binding = process.atomBinding 'dialog' v8Util = process.atomBinding 'v8_util' BrowserWindow = require 'browser-window' fileDialogProperties = openFile: 1 << 0 openDirectory: 1 << 1 multiSelections: 1 << 2 createDirectory: 1 << 3 messageBoxTypes = ['none', 'info', 'warning'] parseArgs = (window, options, callback) -> unless window is null or window?.constructor is BrowserWindow # Shift. callback = options options = window window = null if not callback? and typeof options is 'function' # Shift. callback = options options = null [window, options, callback] module.exports = showOpenDialog: (args...) -> [window, options, callback] = parseArgs args... options ?= title: 'Open', properties: ['openFile'] ?= ['openFile'] throw new TypeError('Properties need to be array') unless Array.isArray properties = 0 for prop, value of fileDialogProperties properties |= value if prop in options.title ?= '' options.defaultPath ?= '' options.filters ?= [] wrappedCallback = if typeof callback is 'function' (success, result) -> callback(if success then result) else null binding.showOpenDialog String(options.title), String(options.defaultPath), options.filters properties, window, wrappedCallback showSaveDialog: (window, options, callback) -> [window, options, callback] = parseArgs args... options ?= title: 'Save' options.title ?= '' options.defaultPath ?= '' options.filters ?= [] wrappedCallback = if typeof callback is 'function' (success, result) -> callback(if success then result) else null binding.showSaveDialog String(options.title), String(options.defaultPath), options.filters window, wrappedCallback showMessageBox: (window, options, callback) -> [window, options, callback] = parseArgs args... options ?= type: 'none' options.type ?= 'none' options.type = messageBoxTypes.indexOf options.type throw new TypeError('Invalid message box type') unless options.type > -1 throw new TypeError('Buttons need to be array') unless Array.isArray options.buttons options.title ?= '' options.message ?= '' options.detail ?= '' binding.showMessageBox options.type, options.buttons, String(options.title), String(options.message), String(options.detail), window, callback # Mark standard asynchronous functions. v8Util.setHiddenValue f, 'asynchronous', true for k, f of module.exports