// Copyright (c) 2019 GitHub, Inc. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "shell/common/gin_converters/net_converter.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/containers/span.h" #include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "gin/converter.h" #include "gin/dictionary.h" #include "gin/handle.h" #include "gin/object_template_builder.h" #include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h" #include "net/cert/x509_util.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_version.h" #include "net/url_request/redirect_info.h" #include "services/network/public/cpp/data_element.h" #include "services/network/public/cpp/resource_request.h" #include "services/network/public/cpp/resource_request_body.h" #include "services/network/public/mojom/chunked_data_pipe_getter.mojom.h" #include "services/network/public/mojom/fetch_api.mojom.h" #include "services/network/public/mojom/url_request.mojom.h" #include "shell/browser/api/electron_api_data_pipe_holder.h" #include "shell/common/gin_converters/gurl_converter.h" #include "shell/common/gin_converters/std_converter.h" #include "shell/common/gin_converters/value_converter.h" #include "shell/common/gin_helper/promise.h" #include "shell/common/node_includes.h" #include "shell/common/v8_util.h" namespace gin { namespace { bool CertFromData(const std::string& data, scoped_refptr* out) { auto cert_list = net::X509Certificate::CreateCertificateListFromBytes( base::as_byte_span(data), net::X509Certificate::FORMAT_SINGLE_CERTIFICATE); if (cert_list.empty()) return false; auto leaf_cert = cert_list.front(); if (!leaf_cert) return false; *out = leaf_cert; return true; } } // namespace // static v8::Local Converter::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, const net::AuthChallengeInfo& val) { auto dict = gin::Dictionary::CreateEmpty(isolate); dict.Set("isProxy", val.is_proxy); dict.Set("scheme", val.scheme); dict.Set("host", val.challenger.host()); dict.Set("port", static_cast(val.challenger.port())); dict.Set("realm", val.realm); return gin::ConvertToV8(isolate, dict); } // static v8::Local Converter>::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, const scoped_refptr& val) { gin::Dictionary dict(isolate, v8::Object::New(isolate)); std::string encoded_data; net::X509Certificate::GetPEMEncoded(val->cert_buffer(), &encoded_data); dict.Set("data", encoded_data); dict.Set("issuer", val->issuer()); dict.Set("issuerName", val->issuer().GetDisplayName()); dict.Set("subject", val->subject()); dict.Set("subjectName", val->subject().GetDisplayName()); dict.Set("serialNumber", base::HexEncode(val->serial_number().data(), val->serial_number().size())); dict.Set("validStart", val->valid_start().InSecondsFSinceUnixEpoch()); dict.Set("validExpiry", val->valid_expiry().InSecondsFSinceUnixEpoch()); dict.Set("fingerprint", net::HashValue(val->CalculateFingerprint256(val->cert_buffer())) .ToString()); const auto& intermediate_buffers = val->intermediate_buffers(); if (!intermediate_buffers.empty()) { std::vector> issuer_intermediates; issuer_intermediates.reserve(intermediate_buffers.size() - 1); for (size_t i = 1; i < intermediate_buffers.size(); ++i) { issuer_intermediates.push_back( bssl::UpRef(intermediate_buffers[i].get())); } const scoped_refptr& issuer_cert = net::X509Certificate::CreateFromBuffer( bssl::UpRef(intermediate_buffers[0].get()), std::move(issuer_intermediates)); dict.Set("issuerCert", issuer_cert); } return ConvertToV8(isolate, dict); } bool Converter>::FromV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, scoped_refptr* out) { gin::Dictionary dict(nullptr); if (!ConvertFromV8(isolate, val, &dict)) return false; std::string data; dict.Get("data", &data); scoped_refptr leaf_cert; if (!CertFromData(data, &leaf_cert)) return false; scoped_refptr issuer_cert; if (dict.Get("issuerCert", &issuer_cert)) { std::vector> intermediates; intermediates.push_back(bssl::UpRef(issuer_cert->cert_buffer())); auto cert = net::X509Certificate::CreateFromBuffer( bssl::UpRef(leaf_cert->cert_buffer()), std::move(intermediates)); if (!cert) return false; *out = cert; } else { *out = leaf_cert; } return true; } // static v8::Local Converter::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, const net::CertPrincipal& val) { gin::Dictionary dict(isolate, v8::Object::New(isolate)); dict.Set("commonName", val.common_name); dict.Set("organizations", val.organization_names); dict.Set("organizationUnits", val.organization_unit_names); dict.Set("locality", val.locality_name); dict.Set("state", val.state_or_province_name); dict.Set("country", val.country_name); return