import { expect } from 'chai'; import { AddressInfo } from 'net'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as http from 'http'; import * as ChildProcess from 'child_process'; import { BrowserWindow, ipcMain, webContents, session, WebContents, app } from 'electron/main'; import { clipboard } from 'electron/common'; import { emittedOnce } from './events-helpers'; import { closeAllWindows } from './window-helpers'; import { ifdescribe, ifit, delay, defer } from './spec-helpers'; const pdfjs = require('pdfjs-dist'); const fixturesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'spec', 'fixtures'); const mainFixturesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures'); const features = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_features'); describe('webContents module', () => { describe('getAllWebContents() API', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('returns an array of web contents', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { webviewTag: true } }); w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'webview-zoom-factor.html')); await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'did-attach-webview'); w.webContents.openDevTools(); await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-opened'); const all = webContents.getAllWebContents().sort((a, b) => { return -; }); expect(all).to.have.length(3); expect(all[0].getType()).to.equal('window'); expect(all[all.length - 2].getType()).to.equal('webview'); expect(all[all.length - 1].getType()).to.equal('remote'); }); }); describe('will-prevent-unload event', function () { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('does not emit if beforeunload returns undefined', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.webContents.once('will-prevent-unload', () => {'should not have fired'); }); await w.loadFile(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'api', 'beforeunload-undefined.html')); const wait = emittedOnce(w, 'closed'); w.close(); await wait; }); it('emits if beforeunload returns false', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); await w.loadFile(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'api', 'beforeunload-false.html')); w.close(); await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'will-prevent-unload'); }); it('supports calling preventDefault on will-prevent-unload events', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.webContents.once('will-prevent-unload', event => event.preventDefault()); await w.loadFile(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'api', 'beforeunload-false.html')); const wait = emittedOnce(w, 'closed'); w.close(); await wait; }); }); describe('webContents.send(channel, args...)', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('throws an error when the channel is missing', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); expect(() => { (w.webContents.send as any)(); }).to.throw('Missing required channel argument'); expect(() => { w.webContents.send(null as any); }).to.throw('Missing required channel argument'); }); it('does not block node async APIs when sent before document is ready', (done) => { // Please reference if // this test fails. ipcMain.once('async-node-api-done', () => { done(); }); const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, sandbox: false, contextIsolation: false } }); w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'send-after-node.html')); setTimeout(() => { w.webContents.send('test'); }, 50); }); }); ifdescribe(features.isPrintingEnabled())('webContents.print()', () => { let w: BrowserWindow; beforeEach(() => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); }); afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('throws when invalid settings are passed', () => { expect(() => { // @ts-ignore this line is intentionally incorrect w.webContents.print(true); }).to.throw('webContents.print(): Invalid print settings specified.'); }); it('throws when an invalid callback is passed', () => { expect(() => { // @ts-ignore this line is intentionally incorrect w.webContents.print({}, true); }).to.throw('webContents.print(): Invalid optional callback provided.'); }); ifit(process.platform !== 'linux')('throws when an invalid deviceName is passed', () => { expect(() => { w.webContents.print({ deviceName: 'i-am-a-nonexistent-printer' }, () => {}); }).to.throw('webContents.print(): Invalid deviceName provided.'); }); it('throws when an invalid pageSize is passed', () => { expect(() => { // @ts-ignore this line is intentionally incorrect w.webContents.print({ pageSize: 'i-am-a-bad-pagesize' }, () => {}); }).to.throw('Unsupported pageSize: i-am-a-bad-pagesize'); }); it('throws when an invalid custom pageSize is passed', () => { expect(() => { w.webContents.print({ pageSize: { width: 100, height: 200 } }); }).to.throw('height and width properties must be minimum 352 microns.'); }); it('does not crash with custom margins', () => { expect(() => { w.webContents.print({ silent: true, margins: { marginType: 'custom', top: 1, bottom: 1, left: 1, right: 1 } }); }).to.not.throw(); }); }); describe('webContents.executeJavaScript', () => { describe('in about:blank', () => { const expected = 'hello, world!'; const expectedErrorMsg = 'woops!'; const code = `(() => "${expected}")()`; const asyncCode = `(() => new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r("${expected}"), 500)))()`; const badAsyncCode = `(() => new Promise((r, e) => setTimeout(() => e("${expectedErrorMsg}"), 500)))()`; const errorTypes = new Set([ Error, ReferenceError, EvalError, RangeError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError ]); let w: BrowserWindow; before(async () => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); }); after(closeAllWindows); it('resolves the returned promise with the result', async () => { const result = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript(code); expect(result).to.equal(expected); }); it('resolves the returned promise with the result if the code returns an asyncronous promise', async () => { const result = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript(asyncCode); expect(result).to.equal(expected); }); it('rejects the returned promise if an async error is thrown', async () => { await expect(w.webContents.executeJavaScript(badAsyncCode)); }); it('rejects the returned promise with an error if an Error.prototype is thrown', async () => { for (const error of errorTypes) { await expect(w.webContents.executeJavaScript(`Promise.reject(new ${}("Wamp-wamp"))`)); } }); }); describe('on a real page', () => { let w: BrowserWindow; beforeEach(() => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); }); afterEach(closeAllWindows); let server: http.Server = null as unknown as http.Server; let serverUrl: string = null as unknown as string; before((done) => { server = http.createServer((request, response) => { response.end(); }).listen(0, '', () => { serverUrl = '' + (server.address() as AddressInfo).port; done(); }); }); after(() => { server.close(); }); it('works after page load and during