const assert = require('assert') const http = require('http') const path = require('path') const ws = require('ws') const url = require('url') const {ipcRenderer, remote, webFrame} = require('electron') const {closeWindow} = require('./window-helpers') const {app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, protocol, session, webContents} = remote const isCI = remote.getGlobal('isCi') describe('chromium feature', function () { var fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures') var listener = null afterEach(function () { if (listener != null) { window.removeEventListener('message', listener) } listener = null }) describe('heap snapshot', function () { it('does not crash', function () { if (process.env.TRAVIS === 'true') return process.atomBinding('v8_util').takeHeapSnapshot() }) }) describe('sending request of http protocol urls', function () { it('does not crash', function (done) { var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.end() server.close() done() }) server.listen(0, '', function () { var port = server.address().port $.get('' + port) }) }) }) describe('document.hidden', function () { var url = 'file://' + fixtures + '/pages/document-hidden.html' var w = null afterEach(function () { return closeWindow(w).then(function () { w = null }) }) it('is set correctly when window is not shown', function (done) { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }) w.webContents.once('ipc-message', function (event, args) { assert.deepEqual(args, ['hidden', true]) done() }) w.loadURL(url) }) it('is set correctly when window is inactive', function (done) { if (isCI && process.platform === 'win32') return done() w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }) w.webContents.once('ipc-message', function (event, args) { assert.deepEqual(args, ['hidden', false]) done() }) w.showInactive() w.loadURL(url) }) }) xdescribe('navigator.webkitGetUserMedia', function () { it('calls its callbacks', function (done) { navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({ audio: true, video: false }, function () { done() }, function () { done() }) }) }) describe('navigator.mediaDevices', function () { if (process.env.TRAVIS === 'true') { return } if (isCI && process.platform === 'linux') { return } if (isCI && process.platform === 'win32') { return } it('can return labels of enumerated devices', function (done) { navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then((devices) => { const labels = => device.label) const labelFound = labels.some((label) => !!label) if (labelFound) { done() } else { done('No device labels found: ' + JSON.stringify(labels)) } }).catch(done) }) it('can return new device id when cookie storage is cleared', function (done) { const options = { origin: null, storages: ['cookies'] } const deviceIds = [] const ses = session.fromPartition('persist:media-device-id') let w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { session: ses } }) w.webContents.on('ipc-message', function (event, args) { if (args[0] === 'deviceIds') { deviceIds.push(args[1]) } if (deviceIds.length === 2) { assert.notDeepEqual(deviceIds[0], deviceIds[1]) closeWindow(w).then(function () { w = null done() }).catch(function (error) { done(error) }) } else { ses.clearStorageData(options, function () { w.webContents.reload() }) } }) w.loadURL('file://' + fixtures + '/pages/media-id-reset.html') }) }) describe('navigator.language', function () { it('should not be empty', function () { assert.notEqual(navigator.language, '') }) }) describe('navigator.serviceWorker', function () { var url = 'file://' + fixtures + '/pages/service-worker/index.html' var w = null afterEach(function () { return closeWindow(w).then(function () { w = null }) }) it('should register for file scheme', function (done) { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }) w.webContents.on('ipc-message', function (event, args) { if (args[0] === 'reload') { w.webContents.reload() } else if (args[0] === 'error') { done('unexpected error : ' + args[1]) } else if (args[0] === 'response') { assert.equal(args[1], 'Hello from serviceWorker!') session.defaultSession.clearStorageData({ storages: ['serviceworkers'] }, function () { done() }) } }) w.loadURL(url) }) }) describe('', function () { if (process.env.TRAVIS === 'true' && process.platform === 'darwin') { return } let w = null afterEach(() => { return closeWindow(w).then(function () { w = null }) }) it('returns a BrowserWindowProxy object', function () { var b ='about:blank', '', 'show=no') assert.equal(b.closed, false) assert.equal(, 'BrowserWindowProxy') b.close() }) it('accepts "nodeIntegration" as feature', function (done) { var b listener = function (event) { assert.equal(, true) b.close() done() } window.addEventListener('message', listener) b ='file://' + fixtures + '/pages/window-opener-node.html', '', 'nodeIntegration=no,show=no') }) it('inherit options of parent window', function (done) { var b listener = function (event) { var ref1 = remote.getCurrentWindow().getSize() var width = ref1[0] var height = ref1[1] assert.equal(, 'size: ' + width + ' ' + height) b.close() done() } window.addEventListener('message', listener) b ='file://' + fixtures + '/pages/window-open-size.html', '', 'show=no') }) it('disables node integration when it is disabled on the parent window', function (done) { var b listener = function (event) { assert.equal(, true) b.close() done() } window.addEventListener('message', listener) var windowUrl = require('url').format({ pathname: `${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-no-node-integration.html`, protocol: 'file', query: { p: `${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-node.html` }, slashes: true }) b =, '', 'nodeIntegration=no,show=no') }) it('does not override child options', function (done) { var b, size size = { width: 350, height: 450 } listener = function (event) { assert.equal(, 'size: ' + size.width + ' ' + size.height) b.close() done() } window.addEventListener('message', listener) b ='file://' + fixtures + '/pages/window-open-size.html', '', 'show=no,width=' + size.width + ',height=' + size.height) }) it('handles cycles when merging the parent options into the child options', (done) => { w = BrowserWindow.fromId(ipcRenderer.sendSync('create-window-with-options-cycle')) w.loadURL('file://' + fixtures + '/pages/window-open.html') w.webContents.once('new-window', (event, url, frameName, disposition, options) => { assert.equal(, false) assert.deepEqual(, { bar: null, baz: { hello: { world: true } }, baz2: { hello: { world: true } } }) done() }) }) it('defines a window.location getter', function (done) { var b, targetURL if (process.platform === 'win32') { targetURL = 'file:///' + fixtures.replace(/\\/g, '/') + '/pages/base-page.html' } else { targetURL = 'file://' + fixtures + '/pages/base-page.html' } app.once('browser-window-created', (event, window) => { window.webContents.once('did-finish-load', () => { assert.equal(b.location, targetURL) b.close() done() }) }) b = }) it('defines a window.location setter', function (done) { let b app.once('browser-window-created', (event, {webContents}) => { webContents.once('did-finish-load', function () { // When it loads, redirect b.location = 'file://' + fixtures + '/pages/base-page.html' webContents.once('did-finish-load', function () { // After our second redirect, cleanup and callback b.close() done() }) }) }) // Load a page that definitely won't redirect b ='about:blank') }) it('open a blank page when no URL is specified', function (done) { let b app.once('browser-window-created', (event, {webContents}) => { webContents.once('did-finish-load', function () { const {location} = b b.close() assert.equal(location, 'about:blank') let c app.once('browser-window-created', (event, {webContents}) => { webContents.once('did-finish-load', function () { const {location} = c c.close() assert.equal(location, 'about:blank') done() }) }) c ='') }) }) b = }) }) describe('window.opener', function () { let url = 'file://' + fixtures + '/pages/window-opener.html' let w = null afterEach(function () { return closeWindow(w).then(function () { w = null }) }) it('is null for main window', function (done) { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }) w.webContents.once('ipc-message', function (event, args) { assert.deepEqual(args, ['opener', null]) done() }) w.loadURL(url) }) it('is not null for window opened by', function (done) { let b listener = function (event) { assert.equal(, 'object') b.close() done() } window.addEventListener('message', listener) b =, '', 'show=no') }) }) describe('window.opener access from BrowserWindow', function () { const scheme = 'other' let url = `${scheme}://${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-location.html` let w = null