EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
ipc = require 'ipc'

module.exports.wrap = (webContents) ->
  return null unless webContents.isAlive()

  # webContents is an EventEmitter.
  webContents.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype

  # WebContents::send(channel, args..)
  webContents.send = (args...) ->
    @_send 'ATOM_INTERNAL_MESSAGE', [args...]

  # Make sure webContents.executeJavaScript would run the code only when the
  # web contents has been loaded.
  webContents.loaded = false
  webContents.once 'did-finish-load', -> @loaded = true
  webContents.executeJavaScript = (code) ->
    if @loaded
      @_executeJavaScript code
      webContents.once 'did-finish-load', @_executeJavaScript.bind(this, code)

  # The processId and routingId and identify a webContents.
  webContents.getId = -> "#{@getProcessId()}-#{@getRoutingId()}"
  webContents.equal = (other) -> @getId() is other.getId()

  # Tell the rpc server that a render view has been deleted and we need to
  # release all objects owned by it.
  webContents.on 'render-view-deleted', (event, processId, routingId) ->
    process.emit 'ATOM_BROWSER_RELEASE_RENDER_VIEW', "#{processId}-#{routingId}"

  # Dispatch IPC messages to the ipc module.
  webContents.on 'ipc-message', (event, channel, args...) =>
    Object.defineProperty event, 'sender', value: webContents
    ipc.emit channel, event, args...
  webContents.on 'ipc-message-sync', (event, channel, args...) =>
    Object.defineProperty event, 'returnValue', set: (value) -> event.sendReply JSON.stringify(value)
    Object.defineProperty event, 'sender', value: webContents
    ipc.emit channel, event, args...
