import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as childProcess from 'child_process'; import * as http from 'http'; import * as Busboy from 'busboy'; import * as path from 'path'; import { ifdescribe } from './spec-helpers'; import * as temp from 'temp'; import { app } from 'electron/main'; import { crashReporter } from 'electron/common'; import { AddressInfo } from 'net'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as v8 from 'v8'; temp.track(); const afterTest: ((() => void) | (() => Promise))[] = []; async function cleanup () { for (const cleanup of afterTest) { const r = cleanup(); if (r instanceof Promise) { await r; } } afterTest.length = 0; } type CrashInfo = { prod: string ver: string process_type: string // eslint-disable-line camelcase platform: string extra1: string extra2: string extra3: undefined _productName: string _companyName: string _version: string upload_file_minidump: Buffer // eslint-disable-line camelcase } function checkCrash (expectedProcessType: string, fields: CrashInfo) { expect(String('Electron'); expect(String(fields.ver)).to.equal(process.versions.electron); expect(String(fields.process_type)).to.equal(expectedProcessType); expect(String(fields.platform)).to.equal(process.platform); expect(String(fields._productName)).to.equal('Zombies'); expect(String(fields._companyName)).to.equal('Umbrella Corporation'); expect(String(fields._version)).to.equal(app.getVersion()); expect(fields.upload_file_minidump); expect(fields.upload_file_minidump.length); } function checkCrashExtra (fields: CrashInfo) { expect(String(fields.extra1)).to.equal('extra1'); expect(String(fields.extra2)).to.equal('extra2'); expect(fields.extra3); } const startRemoteControlApp = async () => { const appPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'apps', 'remote-control'); const appProcess = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, [appPath]); const port = await new Promise(resolve => { appProcess.stdout.on('data', d => { const m = /Listening: (\d+)/.exec(d.toString()); if (m && m[1] != null) { resolve(Number(m[1])); } }); }); function remoteEval (js: string): any { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const req = http.request({ host: '', port, method: 'POST' }, res => { const chunks = [] as Buffer[]; res.on('data', chunk => { chunks.push(chunk); }); res.on('end', () => { const ret = v8.deserialize(Buffer.concat(chunks)); if (, 'error')) { reject(new Error(`remote error: ${ret.error}\n\nTriggered at:`)); } else { resolve(ret.result); } }); }); req.write(js); req.end(); }); } afterTest.push(() => { appProcess.kill('SIGINT'); }); return { remoteEval }; }; const startServer = async () => { const crashes: CrashInfo[] = []; function getCrashes () { return crashes; } const emitter = new EventEmitter(); function waitForCrash (): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { emitter.once('crash', (crash) => { resolve(crash); }); }); } const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { const busboy = new Busboy({ headers: req.headers }); const fields = {} as Record; const files = {} as Record; busboy.on('file', (fieldname, file) => { const chunks = [] as Array; file.on('data', (chunk) => { chunks.push(chunk); }); file.on('end', () => { files[fieldname] = Buffer.concat(chunks); }); }); busboy.on('field', (fieldname, val) => { fields[fieldname] = val; }); busboy.on('finish', () => { const reportId = 'abc-123-def-456-abc-789-abc-123-abcd'; res.end(reportId, async () => { req.socket.destroy(); emitter.emit('crash', { ...fields, ...files }); }); }); req.pipe(busboy); }); await new Promise(resolve => { server.listen(0, '', () => { resolve(); }); }); const port = (server.address() as AddressInfo).port; afterTest.push(() => { server.close(); }); return { getCrashes, port, waitForCrash }; }; function runApp (appPath: string, args: Array = []) { const appProcess = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, [appPath, ...args]); return new Promise(resolve => { appProcess.once('exit', resolve); }); } function runCrashApp (crashType: string, port: number, extraArgs: Array = []) { const appPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'apps', 'crash'); return runApp(appPath, [ `--crash-type=${crashType}`, `--crash-reporter-url=${port}`, ...extraArgs ]); } function waitForNewFileInDir (dir: string): Promise { const initialFiles = fs.readdirSync(dir); return new Promise(resolve => { const ivl = setInterval(() => { const newCrashFiles = fs.readdirSync(dir).filter(f => !initialFiles.includes(f)); if (newCrashFiles.length) { clearInterval(ivl); resolve(newCrashFiles); } }, 1000); }); } // TODO(alexeykuzmin): [Ch66] This test fails on Linux. Fix it and enable back. ifdescribe(!process.mas && !process.env.DISABLE_CRASH_REPORTER_TESTS && process.platform !== 'linux')('crashReporter module', function () { afterEach(cleanup); it('should send minidump when renderer crashes', async () => { const { port, waitForCrash } = await startServer(); runCrashApp('renderer', port); const crash = await waitForCrash(); checkCrash('renderer', crash); }); it('should send minidump when sandboxed renderer crashes', async () => { const { port, waitForCrash } = await startServer(); runCrashApp('sandboxed-renderer', port); const crash = await waitForCrash(); checkCrash('renderer', crash); checkCrashExtra(crash); }); it('should send minidump with updated parameters when renderer crashes', async () => { const { port, waitForCrash } = await startServer(); runCrashApp('renderer', port, ['--set-extra-parameters-in-renderer']); const crash = await waitForCrash(); checkCrash('renderer', crash); expect(crash.extra1); expect(crash.extra2).to.equal('extra2'); expect(crash.extra3).to.equal('added'); }); it('should send minidump with updated parameters when sandboxed renderer crashes', async () => { const { port, waitForCrash } = await startServer(); runCrashApp('sandboxed-renderer', port, ['--set-extra-parameters-in-renderer']); const crash = await waitForCrash(); checkCrash('renderer', crash); expect(crash.extra1); expect(crash.extra2).to.equal('extra2'); expect(crash.extra3).to.equal('added'); }); it('should send minidump when main process crashes', async () => { const { port, waitForCrash } = await startServer(); runCrashApp('main', port); const crash = await waitForCrash(); checkCrash('browser', crash); checkCrashExtra(crash); }); it('should