// Copyright (c) 2016 GitHub, Inc. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // FIXME(samuelmaddock): refactor this class to use modern // Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr must come before other includes. fixes bad #defines // from . #include "base/win/shlwapi.h" // NOLINT(build/include_order) #include "shell/browser/ui/win/jump_list.h" #include // for PKEY_* constants #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/win/scoped_co_mem.h" #include "base/win/scoped_propvariant.h" #include "base/win/win_util.h" namespace { using electron::JumpListCategory; using electron::JumpListItem; using electron::JumpListResult; bool AppendTask(const JumpListItem& item, IObjectCollection* collection) { DCHECK(collection); CComPtr link; if (FAILED(link.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink)) || FAILED(link->SetPath(item.path.value().c_str())) || FAILED(link->SetArguments(item.arguments.c_str())) || FAILED(link->SetWorkingDirectory(item.working_dir.value().c_str())) || FAILED(link->SetDescription(item.description.c_str()))) return false; // SetDescription limits the size of the parameter to INFOTIPSIZE (1024), // which suggests rejection when exceeding that limit, but experimentation // has shown that descriptions longer than 260 characters cause a silent // failure, despite SetDescription returning the success code S_OK. if (item.description.size() > 260) return false; if (!item.icon_path.empty() && FAILED(link->SetIconLocation(item.icon_path.value().c_str(), item.icon_index))) return false; CComQIPtr property_store(link); if (!base::win::SetStringValueForPropertyStore(property_store, PKEY_Title, item.title.c_str())) return false; return SUCCEEDED(collection->AddObject(link)); } bool AppendSeparator(IObjectCollection* collection) { DCHECK(collection); CComPtr shell_link; if (SUCCEEDED(shell_link.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink))) { CComQIPtr property_store(shell_link); if (base::win::SetBooleanValueForPropertyStore( property_store, PKEY_AppUserModel_IsDestListSeparator, true)) return SUCCEEDED(collection->AddObject(shell_link)); } return false; } bool AppendFile(const JumpListItem& item, IObjectCollection* collection) { DCHECK(collection); CComPtr file; if (SUCCEEDED(SHCreateItemFromParsingName(item.path.value().c_str(), nullptr, IID_PPV_ARGS(&file)))) return SUCCEEDED(collection->AddObject(file)); return false; } bool GetShellItemFileName(IShellItem* shell_item, base::FilePath* file_name) { DCHECK(shell_item); DCHECK(file_name); base::win::ScopedCoMem file_name_buffer; if (SUCCEEDED( shell_item->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &file_name_buffer))) { *file_name = base::FilePath(file_name_buffer.get()); return true; } return false; } bool ConvertShellLinkToJumpListItem(IShellLink* shell_link, JumpListItem* item) { DCHECK(shell_link); DCHECK(item); item->type = JumpListItem::Type::kTask; wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; if (FAILED(shell_link->GetPath(path, std::size(path), nullptr, 0))) return false; item->path = base::FilePath(path); CComQIPtr property_store = shell_link; base::win::ScopedPropVariant prop; if (SUCCEEDED( property_store->GetValue(PKEY_Link_Arguments, prop.Receive())) && (prop.get().vt == VT_LPWSTR)) { item->arguments = prop.get().pwszVal; } if (SUCCEEDED(property_store->GetValue(PKEY_Title, prop.Receive())) && (prop.get().vt == VT_LPWSTR)) { item->title = prop.get().pwszVal; } if (SUCCEEDED(shell_link->GetWorkingDirectory(path, std::size(path)))) item->working_dir = base::FilePath(path); int icon_index; if (SUCCEEDED( shell_link->GetIconLocation(path, std::size(path), &icon_index))) { item->icon_path = base::FilePath(path); item->icon_index = icon_index; } wchar_t item_desc[INFOTIPSIZE]; if (SUCCEEDED(shell_link->GetDescription(item_desc, std::size(item_desc)))) item->description = item_desc; return true; } // Convert IObjectArray of IShellLink & IShellItem to std::vector. void ConvertRemovedJumpListItems(IObjectArray* in, std::vector* out) { DCHECK(in); DCHECK(out); UINT removed_count; if (SUCCEEDED(in->GetCount(&removed_count) && (removed_count > 0))) { out->reserve(removed_count); JumpListItem item; IShellItem* shell_item; IShellLink* shell_link; for (UINT i = 0; i < removed_count; ++i) { if (SUCCEEDED(in->GetAt(i, IID_PPV_ARGS(&shell_item)))) { item.type = JumpListItem::Type::kFile; GetShellItemFileName(shell_item, &item.path); out->push_back(item); shell_item->Release(); } else if (SUCCEEDED(in->GetAt(i, IID_PPV_ARGS(&shell_link)))) { if (ConvertShellLinkToJumpListItem(shell_link, &item)) out->push_back(item); shell_link->Release(); } } } } } // namespace namespace electron { JumpListItem::JumpListItem() = default; JumpListItem::JumpListItem(const JumpListItem&) = default; JumpListItem::~JumpListItem() = default; JumpListCategory::JumpListCategory() = default; JumpListCategory::JumpListCategory(const JumpListCategory&) = default; JumpListCategory::~JumpListCategory() = default; JumpList::JumpList(const std::wstring& app_id) : app_id_(app_id) { destinations_.