subframe load', async () => { await w.loadURL(serverUrl); // initiate a sub-frame load, then try and execute script during it await w.webContents.executeJavaScript(` var iframe = document.createElement('iframe') iframe.src = '${serverUrl}/slow' document.body.appendChild(iframe) null // don't return the iframe `); await w.webContents.executeJavaScript('console.log(\'hello\')'); }); it('executes after page load', async () => { const executeJavaScript = w.webContents.executeJavaScript('(() => "test")()'); w.loadURL(serverUrl); const result = await executeJavaScript; expect(result).to.equal('test'); }); }); }); describe('webContents.executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld', () => { let w: BrowserWindow; before(async () => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { contextIsolation: true } }); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); }); it('resolves the returned promise with the result', async () => { await w.webContents.executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(999, [{ code: 'window.X = 123' }]); const isolatedResult = await w.webContents.executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(999, [{ code: 'window.X' }]); const mainWorldResult = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript('window.X'); expect(isolatedResult).to.equal(123); expect(mainWorldResult).to.equal(undefined); }); }); describe('loadURL() promise API', () => { let w: BrowserWindow; beforeEach(async () => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); }); afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('resolves when done loading', async () => { await expect(w.loadURL('about:blank')); }); it('resolves when done loading a file URL', async () => { await expect(w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'base-page.html'))); }); it('rejects when failing to load a file URL', async () => { await expect(w.loadURL('file:non-existent'))'code', 'ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND'); }); // Temporarily disable on WOA until // is resolved const testFn = (process.platform === 'win32' && process.arch === 'arm64' ? it.skip : it); testFn('rejects when loading fails due to DNS not resolved', async () => { await expect(w.loadURL(''))'code', 'ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED'); }); it('rejects when navigation is cancelled due to a bad scheme', async () => { await expect(w.loadURL('bad-scheme://foo'))'code', 'ERR_FAILED'); }); it('sets appropriate error information on rejection', async () => { let err; try { await w.loadURL('file:non-existent'); } catch (e) { err = e; } expect(err); expect(err.code).to.eql('ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND'); expect(err.errno).to.eql(-6); expect(err.url).to.eql(process.platform === 'win32' ? 'file://non-existent/' : 'file:///non-existent'); }); it('rejects if the load is aborted', async () => { const s = http.createServer(() => { /* never complete the request */ }); await new Promise(resolve => s.listen(0, '', resolve)); const { port } = s.address() as AddressInfo; const p = expect(w.loadURL(`${port}`)), /ERR_ABORTED/); // load a different file before the first load completes, causing the // first load to be aborted. await w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'base-page.html')); await p; s.close(); }); it("doesn't reject when a subframe fails to load", async () => { let resp = null as unknown as http.ServerResponse; const s = http.createServer((req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }); res.write('<iframe src=""></iframe>'); resp = res; // don't end the response yet }); await new Promise(resolve => s.listen(0, '', resolve)); const { port } = s.address() as AddressInfo; const p = new Promise(resolve => { w.webContents.on('did-fail-load', (event, errorCode, errorDescription, validatedURL, isMainFrame) => { if (!isMainFrame) { resolve(); } }); }); const main = w.loadURL(`${port}`); await p; resp.end(); await main; s.close(); }); it("doesn't resolve when a subframe loads", async () => { let resp = null as unknown as http.ServerResponse; const s = http.createServer((req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }); res.write('<iframe src="data:text/html,hi"></iframe>'); resp = res; // don't end the response yet }); await new Promise(resolve => s.listen(0, '', resolve)); const { port } = s.address() as AddressInfo; const p = new Promise(resolve => { w.webContents.on('did-frame-finish-load', (event, isMainFrame) => { if (!isMainFrame) { resolve(); } }); }); const main = w.loadURL(`${port}`); await p; resp.destroy(); // cause the main request to fail await expect(main)'errno', -355); // ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING s.close(); }); }); describe('getFocusedWebContents() API', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); const testFn = (process.platform === 'win32' && process.arch === 'arm64' ? it.skip : it); testFn('returns the focused web contents', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: true }); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); expect(webContents.getFocusedWebContents().id).to.equal(; const devToolsOpened = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-opened'); w.webContents.openDevTools(); await devToolsOpened; expect(webContents.getFocusedWebContents().id).to.equal(w.webContents.devToolsWebContents!.id); const devToolsClosed = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-closed'); w.webContents.closeDevTools(); await devToolsClosed; expect(webContents.getFocusedWebContents().id).to.equal(; }); it('does not crash when called on a detached dev tools window', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: true }); w.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: 'detach' }); w.webContents.inspectElement(100, 100); // For some reason we have to wait for two focused events...? await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-focused'); expect(() => { webContents.getFocusedWebContents(); }).to.not.throw(); // Work around await delay(); const devToolsClosed = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-closed'); w.webContents.closeDevTools(); await devToolsClosed; expect(() => { webContents.getFocusedWebContents(); }).to.not.throw(); }); }); describe('setDevToolsWebContents() API', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('sets arbitrary webContents as devtools', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); const devtools = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); const promise = emittedOnce(devtools.webContents, 'dom-ready'); w.webContents.setDevToolsWebContents(devtools.webContents); w.webContents.openDevTools(); await promise; expect(devtools.webContents.getURL().startsWith('devtools://devtools')); const result = await devtools.webContents.executeJavaScript(''); expect(result).to.equal('InspectorFrontendHostImpl'); devtools.destroy(); }); }); describe('isFocused() API', () => { it('returns false when the window is hidden', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); expect(w.isVisible()); expect(w.webContents.isFocused()); }); }); describe('isCurrentlyAudible() API', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('returns