'use strict' const { expect } = require('chai') const path = require('path') const { remote } = require('electron') const { ipcMain, BrowserWindow } = remote const { closeWindow } = require('./window-helpers') describe('BrowserWindow with affinity module', () => { const fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures') const myAffinityName = 'myAffinity' const myAffinityNameUpper = 'MYAFFINITY' const anotherAffinityName = 'anotherAffinity' function createWindowWithWebPrefs (webPrefs) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 400, height: 400, webPreferences: webPrefs || {} }) w.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => { resolve(w) }) w.loadFile(path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'blank.html')) }) } function testAffinityProcessIds (name, webPreferences = {}) { describe(name, () => { let mAffinityWindow before(done => { createWindowWithWebPrefs({ affinity: myAffinityName, ...webPreferences }) .then((w) => { mAffinityWindow = w done() }) }) after(done => { closeWindow(mAffinityWindow, { assertSingleWindow: false }).then(() => { mAffinityWindow = null done() }) }) it('should have a different process id than a default window', done => { createWindowWithWebPrefs({ ...webPreferences }) .then(w => { const affinityID = mAffinityWindow.webContents.getOSProcessId() const wcID = w.webContents.getOSProcessId() expect(affinityID).to.not.equal(wcID, 'Should have different OS process IDs') closeWindow(w, { assertSingleWindow: false }).then(() => { done() }) }) }) it(`should have a different process id than a window with a different affinity '${anotherAffinityName}'`, done => { createWindowWithWebPrefs({ affinity: anotherAffinityName, ...webPreferences }) .then(w => { const affinityID = mAffinityWindow.webContents.getOSProcessId() const wcID = w.webContents.getOSProcessId() expect(affinityID).to.not.equal(wcID, 'Should have different OS process IDs') closeWindow(w, { assertSingleWindow: false }).then(() => { done() }) }) }) it(`should have the same OS process id than a window with the same affinity '${myAffinityName}'`, done => { createWindowWithWebPrefs({ affinity: myAffinityName, ...webPreferences }) .then(w => { const affinityID = mAffinityWindow.webContents.getOSProcessId() const wcID = w.webContents.getOSProcessId() expect(affinityID).to.equal(wcID, 'Should have the same OS process ID') closeWindow(w, { assertSingleWindow: false }).then(() => { done() }) }) }) it(`should have the same OS process id than a window with an equivalent affinity '${myAffinityNameUpper}' (case insensitive)`, done => { createWindowWithWebPrefs({ affinity: myAffinityNameUpper, ...webPreferences }) .then(w => { const affinityID = mAffinityWindow.webContents.getOSProcessId() const wcID = w.webContents.getOSProcessId() expect(affinityID).to.equal(wcID, 'Should have the same OS process ID') closeWindow(w, { assertSingleWindow: false }).then(() => { done() }) }) }) }) } testAffinityProcessIds(`BrowserWindow with an affinity '${myAffinityName}'`) testAffinityProcessIds(`BrowserWindow with an affinity '${myAffinityName}' and sandbox enabled`, { sandbox: true }) testAffinityProcessIds(`BrowserWindow with an affinity '${myAffinityName}' and nativeWindowOpen enabled`, { nativeWindowOpen: true }) describe(`BrowserWindow with an affinity : nodeIntegration=false`, () => { const preload = path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'send-later.js') const affinityWithNodeTrue = 'affinityWithNodeTrue' const affinityWithNodeFalse = 'affinityWithNodeFalse' function testNodeIntegration (present) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ipcMain.once('answer', (event, typeofProcess, typeofBuffer) => { if (present) { expect(typeofProcess).to.not.equal('undefined') expect(typeofBuffer).to.not.equal('undefined') } else { expect(typeofProcess).to.equal('undefined') expect(typeofBuffer).to.equal('undefined') } resolve() }) }) } it('disables node integration when specified to false', done => { Promise.all([ testNodeIntegration(false), createWindowWithWebPrefs({ affinity: affinityWithNodeTrue, preload, nodeIntegration: false }) ]).then(args => { closeWindow(args[1], { assertSingleWindow: false }).then(() => { done() }) }) }) it('disables node integration when first window is false', done => { Promise.all([ testNodeIntegration(false), createWindowWithWebPrefs({ affinity: affinityWithNodeTrue, preload, nodeIntegration: false }) ]).then(args => { const w1 = args[1] return Promise.all([ testNodeIntegration(false), w1, createWindowWithWebPrefs({ affinity: affinityWithNodeTrue, preload, nodeIntegration: true }) ]) }).then(ws => { return Promise.all([ closeWindow(ws[1], { assertSingleWindow: false }), closeWindow(ws[2], { assertSingleWindow: false }) ]) }).then(() => { done() }) }) it('enables node integration when specified to true', done => { Promise.all([ testNodeIntegration(true), createWindowWithWebPrefs({ affinity: affinityWithNodeFalse, preload, nodeIntegration: true }) ]).then(args => { closeWindow(args[1], { assertSingleWindow: false }).then(() => { done() }) }) }) it('enables node integration when first window is true', done => { Promise.all([ testNodeIntegration(true), createWindowWithWebPrefs({ affinity: affinityWithNodeFalse, preload, nodeIntegration: true }) ]).then(args => { const w1 = args[1] return Promise.all([ testNodeIntegration(true), w1, createWindowWithWebPrefs({ affinity: affinityWithNodeFalse, preload, nodeIntegration: false }) ]) }).then(ws => { return Promise.all([ closeWindow(ws[1], { assertSingleWindow: false }), closeWindow(ws[2], { assertSingleWindow: false }) ]) }).then(() => { done() }) }) }) })