{ 'variables': { # Clang stuff. 'make_clang_dir%': 'vendor/llvm-build/Release+Asserts', # Set this to true when building with Clang. 'clang%': 1, # Set this to the absolute path to sccache when building with sccache 'cc_wrapper%': '', # Path to mips64el toolchain. 'make_mips64_dir%': 'vendor/gcc-4.8.3-d197-n64-loongson/usr', 'variables': { # The minimum macOS SDK version to use. 'mac_sdk_min%': '10.12', # Set ARM architecture version. 'arm_version%': 7, # Set NEON compilation flags. 'arm_neon%': 1, # Abosulte path to source root. 'source_root%': '<!(node <(DEPTH)/tools/atom_source_root.js)', }, # Copy conditionally-set variables out one scope. 'mac_sdk_min%': '<(mac_sdk_min)', 'arm_version%': '<(arm_version)', 'arm_neon%': '<(arm_neon)', 'source_root%': '<(source_root)', # Variables to control Link-Time Optimization (LTO). 'use_lto%': 0, 'use_lto_o2%': 0, 'conditions': [ # Do not use Clang on Windows or when building for mips64el. ['OS=="win" or target_arch=="mips64el"', { 'clang%': 0, }], # OS=="win" # Search for the available version of SDK. ['OS=="mac"', { 'mac_sdk%': '<!(python <(DEPTH)/tools/mac/find_sdk.py <(mac_sdk_min))', }], ['OS=="linux"', { 'variables': { # The system libdir used for this ABI. 'system_libdir%': 'lib', # Setting the path to sysroot. 'conditions': [ ['target_arch=="arm"', { # sysroot needs to be an absolute path otherwise it generates # incorrect results when passed to pkg-config 'sysroot%': '<(source_root)/vendor/debian_stretch_arm-sysroot', }], ['target_arch=="arm64"', { 'sysroot%': '<(source_root)/vendor/debian_stretch_arm64-sysroot', }], ['target_arch=="ia32"', { 'sysroot%': '<(source_root)/vendor/debian_stretch_i386-sysroot', }], ['target_arch=="x64"', { 'sysroot%': '<(source_root)/vendor/debian_stretch_amd64-sysroot', }], ['target_arch=="mips64el"', { 'sysroot%': '<(source_root)/vendor/debian_jessie_mips64-sysroot', }], ], }, # Copy conditionally-set variables out one scope. 'sysroot%': '<(sysroot)', 'system_libdir%': '<(system_libdir)', # Redirect pkg-config to search from sysroot. 'pkg-config%': '<(source_root)/tools/linux/pkg-config-wrapper "<(sysroot)" "<(target_arch)" "<(system_libdir)"', }], # Set default compiler flags depending on ARM version. ['arm_version==6', { 'arm_arch%': 'armv6', 'arm_tune%': '', 'arm_fpu%': 'vfp', 'arm_float_abi%': 'softfp', 'arm_thumb%': 0, }], # arm_version==6 ['arm_version==7', { 'arm_arch%': 'armv7-a', 'arm_tune%': 'generic-armv7-a', 'conditions': [ ['arm_neon==1', { 'arm_fpu%': 'neon', }, { 'arm_fpu%': 'vfpv3-d16', }], ], 'arm_float_abi%': 'hard', 'arm_thumb%': 1, }], # arm_version==7 ], }, 'conditions': [ # Setup cc_wrapper ['cc_wrapper!=""', { 'make_global_settings': [ ['CC_wrapper', '<(cc_wrapper)'], ['CXX_wrapper', '<(cc_wrapper)'], ['CC.host_wrapper', '<(cc_wrapper)'], ['CXX.host_wrapper', '<(cc_wrapper)'] ], }], # Setup building with clang. ['clang==1', { 'make_global_settings': [ ['CC', '<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang'], ['CXX', '<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang++'], ['CC.host', '$(CC)'], ['CXX.host', '$(CXX)'], ], 'target_defaults': { 'xcode_settings': { 'CC': '<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang', 'LDPLUSPLUS': '<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang++', 'OTHER_CFLAGS': [ '-fcolor-diagnostics', ], 'GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD': 'c99', # -std=c99 'CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY': 'libc++', # -stdlib=libc++ 'CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD': 'c++14', # -std=c++14 }, 'target_conditions': [ ['_target_name in ["electron", "brightray"]', { 'conditions': [ ['OS=="mac"', { 'xcode_settings': { 'OTHER_CFLAGS': [ "-Xclang", "-load", "-Xclang", "<(source_root)/<(make_clang_dir)/lib/libFindBadConstructs.dylib", "-Xclang", "-add-plugin", "-Xclang", "find-bad-constructs", ], }, }, { # OS=="mac" 'cflags_cc': [ "-Xclang", "-load", "-Xclang", "<(source_root)/<(make_clang_dir)/lib/libFindBadConstructs.so", "-Xclang", "-add-plugin", "-Xclang", "find-bad-constructs", ], }], ], }], ['OS=="mac" and _type in ["executable", "shared_library"]', { 'xcode_settings': { # On some machines setting CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY doesn't work for # linker. 