whether audio is playing', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); await w.webContents.executeJavaScript(` window.context = new AudioContext // Start in suspended state, because of the // new web audio api policy. context.suspend() window.oscillator = context.createOscillator() oscillator.connect(context.destination) oscillator.start() `); let p = emittedOnce(w.webContents, '-audio-state-changed'); w.webContents.executeJavaScript('context.resume()'); await p; expect(w.webContents.isCurrentlyAudible()); p = emittedOnce(w.webContents, '-audio-state-changed'); w.webContents.executeJavaScript('oscillator.stop()'); await p; expect(w.webContents.isCurrentlyAudible()); }); }); describe('getWebPreferences() API', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('should not crash when called for devTools webContents', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.webContents.openDevTools(); await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-opened'); expect(w.webContents.devToolsWebContents!.getWebPreferences()); }); }); describe('openDevTools() API', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('can show window with activation', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); const focused = emittedOnce(w, 'focus');; await focused; expect(w.isFocused()); w.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: 'detach', activate: true }); await Promise.all([ emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-opened'), emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-focused') ]); await delay(); expect(w.isFocused()); }); it('can show window without activation', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); const devtoolsOpened = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-opened'); w.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: 'detach', activate: false }); await devtoolsOpened; expect(w.webContents.isDevToolsOpened()); }); }); describe('before-input-event event', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('can prevent document keyboard events', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); await w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'key-events.html')); const keyDown = new Promise(resolve => { ipcMain.once('keydown', (event, key) => resolve(key)); }); w.webContents.once('before-input-event', (event, input) => { if (input.key === 'a') event.preventDefault(); }); w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: 'keyDown', keyCode: 'a' }); w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: 'keyDown', keyCode: 'b' }); expect(await keyDown).to.equal('b'); }); it('has the correct properties', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); await w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'base-page.html')); const testBeforeInput = async (opts: any) => { const modifiers = []; if (opts.shift) modifiers.push('shift'); if (opts.control) modifiers.push('control'); if (opts.alt) modifiers.push('alt'); if (opts.meta) modifiers.push('meta'); if (opts.isAutoRepeat) modifiers.push('isAutoRepeat'); const p = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'before-input-event'); w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: opts.type, keyCode: opts.keyCode, modifiers: modifiers as any }); const [, input] = await p; expect(input.type).to.equal(opts.type); expect(input.key).to.equal(opts.key); expect(input.code).to.equal(opts.code); expect(input.isAutoRepeat).to.equal(opts.isAutoRepeat); expect(input.shift).to.equal(opts.shift); expect(input.control).to.equal(opts.control); expect(input.alt).to.equal(opts.alt); expect(input.meta).to.equal(opts.meta); }; await testBeforeInput({ type: 'keyDown', key: 'A', code: 'KeyA', keyCode: 'a', shift: true, control: true, alt: true, meta: true, isAutoRepeat: true }); await testBeforeInput({ type: 'keyUp', key: '.', code: 'Period', keyCode: '.', shift: false, control: true, alt: true, meta: false, isAutoRepeat: false }); await testBeforeInput({ type: 'keyUp', key: '!', code: 'Digit1', keyCode: '1', shift: true, control: false, alt: false, meta: true, isAutoRepeat: false }); await testBeforeInput({ type: 'keyUp', key: 'Tab', code: 'Tab', keyCode: 'Tab', shift: false, control: true, alt: false, meta: false, isAutoRepeat: true }); }); }); // On Mac, zooming isn't done with the mouse wheel. ifdescribe(process.platform !== 'darwin')('zoom-changed', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('is emitted with the correct zoom-in info', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); await w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'base-page.html')); const testZoomChanged = async () => { w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: 'mouseWheel', x: 300, y: 300, deltaX: 0, deltaY: 1, wheelTicksX: 0, wheelTicksY: 1, modifiers: ['control', 'meta'] }); const [, zoomDirection] = await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'zoom-changed'); expect(zoomDirection).to.equal('in'); }; await testZoomChanged(); }); it('is emitted with the correct zoom-out info', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); await w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'base-page.html')); const testZoomChanged = async () => { w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: 'mouseWheel', x: 300, y: 300, deltaX: 0, deltaY: -1, wheelTicksX: 0, wheelTicksY: -1, modifiers: ['control', 'meta'] }); const [, zoomDirection] = await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'zoom-changed'); expect(zoomDirection).to.equal('out'); }; await testZoomChanged(); }); }); describe('sendInputEvent(event)', () => { let w: BrowserWindow; beforeEach(async () => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); await w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'key-events.html')); }); afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('can send keydown events', async () => { const keydown = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'keydown'); w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: 'keyDown', keyCode: 'A' }); const [, key, code, keyCode, shiftKey, ctrlKey, altKey] = await keydown; expect(key).to.equal('a'); expect(code).to.equal('KeyA'); expect(keyCode).to.equal(65); expect(shiftKey); expect(ctrlKey); expect(altKey); }); it('can send keydown events with modifiers', async () => { const keydown = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'keydown'); w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: 'keyDown', keyCode: 'Z', modifiers: ['shift', 'ctrl'] }); const [, key, code, keyCode, shiftKey, ctrlKey, altKey] = await keydown; expect(key).to.equal('Z'); expect(code).to.equal('KeyZ'); expect(keyCode).to.equal(90); expect(shiftKey); expect(ctrlKey); expect(altKey); }); it('can send keydown events with special keys', async () => { const keydown = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'keydown'); w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: 'keyDown', keyCode: 'Tab', modifiers: ['alt'] }); const [, key, code, keyCode, shiftKey, ctrlKey, altKey] = await keydown; expect(key).to.equal('Tab'); expect(code).to.equal('Tab'); expect(keyCode).to.equal(9); expect(shiftKey); expect(ctrlKey); expect(altKey); }); it('can send char events', async () => { const keypress = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'keypress'); w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: 'keyDown', keyCode: 'A' }); w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: 'char', keyCode: 'A' }); const [, key, code, keyCode, shiftKey, ctrlKey, altKey] = await keypress; expect(key).to.equal('a'); expect(code).to.equal('KeyA'); expect(keyCode).to.equal(65); expect(shiftKey); expect(ctrlKey); expect(altKey); }); it('can send char events with modifiers', async () => { const keypress = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'keypress'); w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: 'keyDown', keyCode: 'Z' }); w.webContents.sendInputEvent({ type: 'char', keyCode: 'Z', modifiers: ['shift', 'ctrl'] }); const [, key, code, keyCode, shiftKey, ctrlKey, altKey] = await keypress; expect(key).to.equal('Z'); expect(code).to.equal('KeyZ'); expect(keyCode).to.equal(90); expect(shiftKey); expect(ctrlKey); expect(altKey); }); }); describe('insertCSS', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('supports inserting CSS', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.loadURL('about:blank'); await w.webContents.insertCSS('body { background-repeat: round; }'); const result = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript('window.getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("background-repeat")'); expect(result).to.equal('round'); }); it('supports removing inserted CSS', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.loadURL('about:blank'); const key = await w.webContents.insertCSS('body { background-repeat: round; }'); await w.webContents.removeInsertedCSS(key); const result = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript('window.getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("background-repeat")'); expect(result).to.equal('repeat'); }); }); describe('inspectElement()', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('supports inspecting an element in the devtools', (done) => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.loadURL('about:blank'); w.webContents.once('devtools-opened', () => { done(); }); w.webContents.inspectElement(10, 10); }); }); describe('startDrag({file, icon})', () => { it('throws errors for a missing file or a missing/empty icon', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); expect(() => { w.webContents.startDrag({ icon: path.join(fixturesPath, 'assets', 'logo.png') } as any); }).to.throw('Must specify either \'file\' or \'files\' option'); expect(() => { w.webContents.startDrag({ file: __filename } as any); }).to.throw('Must specify non-empty \'icon\' option'); expect(() => { w.webContents.startDrag({ file: __filename, icon: path.join(mainFixturesPath, 'blank.png') }); }).to.throw('Must specify non-empty \'icon\' option'); }); }); describe('focus()', () => { describe('when the web contents is hidden', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('does not blur the focused window', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } });; await w.loadURL('about:blank'); w.focus(); const child = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); child.loadURL('about:blank'); child.webContents.focus(); const currentFocused = w.isFocused(); const childFocused = child.isFocused(); child.close(); expect(currentFocused); expect(childFocused); }); }); }); describe('getOSProcessId()', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('returns a valid procress id', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); expect(w.webContents.getOSProcessId()).to.equal(0); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); expect(w.webContents.getOSProcessId()); }); }); describe('userAgent APIs', () => { it('can set the user agent (functions)', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); const userAgent = w.webContents.getUserAgent(); w.webContents.setUserAgent('my-user-agent'); expect(w.webContents.getUserAgent()).to.equal('my-user-agent'); w.webContents.setUserAgent(userAgent); expect(w.webContents.getUserAgent()).to.equal(userAgent); }); it('can set the user agent (properties)', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); const userAgent = w.webContents.userAgent; w.webContents.userAgent = 'my-user-agent'; expect(w.webContents.userAgent).to.equal('my-user-agent'); w.webContents.userAgent = userAgent; expect(w.webContents.userAgent).to.equal(userAgent); }); }); describe('audioMuted APIs', () => { it('can set the audio mute level (functions)', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.webContents.setAudioMuted(true); expect(w.webContents.isAudioMuted()); w.webContents.setAudioMuted(false); expect(w.webContents.isAudioMuted()); }); it('can set the audio mute level (functions)', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.webContents.audioMuted = true; expect(w.webContents.audioMuted); w.webContents.audioMuted = false; expect(w.webContents.audioMuted); }); }); describe('zoom api', () => { const scheme = (global as any).standardScheme; const hostZoomMap: Record<string, number> = { host1: 0.3, host2: 0.7, host3: 0.2 }; before(() => { const protocol = session.defaultSession.protocol; protocol.registerStringProtocol(scheme, (request, callback) => { const response = `<script> const {ipcRenderer} = require('electron') ipcRenderer.send('set-zoom', window.location.hostname) ipcRenderer.on(window.location.hostname + '-zoom-set', () => { ipcRenderer.send(window.location.hostname + '-zoom-level') }) </script>`; callback({ data: response, mimeType: 'text/html' }); }); }); after(() => { const protocol = session.defaultSession.protocol; protocol.unregisterProtocol(scheme); }); afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('throws on an invalid zoomFactor', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); expect(() => { w.webContents.setZoomFactor(0.0); }).to.throw(/'zoomFactor' must be a double greater than 0.0/); expect(() => { w.webContents.setZoomFactor(-2.0); }).to.throw(/'zoomFactor' must be a double greater than 0.0/); }); it('can set the correct zoom level (functions)', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); try { await w.loadURL('about:blank'); const zoomLevel = w.webContents.getZoomLevel(); expect(zoomLevel).to.eql(0.0); w.webContents.setZoomLevel(0.5); const newZoomLevel = w.webContents.getZoomLevel(); expect(newZoomLevel).to.eql(0.5); } finally { w.webContents.setZoomLevel(0); } }); it('can set the correct zoom level (properties)', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); try { await w.loadURL('about:blank'); const zoomLevel = w.webContents.zoomLevel; expect(zoomLevel).to.eql(0.0); w.webContents.zoomLevel = 0.5; const newZoomLevel = w.webContents.zoomLevel; expect(newZoomLevel).to.eql(0.5); } finally { w.webContents.zoomLevel = 0; } }); it('can set the correct zoom