version: 2.1 parameters: run-docs-only: type: boolean default: false upload-to-storage: type: string default: '1' run-build-linux: type: boolean default: false run-build-mac: type: boolean default: false run-linux-publish: type: boolean default: false linux-publish-arch-limit: type: enum default: all enum: ["all", "arm", "arm64", "x64"] run-macos-publish: type: boolean default: false macos-publish-arch-limit: type: enum default: all enum: ["all", "osx-x64", "osx-arm64", "mas-x64", "mas-arm64"] medium-linux-executor: type: enum default: electronjs/aks-linux-medium enum: ["electronjs/aks-linux-medium", "medium"] large-linux-executor: type: enum default: electronjs/aks-linux-large enum: ["electronjs/aks-linux-large", "2xlarge"] # Executors executors: linux-docker: parameters: size: description: "Docker executor size" type: enum # aks-linux-large === 32 core # 2xlarge should not be used directly, use the pipeline param instead enum: ["medium", "electronjs/aks-linux-medium", "xlarge", "electronjs/aks-linux-large", "2xlarge"] docker: - image: resource_class: << parameters.size >> macos: parameters: size: description: "macOS executor size" type: enum enum: ["macos.x86.medium.gen2", "macos.m1.large.gen1", "macos.m1.medium.gen1"] version: description: "xcode version" type: enum enum: ["15.0.0", "14.0.0"] default: 15.0.0 macos: xcode: << parameters.version >> resource_class: << parameters.size >> # Electron Runners linux-arm: resource_class: electronjs/aks-linux-arm-test docker: - image: linux-arm64: resource_class: electronjs/aks-linux-arm-test docker: - image: # The config expects the following environment variables to be set: # - "SLACK_WEBHOOK" Slack hook URL to send notifications. # # The publishing scripts expect access tokens to be defined as env vars, # but those are not covered here. # # CircleCI docs on variables: # # Build configurations options. env-testing-build: &env-testing-build GN_CONFIG: //electron/build/args/ CHECK_DIST_MANIFEST: '1' env-release-build: &env-release-build GN_CONFIG: //electron/build/args/ STRIP_BINARIES: true GENERATE_SYMBOLS: true CHECK_DIST_MANIFEST: '1' IS_RELEASE: true env-headless-testing: &env-headless-testing DISPLAY: ':99.0' env-stack-dumping: &env-stack-dumping ELECTRON_ENABLE_STACK_DUMPING: '1' env-browsertests: &env-browsertests GN_CONFIG: //electron/build/args/ BUILD_TARGET: electron/spec:chromium_browsertests TESTS_CONFIG: src/electron/spec/configs/browsertests.yml env-unittests: &env-unittests GN_CONFIG: //electron/build/args/ BUILD_TARGET: electron/spec:chromium_unittests TESTS_CONFIG: src/electron/spec/configs/unittests.yml env-arm: &env-arm GN_EXTRA_ARGS: 'target_cpu = "arm"' MKSNAPSHOT_TOOLCHAIN: //build/toolchain/linux:clang_arm BUILD_NATIVE_MKSNAPSHOT: 1 TARGET_ARCH: arm env-apple-silicon: &env-apple-silicon GN_EXTRA_ARGS: 'target_cpu = "arm64"' TARGET_ARCH: arm64 npm_config_arch: arm64 env-runner: &env-runner IS_ELECTRON_RUNNER: 1 env-arm64: &env-arm64 GN_EXTRA_ARGS: 'target_cpu = "arm64" fatal_linker_warnings = false enable_linux_installer = false' MKSNAPSHOT_TOOLCHAIN: //build/toolchain/linux:clang_arm64 BUILD_NATIVE_MKSNAPSHOT: 1 TARGET_ARCH: arm64 env-mas: &env-mas GN_EXTRA_ARGS: 'is_mas_build = true' MAS_BUILD: 'true' env-mas-apple-silicon: &env-mas-apple-silicon GN_EXTRA_ARGS: 'target_cpu = "arm64" is_mas_build = true' MAS_BUILD: 'true' TARGET_ARCH: arm64 npm_config_arch: arm64 env-send-slack-notifications: &env-send-slack-notifications NOTIFY_SLACK: true env-global: &env-global ELECTRON_OUT_DIR: Default env-linux-medium: &env-linux-medium <<: *env-global NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES: 3 env-linux-2xlarge: &env-linux-2xlarge <<: *env-global NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES: 34 env-linux-2xlarge-release: &env-linux-2xlarge-release <<: *env-global NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES: 16 env-machine-mac: &env-machine-mac <<: *env-global NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES: 6 env-mac-large: &env-mac-large <<: *env-global NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES: 18 env-mac-large-release: &env-mac-large-release <<: *env-global NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES: 8 env-ninja-status: &env-ninja-status NINJA_STATUS: "[%r processes, %f/%t @ %o/s : %es] " env-32bit-release: &env-32bit-release # Set symbol level to 1 for 32 bit releases because of GN_BUILDFLAG_ARGS: 'symbol_level = 1' env-macos-build: &env-macos-build # Disable pre-compiled headers to reduce out size, only useful for rebuilds GN_BUILDFLAG_ARGS: 'enable_precompiled_headers = false' # Individual (shared) steps. step-maybe-notify-slack-failure: &step-maybe-notify-slack-failure run: name: Send a Slack notification on failure command: | if [ "$NOTIFY_SLACK" == "true" ]; then export MESSAGE="Build failed for *<$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL|$CIRCLE_JOB>* nightly build from *$CIRCLE_BRANCH*." curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \ -d "{\"text\": \"$MESSAGE\", \"attachments\": [{\"color\": \"#FC5C3C\",\"title\": \"$CIRCLE_JOB nightly build results\",\"title_link\": \"$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL\"}]}" $SLACK_WEBHOOK fi when: on_fail step-maybe-notify-slack-success: &step-maybe-notify-slack-success run: name: Send a Slack notification on success command: | if [ "$NOTIFY_SLACK" == "true" ]; then export MESSAGE="Build succeeded for *<$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL|$CIRCLE_JOB>* nightly build from *$CIRCLE_BRANCH*." curl -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \ -d "{\"text\": \"$MESSAGE\", \"attachments\": [{\"color\": \"good\",\"title\": \"$CIRCLE_JOB nightly build results\",\"title_link\": \"$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL\"}]}" $SLACK_WEBHOOK fi when: on_success step-maybe-cleanup-arm64-mac: &step-maybe-cleanup-arm64-mac run: name: Cleanup after testing command: | if [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm64" ] &&[ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then killall Electron || echo "No Electron processes left running" killall Safari || echo "No Safari processes left running" rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Electron* rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/electron* security delete-generic-password -l "Chromium Safe Storage" || echo "✓ Keychain does not contain password from tests" security delete-generic-password -l "Electron Test Main Safe Storage" || echo "✓ Keychain does not contain password from tests" security delete-generic-password -a "electron-test-safe-storage" || echo "✓ Keychain does not contain password from tests" security delete-generic-password -l "electron-test-safe-storage Safe Storage" || echo "✓ Keychain does not contain password from tests" elif [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm" ] || [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm64" ]; then XVFB=/usr/bin/Xvfb /sbin/start-stop-daemon --stop --exec $XVFB || echo "Xvfb not running" pkill electron || echo "electron not running" rm -rf ~/.config/Electron* rm -rf ~/.config/electron* fi when: always step-checkout-electron: &step-checkout-electron checkout: path: src/electron step-depot-tools-get: &step-depot-tools-get run: name: Get depot tools command: | git clone --depth=1 if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then # remove from autoninja since we don't use it and it causes problems sed -i '' '/' ./depot_tools/autoninja else sed -i '/' ./depot_tools/autoninja # Remove swift-format dep from cipd on macOS until we send a patch upstream. cd depot_tools cat > gclient.diff \<< 'EOF' diff --git a/ b/ index c305c248..e6e0fbdc 100755 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -783,7 +783,8 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings): not condition or "non_git_source" not in condition): continue cipd_root = self.GetCipdRoot() - for package in dep_value.get('packages', []): + packages = dep_value.get('packages', []) + for package in (x for x in packages if "infra/3pp/tools/swift-format" not in x.get('package')): deps_to_add.append( CipdDependency(parent=self, name=name, EOF git apply --3way gclient.diff fi # Ensure depot_tools does not update. test -d depot_tools && cd depot_tools touch .disable_auto_update step-depot-tools-add-to-path: &step-depot-tools-add-to-path run: name: Add depot tools to PATH command: echo 'export PATH="$PATH:'"$PWD"'/depot_tools"' >> $BASH_ENV step-gclient-sync: &step-gclient-sync run: name: Gclient sync command: | # If we did not restore a complete