<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <grit-part> <!-- Windows Caption Buttons --> <message name="IDS_APP_ACCNAME_CLOSE" desc="The accessible name for the Close button."> Close </message> <message name="IDS_APP_ACCNAME_MINIMIZE" desc="The accessible name for the Minimize button."> Minimize </message> <message name="IDS_APP_ACCNAME_MAXIMIZE" desc="The accessible name for the Maximize button."> Maximize </message> <message name="IDS_APP_ACCNAME_RESTORE" desc="The accessible name for the Restore button."> Restore </message> <!-- Printing Service --> <message name="IDS_UTILITY_PROCESS_PRINTING_SERVICE_NAME" desc="The name of the utility process used for printing conversions."> Printing Service </message> <message name="IDS_PRINT_INVALID_PRINTER_SETTINGS" desc="Message to display when selected printer is not reachable or its settings are invalid."> The selected printer is not available or not installed correctly. <ph name="BR"><br></ph> Check your printer or try selecting another printer. </message> <message name="IDS_DEFAULT_PRINT_DOCUMENT_TITLE" desc="Default title for a print document"> Untitled Document </message> <!-- Desktop Capturer API --> <message name="IDS_DESKTOP_MEDIA_PICKER_SINGLE_SCREEN_NAME" desc="Name for screens in the desktop media picker UI when there is only one monitor."> Entire Screen </message> <message name="IDS_DESKTOP_MEDIA_PICKER_MULTIPLE_SCREEN_NAME" desc="Name for screens in the desktop media picker UI when there are multiple monitors."> {SCREEN_INDEX, plural, =1{Screen #} other{Screen #}} </message> <!-- Picture-in-Picture --> <if expr="is_macosx"> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_TITLE_TEXT" desc="Title of the Picture-in-Picture window. This appears in the system tray and window header."> Picture in Picture </message> </if> <if expr="not is_macosx"> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_TITLE_TEXT" desc="Title of the Picture-in-Picture window. This appears in the system tray and window header."> Picture in picture </message> </if> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_PAUSE_CONTROL_TEXT" desc="Text label of the pause control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window and the video is currently playing."> Pause </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_PLAY_CONTROL_TEXT" desc="Text label of the play control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window and the video is currently paused."> Play </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_REPLAY_CONTROL_TEXT" desc="Text label of the replay control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window and the video is ended."> Play from the beginning </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_BACK_TO_TAB_CONTROL_TEXT" desc="Text label of the back to tab control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window."> Back to video player </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_MUTE_CONTROL_TEXT" desc="Text label of the mute control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window and the video is currently unmuted."> Mute </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_UNMUTE_CONTROL_TEXT" desc="Text label of the mute control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window and the video is currently muted."> Unmute </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_SKIP_AD_CONTROL_TEXT" desc="Text label of the skip ad control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window."> Skip Ad </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_MUTE_MICROPHONE_TEXT" desc="Text label of the mute microphone control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window."> Mute microphone </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_UNMUTE_MICROPHONE_TEXT" desc="Text label of the unmute microphone control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window."> Unmute microphone </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_TURN_ON_CAMERA_TEXT" desc="Text label of the turn on camera control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window."> Turn on camera </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_TURN_OFF_CAMERA_TEXT" desc="Text label of the turn off camera control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window."> Turn off camera </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_HANG_UP_TEXT" desc="Text label of the hang up control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window."> Hang up </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_CLOSE_CONTROL_TEXT" desc="Text label of the close control button. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window."> Close </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_RESIZE_HANDLE_TEXT" desc="Text label of the resize handle. The button appears when the user hovers over the Picture-in-Picture window."> Resize </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_PLAY_PAUSE_CONTROL_ACCESSIBLE_TEXT" desc="Accessible text label used for the controls button in the Picture-in-Picture window. The button toggles between play and pause controls."> Toggle video to play or pause </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_MUTE_CONTROL_ACCESSIBLE_TEXT" desc="Accessible text label used for the controls button in the Picture-in-Picture window. The button toggles mute state."> Toggle mute </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_NEXT_TRACK_CONTROL_ACCESSIBLE_TEXT" desc="Accessible text label used for the controls button in the Picture-in-Picture window. The button invokes next track action."> Next track </message> <message name="IDS_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_PREVIOUS_TRACK_CONTROL_ACCESSIBLE_TEXT" desc="Accessible text label used for the controls button in the Picture-in-Picture window. The button invokes previous track action."> Previous track </message> <message name="IDS_SPELLCHECK_DICTIONARY" use_name_for_id="true"> en-US </message> <message name="IDS_ACCEPT_LANGUAGES" use_name_for_id="true"> en-US,en </message> <if expr="is_win"> <message name="IDS_UTILITY_PROCESS_UTILITY_WIN_NAME" desc="The name of the utility process used to handle Windows utility operations."> Windows Utilities </message> </if> <message name="IDS_DOWNLOAD_MORE_ACTIONS" desc="Tooltip of a button on the downloads page that shows a menu with actions like 'Open downloads folder' or 'Clear all'"> More actions </message> <!-- Badging --> <message name="IDS_SATURATED_BADGE_CONTENT" desc="The content to display when the application's badge is too large to display to indicate that the badge is more than a given maximum. This string should be as short as possible, preferably only one character beyond the content"> <ph name="MAXIMUM_VALUE">$1<ex>99</ex></ph>+ </message> <message name="IDS_BADGE_UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS_SATURATED" desc="The accessibility text which will be read by a screen reader when the notification count is too large to display (e.g. greater than 99)."> {MAX_UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS, plural, =1 {More than 1 unread notification} other {More than # unread notifications}} </message> <message name="IDS_BADGE_UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS_UNSPECIFIED" desc="The accessibility text which will be read by a screen reader when there are some unspecified number of notifications, or user attention is required"> Unread Notifications </message> <message name="IDS_BADGE_UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS" desc="The accessibility text which will be read by a screen reader when there are notifcatications"> {UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS, plural, =1 {1 Unread Notification} other {# Unread Notifications}} </message> </grit-part>