factor (functions)', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); try { await w.loadURL('about:blank'); const zoomFactor = w.webContents.getZoomFactor(); expect(zoomFactor).to.eql(1.0); w.webContents.setZoomFactor(0.5); const newZoomFactor = w.webContents.getZoomFactor(); expect(newZoomFactor).to.eql(0.5); } finally { w.webContents.setZoomFactor(1.0); } }); it('can set the correct zoom factor (properties)', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); try { await w.loadURL('about:blank'); const zoomFactor = w.webContents.zoomFactor; expect(zoomFactor).to.eql(1.0); w.webContents.zoomFactor = 0.5; const newZoomFactor = w.webContents.zoomFactor; expect(newZoomFactor).to.eql(0.5); } finally { w.webContents.zoomFactor = 1.0; } }); it('can persist zoom level across navigation', (done) => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); let finalNavigation = false; ipcMain.on('set-zoom', (e, host) => { const zoomLevel = hostZoomMap[host]; if (!finalNavigation) w.webContents.zoomLevel = zoomLevel; e.sender.send(`${host}-zoom-set`); }); ipcMain.on('host1-zoom-level', (e) => { try { const zoomLevel = e.sender.getZoomLevel(); const expectedZoomLevel = hostZoomMap.host1; expect(zoomLevel).to.equal(expectedZoomLevel); if (finalNavigation) { done(); } else { w.loadURL(`${scheme}://host2`); } } catch (e) { done(e); } }); ipcMain.once('host2-zoom-level', (e) => { try { const zoomLevel = e.sender.getZoomLevel(); const expectedZoomLevel = hostZoomMap.host2; expect(zoomLevel).to.equal(expectedZoomLevel); finalNavigation = true; w.webContents.goBack(); } catch (e) { done(e); } }); w.loadURL(`${scheme}://host1`); }); it('can propagate zoom level across same session', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); const w2 = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); defer(() => { w2.setClosable(true); w2.close(); }); await w.loadURL(`${scheme}://host3`); w.webContents.zoomLevel = hostZoomMap.host3; await w2.loadURL(`${scheme}://host3`); const zoomLevel1 = w.webContents.zoomLevel; expect(zoomLevel1).to.equal(hostZoomMap.host3); const zoomLevel2 = w2.webContents.zoomLevel; expect(zoomLevel1).to.equal(zoomLevel2); }); it('cannot propagate zoom level across different session', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); const w2 = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { partition: 'temp' } }); const protocol = w2.webContents.session.protocol; protocol.registerStringProtocol(scheme, (request, callback) => { callback('hello'); }); defer(() => { w2.setClosable(true); w2.close(); protocol.unregisterProtocol(scheme); }); await w.loadURL(`${scheme}://host3`); w.webContents.zoomLevel = hostZoomMap.host3; await w2.loadURL(`${scheme}://host3`); const zoomLevel1 = w.webContents.zoomLevel; expect(zoomLevel1).to.equal(hostZoomMap.host3); const zoomLevel2 = w2.webContents.zoomLevel; expect(zoomLevel2).to.equal(0); expect(zoomLevel1).to.not.equal(zoomLevel2); }); it('can persist when it contains iframe', (done) => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { setTimeout(() => { res.end(); }, 200); }); server.listen(0, '', () => { const url = '' + (server.address() as AddressInfo).port; const content = `<iframe src=${url}></iframe>`; w.webContents.on('did-frame-finish-load', (e, isMainFrame) => { if (!isMainFrame) { try { const zoomLevel = w.webContents.zoomLevel; expect(zoomLevel).to.equal(2.0); w.webContents.zoomLevel = 0; done(); } catch (e) { done(e); } finally { server.close(); } } }); w.webContents.on('dom-ready', () => { w.webContents.zoomLevel = 2.0; }); w.loadURL(`data:text/html,${content}`); }); }); it('cannot propagate when used with webframe', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); const w2 = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); const temporaryZoomSet = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'temporary-zoom-set'); w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'webframe-zoom.html')); await temporaryZoomSet; const finalZoomLevel = w.webContents.getZoomLevel(); await w2.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'c.html')); const zoomLevel1 = w.webContents.zoomLevel; const zoomLevel2 = w2.webContents.zoomLevel; w2.setClosable(true); w2.close(); expect(zoomLevel1).to.equal(finalZoomLevel); expect(zoomLevel2).to.equal(0); expect(zoomLevel1).to.not.equal(zoomLevel2); }); describe('with unique domains', () => { let server: http.Server; let serverUrl: string; let crossSiteUrl: string; before((done) => { server = http.createServer((req, res) => { setTimeout(() => res.end('hey'), 0); }); server.listen(0, '', () => { serverUrl = `${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}`; crossSiteUrl = `http://localhost:${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}`; done(); }); }); after(() => { server.close(); }); it('cannot persist zoom level after navigation with webFrame', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); const source = ` const {ipcRenderer, webFrame} = require('electron') webFrame.setZoomLevel(0.6) ipcRenderer.send('zoom-level-set', webFrame.getZoomLevel()) `; const zoomLevelPromise = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'zoom-level-set'); await w.loadURL(serverUrl); await w.webContents.executeJavaScript(source); let [, zoomLevel] = await zoomLevelPromise; expect(zoomLevel).to.equal(0.6); const loadPromise = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'did-finish-load'); await w.loadURL(crossSiteUrl); await loadPromise; zoomLevel = w.webContents.zoomLevel; expect(zoomLevel).to.equal(0); }); }); }); describe('webrtc ip policy api', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('can set and get webrtc ip policies', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); const policies = [ 'default', 'default_public_interface_only', 'default_public_and_private_interfaces', 'disable_non_proxied_udp' ]; policies.forEach((policy) => { w.webContents.setWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy(policy as any); expect(w.webContents.getWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy()).to.equal(policy); }); }); }); describe('render view deleted events', () => { let server: http.Server; let serverUrl: string; let crossSiteUrl: string; before((done) => { server = http.createServer((req, res) => { const respond = () => { if (req.url === '/redirect-cross-site') { res.setHeader('Location', `${crossSiteUrl}/redirected`); res.statusCode = 302; res.end(); } else if (req.url === '/redirected') { res.end('<html><script>window.localStorage</script></html>'); } else { res.end(); } }; setTimeout(respond, 0); }); server.listen(0, '', () => { serverUrl = `${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}`; crossSiteUrl = `http://localhost:${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}`; done(); }); }); after(() => { server.close(); }); afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('does not emit current-render-view-deleted when speculative RVHs are deleted', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); let currentRenderViewDeletedEmitted = false; const renderViewDeletedHandler = () => { currentRenderViewDeletedEmitted = true; }; w.webContents.on('current-render-view-deleted' as any, renderViewDeletedHandler); w.