import * as util from 'util'; import type * as stream from 'stream'; import timers = require('timers'); type AnyFn = (...args: any[]) => any // setImmediate and process.nextTick makes use of uv_check and uv_prepare to // run the callbacks, however since we only run uv loop on requests, the // callbacks wouldn't be called until something else activated the uv loop, // which would delay the callbacks for arbitrary long time. So we should // initiatively activate the uv loop once setImmediate and process.nextTick is // called. const wrapWithActivateUvLoop = function <T extends AnyFn> (func: T): T { return wrap(func, function (func) { return function (this: any, ...args: any[]) { process.activateUvLoop(); return func.apply(this, args); }; }) as T; }; /** * Casts to any below for func are due to Typescript not supporting symbols * in index signatures * * Refs: */ function wrap <T extends AnyFn> (func: T, wrapper: (fn: AnyFn) => T) { const wrapped = wrapper(func); if ((func as any)[util.promisify.custom]) { (wrapped as any)[util.promisify.custom] = wrapper((func as any)[util.promisify.custom]); } return wrapped; } // process.nextTick and setImmediate make use of uv_check and uv_prepare to // run the callbacks, however since we only run uv loop on requests, the // callbacks wouldn't be called until something else activated the uv loop, // which would delay the callbacks for arbitrary long time. So we should // initiatively activate the uv loop once process.nextTick and setImmediate is // called. process.nextTick = wrapWithActivateUvLoop(process.nextTick); global.setImmediate = timers.setImmediate = wrapWithActivateUvLoop(timers.setImmediate); global.clearImmediate = timers.clearImmediate; // setTimeout needs to update the polling timeout of the event loop, when // called under Chromium's event loop the node's event loop won't get a chance // to update the timeout, so we have to force the node's event loop to // recalculate the timeout in the process. timers.setTimeout = wrapWithActivateUvLoop(timers.setTimeout); timers.setInterval = wrapWithActivateUvLoop(timers.setInterval); // Update the global version of the timer apis to use the above wrapper // only in the process that runs node event loop alongside chromium // event loop. We skip renderer with nodeIntegration here because node globals // are deleted in these processes, see renderer/init.js for reference. if (process.type === 'browser' || process.type === 'utility') { global.setTimeout = timers.setTimeout; global.setInterval = timers.setInterval; } if (process.platform === 'win32') { // Always returns EOF for stdin stream. const { Readable } = require('stream') as typeof stream; const stdin = new Readable(); stdin.push(null); Object.defineProperty(process, 'stdin', { configurable: false, enumerable: true, get () { return stdin; } }); } const Module = require('module') as NodeJS.ModuleInternal; // Make a fake Electron module that we will insert into the module cache const makeElectronModule = (name: string) => { const electronModule = new Module('electron', null); = 'electron'; electronModule.loaded = true; electronModule.filename = name; Object.defineProperty(electronModule, 'exports', { get: () => require('electron') }); Module._cache[name] = electronModule; }; makeElectronModule('electron'); makeElectronModule('electron/common'); if (process.type === 'browser') { makeElectronModule('electron/main'); } if (process.type === 'renderer') { makeElectronModule('electron/renderer'); } const originalResolveFilename = Module._resolveFilename; // 'electron/main', 'electron/renderer' and 'electron/common' are module aliases // of the 'electron' module for TypeScript purposes, i.e., the types for // 'electron/main' consist of only main process modules, etc. It is intentional // that these can be `require()`-ed from both the main process as well as the // renderer process regardless of the names, they're superficial for TypeScript // only. const electronModuleNames = new Set(['electron', 'electron/main', 'electron/renderer', 'electron/common']); Module._resolveFilename = function (request, parent, isMain, options) { if (electronModuleNames.has(request)) { return 'electron'; } else { return originalResolveFilename(request, parent, isMain, options); } };