// Copyright (c) 2014 GitHub, Inc. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // FIXME(ckerr) this incorrect #include order is a temporary // fix to unblock the roll. Will fix in an upgrade followup. #include "ui/base/ozone_buildflags.h" #if BUILDFLAG(IS_OZONE_X11) #include "ui/base/x/x11_util.h" #endif #include "shell/browser/native_window_views.h" #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include "base/containers/contains.h" #include "base/memory/raw_ref.h" #include "base/numerics/ranges.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "content/public/browser/desktop_media_id.h" #include "content/public/common/color_parser.h" #include "shell/browser/api/electron_api_web_contents.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/inspectable_web_contents_view.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/views/root_view.h" #include "shell/browser/web_contents_preferences.h" #include "shell/browser/web_view_manager.h" #include "shell/browser/window_list.h" #include "shell/common/electron_constants.h" #include "shell/common/gin_converters/image_converter.h" #include "shell/common/gin_helper/dictionary.h" #include "shell/common/options_switches.h" #include "ui/aura/window_tree_host.h" #include "ui/base/hit_test.h" #include "ui/display/screen.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" #include "ui/ozone/public/ozone_platform.h" #include "ui/views/background.h" #include "ui/views/controls/webview/webview.h" #include "ui/views/widget/native_widget_private.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" #include "ui/views/window/client_view.h" #include "ui/wm/core/shadow_types.h" #include "ui/wm/core/window_util.h" #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "shell/browser/browser.h" #include "shell/browser/linux/unity_service.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/electron_desktop_window_tree_host_linux.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/views/client_frame_view_linux.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/views/native_frame_view.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/views/opaque_frame_view.h" #include "shell/common/platform_util.h" #include "ui/views/widget/desktop_aura/desktop_native_widget_aura.h" #include "ui/views/window/native_frame_view.h" #if BUILDFLAG(IS_OZONE_X11) #include "shell/browser/ui/views/global_menu_bar_x11.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/x/event_disabler.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/x/x_window_utils.h" #include "ui/gfx/x/atom_cache.h" #include "ui/gfx/x/connection.h" #include "ui/gfx/x/shape.h" #include "ui/gfx/x/xproto.h" #endif #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) #include "base/win/win_util.h" #include "base/win/windows_version.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/views/win_frame_view.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/win/electron_desktop_native_widget_aura.h" #include "skia/ext/skia_utils_win.h" #include "ui/display/win/screen_win.h" #include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h" #include "ui/gfx/win/hwnd_util.h" #include "ui/gfx/win/msg_util.h" #endif namespace electron { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) DWM_SYSTEMBACKDROP_TYPE GetBackdropFromString(const std::string& material) { if (material == "none") { return DWMSBT_NONE; } else if (material == "acrylic") { return DWMSBT_TRANSIENTWINDOW; } else if (material == "mica") { return DWMSBT_MAINWINDOW; } else if (material == "tabbed") { return DWMSBT_TABBEDWINDOW; } return DWMSBT_AUTO; } // Similar to the ones in display::win::ScreenWin, but with rounded values // These help to avoid problems that arise from unresizable windows where the // original ceil()-ed values can cause calculation errors, since converting // both ways goes through a ceil() call. Related issue: #15816 gfx::Rect ScreenToDIPRect(HWND hwnd, const gfx::Rect& pixel_bounds) { float scale_factor = display::win::ScreenWin::GetScaleFactorForHWND(hwnd); gfx::Rect dip_rect = ScaleToRoundedRect(pixel_bounds, 1.0f / scale_factor); dip_rect.set_origin( display::win::ScreenWin::ScreenToDIPRect(hwnd, pixel_bounds).origin()); return dip_rect; } #endif namespace { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) const LPCWSTR kUniqueTaskBarClassName = L"Shell_TrayWnd"; void FlipWindowStyle(HWND handle, bool on, DWORD flag) { DWORD style = ::GetWindowLong(handle, GWL_STYLE); if (on) style |= flag; else style &= ~flag; ::SetWindowLong(handle, GWL_STYLE, style); // Window's frame styles are cached so we need to call SetWindowPos // with the SWP_FRAMECHANGED flag to update cache properly. ::SetWindowPos(handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // ignored SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER); } gfx::Rect DIPToScreenRect(HWND hwnd, const gfx::Rect& pixel_bounds) { float scale_factor = display::win::ScreenWin::GetScaleFactorForHWND(hwnd); gfx::Rect screen_rect = ScaleToRoundedRect(pixel_bounds, scale_factor); screen_rect.set_origin( display::win::ScreenWin::DIPToScreenRect(hwnd, pixel_bounds).origin()); return screen_rect; } // Chromium uses a buggy implementation that converts content rect to window // rect when calculating min/max size, we should use the same implementation // when passing min/max size so we can get correct results. gfx::Size WindowSizeToContentSizeBuggy(HWND hwnd, const gfx::Size& size) { // Calculate the size of window frame, using same code with the // HWNDMessageHandler::OnGetMinMaxInfo method. // The pitfall is, when window is minimized the calculated window frame size // will be different from other states. RECT client_rect, rect; GetClientRect(hwnd, &client_rect); GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect); CR_DEFLATE_RECT(&rect, &client_rect); // Convert DIP size to pixel size, do calculation and then return DIP size. gfx::Rect screen_rect = DIPToScreenRect(hwnd, gfx::Rect(size)); gfx::Size screen_client_size(screen_rect.width() - (rect.right - rect.left), screen_rect.height() - (rect.bottom - rect.top)); return ScreenToDIPRect(hwnd, gfx::Rect(screen_client_size)).size(); } #endif [[maybe_unused]] bool IsX11() { return ui::OzonePlatform::GetInstance() ->GetPlatformProperties() .electron_can_call_x11; } class NativeWindowClientView : public views::ClientView { public: NativeWindowClientView(views::Widget* widget, views::View* root_view, NativeWindowViews* window) : views::ClientView{widget, root_view}, window_{raw_ref::from_ptr(window)} {} ~NativeWindowClientView() override = default; // disable copy NativeWindowClientView(const NativeWindowClientView&) = delete; NativeWindowClientView& operator=(const NativeWindowClientView&) = delete; // views::ClientView views::CloseRequestResult OnWindowCloseRequested() override { window_->NotifyWindowCloseButtonClicked(); return views::CloseRequestResult::kCannotClose; } private: const raw_ref window_; }; } // namespace NativeWindowViews::NativeWindowViews(const gin_helper::Dictionary& options, NativeWindow* parent) : NativeWindow(options, parent) { options.Get(options::kTitle, &title_); bool menu_bar_autohide; if (options.Get(options::kAutoHideMenuBar, &menu_bar_autohide)) root_view_.SetAutoHideMenuBar(menu_bar_autohide); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // On Windows we rely on the CanResize() to indicate whether window can be // resized, and it should be set before window is created. options.Get(options::kResizable, &resizable_); options.Get(options::kMinimizable, &minimizable_); options.Get(options::kMaximizable, &maximizable_); // Transparent window must not have thick frame. options.Get("thickFrame", &thick_frame_); if (transparent()) thick_frame_ = false; overlay_button_color_ = color_utils::GetSysSkColor(COLOR_BTNFACE); overlay_symbol_color_ = color_utils::GetSysSkColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT); #endif v8::Local titlebar_overlay; if (options.Get(options::ktitleBarOverlay, &titlebar_overlay) && titlebar_overlay->IsObject()) { auto titlebar_overlay_obj = gin_helper::Dictionary::CreateEmpty(options.isolate()); options.Get(options::ktitleBarOverlay, &titlebar_overlay_obj); std::string overlay_color_string; if (titlebar_overlay_obj.Get(options::kOverlayButtonColor, &overlay_color_string)) { bool success = content::ParseCssColorString(overlay_color_string, &overlay_button_color_); DCHECK(success); } std::string overlay_symbol_color_string; if (titlebar_overlay_obj.Get(options::kOverlaySymbolColor, &overlay_symbol_color_string)) { bool success = content::ParseCssColorString(overlay_symbol_color_string, &overlay_symbol_color_); DCHECK(success); } } // |hidden| is the only non-default titleBarStyle valid on Windows and Linux. if (title_bar_style_ == TitleBarStyle::kHidden) set_has_frame(false); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // If the taskbar is re-created after we start up, we have to rebuild all of // our buttons. taskbar_created_message_ = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("TaskbarCreated")); #endif if (enable_larger_than_screen()) // We need to set a default maximum window size here otherwise Windows // will not allow us to resize the window larger than scree. // Setting directly to INT_MAX somehow doesn't work, so we just divide // by 10, which should still be large enough. SetContentSizeConstraints(extensions::SizeConstraints( gfx::Size(), gfx::Size(INT_MAX / 10, INT_MAX / 10))); int width = 800, height = 600; options.Get(options::kWidth, &width); options.Get(options::kHeight, &height); gfx::Rect bounds(0, 0, width, height); widget_size_ = bounds.size(); widget()->AddObserver(this); using InitParams = views::Widget::InitParams; auto params = InitParams{InitParams::WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET, InitParams::TYPE_WINDOW}; params.bounds = bounds; params.delegate = this; params.remove_standard_frame = !has_frame() || has_client_frame(); // If a client frame, we need to draw our own shadows. if (IsTranslucent() || has_client_frame()) params.opacity = InitParams::WindowOpacity::kTranslucent; // The given window is most likely not rectangular since it is translucent and // has no standard frame, don't show a shadow for it. if (IsTranslucent() && !has_frame()) params.shadow_type = InitParams::ShadowType::kNone; bool focusable; if (options.Get(options::kFocusable, &focusable) && !focusable) params.activatable = InitParams::Activatable::kNo; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (parent) params.parent = parent->GetNativeWindow(); params.native_widget = new ElectronDesktopNativeWidgetAura(this); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) std::string name = Browser::Get()->GetName(); // Set WM_WINDOW_ROLE. params.wm_role_name = "browser-window"; // Set WM_CLASS. params.wm_class_name = base::ToLowerASCII(name); params.wm_class_class = name; // Set Wayland application ID. params.wayland_app_id = platform_util::GetXdgAppId(); auto* native_widget = new views::DesktopNativeWidgetAura(widget()); params.native_widget = native_widget; params.desktop_window_tree_host = new ElectronDesktopWindowTreeHostLinux(this, native_widget); #endif widget()->Init(std::move(params)); widget()->SetNativeWindowProperty(kElectronNativeWindowKey.c_str(), this); SetCanResize(resizable_); bool fullscreen = false; options.Get(options::kFullscreen, &fullscreen); std::string window_type; options.Get(options::kType, &window_type); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) // Set _GTK_THEME_VARIANT to dark if we have "dark-theme" option set. bool use_dark_theme = false; if (options.Get(options::kDarkTheme, &use_dark_theme) && use_dark_theme) { SetGTKDarkThemeEnabled(use_dark_theme); } if (parent) SetParentWindow(parent); if (IsX11()) { // Before the window is mapped the SetWMSpecState can not work, so we have // to manually set the _NET_WM_STATE. std::vector state_atom_list; // Before the window is mapped, there is no SHOW_FULLSCREEN_STATE. if (fullscreen) { state_atom_list.push_back(x11::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN")); } if (parent) { // Force using dialog type for child window. window_type = "dialog"; // Modal window needs the _NET_WM_STATE_MODAL hint. if (is_modal()) state_atom_list.push_back(x11::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL")); } if (!state_atom_list.empty()) { auto* connection = x11::Connection::Get(); connection->SetArrayProperty( static_cast(GetAcceleratedWidget()), x11::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE"), x11::Atom::ATOM, state_atom_list); } // Set the _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE. if (!window_type.empty()) SetWindowType(static_cast(GetAcceleratedWidget()), window_type); } #endif #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (!has_frame()) { // Set Window style so that we get a minimize and maximize animation when // frameless. DWORD frame_style = WS_CAPTION | WS_OVERLAPPED; if (resizable_) frame_style |= WS_THICKFRAME; if (minimizable_) frame_style |= WS_MINIMIZEBOX; if (maximizable_) frame_style |= WS_MAXIMIZEBOX; // We should not show a frame for transparent window. if (!thick_frame_) frame_style &= ~(WS_THICKFRAME | WS_CAPTION); ::SetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_STYLE, frame_style); } LONG ex_style = ::GetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_EXSTYLE); if (window_type == "toolbar") ex_style |= WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; ::SetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_EXSTYLE, ex_style); #endif if (has_frame() && !has_client_frame()) { // TODO(zcbenz): This was used to force using native frame on Windows 2003, // we should check whether setting it in InitParams can work. widget()->set_frame_type(views::Widget::FrameType::kForceNative); widget()->FrameTypeChanged(); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // thickFrame also works for normal window. if (!thick_frame_) FlipWindowStyle(GetAcceleratedWidget(), false, WS_THICKFRAME); #endif } // Default content view. SetContentView(new views::View()); gfx::Size size = bounds.size(); if (has_frame() && options.Get(options::kUseContentSize, &use_content_size_) && use_content_size_) size = ContentBoundsToWindowBounds(gfx::Rect(size)).size(); widget()->CenterWindow(size); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // Save initial window state. if (fullscreen) last_window_state_ = ui::mojom::WindowShowState::kFullscreen; else