const { expect } = require('chai')
const { remote } = require('electron')
const { nextVersion } = require('../script/bump-version')
const utils = require('../script/lib/version-utils')

const isCi = remote.getGlobal('isCi')

// On macOS Circle CI we don't have a real git environment due to running
// gclient sync on a linux machine.  These tests therefore don't run as expected
const describeFn = (isCi && process.platform === 'darwin') ? describe.skip : describe

describeFn('bump-version utils', () => {
  it('makes a version with a period delimeter', () => {
    const components = {
      major: 2,
      minor: 0,
      patch: 0

    const version = utils.makeVersion(components, '.')

  it('makes a version with a period delimeter and a partial pre', () => {
    const components = {
      major: 2,
      minor: 0,
      patch: 0,
      pre: [ 'nightly', 12345678 ]

    const version = utils.makeVersion(components, '.', utils.preType.PARTIAL)

  it('makes a version with a period delimeter and a full pre', () => {
    const components = {
      major: 2,
      minor: 0,
      patch: 0,
      pre: [ 'nightly', 12345678 ]

    const version = utils.makeVersion(components, '.', utils.preType.FULL)

describeFn('bump-version script', () => {
  const nightlyPattern = /[0-9.]*(-nightly.(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2}))$/g
  const betaPattern = /[0-9.]*(-beta[0-9.]*)/g

  before(function () {
    if (process.platform === 'linux' && process.arch === 'arm') {

  it('bumps to nightly from stable', async () => {
    const version = 'v2.0.0'
    const next = await nextVersion('nightly', version)
    const matches = next.match(nightlyPattern)

  it('bumps to nightly from beta', async () => {
    const version = 'v2.0.0-beta.1'
    const next = await nextVersion('nightly', version)
    const matches = next.match(nightlyPattern)

  it('bumps to nightly from nightly', async () => {
    const version = 'v2.0.0-nightly.19950901'
    const next = await nextVersion('nightly', version)
    const matches = next.match(nightlyPattern)

  it('throws error when bumping to beta from stable', () => {
    const version = 'v2.0.0'
    return expect(
      nextVersion('beta', version)
    )'Cannot bump to beta from stable.')

  it('bumps to beta from nightly', async () => {
    const version = 'v2.0.0-nightly.19950901'
    const next = await nextVersion('beta', version)
    const matches = next.match(betaPattern)

  it('bumps to beta from beta', async () => {
    const version = 'v2.0.0-beta.8'
    const next = await nextVersion('beta', version)

  it('bumps to stable from beta', async () => {
    const version = 'v2.0.0-beta.1'
    const next = await nextVersion('stable', version)

  it('bumps to stable from stable', async () => {
    const version = 'v2.0.0'
    const next = await nextVersion('stable', version)

  it('bumps to stable from nightly', async () => {
    const version = 'v2.0.0-nightly.19950901'
    const next = await nextVersion('stable', version)

  it('throws on an invalid version', () => {
    const version = 'vI.AM.INVALID'
    return expect(
      nextVersion('beta', version)
    )`Invalid current version: ${version}`)

  it('throws on an invalid bump type', () => {
    const version = 'v2.0.0'
    return expect(
      nextVersion('WRONG', version)
    )'Invalid bump type.')