ConvertToV8(isolate, dict); } // static v8::Local Converter::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers) { base::Value::Dict response_headers; if (headers) { size_t iter = 0; std::string key; std::string value; while (headers->EnumerateHeaderLines(&iter, &key, &value)) { key = base::ToLowerASCII(key); base::Value::List* values = response_headers.FindList(key); if (!values) values = &response_headers.Set(key, base::Value::List())->GetList(); values->Append(value); } } return ConvertToV8(isolate, response_headers); } bool Converter::FromV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, net::HttpResponseHeaders* out) { if (!val->IsObject()) { return false; } auto addHeaderFromValue = [&isolate, &out]( const std::string& key, const v8::Local& localVal) { auto context = isolate->GetCurrentContext(); v8::Local localStrVal; if (!localVal->ToString(context).ToLocal(&localStrVal)) { return false; } std::string value; gin::ConvertFromV8(isolate, localStrVal, &value); out->AddHeader(key, value); return true; }; auto context = isolate->GetCurrentContext(); auto headers = val.As(); auto keys = headers->GetOwnPropertyNames(context).ToLocalChecked(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < keys->Length(); i++) { v8::Local keyVal; if (!keys->Get(context, i).ToLocal(&keyVal)) { return false; } std::string key; gin::ConvertFromV8(isolate, keyVal, &key); auto localVal = headers->Get(context, keyVal).ToLocalChecked(); if (localVal->IsArray()) { auto values = localVal.As(); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < values->Length(); j++) { if (!addHeaderFromValue(key, values->Get(context, j).ToLocalChecked())) { return false; } } } else { if (!addHeaderFromValue(key, localVal)) { return false; } } } return true; } // static v8::Local Converter::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, const net::HttpRequestHeaders& val) { gin::Dictionary headers(isolate, v8::Object::New(isolate)); for (net::HttpRequestHeaders::Iterator it(val); it.GetNext();) headers.Set(it.name(), it.value()); return ConvertToV8(isolate, headers); } // static bool Converter::FromV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, net::HttpRequestHeaders* out) { base::Value::Dict dict; if (!ConvertFromV8(isolate, val, &dict)) return false; for (const auto it : dict) { if (it.second.is_string()) out->SetHeader(it.first, std::move(it.second).TakeString()); } return true; } namespace { class ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream final : public gin::Wrappable { public: static gin::Handle Create( v8::Isolate* isolate, network::ResourceRequestBody* request, network::DataElementChunkedDataPipe* data_element) { return gin::CreateHandle(isolate, new ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream( isolate, request, data_element)); } // gin::Wrappable gin::ObjectTemplateBuilder GetObjectTemplateBuilder( v8::Isolate* isolate) override { return gin::Wrappable< ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream>::GetObjectTemplateBuilder(isolate) .SetMethod("read", &ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream::Read); } const char* GetTypeName() override { return "ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream"; } static gin::WrapperInfo kWrapperInfo; private: ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream( v8::Isolate* isolate, network::ResourceRequestBody* request, network::DataElementChunkedDataPipe* data_element) : isolate_(isolate), resource_request_body_(request), data_element_(data_element), handle_watcher_(FROM_HERE, mojo::SimpleWatcher::ArmingPolicy::MANUAL, base::SequencedTaskRunner::GetCurrentDefault()) {} ~ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream() override = default; int Init() { chunked_data_pipe_getter_.Bind( data_element_->ReleaseChunkedDataPipeGetter()); for (auto& element : *resource_request_body_->elements_mutable()) { if (element.type() == network::mojom::DataElement::Tag::kChunkedDataPipe && data_element_ == &element.As()) { element = network::DataElement( network::DataElementBytes(std::vector())); break; } } chunked_data_pipe_getter_.set_disconnect_handler( base::BindOnce(&ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream::OnDataPipeGetterClosed, base::Unretained(this))); chunked_data_pipe_getter_->GetSize( base::BindOnce(&ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream::OnSizeReceived, base::Unretained(this))); mojo::ScopedDataPipeProducerHandle