last_window_state_ = ui::mojom::WindowShowState::kNormal; #endif // Listen to mouse events. aura::Window* window = GetNativeWindow(); if (window) window->AddPreTargetHandler(this); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) // On linux after the widget is initialized we might have to force set the // bounds if the bounds are smaller than the current display SetBounds(gfx::Rect(GetPosition(), bounds.size()), false); #endif SetOwnedByWidget(false); RegisterDeleteDelegateCallback(base::BindOnce( [](NativeWindowViews* window) { if (window->is_modal() && window->parent()) { auto* parent = window->parent(); // Enable parent window after current window gets closed. static_cast(parent)->DecrementChildModals(); // Focus on parent window. parent->Focus(true); } window->NotifyWindowClosed(); }, this)); } NativeWindowViews::~NativeWindowViews() { widget()->RemoveObserver(this); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // Disable mouse forwarding to relinquish resources, should any be held. SetForwardMouseMessages(false); #endif aura::Window* window = GetNativeWindow(); if (window) window->RemovePreTargetHandler(this); } void NativeWindowViews::SetGTKDarkThemeEnabled(bool use_dark_theme) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) if (IsX11()) { const std::string color = use_dark_theme ? "dark" : "light"; auto* connection = x11::Connection::Get(); connection->SetStringProperty( static_cast(GetAcceleratedWidget()), x11::GetAtom("_GTK_THEME_VARIANT"), x11::GetAtom("UTF8_STRING"), color); } #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetContentView(views::View* view) { if (content_view()) { root_view_.GetMainView()->RemoveChildView(content_view()); } set_content_view(view); focused_view_ = view; root_view_.GetMainView()->AddChildView(content_view()); root_view_.GetMainView()->DeprecatedLayoutImmediately(); } void NativeWindowViews::Close() { if (!IsClosable()) { WindowList::WindowCloseCancelled(this); return; } widget()->Close(); } void NativeWindowViews::CloseImmediately() { widget()->CloseNow(); } void NativeWindowViews::Focus(bool focus) { // For hidden window focus() should do nothing. if (!IsVisible()) return; if (focus) { widget()->Activate(); } else { widget()->Deactivate(); } } bool NativeWindowViews::IsFocused() const { return widget()->IsActive(); } void NativeWindowViews::Show() { if (is_modal() && NativeWindow::parent() && !widget()->native_widget_private()->IsVisible()) static_cast(parent())->IncrementChildModals(); widget()->native_widget_private()->Show(GetRestoredState(), gfx::Rect()); // explicitly focus the window widget()->Activate(); NotifyWindowShow(); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) if (global_menu_bar_) global_menu_bar_->OnWindowMapped(); // On X11, setting Z order before showing the window doesn't take effect, // so we have to call it again. if (IsX11()) widget()->SetZOrderLevel(widget()->GetZOrderLevel()); #endif } void NativeWindowViews::ShowInactive() { widget()->ShowInactive(); NotifyWindowShow(); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) if (global_menu_bar_) global_menu_bar_->OnWindowMapped(); // On X11, setting Z order before showing the window doesn't take effect, // so we have to call it again. if (IsX11()) widget()->SetZOrderLevel(widget()->GetZOrderLevel()); #endif } void NativeWindowViews::Hide() { if (is_modal() && NativeWindow::parent()) static_cast(parent())->DecrementChildModals(); widget()->Hide(); NotifyWindowHide(); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) if (global_menu_bar_) global_menu_bar_->OnWindowUnmapped(); #endif #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // When the window is removed from the taskbar via win.hide(), // the thumbnail buttons need to be set up again. // Ensure that when the window is hidden, // the taskbar host is notified that it should re-add them. taskbar_host_.SetThumbarButtonsAdded(false); #endif } bool NativeWindowViews::IsVisible() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // widget()->IsVisible() calls ::IsWindowVisible, which returns non-zero if a // window or any of its parent windows are visible. We want to only check the // current window. bool visible = ::GetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_STYLE) & WS_VISIBLE; // WS_VISIBLE is true even if a window is minimized - explicitly check that. return visible && !IsMinimized(); #else return widget()->IsVisible(); #endif } bool NativeWindowViews::IsEnabled() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) return ::IsWindowEnabled(GetAcceleratedWidget()); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) if (IsX11()) return !event_disabler_.get(); NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return true; #endif } void NativeWindowViews::IncrementChildModals() { num_modal_children_++; SetEnabledInternal(ShouldBeEnabled()); } void NativeWindowViews::DecrementChildModals() { if (num_modal_children_ > 0) { num_modal_children_--; } SetEnabledInternal(ShouldBeEnabled()); } void NativeWindowViews::SetEnabled(bool enable) { if (enable != is_enabled_) { is_enabled_ = enable; SetEnabledInternal(ShouldBeEnabled()); } } bool NativeWindowViews::ShouldBeEnabled() const { return is_enabled_ && (num_modal_children_ == 0); } void NativeWindowViews::SetEnabledInternal(bool enable) { if (enable && IsEnabled()) { return; } else if (!enable && !IsEnabled()) { return; } #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) ::EnableWindow(GetAcceleratedWidget(), enable); #else if (IsX11()) { views::DesktopWindowTreeHostPlatform* tree_host = views::DesktopWindowTreeHostLinux::GetHostForWidget( GetAcceleratedWidget()); if (enable) { tree_host->RemoveEventRewriter(event_disabler_.get()); event_disabler_.reset(); } else { event_disabler_ = std::make_unique(); tree_host->AddEventRewriter(event_disabler_.get()); } } #endif } void NativeWindowViews::Maximize() { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (IsTranslucent()) { // If a window is translucent but not transparent on Windows, // that means it must have a backgroundMaterial set. if (!transparent()) SetRoundedCorners(false); restore_bounds_ = GetBounds(); auto display = display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestWindow( GetNativeWindow()); SetBounds(display.work_area(), false); NotifyWindowMaximize(); return; } #endif if (IsVisible()) { widget()->Maximize(); } else { widget()->native_widget_private()->Show( ui::mojom::WindowShowState::kMaximized, gfx::Rect()); NotifyWindowShow(); } } void NativeWindowViews::Unmaximize() { if (!IsMaximized()) return; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (IsTranslucent()) { SetBounds(restore_bounds_, false); NotifyWindowUnmaximize(); if (transparent()) { UpdateThickFrame(); } else { SetRoundedCorners(true); } return; } #endif widget()->Restore(); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) UpdateThickFrame(); #endif } bool NativeWindowViews::IsMaximized() const { if (widget()->IsMaximized()) return true; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (IsTranslucent() && !IsMinimized()) { // If the window is the same dimensions and placement as the // display, we consider it maximized. auto display = display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestWindow( GetNativeWindow()); return GetBounds() == display.work_area(); } #endif return false; } void NativeWindowViews::Minimize() { if (IsVisible()) widget()->Minimize(); else widget()->native_widget_private()->Show( ui::mojom::WindowShowState::kMinimized, gfx::Rect()); } void NativeWindowViews::Restore() { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (IsMaximized() && IsTranslucent()) { SetBounds(restore_bounds_, false); NotifyWindowRestore(); if (transparent()) { UpdateThickFrame(); } else { SetRoundedCorners(true); } return; } #endif widget()->Restore(); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) UpdateThickFrame(); #endif } bool NativeWindowViews::IsMinimized() const { return widget()->IsMinimized(); } void NativeWindowViews::SetFullScreen(bool fullscreen) { if (!IsFullScreenable()) return; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // There is no native fullscreen state on Windows. bool leaving_fullscreen = IsFullscreen() && !fullscreen; if (fullscreen) { last_window_state_ = ui::mojom::WindowShowState::kFullscreen; NotifyWindowEnterFullScreen(); } else { last_window_state_ = ui::mojom::WindowShowState::kNormal; NotifyWindowLeaveFullScreen(); } // For window without WS_THICKFRAME style, we can not call SetFullscreen(). // This path will be used for transparent windows as well. if (!thick_frame_) { if (fullscreen) { restore_bounds_ = GetBounds(); auto display = display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestPoint(GetPosition()); SetBounds(display.bounds(), false); } else { SetBounds(restore_bounds_, false); } return; } // We set the new value after notifying, so we can handle the size event // correctly. widget()->SetFullscreen(fullscreen); // If restoring from fullscreen and the window isn't visible, force visible, // else a non-responsive window shell could be rendered. // (this situation may arise when app starts with fullscreen: true) // Note: the following must be after "widget()->SetFullscreen(fullscreen);" if (leaving_fullscreen && !IsVisible()) FlipWindowStyle(GetAcceleratedWidget(), true, WS_VISIBLE); // Auto-hide menubar when in fullscreen. if (fullscreen) { menu_bar_visible_before_fullscreen_ = IsMenuBarVisible(); SetMenuBarVisibility(false); } else { // No fullscreen -> fullscreen video -> un-fullscreen video results // in `NativeWindowViews::SetFullScreen(false)` being called twice. // `menu_bar_visible_before_fullscreen_` is always false on the // second call which results in `SetMenuBarVisibility(false)` no // matter what. We check `leaving_fullscreen` to avoid this. if (!leaving_fullscreen) return; SetMenuBarVisibility(!IsMenuBarAutoHide() && menu_bar_visible_before_fullscreen_); menu_bar_visible_before_fullscreen_ = false; } #else if (IsVisible()) widget()->SetFullscreen(fullscreen); else if (fullscreen) widget()->native_widget_private()->Show( ui::mojom::WindowShowState::kFullscreen, gfx::Rect()); // Auto-hide menubar when in fullscreen. if (fullscreen) { menu_bar_visible_before_fullscreen_ = IsMenuBarVisible(); SetMenuBarVisibility(false); } else { SetMenuBarVisibility(!IsMenuBarAutoHide() && menu_bar_visible_before_fullscreen_); menu_bar_visible_before_fullscreen_ = false; } #endif } bool NativeWindowViews::IsFullscreen() const { return widget()->IsFullscreen(); } void NativeWindowViews::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds, bool animate) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (is_moving_ || is_resizing_) { pending_bounds_change_ = bounds; } #endif #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) || BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) // On Linux and Windows the minimum and maximum size should be updated with // window size when window is not resizable. if (!resizable_) { SetMaximumSize(bounds.size()); SetMinimumSize(bounds.size()); } #endif widget()->SetBounds(bounds); } gfx::Rect NativeWindowViews::GetBounds() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (IsMinimized()) return widget()->GetRestoredBounds(); #endif return widget()->GetWindowBoundsInScreen(); } gfx::Rect NativeWindowViews::GetContentBounds() const { return content_view() ? content_view()->GetBoundsInScreen() : gfx::Rect(); } gfx::Size NativeWindowViews::GetContentSize() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (IsMinimized()) return NativeWindow::GetContentSize(); #endif return content_view() ? content_view()->size() : gfx::Size(); } gfx::Rect NativeWindowViews::GetNormalBounds() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (IsMaximized() && IsTranslucent()) return restore_bounds_; #endif return widget()->GetRestoredBounds(); } void NativeWindowViews::SetContentSizeConstraints( const extensions::SizeConstraints& size_constraints) { NativeWindow::SetContentSizeConstraints(size_constraints); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // Changing size constraints would force adding the WS_THICKFRAME style, so // do nothing if thickFrame is false. if (!thick_frame_) return; #endif // widget_delegate() is only available after Init() is called, we make use // of this to determine whether native widget has initialized. if (widget() && widget()->widget_delegate()) widget()->OnSizeConstraintsChanged(); if (resizable_) old_size_constraints_ = size_constraints; } #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // This override does almost the same with its parent, except that it uses // the WindowSizeToContentSizeBuggy method to convert window size to content // size. See the comment of the method for the reason behind this. extensions::SizeConstraints NativeWindowViews::GetContentSizeConstraints() const { if (content_size_constraints_) return *content_size_constraints_; if (!size_constraints_) return extensions::SizeConstraints(); extensions::SizeConstraints constraints; if (size_constraints_->HasMaximumSize()) { constraints.set_maximum_size(WindowSizeToContentSizeBuggy( GetAcceleratedWidget(), size_constraints_->GetMaximumSize())); } if (size_constraints_->HasMinimumSize()) { constraints.set_minimum_size(WindowSizeToContentSizeBuggy( GetAcceleratedWidget(), size_constraints_->GetMinimumSize())); } return constraints; } #endif void NativeWindowViews::SetResizable(bool resizable) { if (resizable != resizable_) { // On Linux there is no "resizable" property of a window, we have to set // both the minimum and maximum size to the window size to achieve it. if (resizable) { SetContentSizeConstraints(old_size_constraints_); SetMaximizable(maximizable_); } else { old_size_constraints_ = GetContentSizeConstraints(); resizable_ = false; gfx::Size content_size = GetContentSize(); SetContentSizeConstraints( extensions::SizeConstraints(content_size, content_size)); } } resizable_ = resizable; SetCanResize(resizable_); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) UpdateThickFrame(); #endif } bool NativeWindowViews::MoveAbove(const std::string& sourceId) { const content::DesktopMediaID id = content::DesktopMediaID::Parse(sourceId); if (id.type != content::DesktopMediaID::TYPE_WINDOW) return false; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) const HWND otherWindow = reinterpret_cast(id.id); if (!::IsWindow(otherWindow)) return