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => { w.webContents.removeListener('current-render-view-deleted' as any, renderViewDeletedHandler); w.close(); }); const destroyed = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'destroyed'); w.loadURL(`${serverUrl}/redirect-cross-site`); await destroyed; expect(currentRenderViewDeletedEmitted)'current-render-view-deleted was emitted'); }); it('emits current-render-view-deleted if the current RVHs are deleted', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); let currentRenderViewDeletedEmitted = false; w.webContents.on('current-render-view-deleted' as any, () => { currentRenderViewDeletedEmitted = true; }); w.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => { w.close(); }); const destroyed = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'destroyed'); w.loadURL(`${serverUrl}/redirect-cross-site`); await destroyed; expect(currentRenderViewDeletedEmitted)'current-render-view-deleted wasn\'t emitted'); }); it('emits render-view-deleted if any RVHs are deleted', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); let rvhDeletedCount = 0; w.webContents.on('render-view-deleted' as any, () => { rvhDeletedCount++; }); w.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => { w.close(); }); const destroyed = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'destroyed'); w.loadURL(`${serverUrl}/redirect-cross-site`); await destroyed; const expectedRenderViewDeletedEventCount = 1; expect(rvhDeletedCount).to.equal(expectedRenderViewDeletedEventCount, 'render-view-deleted wasn\'t emitted the expected nr. of times'); }); }); describe('setIgnoreMenuShortcuts(ignore)', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('does not throw', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); expect(() => { w.webContents.setIgnoreMenuShortcuts(true); w.webContents.setIgnoreMenuShortcuts(false); }).to.not.throw(); }); }); describe('create()', () => { it('does not crash on exit', async () => { const appPath = path.join(fixturesPath, 'api', 'leak-exit-webcontents.js'); const electronPath = process.execPath; const appProcess = ChildProcess.spawn(electronPath, [appPath]); const [code] = await emittedOnce(appProcess, 'close'); expect(code).to.equal(0); }); }); // Destroying webContents in its event listener is going to crash when // Electron is built in Debug mode. describe('destroy()', () => { let server: http.Server; let serverUrl: string; before((done) => { server = http.createServer((request, response) => { switch (request.url) { case '/net-error': response.destroy(); break; case '/200': response.end(); break; default: done('unsupported endpoint'); } }).listen(0, '', () => { serverUrl = '' + (server.address() as AddressInfo).port; done(); }); }); after(() => { server.close(); }); const events = [ { name: 'did-start-loading', url: '/200' }, { name: 'dom-ready', url: '/200' }, { name: 'did-stop-loading', url: '/200' }, { name: 'did-finish-load', url: '/200' }, // FIXME: Multiple Emit calls inside an observer assume that object // will be alive till end of the observer. Synchronous `destroy` api // violates this contract and crashes. { name: 'did-frame-finish-load', url: '/200' }, { name: 'did-fail-load', url: '/net-error' } ]; for (const e of events) { it(`should not crash when invoked synchronously inside ${} handler`, async function () { // This test is flaky on Windows CI and we don't know why, but the // purpose of this test is to make sure Electron does not crash so it // is fine to retry this test for a few times. this.retries(3); const contents = (webContents as any).create() as WebContents; const originalEmit = contents.emit.bind(contents); contents.emit = (...args) => { return originalEmit(...args); }; contents.once( as any, () => (contents as any).destroy()); const destroyed = emittedOnce(contents, 'destroyed'); contents.loadURL(serverUrl + e.url); await destroyed; }); } }); describe('did-change-theme-color event', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('is triggered with correct theme color', (done) => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: true }); let count = 0; w.webContents.on('did-change-theme-color', (e, color) => { try { if (count === 0) { count += 1; expect(color).to.equal('#FFEEDD'); w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'base-page.html')); } else if (count === 1) { expect(color); done(); } } catch (e) { done(e); } }); w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'theme-color.html')); }); }); describe('console-message event', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('is triggered with correct log message', (done) => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: true }); w.webContents.on('console-message', (e, level, message) => { // Don't just assert as Chromium might emit other logs that we should ignore. if (message === 'a') { done(); } }); w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'a.html')); }); }); describe('ipc-message event', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('emits when the renderer process sends an asynchronous message', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: true, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); await w.webContents.loadURL('about:blank'); w.webContents.executeJavaScript(` require('electron').ipcRenderer.send('message', 'Hello World!') `); const [, channel, message] = await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'ipc-message'); expect(channel).to.equal('message'); expect(message).to.equal('Hello World!'); }); }); describe('ipc-message-sync event', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('emits when the renderer process sends a synchronous message', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: true, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); await w.webContents.loadURL('about:blank'); const promise: Promise<[string, string]> = new Promise(resolve => { w.webContents.once('ipc-message-sync', (event, channel, arg) => { event.returnValue = 'foobar' as any; resolve([channel, arg]); }); }); const result = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript(` require('electron').ipcRenderer.sendSync('message', 'Hello World!') `); const [channel, message] = await promise; expect(channel).to.equal('message'); expect(message).to.equal('Hello World!'); expect(result).to.equal('foobar'); }); }); describe('referrer', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('propagates referrer information to new target=_blank windows', (done) => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { if (req.url === '/should_have_referrer') { try { expect(req.headers.referer).to.equal(`${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}/`); return done(); } catch (e) { return done(e); } finally { server.close(); } } res.end('<a id="a" href="/should_have_referrer" target="_blank">link</a>'); }); server.listen(0, '', () => { const url = '' + (server.address() as