'use strict' const assert = require('assert') const {closeWindow} = require('./window-helpers') const {remote} = require('electron') const {BrowserView, BrowserWindow} = remote describe('BrowserView module', function () { var w = null var view = null beforeEach(function () { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 400, height: 400, webPreferences: { backgroundThrottling: false } }) }) afterEach(function () { if (view) { view.destroy() view = null } return closeWindow(w).then(function () { w = null }) }) describe('BrowserView.setBackgroundColor()', function () { it('does not throw for valid args', function () { view = new BrowserView() view.setBackgroundColor('#000') }) it('throws for invalid args', function () { view = new BrowserView() assert.throws(function () { view.setBackgroundColor(null) }, /conversion failure/) }) }) describe('BrowserView.setAutoResize()', function () { it('does not throw for valid args', function () { view = new BrowserView() view.setAutoResize({}) view.setAutoResize({ width: true, height: false }) }) it('throws for invalid args', function () { view = new BrowserView() assert.throws(function () { view.setAutoResize(null) }, /conversion failure/) }) }) describe('BrowserView.setBounds()', function () { it('does not throw for valid args', function () { view = new BrowserView() view.setBounds({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1 }) }) it('throws for invalid args', function () { view = new BrowserView() assert.throws(function () { view.setBounds(null) }, /conversion failure/) assert.throws(function () { view.setBounds({}) }, /conversion failure/) }) }) describe('BrowserWindow.setBrowserView()', function () { it('does not throw for valid args', function () { view = new BrowserView() w.setBrowserView(view) }) it('does not throw if called multiple times with same view', function () { view = new BrowserView() w.setBrowserView(view) w.setBrowserView(view) w.setBrowserView(view) }) }) describe('BrowserView.webContents.getOwnerBrowserWindow()', function () { it('points to owning window', function () { view = new BrowserView() assert.ok(!view.webContents.getOwnerBrowserWindow()) w.setBrowserView(view) assert.equal(view.webContents.getOwnerBrowserWindow(), w) w.setBrowserView(null) assert.ok(!view.webContents.getOwnerBrowserWindow()) }) }) describe('BrowserView.fromId()', function () { it('returns the view with given id', function () { view = new BrowserView() w.setBrowserView(view) assert.notEqual(view.id, null) let view2 = BrowserView.fromId(view.id) assert.equal(view2.webContents.id, view.webContents.id) }) }) })