sync then we need to sync for realz if [ ! -s "src/electron/.circle-sync-done" ]; then gclient config \ --name "src/electron" \ --unmanaged \ $GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS \ "$CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL" ELECTRON_USE_THREE_WAY_MERGE_FOR_PATCHES=1 gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags if [ "$IS_RELEASE" != "true" ]; then # Re-export all the patches to check if there were changes. python3 src/electron/script/ src/electron/patches/config.json cd src/electron git update-index --refresh || true if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then # There are changes to the patches. Make a git commit with the updated patches git add patches GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="PatchUp" GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="73610968+patchup[bot]" git commit -m "chore: update patches" --author="PatchUp <73610968+patchup[bot]>" # Export it mkdir -p ../../patches git format-patch -1 --stdout --keep-subject --no-stat --full-index > ../../patches/update-patches.patch if (node ./script/push-patch.js 2> /dev/null > /dev/null); then echo echo "======================================================================" echo "Changes to the patches when applying, we have auto-pushed the diff to the current branch" echo "A new CI job will kick off shortly" echo "======================================================================" exit 1 else echo echo "======================================================================" echo "There were changes to the patches when applying." echo "Check the CI artifacts for a patch you can apply to fix it." echo "======================================================================" exit 1 fi fi fi fi step-setup-env-for-build: &step-setup-env-for-build run: name: Setup Environment Variables command: | # To find `gn` executable. echo 'export CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH="'"$PWD"'/src/buildtools"' >> $BASH_ENV step-setup-rbe-for-build: &step-setup-rbe-for-build run: name: Setup RBE command: | echo 'export NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES=300' >> $BASH_ENV if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then echo 'export NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES=200' >> $BASH_ENV echo 'ulimit -n 10000' >> $BASH_ENV echo 'sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 65536 200000' >> $BASH_ENV fi git clone cd build-tools npx yarn --ignore-engines mkdir third_party # Pull down credential helper and print status node -e "require('./src/utils/reclient.js').downloadAndPrepare({})" HELPER=$(node -p "require('./src/utils/reclient.js').helperPath({})") $HELPER login echo 'export RBE_service='`node -e "console.log(require('./src/utils/reclient.js').serviceAddress)"` >> $BASH_ENV echo 'export RBE_experimental_credentials_helper='`node -e "console.log(require('./src/utils/reclient.js').helperPath({}))"` >> $BASH_ENV echo 'export RBE_experimental_credentials_helper_args="print"' >> $BASH_ENV step-restore-brew-cache: &step-restore-brew-cache restore_cache: paths: - /usr/local/Cellar/gnu-tar - /usr/local/bin/gtar keys: - v6-brew-cache-{{ arch }} step-save-brew-cache: &step-save-brew-cache save_cache: paths: - /usr/local/Cellar/gnu-tar - /usr/local/bin/gtar key: v6-brew-cache-{{ arch }} name: Persisting brew cache step-get-more-space-on-mac: &step-get-more-space-on-mac run: name: Free up space on MacOS command: | if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then sudo mkdir -p $TMPDIR/del-target tmpify() { if [ -d "$1" ]; then sudo mv "$1" $TMPDIR/del-target/$(echo $1|shasum -a 256|head -n1|cut -d " " -f1) fi } strip_universal_deep() { opwd=$(pwd) cd $1 f=$(find . -perm +111 -type f) for fp in $f do if [[ $(file "$fp") == *"universal binary"* ]]; then if [ "`arch`" == "arm64" ]; then if [[ $(file "$fp") == *"x86_64"* ]]; then sudo lipo -remove x86_64 "$fp" -o "$fp" || true fi else if [[ $(file "$fp") == *"arm64e)"* ]]; then sudo lipo -remove arm64e "$fp" -o "$fp" || true fi if [[ $(file "$fp") == *"arm64)"* ]]; then sudo lipo -remove arm64 "$fp" -o "$fp" || true fi fi fi done cd $opwd } tmpify /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator tmpify ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/AppleTVOS.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/WatchOS.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/WatchSimulator.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/AppleTVSimulator.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/metal/ios tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift-5.0 tmpify ~/.rubies tmpify ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew tmpify /usr/local/Homebrew # the contents of build/linux/strip_binary.gni aren't used, but # # needs the file to exist. mv ~/project/src/build/linux/strip_binary.gni "${TMPDIR}"/ tmpify ~/project/src/build/linux/ mkdir -p ~/project/src/build/linux mv "${TMPDIR}/strip_binary.gni" ~/project/src/build/linux/ sudo rm -rf $TMPDIR/del-target # sudo rm -rf "/System/Library/Desktop Pictures" # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Templates/Data # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Speech/Voices # sudo rm -rf "/System/Library/Screen Savers" # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs # sudo rm -rf "/System/Volumes/Data/Library/Application Support/Apple/Photos/Print Products" # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk/ # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Java # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Ruby # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Printers # sudo rm -rf /System/iOSSupport # sudo rm -rf /System/Applications/*.app # sudo rm -rf /System/Applications/Utilities/*.app # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/LinguisticData # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/private/var/db/dyld/* # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Fonts/* # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/PreferencePanes # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/AssetsV2/* sudo rm -rf /Applications/ sudo rm -rf ~/project/src/third_party/catapult/tracing/test_data sudo rm -rf ~/project/src/third_party/angle/third_party/VK-GL-CTS # lipo off some huge binaries arm64 versions to save space strip_universal_deep $(xcode-select -p)/../SharedFrameworks # strip_arm_deep /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr fi background: true # On macOS delete all .git directories under src/ except for # third_party/angle/ and third_party/dawn/ because of build time generation of files # gen/angle/commit.h depends on third_party/angle/.git/HEAD # # and dawn/common/Version_autogen.h depends on third_party/dawn/.git/HEAD # # TODO: maybe better to always leave out */.git/HEAD file for all targets ? step-delete-git-directories: &step-delete-git-directories run: name: Delete all .git directories under src on MacOS to free space command: | if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then cd src ( find . -type d -name ".git" -not -path "./third_party/angle/*" -not -path "./third_party/dawn/*" -not -path "./electron/*" ) | xargs rm -rf fi # On macOS the yarn install command during gclient sync was run on a linux # machine and therefore installed a slightly different set of dependencies # Notably "fsevents" is a macOS only dependency, we rerun yarn install once # we are on a macOS machine to get the correct state step-install-npm-deps-on-mac: &step-install-npm-deps-on-mac run: name: Install node_modules on MacOS command: | if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then cd src/electron node script/yarn install fi step-install-npm-deps: &step-install-npm-deps run: name: Install node_modules command: | cd src/electron node script/yarn install --frozen-lockfile # This step handles the differences between the linux "gclient sync" # and the expected state on macOS step-fix-sync: &step-fix-sync run: name: Fix Sync command: | SEDOPTION="-i" if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then SEDOPTION="-i ''" # Fix Clang Install (wrong binary) rm -rf src/third_party/llvm-build python3 src/tools/clang/scripts/ # Fix esbuild (wrong binary) echo 'infra/3pp/tools/esbuild/${platform}' `gclient getdep --deps-file=src/third_party/devtools-frontend/src/DEPS -r 'third_party/esbuild:infra/3pp/tools/esbuild/${platform}'` > esbuild_ensure_file # Remove extra output from calling gclient getdep which always calls update_depot_tools sed -i '' "s/Updating depot_tools... //g" esbuild_ensure_file