before(function (done) { protocol.registerFileProtocol(scheme, function (request, callback) { callback(`${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-location.html`) }, function (error) { done(error) }) }) after(function () { protocol.unregisterProtocol(scheme) }) afterEach(function () { w.close() }) it('does nothing when origin of current window does not match opener', function (done) { listener = function (event) { assert.equal(, undefined) done() } window.addEventListener('message', listener) w =, '', 'show=no') }) it('works when origin matches', function (done) { listener = function (event) { assert.equal(, location.href) done() } window.addEventListener('message', listener) w =`file://${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-location.html`, '', 'show=no') }) it('works when origin does not match opener but has node integration', function (done) { listener = function (event) { assert.equal(, location.href) done() } window.addEventListener('message', listener) w =, '', 'show=no,nodeIntegration=yes') }) }) describe('window.opener access from <webview>', function () { const scheme = 'other' const srcPath = `${fixtures}/pages/webview-opener-postMessage.html` const pageURL = `file://${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-location.html` let webview = null before(function (done) { protocol.registerFileProtocol(scheme, function (request, callback) { callback(srcPath) }, function (error) { done(error) }) }) after(function () { protocol.unregisterProtocol(scheme) }) afterEach(function () { if (webview != null) webview.remove() }) it('does nothing when origin of webview src URL does not match opener', function (done) { webview = new WebView() webview.addEventListener('console-message', function (e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'null') done() }) webview.setAttribute('allowpopups', 'on') webview.src = url.format({ pathname: srcPath, protocol: scheme, query: { p: pageURL }, slashes: true }) document.body.appendChild(webview) }) it('works when origin matches', function (done) { webview = new WebView() webview.addEventListener('console-message', function (e) { assert.equal(e.message, webview.src) done() }) webview.setAttribute('allowpopups', 'on') webview.src = url.format({ pathname: srcPath, protocol: 'file', query: { p: pageURL }, slashes: true }) document.body.appendChild(webview) }) it('works when origin does not match opener but has node integration', function (done) { webview = new WebView() webview.addEventListener('console-message', function (e) { webview.remove() assert.equal(e.message, webview.src) done() }) webview.setAttribute('allowpopups', 'on') webview.setAttribute('nodeintegration', 'on') webview.src = url.format({ pathname: srcPath, protocol: scheme, query: { p: pageURL }, slashes: true }) document.body.appendChild(webview) }) }) describe('window.postMessage', function () { it('sets the source and origin correctly', function (done) { var b listener = function (event) { window.removeEventListener('message', listener) b.close() var message = JSON.parse( assert.equal(, 'testing') assert.equal(message.origin, 'file://') assert.equal(message.sourceEqualsOpener, true) assert.equal(event.origin, 'file://') done() } window.addEventListener('message', listener) app.once('browser-window-created', (event, {webContents}) => { webContents.once('did-finish-load', function () { b.postMessage('testing', '*') }) }) b ='file://' + fixtures + '/pages/window-open-postMessage.html', '', 'show=no') }) }) describe('window.opener.postMessage', function () { it('sets source and origin correctly', function (done) { var b listener = function (event) { window.removeEventListener('message', listener) b.close() assert.equal(event.source, b) assert.equal(event.origin, 'file://') done() } window.addEventListener('message', listener) b ='file://' + fixtures + '/pages/window-opener-postMessage.html', '', 'show=no') }) it('supports windows opened from a <webview>', function (done) { const webview = new WebView() webview.addEventListener('console-message', function (e) { webview.remove() assert.equal(e.message, 'message') done() }) webview.allowpopups = true webview.src = url.format({ pathname: `${fixtures}/pages/webview-opener-postMessage.html`, protocol: 'file', query: { p: `${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-postMessage.html` }, slashes: true }) document.body.appendChild(webview) }) }) describe('creating a Uint8Array under browser side', function () { it('does not crash', function () { var RUint8Array = remote.getGlobal('Uint8Array') var arr = new RUint8Array() assert(arr) }) }) describe('webgl', function () { if (isCI && process.platform === 'win32') { return } it('can be get as context in canvas', function () { if (process.platform === 'linux') return var webgl = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('webgl') assert.notEqual(webgl, null) }) }) describe('web workers', function () { it('Worker can work', function (done) { var worker = new Worker('../fixtures/workers/worker.js') var message = 'ping' worker.onmessage = function (event) { assert.equal(, message) worker.terminate() done() } worker.postMessage(message) }) it('Worker has no node integration by default', function (done) { let worker = new Worker('../fixtures/workers/worker_node.js') worker.onmessage = function (event) { assert.equal(, 'undefined undefined undefined undefined') worker.terminate() done() } }) it('Worker has node integration with nodeIntegrationInWorker', function (done) { let webview = new WebView() webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', function (e) { assert.equal(, 'object function object function') webview.remove() done() }) webview.src = 'file://' + fixtures + '/pages/worker.html' webview.setAttribute('webpreferences', 'nodeIntegration, nodeIntegrationInWorker') document.body.appendChild(webview) }) it('SharedWorker can work', function (done) { var worker = new SharedWorker('../fixtures/workers/shared_worker.js') var message = 'ping' worker.port.onmessage = function (event) { assert.equal(, message) done() } worker.port.postMessage(message) }) it('SharedWorker has no node integration by default', function (done) { let worker = new SharedWorker('../fixtures/workers/shared_worker_node.js') worker.port.onmessage = function (event) { assert.equal(, 'undefined undefined undefined undefined') done() } }) it('SharedWorker has node integration with nodeIntegrationInWorker', function (done) { let webview = new WebView() webview.addEventListener('console-message', function (e) { console.log(e) }) webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', function (e) { assert.equal(, 'object function object function') webview.remove() done() }) webview.src = 'file://' + fixtures + '/pages/shared_worker.html' webview.setAttribute('webpreferences', 'nodeIntegration, nodeIntegrationInWorker') document.body.appendChild(webview) }) }) describe('iframe', function () { var iframe = null beforeEach(function () { iframe = document.createElement('iframe') }) afterEach(function () { document.body.removeChild(iframe) }) it('does not have node integration', function (done) { iframe.src = 'file://' + fixtures + '/pages/set-global.html' document.body.appendChild(iframe) iframe.onload = function () { assert.equal(iframe.contentWindow.test, 'undefined undefined undefined') done() } }) }) describe('storage', function () { it('requesting persitent quota works', function (done) { navigator.webkitPersistentStorage.requestQuota(1024 * 1024, function (grantedBytes) { assert.equal(grantedBytes, 1048576) done() }) }) describe('custom non standard schemes', function () { const protocolName = 'storage' let contents = null before(function (done) { const handler = function (request, callback) { let parsedUrl = url.parse(request.url) let filename switch (parsedUrl.pathname) { case '/localStorage' : filename = 'local_storage.html'; break case '/sessionStorage' : filename = 'session_storage.html'; break case '/WebSQL' : filename = 'web_sql.html'; break case '/indexedDB' : filename = 'indexed_db.html'; break case '/cookie' : filename = 'cookie.html'; break default : filename = '' } callback({path: fixtures + '/pages/storage/' + filename}) } protocol.registerFileProtocol(protocolName, handler, function (error) { done(error) }) }) after(function (done) { protocol.unregisterProtocol(protocolName, () => done()) }) beforeEach(function () { contents = webContents.create({}) }) afterEach(function () { contents.destroy() contents = null }) it('cannot access localStorage', function (done) { ipcMain.once('local-storage-response', function (event, error) { assert.equal( error, 'Failed to read the \'localStorage\' property from \'Window\': Access is denied for this document.') done() }) contents.loadURL(protocolName + '://host/localStorage') }) it('cannot access sessionStorage', function (done) { ipcMain.once('session-storage-response', function (event, error) { assert.equal( error, 'Failed to read the \'sessionStorage\' property from \'Window\': Access is denied for this document.') done() }) contents.loadURL(protocolName + '://host/sessionStorage') }) it('cannot access WebSQL database', function (done) { ipcMain.once('web-sql-response', function (event, error) { assert.equal( error, 'An attempt was made to break through the security policy of the user agent.') done() }) contents.loadURL(protocolName + '://host/WebSQL') }) it('cannot access indexedDB', function (done) { ipcMain.once('indexed-db-response', function (event, error) { assert.equal(error, 'The user denied permission to access the database.') done() }) contents.loadURL(protocolName + '://host/indexedDB') }) it('cannot access cookie', function (done) { ipcMain.once('cookie-response', function (event, cookie) { assert(!cookie) done() }) contents.loadURL(protocolName + '://host/cookie') }) }) }) describe('websockets', function () { var wss = null var server = null var WebSocketServer = ws.Server afterEach(function () { wss.close() server.close() }) it('has user agent', function (done) { server = http.createServer() server.listen(0, '', function () { var port = server.address().port wss = new WebSocketServer({ server: server }) wss.on('error', done) wss.on('connection', function (ws) { if (ws.upgradeReq.headers['user-agent']) { done() } else { done('user agent is empty') } }) var socket = new WebSocket(`ws://${port}`) assert(socket) }) }) }) describe('Promise', function () { it('resolves correctly in Node.js calls', function (done) { document.registerElement('x-element', { prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype, { createdCallback: { value: function () {} } }) }) setImmediate(function () { var called = false Promise.resolve().then(function () { done(called ? void 0 : new Error('wrong sequence')) }) document.createElement('x-element') called = true }) }) it('resolves correctly in Electron calls', function (done) { document.registerElement('y-element', { prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype, { createdCallback: { value: function () {} } }) }) remote.getGlobal('setImmediate')(function () { var called = false Promise.resolve().then(function () { done(called ? void 0 : new Error('wrong sequence')) }) document.createElement('y-element') called = true }) }) }) describe('fetch', function () { it('does not crash', function (done) { const server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.end('test') server.close() }) server.listen(0, '', function () { const port = server.address().port fetch(`${port}`).then((res) => { return res.body.getReader() }).then((reader) => { => { reader.cancel() done() }) }).catch(function (e) { done(e) }) }) }) }) describe('PDF Viewer', function () { let w = null const pdfSource = url.format({ pathname: path.join(fixtures, 'assets', 'cat.pdf').replace(/\\/g, '/'), protocol: 'file', slashes: true }) beforeEach(function () { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { preload: path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'preload-inject-ipc.js') } }) }) afterEach(function () { return closeWindow(w).then(function () { w = null }) }) it('opens when loading a pdf resource as top level navigation', function (done) { ipcMain.once('pdf-loaded', function (event, success) { if (success) done() }) w.webContents.on('page-title-updated', function () { const source = ` if (window.viewer) { window.viewer.setLoadCallback(function(success) { window.ipcRenderer.send('pdf-loaded', success); }); } ` const parsedURL = url.parse(w.webContents.getURL(), true) assert.equal(parsedURL.protocol, 'chrome:') assert.equal(parsedURL.hostname, 'pdf-viewer') assert.equal(parsedURL.query.src, pdfSource) assert.equal(w.webContents.getTitle(), 'cat.pdf') w.webContents.executeJavaScript(source) }) w.webContents.loadURL(pdfSource) }) it('should not open when pdf is requested as sub resource', function (done) { webFrame.registerURLSchemeAsPrivileged('file', { secure: false, bypassCSP: false, allowServiceWorkers: false, corsEnabled: false }) fetch(pdfSource).then(function (res) { assert.equal(res.status, 200) assert.notEqual(document.title, 'cat.pdf') done() }).catch(function (e) { done(e) }) }) }) })