const Module = require('module'); const path = require('path'); const v8 = require('v8'); Module.globalPaths.push(path.resolve(__dirname, '../spec/node_modules')); // We want to terminate on errors, not throw up a dialog process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => { console.error('Unhandled exception in main spec runner:', err); process.exit(1); }); // Tell ts-node which tsconfig to use process.env.TS_NODE_PROJECT = path.resolve(__dirname, '../tsconfig.spec.json'); process.env.ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS = 'true'; const { app, protocol } = require('electron'); v8.setFlagsFromString('--expose_gc'); app.commandLine.appendSwitch('js-flags', '--expose_gc'); // Prevent the spec runner quiting when the first window closes app.on('window-all-closed', () => null); // Use fake device for Media Stream to replace actual camera and microphone. app.commandLine.appendSwitch('use-fake-device-for-media-stream'); global.standardScheme = 'app'; global.zoomScheme = 'zoom'; protocol.registerSchemesAsPrivileged([ { scheme: global.standardScheme, privileges: { standard: true, secure: true } }, { scheme: global.zoomScheme, privileges: { standard: true, secure: true } }, { scheme: 'cors-blob', privileges: { corsEnabled: true, supportFetchAPI: true } }, { scheme: 'cors', privileges: { corsEnabled: true, supportFetchAPI: true } }, { scheme: 'no-cors', privileges: { supportFetchAPI: true } }, { scheme: 'no-fetch', privileges: { corsEnabled: true } }, { scheme: 'foo', privileges: { standard: true } }, { scheme: 'bar', privileges: { standard: true } } ]); app.whenReady().then(() => { require('ts-node/register'); const argv = require('yargs') .boolean('ci') .array('files') .string('g').alias('g', 'grep') .boolean('i').alias('i', 'invert') .argv; const Mocha = require('mocha'); const mochaOptions = {}; if (process.env.MOCHA_REPORTER) { mochaOptions.reporter = process.env.MOCHA_REPORTER; } if (process.env.MOCHA_MULTI_REPORTERS) { mochaOptions.reporterOptions = { reporterEnabled: process.env.MOCHA_MULTI_REPORTERS }; } const mocha = new Mocha(mochaOptions); if (!process.env.MOCHA_REPORTER) { mocha.ui('bdd').reporter('tap'); } mocha.timeout(30000); if (argv.grep) mocha.grep(argv.grep); if (argv.invert) mocha.invert(); // Read all test files. const walker = require('walkdir').walk(__dirname, { no_recurse: true }); // This allows you to run specific modules only: // npm run test -match=menu const moduleMatch = process.env.npm_config_match ? new RegExp(process.env.npm_config_match, 'g') : null; const testFiles = []; walker.on('file', (file) => { if (/-spec\.[tj]s$/.test(file) && (!moduleMatch || moduleMatch.test(file))) { testFiles.push(file); } }); const baseElectronDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..'); walker.on('end', () => { testFiles.sort(); sortToEnd(testFiles, f => f.includes('crash-reporter')).forEach((file) => { if (!argv.files || argv.files.includes(path.relative(baseElectronDir, file))) { mocha.addFile(file); } }); const cb = () => { // Ensure the callback is called after runner is defined process.nextTick(() => { process.exit(runner.failures); }); }; // Set up chai in the correct order const chai = require('chai'); chai.use(require('chai-as-promised')); chai.use(require('dirty-chai')); const runner =; }); }); function partition (xs, f) { const trues = []; const falses = []; xs.forEach(x => (f(x) ? trues : falses).push(x)); return [trues, falses]; } function sortToEnd (xs, f) { const [end, beginning] = partition(xs, f); return beginning.concat(end); }