data_pipe_producer; mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle data_pipe_consumer; MojoResult result = mojo::CreateDataPipe(nullptr, data_pipe_producer, data_pipe_consumer); if (result != MOJO_RESULT_OK) return net::ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; chunked_data_pipe_getter_->StartReading(std::move(data_pipe_producer)); data_pipe_ = std::move(data_pipe_consumer); return net::OK; } v8::Local Read(v8::Local buf) { gin_helper::Promise promise(isolate_); v8::Local handle = promise.GetHandle(); int status = ReadInternal(buf); if (status == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { promise_ = std::move(promise); } else { if (status < 0) std::move(promise).RejectWithErrorMessage(net::ErrorToString(status)); else std::move(promise).Resolve(status); } return handle; } int ReadInternal(v8::Local buf) { if (!data_pipe_) status_ = Init(); // If there was an error either passed to the ReadCallback or as a result of // closing the DataPipeGetter pipe, fail the read. if (status_ != net::OK) return status_; // Nothing else to do, if the entire body was read. if (size_ && bytes_read_ == *size_) { // This shouldn't be called if the stream was already completed. DCHECK(!is_eof_); is_eof_ = true; return net::OK; } if (!handle_watcher_.IsWatching()) { handle_watcher_.Watch( data_pipe_.get(), MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_READABLE | MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_PEER_CLOSED, base::BindRepeating(&ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream::OnHandleReadable, base::Unretained(this))); } size_t num_bytes = buf->ByteLength(); if (size_ && num_bytes > *size_ - bytes_read_) num_bytes = *size_ - bytes_read_; MojoResult rv = data_pipe_->ReadData( MOJO_READ_DATA_FLAG_NONE, electron::util::as_byte_span(buf).first(num_bytes), num_bytes); if (rv == MOJO_RESULT_OK) { bytes_read_ += num_bytes; // Not needed for correctness, but this allows the consumer to send the // final chunk and the end of stream message together, for protocols that // allow it. if (size_ && *size_ == bytes_read_) is_eof_ = true; return num_bytes; } if (rv == MOJO_RESULT_SHOULD_WAIT) { handle_watcher_.ArmOrNotify(); buf_.Reset(isolate_, buf); return net::ERR_IO_PENDING; } // The pipe was closed. If the size isn't known yet, could be a success or a // failure. if (!size_) { // Need to keep the buffer around because its presence is used to indicate // that there's a pending UploadDataStream read. buf_.Reset(isolate_, buf); handle_watcher_.Cancel(); data_pipe_.reset(); return net::ERR_IO_PENDING; } // |size_| was checked earlier, so if this point is reached, the pipe was // closed before receiving all bytes. DCHECK_LT(bytes_read_, *size_); return net::ERR_FAILED; } void OnSizeReceived(int32_t status, uint64_t size) { DCHECK(!size_); DCHECK_EQ(net::OK, status_); status_ = status; if (status == net::OK) { size_ = size; if (size == bytes_read_) { // Only set this as a final chunk if there's a read in progress. Setting // it asynchronously could result in confusing consumers. if (!buf_.IsEmpty()) is_eof_ = true; } else if (size < bytes_read_ || (!buf_.IsEmpty() && !data_pipe_.is_valid())) { // If more data was received than was expected, or there's a pending // read and data pipe was closed without passing in as many bytes as // expected, the upload can't continue. If there's no pending read but // the pipe was closed, the closure and size difference will be noticed // on the next read attempt. status_ = net::ERR_FAILED; } } // If this is done, and there's a pending read, complete the pending read. // If there's not a pending read, either |status_| will be reported on the // next read, the file will be marked as done, so ReadInternal() won't be // called again. if (!buf_.IsEmpty() && (is_eof_ || status_ != net::OK)) { // |data_pipe_| isn't needed any more, and if it's still open, a close // pipe message would cause issues, since this class normally only watches // the pipe when there's a pending read. handle_watcher_.Cancel(); data_pipe_.reset(); // Clear |buf_| as well, so it's only non-null while there's a pending // read. buf_.Reset(); chunked_data_pipe_getter_.reset(); OnReadCompleted(status_); // |this| may have been deleted at this point. } } void OnHandleReadable(MojoResult result) { DCHECK(!buf_.IsEmpty()); v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate_); v8::Local buf = buf_.Get(isolate_); buf_.Reset(); int rv = ReadInternal(buf); if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) OnReadCompleted(rv); // |this| may have been deleted at this point. } void OnReadCompleted(int result) { if (result < 0) std::move(promise_).RejectWithErrorMessage(net::ErrorToString(result)); else std::move(promise_).Resolve(result); } void OnDataPipeGetterClosed() { // If the size hasn't been received yet, treat this as receiving an error. // Otherwise, this will only be a problem if/when InitInternal() tries to // start reading again, so do nothing. if (status_ == net::OK && !size_) OnSizeReceived(net::ERR_FAILED, 0); } raw_ptr isolate_; int status_ = net::OK; scoped_refptr resource_request_body_; raw_ptr data_element_; mojo::Remote chunked_data_pipe_getter_; mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle data_pipe_; mojo::SimpleWatcher handle_watcher_; std::optional size_; uint64_t bytes_read_ = 0; bool is_eof_ = false; v8::Global buf_; gin_helper::Promise promise_; }; gin::WrapperInfo ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream::kWrapperInfo = { gin::kEmbedderNativeGin}; } // namespace // static v8::Local Converter::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, const network::ResourceRequestBody& val) { const auto& elements = *val.elements(); v8::Local arr = v8::Array::New(isolate, elements.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) { const auto& element = elements[i]; gin::Dictionary upload_data(isolate, v8::Object::New(isolate)); switch (element.type()) { case network::mojom::DataElement::Tag::kFile: { const auto& element_file = element.As(); upload_data.Set("type", "file"); upload_data.Set("file", element_file.path().value()); upload_data.Set("filePath", base::Value(element_file.path().AsUTF8Unsafe())); upload_data.Set("offset", static_cast(element_file.offset())); upload_data.Set("length", static_cast(element_file.length())); upload_data.Set("modificationTime", element_file.expected_modification_time() .InSecondsFSinceUnixEpoch()); break; } case network::mojom::DataElement::Tag::kBytes: { upload_data.Set("type", "rawData"); const auto& bytes = element.As().bytes(); const char* data = reinterpret_cast(bytes.data()); upload_data.Set( "bytes", node::Buffer::Copy(isolate, data, bytes.size()).ToLocalChecked()); break; } case network::mojom::DataElement::Tag::kDataPipe: { upload_data.Set("type", "blob"); // TODO(zcbenz): After the NetworkService refactor, the old blobUUID API // becomes unnecessarily complex, we should deprecate the getBlobData // API and return the DataPipeHolder wrapper directly. auto holder = electron::api::DataPipeHolder::Create(isolate, element); upload_data.Set("blobUUID", holder->id()); // The lifetime of data pipe is bound to the uploadData object. upload_data.Set("dataPipe", holder); break; } case network::mojom::DataElement::Tag::kChunkedDataPipe: { upload_data.Set("type", "stream"); // ReleaseChunkedDataPipeGetter mutates the element, but unfortunately // gin converters are only allowed const references, so we need to cast // off the const here. auto& mutable_element = const_cast( element.As()); upload_data.Set( "body", ChunkedDataPipeReadableStream::Create( isolate, const_cast(&val), &mutable_element)); break; } default: NOTREACHED() << "Found unsupported data element"; } arr->Set(isolate->GetCurrentContext(), static_cast(i), ConvertToV8(isolate, upload_data)) .Check(); } return arr; } // static v8::Local Converter>::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, const scoped_refptr& val) { if (!val) return v8::Null(isolate); return ConvertToV8(isolate, *val); } // static bool Converter>::FromV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, scoped_refptr* out) { base::Value list_value; if (!ConvertFromV8(isolate, val, &list_value) || !list_value.is_list()) return false; base::Value::List& list = list_value.GetList(); *out = base::MakeRefCounted(); for (base::Value& dict_value : list) { if (!dict_value.is_dict()) return false; base::Value::Dict& dict = dict_value.GetDict(); std::string* type = dict.FindString("type"); if (!type) return false; if (*type == "rawData") { (*out)->AppendBytes(std::move(*dict.Find("bytes")).TakeBlob()); } else if (*type == "file") { const std::string* file = dict.FindString("filePath"); if (!file) return false; double modification_time = dict.FindDouble("modificationTime").value_or(0.0); int offset = dict.FindInt("offset").value_or(0); int length = dict.FindInt("length").value_or(-1); (*out)->AppendFileRange( base::FilePath::FromUTF8Unsafe(*file), static_cast(offset), static_cast(length), base::Time::FromSecondsSinceUnixEpoch(modification_time)); } } return