assert = require 'assert' path = require 'path' http = require 'http' url = require 'url' multiparty = require 'multiparty' {remote} = require 'electron' {app, crashReporter, BrowserWindow} = remote.require 'electron' describe 'crash-reporter module', -> fixtures = path.resolve __dirname, 'fixtures' w = null beforeEach -> w = new BrowserWindow(show: false) afterEach -> w.destroy() # It is not working for mas build. return if process.mas # The crash-reporter test is not reliable on CI machine. isCI = remote.getGlobal('isCi') return if isCI it 'should send minidump when renderer crashes', (done) -> @timeout 120000 called = false server = http.createServer (req, res) -> server.close() form = new multiparty.Form() form.parse req, (error, fields, files) -> # This callback can be called for twice sometimes. return if called called = true assert.equal fields['prod'], 'Electron' assert.equal fields['ver'], process.versions['electron'] assert.equal fields['process_type'], 'renderer' assert.equal fields['platform'], process.platform assert.equal fields['extra1'], 'extra1' assert.equal fields['extra2'], 'extra2' assert.equal fields['_productName'], 'Zombies' assert.equal fields['_companyName'], 'Umbrella Corporation' assert.equal fields['_version'], app.getVersion() res.end('abc-123-def') done() # Server port is generated randomly for the first run, it will be reused # when page is refreshed. port = remote.process.port server.listen port, '', -> {port} = server.address() remote.process.port = port url = url.format protocol: 'file' pathname: path.join fixtures, 'api', 'crash.html' search: "?port=#{port}" if process.platform is 'darwin' crashReporter.start companyName: 'Umbrella Corporation' submitURL: "{port}" w.loadURL url describe ".start(options)", -> it 'requires that the companyName and submitURL option fields be specified', -> assert.throws(-> crashReporter.start({companyName: 'Missing submitURL'})) assert.throws(-> crashReporter.start({submitURL: 'Missing companyName'}))