false; ::SetWindowPos(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GetWindow(otherWindow, GW_HWNDPREV), 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); #else if (IsX11()) { if (!IsWindowValid(static_cast(id.id))) return false; electron::MoveWindowAbove(static_cast(GetAcceleratedWidget()), static_cast(id.id)); } #endif return true; } void NativeWindowViews::MoveTop() { // TODO(julien.isorce): fix chromium in order to use existing // widget()->StackAtTop(). #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) gfx::Point pos = GetPosition(); gfx::Size size = GetSize(); ::SetWindowPos(GetAcceleratedWidget(), HWND_TOP, pos.x(), pos.y(), size.width(), size.height(), SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); #else if (IsX11()) electron::MoveWindowToForeground( static_cast(GetAcceleratedWidget())); #endif } bool NativeWindowViews::IsResizable() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (has_frame()) return ::GetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_STYLE) & WS_THICKFRAME; #endif return resizable_; } void NativeWindowViews::SetAspectRatio(double aspect_ratio, const gfx::Size& extra_size) { NativeWindow::SetAspectRatio(aspect_ratio, extra_size); gfx::SizeF aspect(aspect_ratio, 1.0); // Scale up because SetAspectRatio() truncates aspect value to int aspect.Scale(100); widget()->SetAspectRatio(aspect); } void NativeWindowViews::SetMovable(bool movable) { movable_ = movable; } bool NativeWindowViews::IsMovable() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) return movable_; #else return true; // Not implemented on Linux. #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetMinimizable(bool minimizable) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) FlipWindowStyle(GetAcceleratedWidget(), minimizable, WS_MINIMIZEBOX); if (IsWindowControlsOverlayEnabled()) { auto* frame_view = static_cast(widget()->non_client_view()->frame_view()); frame_view->caption_button_container()->UpdateButtons(); } #endif minimizable_ = minimizable; } bool NativeWindowViews::IsMinimizable() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) return ::GetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_STYLE) & WS_MINIMIZEBOX; #else return true; // Not implemented on Linux. #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetMaximizable(bool maximizable) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) FlipWindowStyle(GetAcceleratedWidget(), maximizable, WS_MAXIMIZEBOX); if (IsWindowControlsOverlayEnabled()) { auto* frame_view = static_cast(widget()->non_client_view()->frame_view()); frame_view->caption_button_container()->UpdateButtons(); } #endif maximizable_ = maximizable; } bool NativeWindowViews::IsMaximizable() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) return ::GetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_STYLE) & WS_MAXIMIZEBOX; #else return true; // Not implemented on Linux. #endif } bool NativeWindowViews::IsExcludedFromShownWindowsMenu() const { // return false on unsupported platforms return false; } void NativeWindowViews::SetFullScreenable(bool fullscreenable) { fullscreenable_ = fullscreenable; } bool NativeWindowViews::IsFullScreenable() const { return fullscreenable_; } void NativeWindowViews::SetClosable(bool closable) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) HMENU menu = GetSystemMenu(GetAcceleratedWidget(), false); if (closable) { EnableMenuItem(menu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); } else { EnableMenuItem(menu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED); } if (IsWindowControlsOverlayEnabled()) { auto* frame_view = static_cast(widget()->non_client_view()->frame_view()); frame_view->caption_button_container()->UpdateButtons(); } #endif } bool NativeWindowViews::IsClosable() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) HMENU menu = GetSystemMenu(GetAcceleratedWidget(), false); MENUITEMINFO info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.cbSize = sizeof(info); info.fMask = MIIM_STATE; if (!GetMenuItemInfo(menu, SC_CLOSE, false, &info)) { return false; } return !(info.fState & MFS_DISABLED); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) return true; #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetAlwaysOnTop(ui::ZOrderLevel z_order, const std::string& level, int relativeLevel) { bool level_changed = z_order != widget()->GetZOrderLevel(); widget()->SetZOrderLevel(z_order); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // Reset the placement flag. behind_task_bar_ = false; if (z_order != ui::ZOrderLevel::kNormal) { // On macOS the window is placed behind the Dock for the following levels. // Re-use the same names on Windows to make it easier for the user. static const std::vector levels = { "floating", "torn-off-menu", "modal-panel", "main-menu", "status"}; behind_task_bar_ = base::Contains(levels, level); } #endif MoveBehindTaskBarIfNeeded(); // This must be notified at the very end or IsAlwaysOnTop // will not yet have been updated to reflect the new status if (level_changed) NativeWindow::NotifyWindowAlwaysOnTopChanged(); } ui::ZOrderLevel NativeWindowViews::GetZOrderLevel() const { return widget()->GetZOrderLevel(); } // We previous called widget()->CenterWindow() here, but in // Chromium CL 4916277 behavior was changed to center relative to the // parent window if there is one. We want to keep the old behavior // for now to avoid breaking API contract, but should consider the long // term plan for this aligning with upstream. void NativeWindowViews::Center() { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) auto display = display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestWindow(GetNativeWindow()); gfx::Rect window_bounds_in_screen = display.work_area(); window_bounds_in_screen.ClampToCenteredSize(GetSize()); widget()->SetBounds(window_bounds_in_screen); #else HWND hwnd = GetAcceleratedWidget(); gfx::Size size = display::win::ScreenWin::DIPToScreenSize(hwnd, GetSize()); gfx::CenterAndSizeWindow(nullptr, hwnd, size); #endif } void NativeWindowViews::Invalidate() { widget()->SchedulePaintInRect(gfx::Rect(GetBounds().size())); } void NativeWindowViews::SetTitle(const std::string& title) { title_ = title; widget()->UpdateWindowTitle(); } std::string NativeWindowViews::GetTitle() const { return title_; } void NativeWindowViews::FlashFrame(bool flash) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // The Chromium's implementation has a bug stopping flash. if (!flash) { FLASHWINFO fwi; fwi.cbSize = sizeof(fwi); fwi.hwnd = GetAcceleratedWidget(); fwi.dwFlags = FLASHW_STOP; fwi.uCount = 0; FlashWindowEx(&fwi); return; } #endif widget()->FlashFrame(flash); } void NativeWindowViews::SetSkipTaskbar(bool skip) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr taskbar; if (FAILED(::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TaskbarList, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&taskbar))) || FAILED(taskbar->HrInit())) return; if (skip) { taskbar->DeleteTab(GetAcceleratedWidget()); } else { taskbar->AddTab(GetAcceleratedWidget()); taskbar_host_.RestoreThumbarButtons(GetAcceleratedWidget()); } #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetSimpleFullScreen(bool simple_fullscreen) { SetFullScreen(simple_fullscreen); } bool