AddressInfo).port + '/'; w.webContents.once('did-finish-load', () => { w.webContents.once('new-window', (event, newUrl, frameName, disposition, options, features, referrer) => { expect(referrer.url).to.equal(url); expect(referrer.policy).to.equal('no-referrer-when-downgrade'); }); w.webContents.executeJavaScript(''); }); w.loadURL(url); }); }); // TODO(jeremy): in a real browser passes the referrer, but // our hacked-up shim doesn't. It should. xit('propagates referrer information to windows opened with', (done) => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { if (req.url === '/should_have_referrer') { try { expect(req.headers.referer).to.equal(`${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}/`); return done(); } catch (e) { return done(e); } } res.end(''); }); server.listen(0, '', () => { const url = '' + (server.address() as AddressInfo).port + '/'; w.webContents.once('did-finish-load', () => { w.webContents.once('new-window', (event, newUrl, frameName, disposition, options, features, referrer) => { expect(referrer.url).to.equal(url); expect(referrer.policy).to.equal('no-referrer-when-downgrade'); }); w.webContents.executeJavaScript(' + "should_have_referrer")'); }); w.loadURL(url); }); }); }); describe('webframe messages in sandboxed contents', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('responds to executeJavaScript', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { sandbox: true } }); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); const result = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript('37 + 5'); expect(result).to.equal(42); }); }); describe('preload-error event', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); const generateSpecs = (description: string, sandbox: boolean) => { describe(description, () => { it('is triggered when unhandled exception is thrown', async () => { const preload = path.join(fixturesPath, 'module', 'preload-error-exception.js'); const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { sandbox, preload } }); const promise = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'preload-error'); w.loadURL('about:blank'); const [, preloadPath, error] = await promise; expect(preloadPath).to.equal(preload); expect(error.message).to.equal('Hello World!'); }); it('is triggered on syntax errors', async () => { const preload = path.join(fixturesPath, 'module', 'preload-error-syntax.js'); const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { sandbox, preload } }); const promise = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'preload-error'); w.loadURL('about:blank'); const [, preloadPath, error] = await promise; expect(preloadPath).to.equal(preload); expect(error.message).to.equal('foobar is not defined'); }); it('is triggered when preload script loading fails', async () => { const preload = path.join(fixturesPath, 'module', 'preload-invalid.js'); const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { sandbox, preload } }); const promise = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'preload-error'); w.loadURL('about:blank'); const [, preloadPath, error] = await promise; expect(preloadPath).to.equal(preload); expect(error.message).to.contain('preload-invalid.js'); }); }); }; generateSpecs('without sandbox', false); generateSpecs('with sandbox', true); }); describe('takeHeapSnapshot()', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('works with sandboxed renderers', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { sandbox: true } }); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); const filePath = path.join(app.getPath('temp'), 'test.heapsnapshot'); const cleanup = () => { try { fs.unlinkSync(filePath); } catch (e) { // ignore error } }; try { await w.webContents.takeHeapSnapshot(filePath); const stats = fs.statSync(filePath); expect(stats.size); } finally { cleanup(); } }); it('fails with invalid file path', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { sandbox: true } }); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); const promise = w.webContents.takeHeapSnapshot(''); return expect(promise), 'takeHeapSnapshot failed'); }); }); describe('setBackgroundThrottling()', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('does not crash when allowing', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.webContents.setBackgroundThrottling(true); }); it('does not crash when called via BrowserWindow', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); (w as any).setBackgroundThrottling(true); }); it('does not crash when disallowing', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { backgroundThrottling: true } }); w.webContents.setBackgroundThrottling(false); }); }); describe('getBackgroundThrottling()', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('works via getter', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.webContents.setBackgroundThrottling(false); expect(w.webContents.getBackgroundThrottling()).to.equal(false); w.webContents.setBackgroundThrottling(true); expect(w.webContents.getBackgroundThrottling()).to.equal(true); }); it('works via property', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.webContents.backgroundThrottling = false; expect(w.webContents.backgroundThrottling).to.equal(false); w.webContents.backgroundThrottling = true; expect(w.webContents.backgroundThrottling).to.equal(true); }); it('works via BrowserWindow', () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); (w as any).setBackgroundThrottling(false); expect((w as any).getBackgroundThrottling()).to.equal(false); (w as any).setBackgroundThrottling(true); expect((w as any).getBackgroundThrottling()).to.equal(true); }); }); ifdescribe(features.isPrintingEnabled())('getPrinters()', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('can get printer list', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { sandbox: true } }); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); const printers = w.webContents.getPrinters(); expect(printers)'array'); }); }); ifdescribe(features.isPrintingEnabled())('printToPDF()', () => { let w: BrowserWindow; beforeEach(async () => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { sandbox: true } }); await w.loadURL('data:text/html,<h1>Hello, World!