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [ '-stdlib=libc++' ], }, }], ['OS=="linux" and _toolset=="target"', { 'cflags_cc': [ '-std=c++14', '-nostdinc++', '-isystem<(libchromiumcontent_src_dir)/buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk/include', '-isystem<(libchromiumcontent_src_dir)/buildtools/third_party/libc++abi/trunk/include', ], 'ldflags': [ '-nostdlib++', ], }], ['OS=="linux" and _toolset=="host"', { 'cflags_cc': [ '-std=c++14', ], }], ], }, }], # clang==1 ['target_arch=="mips64el"', { 'make_global_settings': [ ['CC', '<(make_mips64_dir)/bin/mips64el-redhat-linux-gcc'], ['CXX', '<(make_mips64_dir)/bin/mips64el-redhat-linux-g++'], ['CC.host', '$(CC)'], ['CXX.host', '$(CXX)'], ], 'target_defaults': { 'cflags_cc': [ '-std=c++14', ], }, }], # Specify the SDKROOT. ['OS=="mac"', { 'target_defaults': { 'xcode_settings': { 'SDKROOT': 'macosx<(mac_sdk)', # -isysroot }, }, }], # Setup sysroot environment. ['OS=="linux" and target_arch in ["arm", "ia32", "x64", "arm64", "mips64el"]', { 'target_defaults': { 'target_conditions': [ ['_toolset=="target"', { # Do not use 'cflags' to make sure sysroot is appended at last. 'cflags_cc': [ '--sysroot=<(sysroot)', ], 'cflags_c': [ '--sysroot=<(sysroot)', ], 'ldflags': [ '--sysroot=<(sysroot)', '<!(<(source_root)/tools/linux/sysroot_ld_path.sh <(sysroot))', ], }] ], }, }], # sysroot # Setup cross-compilation on Linux. ['OS=="linux"', { 'target_defaults': { 'target_conditions': [ ['target_arch=="ia32" and _toolset=="target"', { 'asflags': [ '-32', ], 'cflags': [ '-msse2', '-mfpmath=sse', '-mmmx', # Allows mmintrin.h for MMX intrinsics. '-m32', ], 'ldflags': [ '-m32', ], }], # target_arch=="ia32" and _toolset=="target" ['target_arch=="x64" and _toolset=="target"', { 'cflags': [ '-m64', '-march=x86-64', ], 'ldflags': [ '-m64', ], }], # target_arch=="x64" and _toolset=="target" ['target_arch=="arm" and _toolset=="target"', { 'conditions': [ ['clang==0', { 'cflags_cc': [ '-Wno-abi', ], }], ['clang==1 and arm_arch!=""', { 'cflags': [ '-target arm-linux-gnueabihf', ], 'ldflags': [ '-target arm-linux-gnueabihf', ], }], ['arm_arch!=""', { 'cflags': [ '-march=<(arm_arch)', ], 'conditions': [ ['use_lto==1 or use_lto_o2==1', { 'ldflags': [ '-march=<(arm_arch)', ], }], ], }], ['arm_tune!=""', { 'cflags': [ '-mtune=<(arm_tune)', ], 'conditions': [ ['use_lto==1 or use_lto_o2==1', { 'ldflags': [ '-mtune=<(arm_tune)', ], }], ], }], ['arm_fpu!=""', { 'cflags': [ '-mfpu=<(arm_fpu)', ], 'conditions': [ ['use_lto==1 or use_lto_o2==1', { 'ldflags': [ '-mfpu=<(arm_fpu)', ], }], ], }], ['arm_float_abi!=""', { 'cflags': [ '-mfloat-abi=<(arm_float_abi)', ], 'conditions': [ ['use_lto==1 or use_lto_o2==1', { 'ldflags': [ '-mfloat-abi=<(arm_float_abi)', ], }], ], }], ['arm_thumb==1', { 'cflags': [ '-mthumb', ], 'conditions': [ ['use_lto==1 or use_lto_o2==1', { 'ldflags': [ '-mthumb', ], }], ], }], ], }], # target_arch=="arm64" and _toolset=="target" ['target_arch=="arm64" and _toolset=="target"', { 'conditions': [ ['clang==0', { 'cflags_cc': [ '-Wno-abi', ], }], ['clang==1 and arm_arch!=""', { 'cflags': [ '-target aarch64-linux-gnu', ], 'ldflags': [ '-target aarch64-linux-gnu', ], }], ], }], # target_arch=="arm" and _toolset=="target" ], }, }], # OS=="linux" ], }