assert = require 'assert' child_process = require 'child_process' fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' os = require 'os' remote = require 'remote' describe 'node feature', -> fixtures = path.join __dirname, 'fixtures' describe 'child_process', -> describe 'child_process.fork', -> it 'works in current process', (done) -> child = child_process.fork path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'ping.js') child.on 'message', (msg) -> assert.equal msg, 'message' done() child.send 'message' it 'works in forked process', (done) -> child = child_process.fork path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'fork_ping.js') child.on 'message', (msg) -> assert.equal msg, 'message' done() child.send 'message' it 'works in forked process when options.env is specifed', (done) -> child = child_process.fork path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'fork_ping.js'), [], path: process.env['PATH'] child.on 'message', (msg) -> assert.equal msg, 'message' done() child.send 'message' it 'works in browser process', (done) -> fork = remote.require('child_process').fork child = fork path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'ping.js') child.on 'message', (msg) -> assert.equal msg, 'message' done() child.send 'message' describe 'contexts', -> describe 'setTimeout in fs callback', -> it 'does not crash', (done) -> fs.readFile __filename, -> setTimeout done, 0 describe 'setTimeout in pure uv callback', -> it 'does not crash', (done) -> process.scheduleCallback -> setTimeout done, 0 describe 'throw error in node context', -> it 'gets caught', (done) -> error = new Error('boo!') lsts = process.listeners 'uncaughtException' process.removeAllListeners 'uncaughtException' process.on 'uncaughtException', (err) -> process.removeAllListeners 'uncaughtException' for lst in lsts process.on 'uncaughtException', lst done() fs.readFile __filename, -> throw error describe 'setTimeout called under Chromium event loop in browser process', -> it 'can be scheduled in time', (done) -> remote.getGlobal('setTimeout')(done, 0) describe 'setInterval called under Chromium event loop in browser process', -> it 'can be scheduled in time', (done) -> clear = -> remote.getGlobal('clearInterval')(interval) done() interval = remote.getGlobal('setInterval')(clear, 10) describe 'message loop', -> describe 'process.nextTick', -> it 'emits the callback', (done) -> process.nextTick done it 'works in nested calls', (done) -> process.nextTick -> process.nextTick -> process.nextTick done describe 'setImmediate', -> it 'emits the callback', (done) -> setImmediate done it 'works in nested calls', (done) -> setImmediate -> setImmediate -> setImmediate done describe 'net.connect', -> return unless process.platform is 'darwin' it 'emit error when connect to a socket path without listeners', (done) -> socketPath = path.join os.tmpdir(), 'atom-shell-test.sock' script = path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'create_socket.js') child = child_process.fork script, [socketPath] child.on 'exit', (code) -> assert.equal code, 0 client = require('net').connect socketPath client.on 'error', (error) -> assert.equal error.code, 'ECONNREFUSED' done()