import { ProtocolRequest, session } from 'electron/main'; import { createReadStream } from 'fs'; import { Readable } from 'stream'; import { ReadableStream } from 'stream/web'; // Global protocol APIs. const { registerSchemesAsPrivileged, getStandardSchemes, Protocol } = process._linkedBinding('electron_browser_protocol'); const ERR_FAILED = -2; const ERR_UNEXPECTED = -9; const isBuiltInScheme = (scheme: string) => scheme === 'http' || scheme === 'https'; function makeStreamFromPipe (pipe: any): ReadableStream { const buf = new Uint8Array(1024 * 1024 /* 1 MB */); return new ReadableStream({ async pull (controller) { try { const rv = await; if (rv > 0) { controller.enqueue(buf.subarray(0, rv)); } else { controller.close(); } } catch (e) { controller.error(e); } } }); } function convertToRequestBody (uploadData: ProtocolRequest['uploadData']): RequestInit['body'] { if (!uploadData) return null; // Optimization: skip creating a stream if the request is just a single buffer. if (uploadData.length === 1 && (uploadData[0] as any).type === 'rawData') return uploadData[0].bytes; const chunks = [...uploadData] as any[]; // TODO: types are wrong let current: ReadableStreamDefaultReader | null = null; return new ReadableStream({ pull (controller) { if (current) {{ done, value }) => { controller.enqueue(value); if (done) current = null; }, (err) => { controller.error(err); }); } else { if (!chunks.length) { return controller.close(); } const chunk = chunks.shift()!; if (chunk.type === 'rawData') { controller.enqueue(chunk.bytes); } else if (chunk.type === 'file') { current = Readable.toWeb(createReadStream(chunk.filePath, { start: chunk.offset ?? 0, end: chunk.length >= 0 ? chunk.offset + chunk.length : undefined })).getReader(); this.pull!(controller); } else if (chunk.type === 'stream') { current = makeStreamFromPipe(chunk.body).getReader(); this.pull!(controller); } } } }) as RequestInit['body']; } // TODO(codebytere): Use Object.hasOwn() once we update to ECMAScript 2022. function validateResponse (res: Response) { if (!res || typeof res !== 'object') return false; if (res.type === 'error') return true; const exists = (key: string) =>, key); if (exists('status') && typeof res.status !== 'number') return false; if (exists('statusText') && typeof res.statusText !== 'string') return false; if (exists('headers') && typeof res.headers !== 'object') return false; if (exists('body')) { if (typeof res.body !== 'object') return false; if (res.body !== null && !(res.body instanceof ReadableStream)) return false; } return true; } Protocol.prototype.handle = function (this: Electron.Protocol, scheme: string, handler: (req: Request) => Response | Promise) { const register = isBuiltInScheme(scheme) ? this.interceptProtocol : this.registerProtocol; const success =, scheme, async (preq: ProtocolRequest, cb: any) => { try { const body = convertToRequestBody(preq.uploadData); const req = new Request(preq.url, { headers: preq.headers, method: preq.method, referrer: preq.referrer, body, duplex: body instanceof ReadableStream ? 'half' : undefined } as any); const res = await handler(req); if (!validateResponse(res)) { return cb({ error: ERR_UNEXPECTED }); } else if (res.type === 'error') { cb({ error: ERR_FAILED }); } else { cb({ data: res.body ? Readable.fromWeb(res.body as ReadableStream) : null, headers: res.headers ? Object.fromEntries(res.headers) : {}, statusCode: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, mimeType: (res as any).__original_resp?._responseHead?.mimeType }); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); cb({ error: ERR_UNEXPECTED }); } }); if (!success) throw new Error(`Failed to register protocol: ${scheme}`); }; Protocol.prototype.unhandle = function (this: Electron.Protocol, scheme: string) { const unregister = isBuiltInScheme(scheme) ? this.uninterceptProtocol : this.unregisterProtocol; if (!, scheme)) { throw new Error(`Failed to unhandle protocol: ${scheme}`); } }; Protocol.prototype.isProtocolHandled = function (this: Electron.Protocol, scheme: string) { const isRegistered = isBuiltInScheme(scheme) ? this.isProtocolIntercepted : this.isProtocolRegistered; return, scheme); }; const protocol = { registerSchemesAsPrivileged, getStandardSchemes, registerStringProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.registerStringProtocol(...args), registerBufferProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.registerBufferProtocol(...args), registerStreamProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.registerStreamProtocol(...args), registerFileProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.registerFileProtocol(...args), registerHttpProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.registerHttpProtocol(...args), registerProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.registerProtocol(...args), unregisterProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.unregisterProtocol(...args), isProtocolRegistered: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.isProtocolRegistered(...args), interceptStringProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.interceptStringProtocol(...args), interceptBufferProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.interceptBufferProtocol(...args), interceptStreamProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.interceptStreamProtocol(...args), interceptFileProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.interceptFileProtocol(...args), interceptHttpProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.interceptHttpProtocol(...args), interceptProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.interceptProtocol(...args), uninterceptProtocol: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.uninterceptProtocol(...args), isProtocolIntercepted: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.isProtocolIntercepted(...args), handle: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.handle(...args), unhandle: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.unhandle(...args), isProtocolHandled: (...args) => session.defaultSession.protocol.isProtocolHandled(...args) } as typeof Electron.protocol; export default protocol;