NativeWindowViews::IsSimpleFullScreen() const { return IsFullscreen(); } void NativeWindowViews::SetKiosk(bool kiosk) { SetFullScreen(kiosk); } bool NativeWindowViews::IsKiosk() const { return IsFullscreen(); } bool NativeWindowViews::IsTabletMode() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // TODO: Prefer the async version base::win::IsDeviceInTabletMode // which requires making the public api async. return base::win::IsWindows10TabletMode(GetAcceleratedWidget()); #else return false; #endif } SkColor NativeWindowViews::GetBackgroundColor() const { auto* background = root_view_.background(); if (!background) return SK_ColorTRANSPARENT; return background->get_color(); } void NativeWindowViews::SetBackgroundColor(SkColor background_color) { // web views' background color. root_view_.SetBackground(views::CreateSolidBackground(background_color)); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // Set the background color of native window. HBRUSH brush = CreateSolidBrush(skia::SkColorToCOLORREF(background_color)); ULONG_PTR previous_brush = SetClassLongPtr(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GCLP_HBRBACKGROUND, reinterpret_cast(brush)); if (previous_brush) DeleteObject((HBRUSH)previous_brush); InvalidateRect(GetAcceleratedWidget(), nullptr, 1); #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetHasShadow(bool has_shadow) { wm::SetShadowElevation(GetNativeWindow(), has_shadow ? wm::kShadowElevationInactiveWindow : wm::kShadowElevationNone); } bool NativeWindowViews::HasShadow() const { return GetNativeWindow()->GetProperty(wm::kShadowElevationKey) != wm::kShadowElevationNone; } void NativeWindowViews::SetOpacity(const double opacity) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) const double boundedOpacity = std::clamp(opacity, 0.0, 1.0); HWND hwnd = GetAcceleratedWidget(); if (!layered_) { LONG ex_style = ::GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); ex_style |= WS_EX_LAYERED; ::SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, ex_style); layered_ = true; } ::SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwnd, 0, boundedOpacity * 255, LWA_ALPHA); opacity_ = boundedOpacity; #else opacity_ = 1.0; // setOpacity unsupported on Linux #endif } double NativeWindowViews::GetOpacity() const { return opacity_; } void NativeWindowViews::SetIgnoreMouseEvents(bool ignore, bool forward) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) LONG ex_style = ::GetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_EXSTYLE); if (ignore) ex_style |= (WS_EX_TRANSPARENT | WS_EX_LAYERED); else ex_style &= ~(WS_EX_TRANSPARENT | WS_EX_LAYERED); if (layered_) ex_style |= WS_EX_LAYERED; ::SetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_EXSTYLE, ex_style); // Forwarding is always disabled when not ignoring mouse messages. if (!ignore) { SetForwardMouseMessages(false); } else { SetForwardMouseMessages(forward); } #else if (IsX11()) { auto* connection = x11::Connection::Get(); if (ignore) { x11::Rectangle r{0, 0, 1, 1}; connection->shape().Rectangles({ .operation = x11::Shape::So::Set, .destination_kind = x11::Shape::Sk::Input, .ordering = x11::ClipOrdering::YXBanded, .destination_window = static_cast(GetAcceleratedWidget()), .rectangles = {r}, }); } else { connection->shape().Mask({ .operation = x11::Shape::So::Set, .destination_kind = x11::Shape::Sk::Input, .destination_window = static_cast(GetAcceleratedWidget()), .source_bitmap = x11::Pixmap::None, }); } } #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetContentProtection(bool enable) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) HWND hwnd = GetAcceleratedWidget(); DWORD affinity = enable ? WDA_EXCLUDEFROMCAPTURE : WDA_NONE; ::SetWindowDisplayAffinity(hwnd, affinity); if (!layered_) { // Workaround to prevent black window on screen capture after hiding and // showing the BrowserWindow. LONG ex_style = ::GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); ex_style |= WS_EX_LAYERED; ::SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, ex_style); layered_ = true; } #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetFocusable(bool focusable) { widget()->widget_delegate()->SetCanActivate(focusable); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) LONG ex_style = ::GetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_EXSTYLE); if (focusable) ex_style &= ~WS_EX_NOACTIVATE; else ex_style |= WS_EX_NOACTIVATE; ::SetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_EXSTYLE, ex_style); SetSkipTaskbar(!focusable); Focus(false); #endif } bool NativeWindowViews::IsFocusable() const { bool can_activate = widget()->widget_delegate()->CanActivate(); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) LONG ex_style = ::GetWindowLong(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWL_EXSTYLE); bool no_activate = ex_style & WS_EX_NOACTIVATE; return !no_activate && can_activate; #else return can_activate; #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetMenu(ElectronMenuModel* menu_model) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) // Remove global menu bar. if (global_menu_bar_ && menu_model == nullptr) { global_menu_bar_.reset(); root_view_.UnregisterAcceleratorsWithFocusManager(); return; } // Use global application menu bar when possible. bool can_use_global_menus = ui::OzonePlatform::GetInstance() ->GetPlatformProperties() .supports_global_application_menus; if (can_use_global_menus && ShouldUseGlobalMenuBar()) { if (!global_menu_bar_) global_menu_bar_ = std::make_unique(this); if (global_menu_bar_->IsServerStarted()) { root_view_.RegisterAcceleratorsWithFocusManager(menu_model); global_menu_bar_->SetMenu(menu_model); return; } } #endif // Should reset content size when setting menu. gfx::Size content_size = GetContentSize(); bool should_reset_size = use_content_size_ && has_frame() && !IsMenuBarAutoHide() && ((!!menu_model) != root_view_.HasMenu()); root_view_.SetMenu(menu_model); if (should_reset_size) { // Enlarge the size constraints for the menu. int menu_bar_height = root_view_.GetMenuBarHeight(); extensions::SizeConstraints constraints = GetContentSizeConstraints(); if (constraints.HasMinimumSize()) { gfx::Size min_size = constraints.GetMinimumSize(); min_size.set_height(min_size.height() + menu_bar_height); constraints.set_minimum_size(min_size); } if (constraints.HasMaximumSize()) { gfx::Size max_size = constraints.GetMaximumSize(); max_size.set_height(max_size.height() + menu_bar_height); constraints.set_maximum_size(max_size); } SetContentSizeConstraints(constraints); // Resize the window to make sure content size is not changed. SetContentSize(content_size); } } void NativeWindowViews::SetParentWindow(NativeWindow* parent) { NativeWindow::SetParentWindow(parent); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) if (IsX11()) { auto* connection = x11::Connection::Get(); connection->SetProperty( static_cast(GetAcceleratedWidget()), x11::Atom::WM_TRANSIENT_FOR, x11::Atom::WINDOW, parent ? static_cast(parent->GetAcceleratedWidget()) : ui::GetX11RootWindow()); } #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // To set parentship between windows into Windows is better to play with the // owner instead of the parent, as Windows