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DestinationList); } JumpList::~JumpList() = default; bool JumpList::Begin(int* min_items, std::vector* removed_items) { DCHECK(destinations_); if (!destinations_) return false; if (FAILED(destinations_->SetAppID(app_id_.c_str()))) return false; UINT min_slots; CComPtr removed; if (FAILED(destinations_->BeginList(&min_slots, IID_PPV_ARGS(&removed)))) return false; if (min_items) *min_items = min_slots; if (removed_items) ConvertRemovedJumpListItems(removed, removed_items); return true; } bool JumpList::Abort() { DCHECK(destinations_); if (!destinations_) return false; return SUCCEEDED(destinations_->AbortList()); } bool JumpList::Commit() { DCHECK(destinations_); if (!destinations_) return false; return SUCCEEDED(destinations_->CommitList()); } bool JumpList::Delete() { DCHECK(destinations_); if (!destinations_) return false; return SUCCEEDED(destinations_->DeleteList(app_id_.c_str())); } // This method will attempt to append as many items to the Jump List as // possible, and will return a single error code even if multiple things // went wrong in the process. To get detailed information about what went // wrong enable runtime logging. JumpListResult JumpList::AppendCategory(const JumpListCategory& category) { DCHECK(destinations_); if (!destinations_) return JumpListResult::kGenericError; if (category.items.empty()) return JumpListResult::kSuccess; CComPtr collection; if (FAILED(collection.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection))) { return JumpListResult::kGenericError; } auto result = JumpListResult::kSuccess; // Keep track of how many items were actually appended to the category. int appended_count = 0; for (const auto& item : category.items) { switch (item.type) { case JumpListItem::Type::kTask: if (AppendTask(item, collection)) ++appended_count; else LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to append task '" << item.title << "' " "to Jump List."; break; case JumpListItem::Type::kSeparator: if (category.type == JumpListCategory::Type::kTasks) { if (AppendSeparator(collection)) ++appended_count; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't append separator to Jump List category " << "'" << category.name << "'. " << "Separators are only allowed in the standard 'Tasks' " "Jump List category."; result = JumpListResult::kCustomCategorySeparatorError; } break; case JumpListItem::Type::kFile: if (AppendFile(item, collection)) ++appended_count; else LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to append '" << item.path.value() << "' " "to Jump List."; break; } } if (appended_count == 0) return result; if ((static_cast(appended_count) < category.items.size()) && (result == JumpListResult::kSuccess)) { result = JumpListResult::kGenericError; } CComQIPtr items(collection); if (category.type == JumpListCategory::Type::kTasks) { if (FAILED(destinations_->AddUserTasks(items))) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to append items to the standard Tasks category."; if (result == JumpListResult::kSuccess) result = JumpListResult::kGenericError; } } else { HRESULT hr = destinations_->AppendCategory(category.name.c_str(), items); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr == static_cast(0x80040F03)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to append custom category " << "'" << category.name << "' " << "to Jump List due to missing file type registration."; result = JumpListResult::kMissingFileTypeRegistrationError; } else if (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to append custom category " << "'" << category.name << "' " << "to Jump List due to system privacy settings."; result = JumpListResult::kCustomCategoryAccessDeniedError; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to append custom category " << "'" << category.name << "' to Jump List."; if (result == JumpListResult::kSuccess) result = JumpListResult::kGenericError; } } } return result; } // This method will attempt to append as many categories to the Jump List // as possible, and will return a single error code even if multiple things // went wrong in the process. To get detailed information about what went // wrong enable runtime logging. JumpListResult JumpList::AppendCategories( const std::vector& categories) { DCHECK(destinations_); if (!destinations_) return JumpListResult::kGenericError; auto result = JumpListResult::kSuccess; for (const auto& category : categories) { auto latestResult = JumpListResult::kSuccess; switch (category.type) { case JumpListCategory::Type::kTasks: case JumpListCategory::Type::kCustom: latestResult = AppendCategory(category); break; case JumpListCategory::Type::kRecent: if (FAILED(destinations_->AppendKnownCategory(KDC_RECENT))) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to append Recent category to Jump List."; latestResult = JumpListResult::kGenericError; } break; case JumpListCategory::Type::kFrequent: if (FAILED(destinations_->AppendKnownCategory(KDC_FREQUENT))) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to append Frequent category to Jump List."; latestResult = JumpListResult::kGenericError; } break; } // Keep the first non-generic error code as only one can be returned from // the function (so try to make it the most useful one). if (((result == JumpListResult::kSuccess) || (result == JumpListResult::kGenericError)) && (latestResult != JumpListResult::kSuccess)) result = latestResult; } return result; } } // namespace electron