true; } // static v8::Local Converter::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, const network::ResourceRequest& val) { auto dict = gin::Dictionary::CreateEmpty(isolate); dict.Set("method", val.method); dict.Set("url", val.url.spec()); dict.Set("referrer", val.referrer.spec()); dict.Set("headers", val.headers); if (val.request_body) dict.Set("uploadData", ConvertToV8(isolate, *val.request_body)); return ConvertToV8(isolate, dict); } // static v8::Local Converter::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, electron::VerifyRequestParams val) { auto dict = gin::Dictionary::CreateEmpty(isolate); dict.Set("hostname", val.hostname); dict.Set("certificate", val.certificate); dict.Set("validatedCertificate", val.validated_certificate); dict.Set("isIssuedByKnownRoot", val.is_issued_by_known_root); dict.Set("verificationResult", val.default_result); dict.Set("errorCode", val.error_code); return ConvertToV8(isolate, dict); } // static v8::Local Converter::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, const net::HttpVersion& val) { auto dict = gin::Dictionary::CreateEmpty(isolate); dict.Set("major", static_cast(val.major_value())); dict.Set("minor", static_cast(val.minor_value())); return ConvertToV8(isolate, dict); } // static v8::Local Converter::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, const net::RedirectInfo& val) { auto dict = gin::Dictionary::CreateEmpty(isolate); dict.Set("statusCode", val.status_code); dict.Set("newMethod", val.new_method); dict.Set("newUrl", val.new_url); dict.Set("newSiteForCookies", val.new_site_for_cookies.RepresentativeUrl()); dict.Set("newReferrer", val.new_referrer); dict.Set("insecureSchemeWasUpgraded", val.insecure_scheme_was_upgraded); dict.Set("isSignedExchangeFallbackRedirect", val.is_signed_exchange_fallback_redirect); return ConvertToV8(isolate, dict); } // static v8::Local Converter::ToV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, const net::IPEndPoint& val) { gin::Dictionary dict(isolate, v8::Object::New(isolate)); dict.Set("address", val.ToStringWithoutPort()); switch (val.GetFamily()) { case net::ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV4: { dict.Set("family", "ipv4"); break; } case net::ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV6: { dict.Set("family", "ipv6"); break; } case net::ADDRESS_FAMILY_UNSPECIFIED: { dict.Set("family", "unspec"); break; } } return ConvertToV8(isolate, dict); } // static bool Converter::FromV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, net::DnsQueryType* out) { static constexpr auto Lookup = base::MakeFixedFlatMap({ {"A", net::DnsQueryType::A}, {"AAAA", net::DnsQueryType::AAAA}, }); return FromV8WithLookup(isolate, val, Lookup, out); } // static bool Converter::FromV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, net::HostResolverSource* out) { using Val = net::HostResolverSource; static constexpr auto Lookup = base::MakeFixedFlatMap({ {"any", Val::ANY}, {"dns", Val::DNS}, {"localOnly", Val::LOCAL_ONLY}, {"mdns", Val::MULTICAST_DNS}, {"system", Val::SYSTEM}, }); return FromV8WithLookup(isolate, val, Lookup, out); } // static bool Converter::FromV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, network::mojom::ResolveHostParameters::CacheUsage* out) { using Val = network::mojom::ResolveHostParameters::CacheUsage; static constexpr auto Lookup = base::MakeFixedFlatMap({ {"allowed", Val::ALLOWED}, {"disallowed", Val::DISALLOWED}, {"staleAllowed", Val::STALE_ALLOWED}, }); return FromV8WithLookup(isolate, val, Lookup, out); } // static bool Converter::FromV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, network::mojom::SecureDnsPolicy* out) { using Val = network::mojom::SecureDnsPolicy; static constexpr auto Lookup = base::MakeFixedFlatMap({ {"allow", Val::ALLOW}, {"disable", Val::DISABLE}, }); return FromV8WithLookup(isolate, val, Lookup, out); } // static bool Converter::FromV8( v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local val, network::mojom::ResolveHostParametersPtr* out) { gin::Dictionary dict(nullptr); if (!ConvertFromV8(isolate, val, &dict)) return false; network::mojom::ResolveHostParametersPtr params = network::mojom::ResolveHostParameters::New(); dict.Get("queryType", &(params->dns_query_type)); dict.Get("source", &(params->source)); dict.Get("cacheUsage", &(params->cache_usage)); dict.Get("secureDnsPolicy", &(params->secure_dns_policy)); *out = std::move(params); return true; } } // namespace gin