, ['--inspect-brk', path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'run-as-node.js')], { env: { ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: 'true' } }) let output = '' const cleanup = () => { child.stderr.removeListener('data', listener) child.stdout.removeListener('data', listener) } const listener = (data: Buffer) => { output += data if (/Debugger listening on ws:/m.test(output)) { cleanup() done() } } child.stderr.on('data', listener) child.stdout.on('data', listener) }) it('Supports starting the v8 inspector with --inspect and a provided port', (done) => { child = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, ['--inspect=17364', path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'run-as-node.js')], { env: { ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: 'true' } }) exitPromise = emittedOnce(child, 'exit') let output = '' const listener = (data: Buffer) => { output += data } const cleanup = () => { child.stderr.removeListener('data', listener) child.stdout.removeListener('data', listener) } child.stderr.on('data', listener) child.stdout.on('data', listener) child.on('exit', () => { cleanup() if (/^Debugger listening on ws:/m.test(output)) { expect(output.trim()).to.contain(':17364', 'should be listening on port 17364') done() } else { done(new Error(`Unexpected output: ${output.toString()}`)) } }) }) it('Does not start the v8 inspector when --inspect is after a -- argument', (done) => { child = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'noop.js'), '--', '--inspect']) exitPromise = emittedOnce(child, 'exit') let output = '' const listener = (data: Buffer) => { output += data } child.stderr.on('data', listener) child.stdout.on('data', listener) child.on('exit', () => { if (output.trim().startsWith('Debugger listening on ws://')) { done(new Error('Inspector was started when it should not have been')) } else { done() } }) }) // IPC Electron child process not supported on Windows ifit(process.platform !== 'win32')('Does does not crash when quitting with the inspector connected', function (done) { child = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'delay-exit'), '--inspect=0'], { stdio: ['ipc'] }) as childProcess.ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams exitPromise = emittedOnce(child, 'exit') const cleanup = () => { child.stderr.removeListener('data', listener) child.stdout.removeListener('data', listener) } let output = '' let success = false function listener (data: Buffer) { output += data if (output.trim().indexOf('Debugger listening on ws://') > -1 && output.indexOf('\n') > -1) { const socketMatch = output.trim().match(/(ws:\/\/.+:[0-9]+\/.+?)\n/gm) if (socketMatch && socketMatch[0]) { const w = (webContents as any).create({}) as WebContents w.loadURL('about:blank') .then(() => w.executeJavaScript(`new Promise(resolve => { const connection = new WebSocket(${JSON.stringify(socketMatch[0])}) connection.onopen = () => { resolve() connection.close() } })`)) .then(() => { (w as any).destroy() child.send('plz-quit') success = true cleanup() done() }) } } } child.stderr.on('data', listener) child.stdout.on('data', listener) child.on('exit', () => { if (!success) cleanup() }) }) it('Supports js binding', (done) => { child = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, ['--inspect', path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'inspector-binding.js')], { env: { ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: 'true' }, stdio: ['ipc'] }) as childProcess.ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams exitPromise = emittedOnce(child, 'exit') child.on('message', ({ cmd, debuggerEnabled, success }) => { if (cmd === 'assert') { expect(debuggerEnabled) expect(success) done() } }) }) }) it('Can find a module using a package.json main field', () => { const result = childProcess.spawnSync(process.execPath, [path.resolve(fixtures, 'api', 'electron-main-module', 'app.asar')]) expect(result.status).to.equal(0) }) })