send minidump when a node process crashes', async () => { const { port, waitForCrash } = await startServer(); runCrashApp('node', port); const crash = await waitForCrash(); checkCrash('node', crash); checkCrashExtra(crash); }); it('should not send a minidump when uploadToServer is false', async () => { const { port, getCrashes } = await startServer(); const crashesDir = path.join(app.getPath('temp'), 'Zombies Crashes'); const completedCrashesDir = path.join(crashesDir, 'completed'); const crashAppeared = waitForNewFileInDir(completedCrashesDir); await runCrashApp('renderer', port, ['--no-upload']); await crashAppeared; // wait a sec in case crashpad is about to upload a crash await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); expect(getCrashes()).to.have.length(0); }); describe('start() option validation', () => { it('requires that the companyName option be specified', () => { expect(() => { crashReporter.start({ companyName: 'dummy' } as any); }).to.throw('submitURL is a required option to crashReporter.start'); }); it('requires that the submitURL option be specified', () => { expect(() => { crashReporter.start({ submitURL: 'dummy' } as any); }).to.throw('companyName is a required option to crashReporter.start'); }); it('can be called twice', async () => { const { remoteEval } = await startRemoteControlApp(); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.start({companyName: "Umbrella Corporation", submitURL: ""})`); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.start({companyName: "Umbrella Corporation", submitURL: ""})`); }); }); describe('getCrashesDirectory', () => { it('correctly returns the directory', async () => { const { remoteEval } = await startRemoteControlApp(); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.start({companyName: "Umbrella Corporation", submitURL: ""})`); const crashesDir = await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.getCrashesDirectory()`); const dir = path.join(app.getPath('temp'), 'remote-control Crashes'); expect(crashesDir).to.equal(dir); }); }); describe('getUploadedReports', () => { it('returns an array of reports', async () => { const { remoteEval } = await startRemoteControlApp(); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.start({companyName: "Umbrella Corporation", submitURL: ""})`); const reports = await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.getUploadedReports()`); expect(reports)'array'); }); }); describe('getLastCrashReport', () => { it('returns the last uploaded report', async () => { const { remoteEval } = await startRemoteControlApp(); const { port, waitForCrash } = await startServer(); // 0. clear the crash reports directory. const dir = path.join(app.getPath('temp'), 'remote-control Crashes'); try { fs.rmdirSync(dir, { recursive: true }); } catch (e) { /* ignore */ } // 1. start the crash reporter. await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.start({companyName: "Umbrella Corporation", submitURL: "${port}", ignoreSystemCrashHandler: true})`); // 2. generate a crash. remoteEval(`(function() { const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron'); const bw = new BrowserWindow({show: false, webPreferences: {nodeIntegration: true}}); bw.loadURL('about:blank'); bw.webContents.executeJavaScript('process.crash()') })()`); await waitForCrash(); // 3. get the crash from getLastCrashReport. const firstReport = await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.getLastCrashReport()`); expect(firstReport); expect(; }); }); describe('getUploadToServer()', () => { it('returns true when uploadToServer is set to true (by default)', async () => { const { remoteEval } = await startRemoteControlApp(); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.start({companyName: "Umbrella Corporation", submitURL: ""})`); const uploadToServer = await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.getUploadToServer()`); expect(uploadToServer); }); it('returns false when uploadToServer is set to false in init', async () => { const { remoteEval } = await startRemoteControlApp(); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.start({companyName: "Umbrella Corporation", submitURL: "", uploadToServer: false})`); const uploadToServer = await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.getUploadToServer()`); expect(uploadToServer); }); it('is updated by setUploadToServer', async () => { const { remoteEval } = await startRemoteControlApp(); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.start({companyName: "Umbrella Corporation", submitURL: ""})`); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.setUploadToServer(false)`); expect(await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.getUploadToServer()`)); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.setUploadToServer(true)`); expect(await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.getUploadToServer()`)); }); }); describe('Parameters', () => { it('returns all of the current parameters', async () => { const { remoteEval } = await startRemoteControlApp(); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.start({companyName: "Umbrella Corporation", submitURL: "", extra: {"extra1": "hi"}})`); const parameters = await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.getParameters()`); expect(parameters)'object'); expect(parameters.extra1).to.equal('hi'); }); it('adds and removes parameters', async () => { const { remoteEval } = await startRemoteControlApp(); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.start({companyName: "Umbrella Corporation", submitURL: ""})`); await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.addExtraParameter('hello', 'world')`); { const parameters = await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.getParameters()`); expect(parameters)'hello'); expect(parameters.hello).to.equal('world'); } { await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.removeExtraParameter('hello')`); const parameters = await remoteEval(`require('electron').crashReporter.getParameters()`); expect(parameters)'hello'); } }); }); describe('when not started', () => { it('does not prevent process from crashing', async () => { const appPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'spec', 'fixtures', 'api', 'cookie-app'); await runApp(appPath); }); }); });