cipd ensure --root src/third_party/devtools-frontend/src/third_party/esbuild -ensure-file esbuild_ensure_file # Fix rustc (wrong binary) rm -rf src/third_party/rust-toolchain python3 src/tools/rust/ # Fix gn (wrong binary) echo 'gn/gn/mac-${arch}' `gclient getdep --deps-file=src/DEPS -r 'src/buildtools/mac:gn/gn/mac-${arch}'` > gn_ensure_file # Remove extra output from calling gclient getdep which always calls update_depot_tools sed -i '' "s/Updating depot_tools... //g" gn_ensure_file cipd ensure --root src/buildtools/mac -ensure-file gn_ensure_file # Fix reclient (wrong binary) echo 'infra/rbe/client/${platform}' `gclient getdep --deps-file=src/DEPS -r 'src/buildtools/reclient:infra/rbe/client/${platform}'` > gn_ensure_file # Remove extra output from calling gclient getdep which always calls update_depot_tools sed -i '' "s/Updating depot_tools... //g" gn_ensure_file cipd ensure --root src/buildtools/reclient -ensure-file gn_ensure_file python3 src/buildtools/reclient_cfgs/ --rbe_instance "projects/rbe-chrome-untrusted/instances/default_instance" --reproxy_cfg_template reproxy.cfg.template --rewrapper_cfg_project "" --skip_remoteexec_cfg_fetch # Fix dsymutil (wrong binary) if [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm64" ]; then export DSYM_SHA_FILE=src/tools/clang/dsymutil/bin/dsymutil.arm64.sha1 else export DSYM_SHA_FILE=src/tools/clang/dsymutil/bin/dsymutil.x64.sha1 fi python3 src/third_party/depot_tools/ --no_resume --no_auth --bucket chromium-browser-clang -s $DSYM_SHA_FILE -o src/tools/clang/dsymutil/bin/dsymutil fi # Make sure we are using the right ninja echo 'infra/3pp/tools/ninja/${platform}' `gclient getdep --deps-file=src/DEPS -r 'src/third_party/ninja:infra/3pp/tools/ninja/${platform}'` > ninja_ensure_file sed $SEDOPTION "s/Updating depot_tools... //g" ninja_ensure_file cipd ensure --root src/third_party/ninja -ensure-file ninja_ensure_file # Explicitly add ninja to the path echo 'export PATH="$PATH:'"$PWD"'/src/third_party/ninja"' >> $BASH_ENV cd src/third_party/angle rm .git/objects/info/alternates git remote set-url origin cp .git/config .git/config.backup git remote remove origin mv .git/config.backup .git/config git fetch step-install-signing-cert-on-mac: &step-install-signing-cert-on-mac run: name: Import and trust self-signed codesigning cert on MacOS command: | if [ "$TARGET_ARCH" != "arm64" ] && [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then sudo security authorizationdb write allow cd src/electron ./script/codesign/ fi step-install-gnutar-on-mac: &step-install-gnutar-on-mac run: name: Install gnu-tar on macos command: | if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then if [ ! -d /usr/local/Cellar/gnu-tar/ ]; then brew update brew install gnu-tar fi ln -fs /usr/local/bin/gtar /usr/local/bin/tar fi step-gn-gen-default: &step-gn-gen-default run: name: Default GN gen command: | cd src gn gen out/Default --args="import(\"$GN_CONFIG\") use_remoteexec=true $GN_EXTRA_ARGS $GN_BUILDFLAG_ARGS" step-gn-check: &step-gn-check run: name: GN check command: | cd src gn check out/Default //electron:electron_lib gn check out/Default //electron:electron_app gn check out/Default //electron/shell/common/api:mojo # Check the hunspell filenames node electron/script/gen-hunspell-filenames.js --check node electron/script/gen-libc++-filenames.js --check step-maybe-electron-dist-strip: &step-maybe-electron-dist-strip run: name: Strip electron binaries command: | if [ "$STRIP_BINARIES" == "true" ] && [ "`uname`" == "Linux" ]; then if [ x"$TARGET_ARCH" == x ]; then target_cpu=x64 else target_cpu="$TARGET_ARCH" fi cd src electron/script/ --target-cpu="$target_cpu" --out-dir=out/Default/debug --compress electron/script/ --target-cpu="$target_cpu" electron/script/ --target-cpu="$target_cpu" --debug-dir=out/Default/debug fi step-electron-chromedriver-build: &step-electron-chromedriver-build run: name: Build command: | cd src if [ "`uname`" != "Darwin" ] && ([ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm" ] || [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm64" ]); then gn gen out/chromedriver --args="import(\"$GN_CONFIG\") use_remoteexec=true is_component_ffmpeg=false proprietary_codecs=false $GN_EXTRA_ARGS $GN_BUILDFLAG_ARGS" export CHROMEDRIVER_DIR="out/chromedriver" else export CHROMEDRIVER_DIR="out/Default" fi autoninja -C $CHROMEDRIVER_DIR electron:electron_chromedriver -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES if [ "`uname`" == "Linux" ]; then electron/script/ --target-cpu="$TARGET_ARCH" --file $PWD/$CHROMEDRIVER_DIR/chromedriver fi autoninja -C $CHROMEDRIVER_DIR electron:electron_chromedriver_zip if [ "`uname`" != "Darwin" ] && ([ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm" ] || [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm64" ]); then cp out/chromedriver/ out/Default fi step-nodejs-headers-build: &step-nodejs-headers-build run: name: Build Node.js headers command: | cd src autoninja -C out/Default electron:node_headers step-electron-publish: &step-electron-publish run: name: Publish Electron Dist no_output_timeout: 30m command: | if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then rm -rf src/out/Default/obj fi cd src/electron if [ "$UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE" == "1" ]; then echo 'Uploading Electron release distribution to Azure' script/release/uploaders/ --verbose --upload_to_storage else echo 'Uploading Electron release distribution to GitHub releases' script/release/uploaders/ --verbose fi step-electron-dist-unzip: &step-electron-dist-unzip run: name: Unzip command: | cd src/out/Default # -o overwrite files WITHOUT prompting # TODO(alexeykuzmin): Remove '-o' when it's no longer needed. # -: allows to extract archive members into locations outside # of the current ``extraction root folder''. # ASan builds have the llvm-symbolizer binaries listed as # runtime_deps, with their paths as `../../third_party/...` # unzip exits with non-zero code on such zip files unless -: is # passed. unzip -:o step-mksnapshot-unzip: &step-mksnapshot-unzip run: name: Unzip command: | cd src/out/Default unzip -:o step-chromedriver-unzip: &step-chromedriver-unzip run: name: Unzip command: | cd src/out/Default unzip -:o step-ffmpeg-gn-gen: &step-ffmpeg-gn-gen run: name: ffmpeg GN gen command: | cd src gn gen out/ffmpeg --args="import(\"//electron/build/args/\") use_remoteexec=true $GN_EXTRA_ARGS" step-ffmpeg-build: &step-ffmpeg-build run: name: Non proprietary ffmpeg build command: | cd src autoninja -C out/ffmpeg electron:electron_ffmpeg_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES step-verify-mksnapshot: &step-verify-mksnapshot run: name: Verify mksnapshot command: | if [ "$IS_ASAN" != "1" ]; then cd src if [ "`uname`" != "Darwin" ] && ([ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm" ] || [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm64" ]); then python3 electron/script/ --source-root "$PWD" --build-dir out/Default --snapshot-files-dir $PWD/cross-arch-snapshots else python3 electron/script/ --source-root "$PWD" --build-dir out/Default fi fi step-verify-chromedriver: &step-verify-chromedriver run: name: Verify ChromeDriver command: | if [ "$IS_ASAN" != "1" ]; then cd src python3 electron/script/ --source-root "$PWD" --build-dir out/Default fi step-setup-linux-for-headless-testing: &step-setup-linux-for-headless-testing run: name: Setup for headless testing command: | if [ "`uname`" != "Darwin" ]; then sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start fi step-mksnapshot-build: &step-mksnapshot-build run: name: mksnapshot build no_output_timeout: 30m command: | cd src autoninja -C out/Default electron:electron_mksnapshot -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES gn desc out/Default v8:run_mksnapshot_default args > out/Default/mksnapshot_args # Remove unused args from mksnapshot_args SEDOPTION="-i" if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then SEDOPTION="-i ''" fi sed $SEDOPTION '/.*builtins-pgo/d' out/Default/mksnapshot_args sed $SEDOPTION '/--turbo-profiling-input/d' out/Default/mksnapshot_args sed $SEDOPTION '/The gn arg use_goma=true .