natively seems to do if a parent // is specified at window creation time. // For do this we must NOT use the ::SetParent function, instead we must use // the ::GetWindowLongPtr or ::SetWindowLongPtr functions with "nIndex" set // to "GWLP_HWNDPARENT" which actually means the window owner. HWND hwndParent = parent ? parent->GetAcceleratedWidget() : nullptr; if (hwndParent == (HWND)::GetWindowLongPtr(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWLP_HWNDPARENT)) return; ::SetWindowLongPtr(GetAcceleratedWidget(), GWLP_HWNDPARENT, (LONG_PTR)hwndParent); // Ensures the visibility if (IsVisible()) { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); ::GetWindowPlacement(GetAcceleratedWidget(), &wp); ::ShowWindow(GetAcceleratedWidget(), SW_HIDE); ::ShowWindow(GetAcceleratedWidget(), wp.showCmd); ::BringWindowToTop(GetAcceleratedWidget()); } #endif } gfx::NativeView NativeWindowViews::GetNativeView() const { return widget()->GetNativeView(); } gfx::NativeWindow NativeWindowViews::GetNativeWindow() const { return widget()->GetNativeWindow(); } void NativeWindowViews::SetProgressBar(double progress, NativeWindow::ProgressState state) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) taskbar_host_.SetProgressBar(GetAcceleratedWidget(), progress, state); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) if (unity::IsRunning()) { unity::SetProgressFraction(progress); } #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetOverlayIcon(const gfx::Image& overlay, const std::string& description) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) SkBitmap overlay_bitmap = overlay.AsBitmap(); taskbar_host_.SetOverlayIcon(GetAcceleratedWidget(), overlay_bitmap, description); #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetAutoHideMenuBar(bool auto_hide) { root_view_.SetAutoHideMenuBar(auto_hide); } bool NativeWindowViews::IsMenuBarAutoHide() const { return root_view_.is_menu_bar_auto_hide(); } void NativeWindowViews::SetMenuBarVisibility(bool visible) { root_view_.SetMenuBarVisibility(visible); } bool NativeWindowViews::IsMenuBarVisible() const { return root_view_.is_menu_bar_visible(); } void NativeWindowViews::SetBackgroundMaterial(const std::string& material) { NativeWindow::SetBackgroundMaterial(material); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // DWMWA_USE_HOSTBACKDROPBRUSH is only supported on Windows 11 22H2 and up. if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN11_22H2) return; DWM_SYSTEMBACKDROP_TYPE backdrop_type = GetBackdropFromString(material); HRESULT result = DwmSetWindowAttribute(GetAcceleratedWidget(), DWMWA_SYSTEMBACKDROP_TYPE, &backdrop_type, sizeof(backdrop_type)); if (FAILED(result)) LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to set background material to " << material; // For frameless windows with a background material set, we also need to // remove the caption color so it doesn't render a caption bar (since the // window is frameless) COLORREF caption_color = DWMWA_COLOR_DEFAULT; if (backdrop_type != DWMSBT_NONE && backdrop_type != DWMSBT_AUTO && !has_frame()) { caption_color = DWMWA_COLOR_NONE; } result = DwmSetWindowAttribute(GetAcceleratedWidget(), DWMWA_CAPTION_COLOR, &caption_color, sizeof(caption_color)); if (FAILED(result)) LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to set caption color to transparent"; #endif } void NativeWindowViews::SetVisibleOnAllWorkspaces( bool visible, bool visibleOnFullScreen, bool skipTransformProcessType) { widget()->SetVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(visible); } bool NativeWindowViews::IsVisibleOnAllWorkspaces() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) if (IsX11()) { // Use the presence/absence of _NET_WM_STATE_STICKY in _NET_WM_STATE to // determine whether the current window is visible on all workspaces. x11::Atom sticky_atom = x11::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY"); std::vector wm_states; auto* connection = x11::Connection::Get(); connection->GetArrayProperty( static_cast(GetAcceleratedWidget()), x11::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE"), &wm_states); return base::Contains(wm_states, sticky_atom); } #endif return false; } content::DesktopMediaID NativeWindowViews::GetDesktopMediaID() const { const gfx::AcceleratedWidget accelerated_widget = GetAcceleratedWidget(); content::DesktopMediaID::Id window_handle = content::DesktopMediaID::kNullId; content::DesktopMediaID::Id aura_id = content::DesktopMediaID::kNullId; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) window_handle = reinterpret_cast(accelerated_widget); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) window_handle = static_cast(accelerated_widget); #endif aura::WindowTreeHost* const host = aura::WindowTreeHost::GetForAcceleratedWidget(accelerated_widget); aura::Window* const aura_window = host ? host->window() : nullptr; if (aura_window) { aura_id = content::DesktopMediaID::RegisterNativeWindow( content::DesktopMediaID::TYPE_WINDOW, aura_window) .window_id; } // No constructor to pass the aura_id. Make sure to not use the other // constructor that has a third parameter, it is for yet another purpose. content::DesktopMediaID result = content::DesktopMediaID( content::DesktopMediaID::TYPE_WINDOW, window_handle); // Confusing but this is how content::DesktopMediaID is designed. The id // property is the window handle whereas the window_id property is an id // given by a map containing all aura instances. result.window_id = aura_id; return result; } gfx::AcceleratedWidget NativeWindowViews::GetAcceleratedWidget() const { if (GetNativeWindow() && GetNativeWindow()->GetHost()) return GetNativeWindow()->GetHost()->GetAcceleratedWidget(); else return gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget; } NativeWindowHandle NativeWindowViews::GetNativeWindowHandle() const { return GetAcceleratedWidget(); } gfx::Rect NativeWindowViews::ContentBoundsToWindowBounds( const gfx::Rect& bounds) const { if (!has_frame()) return bounds; gfx::Rect window_bounds(bounds); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (widget()->non_client_view()) { HWND hwnd = GetAcceleratedWidget(); gfx::Rect dpi_bounds = DIPToScreenRect(hwnd, bounds); window_bounds = ScreenToDIPRect( hwnd, widget()->non_client_view()->GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds( dpi_bounds)); } #endif if (root_view_.HasMenu() && root_view_.is_menu_bar_visible()) { int menu_bar_height = root_view_.GetMenuBarHeight(); window_bounds.set_y(window_bounds.y() - menu_bar_height); window_bounds.set_height(window_bounds.height() + menu_bar_height); } return window_bounds; } gfx::Rect NativeWindowViews::WindowBoundsToContentBounds( const gfx::Rect& bounds) const { if (!has_frame()) return bounds; gfx::Rect content_bounds(bounds); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) HWND hwnd = GetAcceleratedWidget(); content_bounds.set_size(DIPToScreenRect(hwnd, content_bounds).size()); RECT rect; SetRectEmpty(&rect); DWORD style = ::GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); DWORD ex_style = ::GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, style, FALSE, ex_style); content_bounds.set_width(content_bounds.width() - (rect.right - rect.left)); content_bounds.set_height(content_bounds.height() - (rect.bottom - rect.top)); content_bounds.set_size(ScreenToDIPRect(hwnd, content_bounds).size()); #endif if (root_view_.HasMenu() && root_view_.is_menu_bar_visible()) { int menu_bar_height = root_view_.GetMenuBarHeight(); content_bounds.set_y(content_bounds.y() + menu_bar_height); content_bounds.set_height(content_bounds.height() - menu_bar_height); } return content_bounds; } #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) void NativeWindowViews::SetIcon(HICON window_icon, HICON app_icon) { // We are responsible for storing the images. window_icon_ = base::win::ScopedGDIObject(CopyIcon(window_icon)); app_icon_ = base::win::ScopedGDIObject(CopyIcon(app_icon)); HWND hwnd = GetAcceleratedWidget(); SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, reinterpret_cast(window_icon_.get())); SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, reinterpret_cast(app_icon_.get())); } #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) void NativeWindowViews::SetIcon(const gfx::ImageSkia& icon) { auto* tree_host = views::DesktopWindowTreeHostLinux::GetHostForWidget( GetAcceleratedWidget()); tree_host->SetWindowIcons(icon, {}); } #endif #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) void NativeWindowViews::UpdateThickFrame() { if (!thick_frame_) return; if (IsMaximized() && !transparent()) { // For maximized window add thick frame always, otherwise it will be // removed in HWNDMessageHandler::SizeConstraintsChanged() which will // result in maximized window bounds change. FlipWindowStyle(GetAcceleratedWidget(), true, WS_THICKFRAME); } else if (has_frame()) { FlipWindowStyle(GetAcceleratedWidget(), resizable_, WS_THICKFRAME); } } #endif void NativeWindowViews::OnWidgetActivationChanged(views::Widget* changed_widget, bool active) { if (changed_widget != widget()) return; if (active) { MoveBehindTaskBarIfNeeded(); NativeWindow::NotifyWindowFocus(); } else { NativeWindow::NotifyWindowBlur(); } // Hide menu bar when window is blurred. if (!active && IsMenuBarAutoHide() && IsMenuBarVisible()) SetMenuBarVisibility(false); root_view_.ResetAltState(); } void NativeWindowViews::OnWidgetBoundsChanged(views::Widget* changed_widget, const gfx::Rect& bounds) { if (changed_widget != widget()) return; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // OnWidgetBoundsChanged is emitted both when a window is moved and when a // window is resized. If the window is moving, then // WidgetObserver::OnWidgetBoundsChanged is being called from // Widget::OnNativeWidgetMove() and not Widget::OnNativeWidgetSizeChanged. // |GetWindowBoundsInScreen| has a ~1 pixel margin // of error because it converts from floats to integers between // calculations, so if we check existing bounds directly against the new // bounds without accounting for that we'll have constant false positives // when the window is moving but the user hasn't changed its size at all. auto isWithinOnePixel = [](gfx::Size old_size, gfx::Size new_size) -> bool { return base::IsApproximatelyEqual(old_size.width(), new_size.width(), 1) && base::IsApproximatelyEqual(old_size.height(), new_size.height(), 1); }; if (is_moving_ && isWithinOnePixel(widget_size_, bounds.size())) return; #endif // We use |GetBounds| to account for minimized windows on Windows. const auto new_bounds = GetBounds(); if (widget_size_ != new_bounds.size()) { NotifyWindowResize(); widget_size_ = new_bounds.size(); } } void NativeWindowViews::OnWidgetDestroying(views::Widget* widget) { aura::Window* window = GetNativeWindow(); if (window) window->RemovePreTargetHandler(this); } void NativeWindowViews::OnWidgetDestroyed(views::Widget* changed_widget) { widget_destroyed_ = true; } views::View* NativeWindowViews::GetInitiallyFocusedView() { return focused_view_; } bool NativeWindowViews::CanMaximize() const { return resizable_ && maximizable_; } bool NativeWindowViews::CanMinimize() const { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) return minimizable_; #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) return true; #endif } std::u16string NativeWindowViews::GetWindowTitle() const { return base::UTF8ToUTF16(title_); } views::View* NativeWindowViews::GetContentsView() { return root_view_.GetMainView(); } bool NativeWindowViews::ShouldDescendIntoChildForEventHandling( gfx::NativeView child, const gfx::Point& location) { return NonClientHitTest(location) == HTNOWHERE; } views::ClientView* NativeWindowViews::CreateClientView(views::Widget* widget) { return new NativeWindowClientView{widget, &root_view_, this}; } std::unique_ptr NativeWindowViews::CreateNonClientFrameView(views::Widget* widget) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) auto frame_view = std::make_unique(); frame_view->Init(this, widget); return frame_view; #else if (has_frame() && !has_client_frame()) { return std::make_unique(this, widget); } else { if (has_frame() && has_client_frame()) { auto frame_view = std::make_unique(); frame_view->Init(this, widget); return frame_view; } else { auto frame_view = std::make_unique(); frame_view->Init(this, widget); return frame_view; } } #endif } void NativeWindowViews::OnWidgetMove() { NotifyWindowMove(); } void NativeWindowViews::HandleKeyboardEvent( content::WebContents*, const input::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) { if (widget_destroyed_) return; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) if (event.windows_key_code == ui::VKEY_BROWSER_BACK) NotifyWindowExecuteAppCommand(kBrowserBackward); else if (event.windows_key_code == ui::VKEY_BROWSER_FORWARD) NotifyWindowExecuteAppCommand(kBrowserForward); #endif keyboard_event_handler_.HandleKeyboardEvent(event, root_view_.GetFocusManager()); root_view_.HandleKeyEvent(event); } void NativeWindowViews::OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) { if (event->type() != ui::EventType::kMousePressed) return; // Alt+Click should not toggle menu bar. root_view_.ResetAltState(); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) if (event->changed_button_flags() == ui::EF_BACK_MOUSE_BUTTON) NotifyWindowExecuteAppCommand(kBrowserBackward); else if (event->changed_button_flags() == ui::EF_FORWARD_MOUSE_BUTTON) NotifyWindowExecuteAppCommand(kBrowserForward); #endif } ui::mojom::WindowShowState NativeWindowViews::GetRestoredState() { if (IsMaximized()) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // Restore maximized state for windows that are not translucent. if (!IsTranslucent()) { return ui::mojom::WindowShowState::kMaximized; } #else return ui::mojom::WindowShowState::kMinimized; #endif } if (IsFullscreen()) return ui::mojom::WindowShowState::kFullscreen; return ui::mojom::WindowShowState::kNormal; } void NativeWindowViews::MoveBehindTaskBarIfNeeded() { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (behind_task_bar_) { const HWND task_bar_hwnd = ::FindWindow(kUniqueTaskBarClassName, nullptr); ::SetWindowPos(GetAcceleratedWidget(), task_bar_hwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } #endif // TODO(julien.isorce): Implement X11 case. } // static std::unique_ptr NativeWindow::Create( const gin_helper::Dictionary& options, NativeWindow* parent) { return std::make_unique(options, parent); } } // namespace electron