// TODO: Figure out a way to not duplicate this information between here and module-list // It is currently duplicated as module-list "require"s all the browser API file and the // remote module in the renderer process depends on that file. As a result webpack // includes all the browser API files in the renderer process as well and we want to avoid that // Browser side modules, please sort alphabetically. export const browserModuleNames = [ 'app', 'autoUpdater', 'BrowserView', 'BrowserWindow', 'contentTracing', 'crashReporter', 'dialog', 'globalShortcut', 'ipcMain', 'inAppPurchase', 'Menu', 'MenuItem', 'nativeTheme', 'net', 'netLog', 'MessageChannelMain', 'Notification', 'powerMonitor', 'powerSaveBlocker', 'protocol', 'screen', 'session', 'systemPreferences', 'TopLevelWindow', 'TouchBar', 'Tray', 'View', 'webContents', 'WebContentsView' ]; if (BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_VIEWS_API)) { browserModuleNames.push( 'ImageView' ); }