import * as electron from 'electron'; import { ipcRendererInternal } from '@electron/internal/renderer/ipc-renderer-internal'; import * as ipcRendererUtils from '@electron/internal/renderer/ipc-renderer-internal-utils'; import * as guestViewInternal from '@electron/internal/renderer/web-view/guest-view-internal'; import { WEB_VIEW_CONSTANTS } from '@electron/internal/renderer/web-view/web-view-constants'; import { syncMethods, asyncMethods, properties } from '@electron/internal/common/web-view-methods'; import { deserialize } from '@electron/internal/common/type-utils'; const { webFrame } = electron; const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util'); // ID generator. let nextId = 0; const getNextId = function () { return ++nextId; }; // Represents the internal state of the WebView node. export class WebViewImpl { public beforeFirstNavigation = true public elementAttached = false public guestInstanceId?: number public hasFocus = false public internalInstanceId?: number; public resizeObserver?: ResizeObserver; public userAgentOverride?: string; public viewInstanceId: number // on* Event handlers. public on: Record<string, any> = {} public internalElement: HTMLIFrameElement // Replaced in web-view-attributes public attributes: Record<string, any> = {} public setupWebViewAttributes (): void {} constructor (public webviewNode: HTMLElement) { // Create internal iframe element. this.internalElement = this.createInternalElement(); const shadowRoot = this.webviewNode.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<!DOCTYPE html><style type="text/css">:host { display: flex; }</style>'; this.setupWebViewAttributes(); this.viewInstanceId = getNextId(); shadowRoot.appendChild(this.internalElement); // Provide access to contentWindow. Object.defineProperty(this.webviewNode, 'contentWindow', { get: () => { return this.internalElement.contentWindow; }, enumerable: true }); } createInternalElement () { const iframeElement = document.createElement('iframe'); = '1 1 auto'; = '100%'; = '0'; v8Util.setHiddenValue(iframeElement, 'internal', this); return iframeElement; } // Resets some state upon reattaching <webview> element to the DOM. reset () { // If guestInstanceId is defined then the <webview> has navigated and has // already picked up a partition ID. Thus, we need to reset the initialization // state. However, it may be the case that beforeFirstNavigation is false BUT // guestInstanceId has yet to be initialized. This means that we have not // heard back from createGuest yet. We will not reset the flag in this case so // that we don't end up allocating a second guest. if (this.guestInstanceId) { this.guestInstanceId = undefined; } this.beforeFirstNavigation = true; this.attributes[WEB_VIEW_CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTE_PARTITION].validPartitionId = true; // Since attachment swaps a local frame for a remote frame, we need our // internal iframe element to be local again before we can reattach. const newFrame = this.createInternalElement(); const oldFrame = this.internalElement; this.internalElement = newFrame; if (oldFrame && oldFrame.parentNode) { oldFrame.parentNode.replaceChild(newFrame, oldFrame); } } // This observer monitors mutations to attributes of the <webview> and // updates the BrowserPlugin properties accordingly. In turn, updating // a BrowserPlugin property will update the corresponding BrowserPlugin // attribute, if necessary. See BrowserPlugin::UpdateDOMAttribute for more // details. handleWebviewAttributeMutation (attributeName: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any) { if (!this.attributes[attributeName] || this.attributes[attributeName].ignoreMutation) { return; } // Let the changed attribute handle its own mutation this.attributes[attributeName].handleMutation(oldValue, newValue); } onElementResize () { const resizeEvent = new Event('resize') as ElectronInternal.WebFrameResizeEvent; resizeEvent.newWidth = this.webviewNode.clientWidth; resizeEvent.newHeight = this.webviewNode.clientHeight; this.dispatchEvent(resizeEvent); } createGuest () { guestViewInternal.createGuest(this.buildParams()).then(guestInstanceId => { this.attachGuestInstance(guestInstanceId); }); } dispatchEvent (webViewEvent: Electron.Event) { this.webviewNode.dispatchEvent(webViewEvent); } // Adds an 'on<event>' property on the webview, which can be used to set/unset // an event handler. setupEventProperty (eventName: string) { const propertyName = `on${eventName.toLowerCase()}`; return Object.defineProperty(this.webviewNode, propertyName, { get: () => { return this.on[propertyName]; }, set: (value) => { if (this.on[propertyName]) { this.webviewNode.removeEventListener(eventName, this.on[propertyName]); } this.on[propertyName] = value; if (value) { return this.webviewNode.addEventListener(eventName, value); } }, enumerable: true }); } // Updates state upon loadcommit. onLoadCommit (webViewEvent: ElectronInternal.WebViewEvent) { const oldValue = this.webviewNode.getAttribute(WEB_VIEW_CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTE_SRC); const newValue = webViewEvent.url; if (webViewEvent.isMainFrame && (oldValue !