*/d' out/Default/mksnapshot_args if [ "`uname`" != "Darwin" ]; then if [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm" ]; then electron/script/ --file $PWD/out/Default/clang_x86_v8_arm/mksnapshot electron/script/ --file $PWD/out/Default/clang_x86_v8_arm/v8_context_snapshot_generator elif [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm64" ]; then electron/script/ --file $PWD/out/Default/clang_x64_v8_arm64/mksnapshot electron/script/ --file $PWD/out/Default/clang_x64_v8_arm64/v8_context_snapshot_generator else electron/script/ --file $PWD/out/Default/mksnapshot electron/script/ --file $PWD/out/Default/v8_context_snapshot_generator fi fi if [ "$SKIP_DIST_ZIP" != "1" ]; then autoninja -C out/Default electron:electron_mksnapshot_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES (cd out/Default; zip mksnapshot_args gen/v8/embedded.S) fi step-hunspell-build: &step-hunspell-build run: name: hunspell build command: | cd src if [ "$SKIP_DIST_ZIP" != "1" ]; then autoninja -C out/Default electron:hunspell_dictionaries_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES fi step-maybe-generate-libcxx: &step-maybe-generate-libcxx run: name: maybe generate libcxx command: | cd src if [ "`uname`" == "Linux" ]; then autoninja -C out/Default electron:libcxx_headers_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES autoninja -C out/Default electron:libcxxabi_headers_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES autoninja -C out/Default electron:libcxx_objects_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES fi step-maybe-generate-breakpad-symbols: &step-maybe-generate-breakpad-symbols run: name: Generate breakpad symbols no_output_timeout: 30m command: | if [ "$GENERATE_SYMBOLS" == "true" ]; then cd src autoninja -C out/Default electron:electron_symbols fi step-maybe-zip-symbols: &step-maybe-zip-symbols run: name: Zip symbols command: | cd src export BUILD_PATH="$PWD/out/Default" autoninja -C out/Default electron:licenses autoninja -C out/Default electron:electron_version_file electron/script/ -b $BUILD_PATH step-maybe-zip-symbols-and-clean: &step-maybe-zip-symbols-and-clean run: name: Zip symbols command: | cd src export BUILD_PATH="$PWD/out/Default" autoninja -C out/Default electron:licenses autoninja -C out/Default electron:electron_version_file DELETE_DSYMS_AFTER_ZIP=1 electron/script/ -b $BUILD_PATH step-maybe-cross-arch-snapshot: &step-maybe-cross-arch-snapshot run: name: Generate cross arch snapshot (arm/arm64) command: | if [ "$GENERATE_CROSS_ARCH_SNAPSHOT" == "true" ] && [ -z "$CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER" ]; then cd src if [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm" ]; then export MKSNAPSHOT_PATH="clang_x86_v8_arm" elif [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm64" ]; then export MKSNAPSHOT_PATH="clang_x64_v8_arm64" fi cp "out/Default/$MKSNAPSHOT_PATH/mksnapshot" out/Default cp "out/Default/$MKSNAPSHOT_PATH/v8_context_snapshot_generator" out/Default if [ "`uname`" == "Linux" ]; then cp "out/Default/$MKSNAPSHOT_PATH/" out/Default elif [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then cp "out/Default/$MKSNAPSHOT_PATH/libffmpeg.dylib" out/Default fi python3 electron/script/ --source-root "$PWD" --build-dir out/Default --create-snapshot-only mkdir cross-arch-snapshots cp out/Default-mksnapshot-test/*.bin cross-arch-snapshots # Clean up so that ninja does not get confused if [ "`uname`" == "Linux" ]; then rm -f out/Default/ elif [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then rm -f out/Default/libffmpeg.dylib fi fi step-maybe-generate-typescript-defs: &step-maybe-generate-typescript-defs run: name: Generate type declarations command: | if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then cd src/electron node script/yarn create-typescript-definitions fi step-fix-known-hosts-linux: &step-fix-known-hosts-linux run: name: Fix Known Hosts on Linux command: | if [ "`uname`" == "Linux" ]; then ./src/electron/.circleci/ fi # Checkout Steps step-generate-deps-hash: &step-generate-deps-hash run: name: Generate DEPS Hash command: node src/electron/script/generate-deps-hash.js && cat src/electron/.depshash-target step-touch-sync-done: &step-touch-sync-done run: name: Touch Sync Done command: touch src/electron/.circle-sync-done # Restore exact src cache based on the hash of DEPS and patches/* # If no cache is matched EXACTLY then the .circle-sync-done file is empty # If a cache is matched EXACTLY then the .circle-sync-done file contains "done" step-maybe-restore-src-cache: &step-maybe-restore-src-cache restore_cache: keys: - v17-src-cache-{{ checksum "src/electron/.depshash" }} name: Restoring src cache step-maybe-restore-src-cache-marker: &step-maybe-restore-src-cache-marker restore_cache: keys: - v17-src-cache-marker-{{ checksum "src/electron/.depshash" }} name: Restoring src cache marker step-maybe-restore-src-cache-aks: &step-maybe-restore-src-cache-aks restore_cache_aks: step-name: Restoring src cache cache_key: v17-src-cache-$(shasum src/electron/.depshash | cut -f1 -d' ') cache_path: /var/portal step-maybe-restore-src-cache-marker-aks: &step-maybe-restore-src-cache-marker-aks restore_cache_aks: step-name: Restoring src cache marker cache_key: v17-src-cache-marker-$(shasum src/electron/.depshash | cut -f1 -d' ') cache_path: "." # Restore exact or closest git cache based on the hash of DEPS and .circle-sync-done # If the src cache was restored above then this will match an empty cache # If the src cache was not restored above then this will match a close git cache step-maybe-restore-git-cache: &step-maybe-restore-git-cache restore_cache: paths: - git-cache keys: - v1-git-cache-{{ checksum "src/electron/.circle-sync-done" }}-{{ checksum "src/electron/DEPS" }} - v1-git-cache-{{ checksum "src/electron/.circle-sync-done" }} name: Conditionally restoring git cache step-maybe-restore-git-cache-aks: &step-maybe-restore-git-cache-aks restore_cache_aks: step-name: Conditionally restoring git cache (aks) cache_key: v1-git-cache-$(shasum src/electron/.circle-sync-done | cut -f1 -d' ')-$(shasum src/electron/DEPS | cut -f1 -d' ') v1-git-cache-$(shasum src/electron/.circle-sync-done | cut -f1 -d' ') cache_path: git-cache step-set-git-cache-path: &step-set-git-cache-path run: name: Set GIT_CACHE_PATH to make gclient to use the cache command: | # CircleCI does not support interpolation when setting environment variables. # echo 'export GIT_CACHE_PATH="$PWD/git-cache"' >> $BASH_ENV # Persist the git cache based on the hash of DEPS and .circle-sync-done # If the src cache was restored above then this will persist an empty cache step-save-git-cache: &step-save-git-cache save_cache: paths: - git-cache key: v1-git-cache-{{ checksum "src/electron/.circle-sync-done" }}-{{ checksum "src/electron/DEPS" }} name: Persisting git cache step-save-git-cache-aks: &step-save-git-cache-aks save_cache_aks: step-name: Persisting git cache (AKS) cache_key: v1-git-cache-$(shasum src/electron/.circle-sync-done | cut -f1 -d' ')-$(shasum src/electron/DEPS | cut -f1 -d' ') cache_path: git-cache step-run-electron-only-hooks: &step-run-electron-only-hooks run: name: Run Electron Only Hooks command: gclient runhooks --spec="solutions=[{'name':'src/electron','url':None,'deps_file':'DEPS','custom_vars':{'process_deps':False},'managed':False}]" step-generate-deps-hash-cleanly: &step-generate-deps-hash-cleanly run: name: Generate DEPS Hash command: (cd src/electron && git checkout .) && node src/electron/script/generate-deps-hash.js && cat src/electron/.depshash-target # Mark the sync as done for future cache saving step-mark-sync-done: &step-mark-sync-done run: name: Mark Sync Done command: echo DONE > src/electron/.circle-sync-done # Minimize the size of the cache step-minimize-workspace-size-from-checkout: &step-minimize-workspace-size-from-checkout run: name: Remove some unused data to avoid storing it in the workspace/cache command: | rm -rf src/android_webview rm -rf src/ios/chrome rm -rf src/third_party/blink/web_tests rm -rf src/third_party/blink/perf_tests rm -rf third_party/electron_node/deps/openssl rm -rf third_party/electron_node/deps/v8 rm -rf chrome/test/data/xr/webvr_info rm -rf src/third_party/angle/third_party/VK-GL-CTS/src rm -rf src/third_party/swift-toolchain rm -rf src/third_party/swiftshader/tests/regres/testlists # Save the src cache based on the deps hash step-save-src-cache: &step-save-src-cache save_cache: paths: - /var/portal key: v17-src-cache-{{ checksum "/var/portal/src/electron/.depshash" }} name: Persisting src cache step-make-src-cache-marker: &step-make-src-cache-marker run: name: Making src cache marker command: touch .src-cache-marker step-save-src-cache-marker: &step-save-src-cache-marker save_cache: paths: - .src-cache-marker key: v17-src-cache-marker-{{ checksum "/var/portal/src/electron/.depshash" }} step-save-src-cache-aks: &step-save-src-cache-aks save_cache_aks: step-name: Persisting src cache (aks) cache_key: v17-src-cache-$(shasum /var/portal/src/electron/.depshash | cut -f1 -d' ') cache_path: /var/portal step-save-src-cache-marker-aks: &step-save-src-cache-marker-aks save_cache_aks: step-name: Persisting src cache marker (aks) cache_key: v17-src-cache-marker-$(shasum /var/portal/src/electron/.depshash | cut -f1 -d' ') cache_path: .src-cache-marker step-maybe-early-exit-no-doc-change: &step-maybe-early-exit-no-doc-change run: name: Shortcircuit job if change is not doc only command: | if [ ! -s src/electron/.skip-ci-build ]; then circleci-agent step halt fi step-ts-compile: &step-ts-compile run: name: Run TS/JS compile on doc only change command: | cd src/electron node script/yarn create-typescript-definitions node script/yarn tsc -p tsconfig.default_app.json --noEmit for f in build/webpack/*.js do out="${f:29}" if [ "$out" != "base.js" ]; then node script/yarn webpack --config $f --output-filename=$out --output-path=./.tmp --env mode=development fi done # List of all steps. steps-electron-ts-compile-for-doc-change: &steps-electron-ts-compile-for-doc-change steps: # Checkout - Copied from steps-checkout - *step-checkout-electron - *step-install-npm-deps #Compile ts/js to verify doc change didn't break anything - *step-ts-compile # Command Aliases commands: aks-specific-step: parameters: circle: type: steps aks: type: steps could-be-aks: type: boolean description: Only set this to true on linux hosts steps: - when: condition: or: - equal: [<< parameters.could-be-aks >>, false] - equal: [<< pipeline.parameters.large-linux-executor >>, 2xlarge] steps: << >> - when: condition: and: - equal: [<< parameters.could-be-aks >>, true] - equal: [<< pipeline.parameters.large-linux-executor >>, electronjs/aks-linux-large] steps: << parameters.aks >> save_cache_aks: parameters: step-name: type: string cache_key: type: string cache_path: type: string steps: - run: name: << parameters.step-name >> command: | cache_key="<< parameters.cache_key >>" final_cache_path=/mnt/cross-instance-cache/${cache_key}.tar echo "Using cache key: $cache_key" echo "Checking path: $final_cache_path" if [ ! -f "$final_cache_path" ]; then echo "Cache key not founding, storing tarball" tmp_container=/mnt/cross-instance-cache/tmp/$CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_JOB_ID tmp_cache_path=$tmp_container/${cache_key}.tar mkdir -p $tmp_container if [ -f "<< parameters.cache_path >>" ]; then tar -cf $tmp_cache_path -C $(dirname << parameters.cache_path >>) ./$(basename << parameters.cache_path >>) else tar -cf $tmp_cache_path -C << parameters.cache_path >>/ ./ fi mv -vn $tmp_cache_path $final_cache_path rm -rf $tmp_container else echo "Cache key already exists, skipping.." fi restore_cache_aks: parameters: step-name: type: string cache_key: type: string cache_path: type: string steps: - run: name: << parameters.step-name >> command: | df -h for cache_key in << parameters.cache_key >>; do cache_path=/mnt/cross-instance-cache/${cache_key}.tar echo "Using cache key: $cache_key" echo "Checking path: $cache_path" if [ ! -f "$cache_path" ]; then echo "Cache key not found, nothing to restore..." else echo "Cache key found, restoring to path..." mkdir -p << parameters.cache_path >>/ tar -xf /mnt/cross-instance-cache/${cache_key}.tar -C << parameters.cache_path >>/ exit 0 fi done maybe-restore-portaled-src-cache: parameters: halt-if-successful: type: boolean default: false could-be-aks: type: boolean steps: - run: name: Prepare for cross-OS sync restore command: | sudo mkdir -p /var/portal sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /var/portal - when: condition: << parameters.halt-if-successful >> steps: - aks-specific-step: circle: - *step-maybe-restore-src-cache-marker aks: - *step-maybe-restore-src-cache-marker-aks could-be-aks: << parameters.could-be-aks >> - run: name: Halt the job early if the src cache exists command: | if [ -f ".src-cache-marker" ]; then circleci-agent step halt fi - aks-specific-step: circle: - *step-maybe-restore-src-cache aks: - *step-maybe-restore-src-cache-aks could-be-aks: << parameters.could-be-aks >> - run: name: Fix the src cache restore point command: | if [ -d "/var/portal/src" ]; then echo Relocating Cache rm -rf src mv /var/portal/src ./ fi run-gn-check: parameters: could-be-aks: type: boolean steps: - *step-setup-rbe-for-build - checkout-from-cache: could-be-aks: << parameters.could-be-aks >> - *step-setup-env-for-build - *step-gn-gen-default - *step-gn-check build_and_save_artifacts: parameters: artifact-key: type: string build-type: type: string build-nonproprietary-ffmpeg: type: boolean default: true steps: - *step-gn-gen-default - ninja_build_electron: clean-prebuilt-snapshot: false build-type: << >> - *step-maybe-electron-dist-strip - step-electron-dist-build: additional-targets: electron:node_headers third_party/electron_node:overlapped-checker electron:hunspell_dictionaries_zip # mksnapshot - *step-mksnapshot-build - *step-maybe-cross-arch-snapshot # chromedriver - *step-electron-chromedriver-build - when: condition: << >> steps: # ffmpeg - *step-ffmpeg-gn-gen - *step-ffmpeg-build - *step-maybe-generate-breakpad-symbols - *step-maybe-zip-symbols - move_and_store_all_artifacts: artifact-key: << parameters.artifact-key >> move_and_store_all_artifacts: parameters: artifact-key: type: string steps: - run: name: Move all generated artifacts to upload folder command: | rm -rf generated_artifacts_<< parameters.artifact-key >> mkdir generated_artifacts_<< parameters.artifact-key >> mv_if_exist() { if [ -f "$1" ] || [ -d "$1" ]; then echo Storing $1 mv $1 generated_artifacts_<< parameters.artifact-key >> else echo Skipping $1 - It is not present on disk fi } cp_if_exist() { if [ -f "$1" ] || [ -d "$1" ]; then echo Storing $1 cp $1 generated_artifacts_<< parameters.artifact-key >> else echo Skipping $1 - It is not present on disk fi } mv_if_exist src/out/Default/ mv_if_exist src/out/Default/gen/node_headers.tar.gz mv_if_exist src/out/Default/ mv_if_exist src/out/Default/ mv_if_exist src/out/Default/ mv_if_exist src/out/ffmpeg/ mv_if_exist src/out/Default/ mv_if_exist src/cross-arch-snapshots cp_if_exist src/out/electron_ninja_log cp_if_exist src/out/Default/.ninja_log when: always - store_artifacts: path: generated_artifacts_<< parameters.artifact-key >> destination: ./<< parameters.artifact-key >> - store_artifacts: path: generated_artifacts_<< parameters.artifact-key >>/cross-arch-snapshots destination: << parameters.artifact-key >>/cross-arch-snapshots restore_build_artifacts: parameters: artifact-key: type: string steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - run: name: Restore key specific artifacts command: | mv_if_exist() { if [ -f "generated_artifacts_<< parameters.artifact-key >>/$1" ] || [ -d "generated_artifacts_<< parameters.artifact-key >>/$1" ]; then echo Restoring $1 to $2 mkdir -p $2 mv generated_artifacts_<< parameters.artifact-key >>/$1 $2 else echo Skipping $1 - It is not present on disk fi } mv_if_exist src/out/Default mv_if_exist node_headers.tar.gz src/out/Default/gen mv_if_exist src/out/Default mv_if_exist src/out/Default mv_if_exist src/out/Default mv_if_exist src/out/ffmpeg mv_if_exist src/out/Default mv_if_exist cross-arch-snapshots src checkout-from-cache: parameters: could-be-aks: type: boolean steps: - *step-checkout-electron - *step-depot-tools-get - *step-depot-tools-add-to-path - *step-generate-deps-hash - maybe-restore-portaled-src-cache: could-be-aks: << parameters.could-be-aks >> - run: name: Ensure src checkout worked command: | if [ ! -d "src/third_party/blink" ]; then echo src cache was not restored for some reason, idk what happened here... exit 1 fi - run: name: Wipe Electron command: rm -rf src/electron - *step-checkout-electron - *step-run-electron-only-hooks - *step-generate-deps-hash-cleanly step-electron-dist-build: parameters: additional-targets: type: string default: '' steps: - run: name: Build command: | cd src if [ "$SKIP_DIST_ZIP" != "1" ]; then autoninja -C out/Default electron:electron_dist_zip << parameters.additional-targets >> -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES if [ "$CHECK_DIST_MANIFEST" == "1" ]; then if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then target_os=mac target_cpu=x64 if [ x"$MAS_BUILD" == x"true" ]; then target_os=mac_mas fi if [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm64" ]; then target_cpu=arm64 fi elif [ "`uname`" == "Linux" ]; then target_os=linux if [ x"$TARGET_ARCH" == x ]; then target_cpu=x64 else target_cpu="$TARGET_ARCH" fi else echo "Unknown system: `uname`" exit 1 fi electron/script/zip_manifests/ out/Default/ electron/script/zip_manifests/dist_zip.