== newValue)) { // Touching the src attribute triggers a navigation. To avoid // triggering a page reload on every guest-initiated navigation, // we do not handle this mutation. this.attributes[WEB_VIEW_CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTE_SRC].setValueIgnoreMutation(newValue); } } // Emits focus/blur events. onFocusChange () { const hasFocus = document.activeElement === this.webviewNode; if (hasFocus !== this.hasFocus) { this.hasFocus = hasFocus; this.dispatchEvent(new Event(hasFocus ? 'focus' : 'blur')); } } onAttach (storagePartitionId: number) { return this.attributes[WEB_VIEW_CONSTANTS.ATTRIBUTE_PARTITION].setValue(storagePartitionId); } buildParams () { const params: Record<string, any> = { instanceId: this.viewInstanceId, userAgentOverride: this.userAgentOverride }; for (const attributeName in this.attributes) { if (, attributeName)) { params[attributeName] = this.attributes[attributeName].getValue(); } } return params; } attachGuestInstance (guestInstanceId: number) { if (!this.elementAttached) { // The element could be detached before we got response from browser. return; } this.internalInstanceId = getNextId(); this.guestInstanceId = guestInstanceId; guestViewInternal.attachGuest( this.internalInstanceId, this.guestInstanceId, this.buildParams(), this.internalElement.contentWindow! ); // TODO(zcbenz): Should we deprecate the "resize" event? Wait, it is not // even documented. this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(this.onElementResize.bind(this)); this.resizeObserver.observe(this.internalElement); } } export const setupAttributes = () => { require('@electron/internal/renderer/web-view/web-view-attributes'); }; // I wish eslint wasn't so stupid, but it is // eslint-disable-next-line export const setupMethods = (WebViewElement: typeof ElectronInternal.WebViewElement) => { WebViewElement.prototype.getWebContentsId = function () { const internal = v8Util.getHiddenValue<WebViewImpl>(this, 'internal'); if (!internal.guestInstanceId) { throw new Error('The WebView must be attached to the DOM and the dom-ready event emitted before this method can be called.'); } return internal.guestInstanceId; }; // Focusing the webview should move page focus to the underlying iframe. WebViewElement.prototype.focus = function () { this.contentWindow.focus(); }; // Forward* method calls to*. const createBlockHandler = function (method: string) { return function (this: ElectronInternal.WebViewElement, ...args: Array<any>) { return ipcRendererUtils.invokeSync('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CALL', this.getWebContentsId(), method, args); }; }; for (const method of syncMethods) { (WebViewElement.prototype as Record<string, any>)[method] = createBlockHandler(method); } const createNonBlockHandler = function (method: string) { return function (this: ElectronInternal.WebViewElement, ...args: Array<any>) { return ipcRendererInternal.invoke('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CALL', this.getWebContentsId(), method, args); }; }; for (const method of asyncMethods) { (WebViewElement.prototype as Record<string, any>)[method] = createNonBlockHandler(method); } WebViewElement.prototype.capturePage = async function (...args) { return deserialize(await ipcRendererInternal.invoke('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CAPTURE_PAGE', this.getWebContentsId(), args)); }; const createPropertyGetter = function (property: string) { return function (this: ElectronInternal.WebViewElement) { return ipcRendererUtils.invokeSync('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_PROPERTY_GET', this.getWebContentsId(), property); }; }; const createPropertySetter = function (property: string) { return function (this: ElectronInternal.WebViewElement, arg: any) { return ipcRendererUtils.invokeSync('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_PROPERTY_SET', this.getWebContentsId(), property, arg); }; }; for (const property of properties) { Object.defineProperty(WebViewElement.prototype, property, { get: createPropertyGetter(property) as any, set: createPropertySetter(property) }); } }; export const webViewImplModule = { setupAttributes, setupMethods, guestViewInternal, webFrame, WebViewImpl };