$target_os.$target_cpu.manifest fi fi ninja_build_electron: parameters: clean-prebuilt-snapshot: type: boolean default: true build-type: type: string steps: - run: name: Electron << >> build no_output_timeout: 60m command: | cd src NINJA_SUMMARIZE_BUILD=1 autoninja -C out/Default electron -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES cp out/Default/.ninja_log out/electron_ninja_log node electron/script/check-symlinks.js electron-build: parameters: attach: type: boolean default: false persist: type: boolean default: true persist-checkout: type: boolean default: false checkout: type: boolean default: true checkout-and-assume-cache: type: boolean default: false save-git-cache: type: boolean default: false checkout-to-create-src-cache: type: boolean default: false build: type: boolean default: true restore-src-cache: type: boolean default: true build-nonproprietary-ffmpeg: type: boolean default: true artifact-key: type: string build-type: type: string after-build-and-save: type: steps default: [] after-persist: type: steps default: [] could-be-aks: type: boolean steps: - when: condition: << parameters.attach >> steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - run: rm -rf src/electron - *step-restore-brew-cache - *step-install-gnutar-on-mac - *step-save-brew-cache - when: condition: << >> steps: - *step-setup-rbe-for-build - when: condition: << parameters.checkout-and-assume-cache >> steps: - checkout-from-cache: could-be-aks: << parameters.could-be-aks >> - when: condition: << parameters.checkout >> steps: # Checkout - Copied from steps-checkout - *step-checkout-electron - *step-depot-tools-get - *step-depot-tools-add-to-path - *step-get-more-space-on-mac - *step-generate-deps-hash - *step-touch-sync-done - when: condition: << parameters.restore-src-cache >> steps: - maybe-restore-portaled-src-cache: halt-if-successful: << parameters.checkout-to-create-src-cache >> could-be-aks: << parameters.could-be-aks >> - aks-specific-step: circle: - *step-maybe-restore-git-cache aks: - *step-maybe-restore-git-cache-aks could-be-aks: << parameters.could-be-aks >> - *step-set-git-cache-path - *step-fix-known-hosts-linux # This sync call only runs if .circle-sync-done is an EMPTY file - *step-gclient-sync - store_artifacts: path: patches # These next few steps reset Electron to the correct commit regardless of which cache was restored - run: name: Wipe Electron command: rm -rf src/electron - *step-checkout-electron - *step-run-electron-only-hooks - *step-generate-deps-hash-cleanly - *step-touch-sync-done - when: condition: << >> steps: - aks-specific-step: circle: - *step-save-git-cache aks: - *step-save-git-cache-aks could-be-aks: << parameters.could-be-aks >> # Mark sync as done _after_ saving the git cache so that it is uploaded # only when the src cache was not present # Their are theoretically two cases for this cache key # 1. `vX-git-cache-DONE-{deps_hash} # 2. `vX-git-cache-EMPTY-{deps_hash} # # Case (1) occurs when the flag file has "DONE" in it # which only occurs when "step-mark-sync-done" is run # or when the src cache was restored successfully as that # flag file contains "DONE" in the src cache. # # Case (2) occurs when the flag file is empty, this occurs # when the src cache was not restored and "step-mark-sync-done" # has not run yet. # # Notably both of these cases also have completely different # gclient cache states. # In (1) the git cache is completely empty as we didn't run # "gclient sync" because the src cache was restored. # In (2) the git cache is full as we had to run "gclient sync" # # This allows us to do make the follow transitive assumption: # In cases where the src cache is restored, saving the git cache # will save an empty cache. In cases where the src cache is built # during this build the git cache will save a full cache. # # In order words if there is a src cache for a given DEPS hash # the git cache restored will be empty. But if the src cache # is missing we will restore a useful git cache. - *step-mark-sync-done - *step-minimize-workspace-size-from-checkout - *step-delete-git-directories - when: condition: << parameters.persist-checkout >> steps: - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - depot_tools - src - when: condition: << parameters.checkout-to-create-src-cache >> steps: - run: name: Move src folder to the cross-OS portal command: | sudo mkdir -p /var/portal sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /var/portal mv ./src /var/portal - aks-specific-step: circle: - *step-save-src-cache aks: - *step-save-src-cache-aks could-be-aks: << parameters.could-be-aks >> - *step-make-src-cache-marker - aks-specific-step: circle: - *step-save-src-cache-marker aks: - *step-save-src-cache-marker-aks could-be-aks: << parameters.could-be-aks >> - when: condition: << >> steps: - *step-depot-tools-add-to-path - *step-setup-env-for-build - *step-get-more-space-on-mac - *step-fix-sync - *step-delete-git-directories - when: condition: << >> steps: - build_and_save_artifacts: artifact-key: << parameters.artifact-key >> build-type: << >> build-nonproprietary-ffmpeg: << >> - steps: << parameters.after-build-and-save >> # Save all data needed for a further tests run. - when: condition: << parameters.persist >> steps: - *step-minimize-workspace-size-from-checkout - run: | rm -rf src/third_party/electron_node/deps/openssl rm -rf src/third_party/electron_node/deps/v8 - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: # Build artifacts - generated_artifacts_<< parameters.artifact-key >> - src/out/Default/gen/node_headers - src/out/Default/overlapped-checker - src/electron - src/third_party/electron_node - src/third_party/nan - src/cross-arch-snapshots - src/third_party/llvm-build - src/build/linux - src/buildtools/third_party/libc++ - src/buildtools/third_party/libc++abi - src/third_party/libc++ - src/third_party/libc++abi - src/out/Default/obj/buildtools/third_party - src/v8/tools/builtins-pgo - steps: << parameters.after-persist >> - when: condition: << >> steps: - *step-maybe-notify-slack-failure - when: condition: << parameters.could-be-aks >> steps: - run: name: Wait for active debug sessions command: | while [ -f /var/.ssh-lock ] do sleep 60 done no_output_timeout: 2h when: always electron-tests: parameters: artifact-key: type: string steps: - restore_build_artifacts: artifact-key: << parameters.artifact-key >> - *step-depot-tools-add-to-path - *step-electron-dist-unzip - *step-mksnapshot-unzip - *step-chromedriver-unzip - *step-setup-linux-for-headless-testing - *step-restore-brew-cache - *step-fix-known-hosts-linux - *step-install-signing-cert-on-mac - run: name: Run Electron tests environment: MOCHA_REPORTER: mocha-multi-reporters ELECTRON_TEST_RESULTS_DIR: junit MOCHA_MULTI_REPORTERS: mocha-junit-reporter, tap ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS: 1 command: | cd src if [ "$IS_ASAN" == "1" ]; then ASAN_SYMBOLIZE="$PWD/tools/valgrind/asan/ --executable-path=$PWD/out/Default/electron" export ASAN_OPTIONS="symbolize=0 handle_abort=1" export G_SLICE=always-malloc export NSS_DISABLE_ARENA_FREE_LIST=1 export NSS_DISABLE_UNLOAD=1 export LLVM_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=$PWD/third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin/llvm-symbolizer export MOCHA_TIMEOUT=180000 echo "Piping output to ASAN_SYMBOLIZE ($ASAN_SYMBOLIZE)" (cd electron && (circleci tests glob "spec/*-spec.ts" | xargs -I@ -P4 bash -c "echo $(pwd)/@" | circleci tests run --command="xargs node script/yarn test --runners=main --trace-uncaught --enable-logging --files" --split-by=timings 2>&1)) | $ASAN_SYMBOLIZE else if [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm" ] || [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "arm64" ]; then export ELECTRON_SKIP_NATIVE_MODULE_TESTS=true fi if [ "$TARGET_ARCH" == "ia32" ]; then npm_config_arch=x64 node electron/node_modules/dugite/script/download-git.js fi (cd electron && (circleci tests glob "spec/*-spec.ts" | xargs -I@ -P4 bash -c "echo $(pwd)/@" | circleci tests run --command="xargs node script/yarn test --runners=main --trace-uncaught --enable-logging --files" --split-by=timings)) fi - store_test_results: path: src/junit - store_artifacts: path: src/electron/spec/artifacts - *step-verify-mksnapshot - *step-verify-chromedriver - *step-maybe-notify-slack-failure - *step-maybe-cleanup-arm64-mac nan-tests: parameters: artifact-key: type: string steps: - restore_build_artifacts: artifact-key: << parameters.artifact-key >> - *step-depot-tools-add-to-path - *step-electron-dist-unzip - *step-setup-linux-for-headless-testing - *step-fix-known-hosts-linux - run: name: Run Nan Tests command: | cd src node electron/script/nan-spec-runner.js node-tests: parameters: artifact-key: type: string steps: - restore_build_artifacts: artifact-key: << parameters.artifact-key >> - *step-depot-tools-add-to-path - *step-electron-dist-unzip - *step-setup-linux-for-headless-testing - *step-fix-known-hosts-linux - run: name: Run Node Tests command: | cd src node electron/script/node-spec-runner.js --default --jUnitDir=junit - store_test_results: path: src/junit electron-publish: parameters: attach: type: boolean default: false checkout: type: boolean default: true build-type: type: string steps: - when: condition: << parameters.attach >> steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - when: condition: << parameters.checkout >> steps: - *step-depot-tools-get - *step-depot-tools-add-to-path - *step-restore-brew-cache - *step-get-more-space-on-mac - when: condition: << parameters.checkout >> steps: - *step-checkout-electron - *step-touch-sync-done - *step-maybe-restore-git-cache - *step-set-git-cache-path - *step-gclient-sync - *step-delete-git-directories - *step-minimize-workspace-size-from-checkout - *step-fix-sync - *step-setup-env-for-build - *step-fix-known-hosts-linux - *step-setup-rbe-for-build - *step-gn-gen-default # Electron app - ninja_build_electron: build-type: << >> - *step-maybe-generate-breakpad-symbols - *step-maybe-electron-dist-strip - step-electron-dist-build - *step-maybe-zip-symbols-and-clean # mksnapshot - *step-mksnapshot-build # chromedriver - *step-electron-chromedriver-build # Node.js headers - *step-nodejs-headers-build # ffmpeg - *step-ffmpeg-gn-gen - *step-ffmpeg-build # hunspell - *step-hunspell-build # libcxx - *step-maybe-generate-libcxx # typescript defs - *step-maybe-generate-typescript-defs # Publish - *step-electron-publish - move_and_store_all_artifacts: artifact-key: 'publish' # List of all jobs. jobs: # Layer 0: Docs. Standalone. ts-compile-doc-change: executor: name: linux-docker size: medium environment: <<: *env-linux-2xlarge <<: *env-testing-build GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm=True --custom-var=checkout_arm64=True' <<: *steps-electron-ts-compile-for-doc-change # Layer 1: Checkout. linux-make-src-cache: executor: name: linux-docker size: << pipeline.parameters.large-linux-executor >> environment: <<: *env-linux-2xlarge GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm=True --custom-var=checkout_arm64=True' steps: - electron-build: persist: false build: false checkout: true save-git-cache: true checkout-to-create-src-cache: true artifact-key: 'nil' build-type: 'nil' could-be-aks: true mac-checkout: executor: name: linux-docker size: xlarge environment: <<: *env-linux-2xlarge <<: *env-testing-build <<: *env-macos-build GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_mac=True --custom-var=host_os=mac' steps: - electron-build: persist: false build: false checkout: true persist-checkout: true restore-src-cache: false artifact-key: 'nil' build-type: 'nil' could-be-aks: false mac-make-src-cache-x64: executor: name: linux-docker size: xlarge environment: <<: *env-linux-2xlarge <<: *env-testing-build <<: *env-macos-build GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_mac=True --custom-var=host_os=mac' steps: - electron-build: persist: false build: false checkout: true save-git-cache: true checkout-to-create-src-cache: true artifact-key: 'nil' build-type: 'nil' could-be-aks: false mac-make-src-cache-arm64: executor: name: linux-docker size: xlarge environment: <<: *env-linux-2xlarge <<: *env-testing-build <<: *env-macos-build GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_mac=True --custom-var=host_os=mac --custom-var=host_cpu=arm64' steps: - electron-build: persist: false build: false checkout: true save-git-cache: true checkout-to-create-src-cache: true artifact-key: 'nil' build-type: 'nil' could-be-aks: false # Layer 2: Builds. linux-x64-testing: executor: name: linux-docker size: << pipeline.parameters.large-linux-executor >> environment: <<: *env-global <<: *env-testing-build <<: *env-ninja-status GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm=True --custom-var=checkout_arm64=True' steps: - electron-build: persist: true checkout: false checkout-and-assume-cache: true artifact-key: 'linux-x64' build-type: 'Linux' could-be-aks: true linux-x64-testing-asan: executor: name: linux-docker size: << pipeline.parameters.large-linux-executor >> environment: <<: *env-global <<: *env-testing-build <<: *env-ninja-status CHECK_DIST_MANIFEST: '0' GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm=True --custom-var=checkout_arm64=True' GN_EXTRA_ARGS: 'is_asan = true' steps: - electron-build: persist: true checkout: false checkout-and-assume-cache: true build-nonproprietary-ffmpeg: false artifact-key: 'linux-x64-asan' build-type: 'Linux' could-be-aks: true linux-x64-testing-gn-check: executor: name: linux-docker size: << pipeline.parameters.medium-linux-executor >> environment: <<: *env-linux-medium <<: *env-testing-build GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm=True --custom-var=checkout_arm64=True' steps: - run-gn-check: could-be-aks: true linux-x64-publish: executor: name: linux-docker size: << pipeline.parameters.large-linux-executor >> environment: <<: *env-linux-2xlarge-release <<: *env-release-build UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE: << pipeline.parameters.upload-to-storage >> <<: *env-ninja-status steps: - run: echo running - when: condition: or: - equal: ["all", << pipeline.parameters.linux-publish-arch-limit >>] - equal: ["x64", << pipeline.parameters.linux-publish-arch-limit >>] steps: - electron-publish: attach: false checkout: true build-type: 'Linux' linux-arm-testing: executor: name: linux-docker size: << pipeline.parameters.large-linux-executor >> environment: <<: *env-global <<: *env-arm <<: *env-testing-build <<: *env-ninja-status TRIGGER_ARM_TEST: true GENERATE_CROSS_ARCH_SNAPSHOT: true GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm=True --custom-var=checkout_arm64=True' steps: - electron-build: persist: true checkout: false checkout-and-assume-cache: true artifact-key: 'linux-arm' build-type: 'Linux ARM' could-be-aks: true linux-arm-publish: executor: name: linux-docker size: << pipeline.parameters.large-linux-executor >> environment: <<: *env-linux-2xlarge-release <<: *env-arm <<: *env-release-build <<: *env-32bit-release GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm=True' UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE: << pipeline.parameters.upload-to-storage >> <<: *env-ninja-status steps: - run: echo running - when: condition: or: - equal: ["all", << pipeline.parameters.linux-publish-arch-limit >>] - equal: ["arm", << pipeline.parameters.linux-publish-arch-limit >>] steps: - electron-publish: attach: false checkout: true build-type: 'Linux ARM' linux-arm64-testing: executor: name: linux-docker size: << pipeline.parameters.large-linux-executor >> environment: <<: *env-global <<: *env-arm64 <<: *env-testing-build <<: *env-ninja-status TRIGGER_ARM_TEST: true GENERATE_CROSS_ARCH_SNAPSHOT: true GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm=True --custom-var=checkout_arm64=True' steps: - electron-build: persist: true checkout: false checkout-and-assume-cache: true artifact-key: 'linux-arm64' build-type: 'Linux ARM64' could-be-aks: true linux-arm64-testing-gn-check: executor: name: linux-docker size: << pipeline.parameters.medium-linux-executor >> environment: <<: *env-linux-medium <<: *env-arm64 <<: *env-testing-build GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm=True --custom-var=checkout_arm64=True' steps: - run-gn-check: could-be-aks: true linux-arm64-publish: executor: name: linux-docker size: << pipeline.parameters.large-linux-executor >> environment: <<: *env-linux-2xlarge-release <<: *env-arm64 <<: *env-release-build GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_arm64=True' UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE: << pipeline.parameters.upload-to-storage >> <<: *env-ninja-status steps: - run: echo running - when: condition: or: - equal: ["all", << pipeline.parameters.linux-publish-arch-limit >>] - equal: ["arm64", << pipeline.parameters.linux-publish-arch-limit >>] steps: - electron-publish: attach: false checkout: true build-type: 'Linux ARM64' osx-testing-x64: executor: name: macos size: macos.x86.medium.gen2 environment: <<: *env-mac-large <<: *env-testing-build <<: *env-ninja-status <<: *env-macos-build GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_mac=True --custom-var=host_os=mac' steps: - electron-build: persist: true checkout: false checkout-and-assume-cache: true attach: true artifact-key: 'darwin-x64' build-type: 'Darwin' after-build-and-save: - run: name: Configuring MAS build command: | echo 'export GN_EXTRA_ARGS="is_mas_build = true $GN_EXTRA_ARGS"' >> $BASH_ENV echo 'export MAS_BUILD="true"' >> $BASH_ENV rm -rf "src/out/Default/Electron Framework.framework" rm -rf src/out/Default/Electron*.app - build_and_save_artifacts: artifact-key: 'mas-x64' build-type: 'MAS' after-persist: - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - generated_artifacts_mas-x64 could-be-aks: false osx-testing-x64-gn-check: executor: name: macos size: macos.x86.medium.gen2 environment: <<: *env-machine-mac <<: *env-testing-build GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_mac=True --custom-var=host_os=mac' steps: - run-gn-check: could-be-aks: false osx-publish-x64: executor: name: macos size: macos.x86.medium.gen2 environment: <<: *env-mac-large-release <<: *env-release-build UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE: << pipeline.parameters.upload-to-storage >> <<: *env-ninja-status steps: - run: echo running - when: condition: or: - equal: ["all", << pipeline.parameters.macos-publish-arch-limit >>] - equal: ["osx-x64", << pipeline.parameters.macos-publish-arch-limit >>] steps: - electron-publish: attach: true checkout: false build-type: 'Darwin' osx-publish-arm64: executor: name: macos size: macos.m1.large.gen1 environment: <<: *env-mac-large-release <<: *env-release-build <<: *env-apple-silicon UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE: << pipeline.parameters.upload-to-storage >> <<: *env-ninja-status steps: - run: echo running - when: condition: or: - equal: ["all", << pipeline.parameters.macos-publish-arch-limit >>] - equal: ["osx-arm64", << pipeline.parameters.macos-publish-arch-limit >>] steps: - electron-publish: attach: true checkout: false build-type: 'Darwin ARM64' osx-testing-arm64: executor: name: macos size: macos.m1.medium.gen1 environment: <<: *env-mac-large <<: *env-testing-build <<: *env-ninja-status <<: *env-macos-build <<: *env-apple-silicon GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_mac=True --custom-var=host_os=mac --custom-var=host_cpu=arm64' steps: - electron-build: persist: true checkout: false checkout-and-assume-cache: true attach: true artifact-key: 'darwin-arm64' build-type: 'Darwin ARM64' after-build-and-save: - run: name: Configuring MAS build command: | echo 'export GN_EXTRA_ARGS="is_mas_build = true $GN_EXTRA_ARGS"' >> $BASH_ENV echo 'export MAS_BUILD="true"' >> $BASH_ENV rm -rf "src/out/Default/Electron Framework.framework" rm -rf src/out/Default/Electron*.app - build_and_save_artifacts: artifact-key: 'mas-arm64' build-type: 'MAS ARM64' after-persist: - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - generated_artifacts_mas-arm64 could-be-aks: false mas-publish-x64: executor: name: macos size: macos.x86.medium.gen2 environment: <<: *env-mac-large-release <<: *env-mas <<: *env-release-build UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE: << pipeline.parameters.upload-to-storage >> steps: - run: echo running - when: condition: or: - equal: ["all", << pipeline.parameters.macos-publish-arch-limit >>] - equal: ["mas-x64", << pipeline.parameters.macos-publish-arch-limit >>] steps: - electron-publish: attach: true checkout: false build-type: 'MAS' mas-publish-arm64: executor: name: macos size: macos.m1.large.gen1 environment: <<: *env-mac-large-release <<: *env-mas-apple-silicon <<: *env-release-build UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE: << pipeline.parameters.upload-to-storage >> <<: *env-ninja-status steps: - run: echo running - when: condition: or: - equal: ["all", << pipeline.parameters.macos-publish-arch-limit >>] - equal: ["mas-arm64", << pipeline.parameters.macos-publish-arch-limit >>] steps: - electron-publish: attach: true checkout: false build-type: 'MAS ARM64' # Layer 3: Tests. linux-x64-testing-tests: executor: name: linux-docker size: medium environment: <<: *env-linux-medium <<: *env-headless-testing <<: *env-stack-dumping parallelism: 3 steps: - electron-tests: artifact-key: linux-x64 linux-x64-testing-asan-tests: executor: name: linux-docker size: xlarge environment: <<: *env-linux-medium <<: *env-headless-testing <<: *env-stack-dumping IS_ASAN: '1' DISABLE_CRASH_REPORTER_TESTS: '1' parallelism: 3 steps: - electron-tests: artifact-key: linux-x64-asan linux-x64-testing-nan: executor: name: linux-docker size: medium environment: <<: *env-linux-medium <<: *env-headless-testing <<: *env-stack-dumping steps: - nan-tests: artifact-key: linux-x64 linux-x64-testing-node: executor: name: linux-docker size: xlarge environment: <<: *env-linux-medium <<: *env-headless-testing <<: *env-stack-dumping steps: - node-tests: artifact-key: linux-x64 linux-arm-testing-tests: executor: linux-arm environment: <<: *env-arm <<: *env-global <<: *env-headless-testing <<: *env-stack-dumping parallelism: 3 steps: - electron-tests: artifact-key: linux-arm linux-arm64-testing-tests: executor: linux-arm64 environment: <<: *env-arm64 <<: *env-global <<: *env-headless-testing <<: *env-stack-dumping parallelism: 3 steps: - electron-tests: artifact-key: linux-arm64 darwin-testing-x64-tests: executor: name: macos size: macos.x86.medium.gen2 version: 14.0.0 environment: <<: *env-mac-large <<: *env-stack-dumping parallelism: 2 steps: - electron-tests: artifact-key: darwin-x64 darwin-testing-arm64-tests: executor: name: macos size: macos.m1.medium.gen1 environment: <<: *env-mac-large <<: *env-stack-dumping <<: *env-apple-silicon <<: *env-runner steps: - electron-tests: artifact-key: darwin-arm64 mas-testing-x64-tests: executor: name: macos size: macos.x86.medium.gen2 version: 14.0.0 environment: <<: *env-mac-large <<: *env-stack-dumping parallelism: 2 steps: - electron-tests: artifact-key: mas-x64 mas-testing-arm64-tests: executor: name: macos size: macos.m1.medium.gen1 environment: <<: *env-mac-large <<: *env-stack-dumping <<: *env-apple-silicon <<: *env-runner steps: - electron-tests: artifact-key: mas-arm64 # List all workflows workflows: docs-only: when: and: - equal: [false, << >>] - equal: [false, << >>] - equal: [true, << >>] jobs: - ts-compile-doc-change publish-linux: when: << >> jobs: - linux-x64-publish: context: release-env - linux-arm-publish: context: release-env - linux-arm64-publish: context: release-env publish-macos: when: << >> jobs: - mac-checkout - osx-publish-x64: requires: - mac-checkout context: release-env - mas-publish-x64: requires: - mac-checkout context: release-env - osx-publish-arm64: requires: - mac-checkout context: release-env - mas-publish-arm64: requires: - mac-checkout context: release-env build-linux: when: and: - equal: [false, << >>] - equal: [false, << >>] - equal: [true, << >>] jobs: - linux-make-src-cache - linux-x64-testing: requires: - linux-make-src-cache - linux-x64-testing-asan: requires: - linux-make-src-cache - linux-x64-testing-gn-check: requires: - linux-make-src-cache - linux-x64-testing-tests: requires: - linux-x64-testing - linux-x64-testing-asan-tests: requires: - linux-x64-testing-asan - linux-x64-testing-nan: requires: - linux-x64-testing - linux-x64-testing-node: requires: - linux-x64-testing - linux-arm-testing: requires: - linux-make-src-cache - linux-arm-testing-tests: filters: branches: # Do not run this on forked pull requests ignore: /pull\/[0-9]+/ requires: - linux-arm-testing - linux-arm64-testing: requires: - linux-make-src-cache - linux-arm64-testing-tests: filters: branches: # Do not run this on forked pull requests ignore: /pull\/[0-9]+/ requires: - linux-arm64-testing - linux-arm64-testing-gn-check: requires: - linux-make-src-cache build-mac: when: and: - equal: [false, << >>] - equal: [false, << >>] - equal: [true, << >>] jobs: - mac-make-src-cache-x64 - mac-make-src-cache-arm64 - osx-testing-x64: requires: - mac-make-src-cache-x64 - osx-testing-x64-gn-check: requires: - mac-make-src-cache-x64 - darwin-testing-x64-tests: requires: - osx-testing-x64 - osx-testing-arm64: requires: - mac-make-src-cache-arm64 - darwin-testing-arm64-tests: filters: branches: # Do not run this on forked pull requests ignore: /pull\/[0-9]+/ requires: - osx-testing-arm64 - mas-testing-x64-tests: requires: - osx-testing-x64 - mas-testing-arm64-tests: filters: branches: # Do not run this on forked pull requests ignore: /pull\/[0-9]+/ requires: - osx-testing-arm64 lint: jobs: - lint