</h1>'); }); afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('rejects on incorrectly typed parameters', async () => { const badTypes = { marginsType: 'terrible', scaleFactor: 'not-a-number', landscape: [], pageRanges: { oops: 'im-not-the-right-key' }, headerFooter: '123', printSelectionOnly: 1, printBackground: 2, pageSize: 'IAmAPageSize' }; // These will hard crash in Chromium unless we type-check for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(badTypes)) { const param = { [key]: value }; await expect(w.webContents.printToPDF(param)); } }); it('can print to PDF', async () => { const data = await w.webContents.printToPDF({}); expect(data); }); it('respects custom settings', async () => { await w.loadFile(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'api', 'print-to-pdf.html')); const data = await w.webContents.printToPDF({ pageRanges: { from: 0, to: 2 }, landscape: true }); const doc = await pdfjs.getDocument(data).promise; // Check that correct # of pages are rendered. expect(doc.numPages).to.equal(3); // Check that PDF is generated in landscape mode. const firstPage = await doc.getPage(1); const { width, height } = firstPage.getViewport({ scale: 100 }); expect(width); }); it('does not crash when called multiple times in parallel', async () => { const promises = []; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { promises.push(w.webContents.printToPDF({})); } const results = await Promise.all(promises); for (const data of results) { expect(data); } }); it('does not crash when called multiple times in sequence', async () => { const results = []; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const result = await w.webContents.printToPDF({}); results.push(result); } for (const data of results) { expect(data); } }); }); describe('PictureInPicture video', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('works as expected', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { sandbox: true } }); await w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'api', 'picture-in-picture.html')); const result = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript( `runTest(${features.isPictureInPictureEnabled()})`, true); expect(result); }); }); describe('devtools window', () => { let hasRobotJS = false; try { // We have other tests that check if native modules work, if we fail to require // robotjs let's skip this test to avoid false negatives require('robotjs'); hasRobotJS = true; } catch (err) { /* no-op */ } afterEach(closeAllWindows); // NB. on macOS, this requires that you grant your terminal the ability to // control your computer. Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > // Privacy > Accessibility and grant your terminal the permission to control // your computer. ifit(hasRobotJS)('can receive and handle menu events', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: true, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'key-events.html')); // Ensure the devtools are loaded w.webContents.closeDevTools(); const opened = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-opened'); w.webContents.openDevTools(); await opened; await emittedOnce(w.webContents.devToolsWebContents!, 'did-finish-load'); w.webContents.devToolsWebContents!.focus(); // Focus an input field await w.webContents.devToolsWebContents!.executeJavaScript(` const input = document.createElement('input') document.body.innerHTML = '' document.body.appendChild(input) input.focus() `); // Write something to the clipboard clipboard.writeText('test value'); const pasted = w.webContents.devToolsWebContents!.executeJavaScript(`new Promise(resolve => { document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('paste', (e) => { resolve( }) })`); // Fake a paste request using robotjs to emulate a REAL keyboard paste event require('robotjs').keyTap('v', process.platform === 'darwin' ? ['command'] : ['control']); const val = await pasted; // Once we're done expect the paste to have been successful expect(val).to.equal('test value', 'value should eventually become the pasted value'); }); }); describe('Shared Workers', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); it('can get multiple shared workers', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); const ready = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'ready'); w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'api', 'shared-worker', 'shared-worker.html')); await ready; const sharedWorkers = w.webContents.getAllSharedWorkers(); expect(sharedWorkers).to.have.lengthOf(2); expect(sharedWorkers[0].url).to.contain('shared-worker'); expect(sharedWorkers[1].url).to.contain('shared-worker'); }); it('can inspect a specific shared worker', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }); const ready = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'ready'); w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'api', 'shared-worker', 'shared-worker.html')); await ready; const sharedWorkers = w.webContents.getAllSharedWorkers(); const devtoolsOpened = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-opened'); w.webContents.inspectSharedWorkerById(sharedWorkers[0].id); await devtoolsOpened; const devtoolsClosed = emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-closed'); w.webContents.closeDevTools(); await devtoolsClosed; }); }); describe('login event', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows); let server: http.Server; let serverUrl: string; let serverPort: number; let proxyServer: http.Server; let proxyServerPort: number; before((done) => { server = http.createServer((request, response) => { if (request.url === '/no-auth') { return response.end('ok'); } if (request.headers.authorization) { response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-type': 'text/plain' }); return response.end(request.headers.authorization); } response .writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }) .end('401'); }).listen(0, '', () => { serverPort = (server.address() as AddressInfo).port; serverUrl = `${serverPort}`; done(); }); }); before((done) => { proxyServer = http.createServer((request, response) => { if (request.headers['proxy-authorization']) { response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-type': 'text/plain' }); return response.end(request.headers['proxy-authorization']); } response .writeHead(407, { 'Proxy-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }) .end(); }).listen(0, '', () => { proxyServerPort = (proxyServer.address() as AddressInfo).port; done(); }); }); afterEach(async () => { await session.defaultSession.clearAuthCache(); }); after(() => { server.close(); proxyServer.close(); }); it('is emitted when navigating', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); let eventRequest: any; let eventAuthInfo: any; w.webContents.on('login', (event, request, authInfo, cb) => { eventRequest = request; eventAuthInfo = authInfo; event.preventDefault(); cb(user, pass); }); await w.loadURL(serverUrl); const body = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript('document.documentElement.textContent'); expect(body).to.equal(`Basic ${Buffer.from(`${user}:${pass}`).toString('base64')}`); expect(eventRequest.url).to.equal(serverUrl + '/'); expect(eventAuthInfo.isProxy); expect(eventAuthInfo.scheme).to.equal('basic'); expect(''); expect(eventAuthInfo.port).to.equal(serverPort); expect(eventAuthInfo.realm).to.equal('Foo'); }); it('is emitted when a proxy requests authorization', async () => { const customSession = session.fromPartition(`${Math.random()}`); await customSession.setProxy({ proxyRules: `${proxyServerPort}`, proxyBypassRules: '<-loopback>' }); const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { session: customSession } }); let eventRequest: any; let eventAuthInfo: any; w.webContents.on('login', (event, request, authInfo, cb) => { eventRequest = request; eventAuthInfo = authInfo; event.preventDefault(); cb(user, pass); }); await w.loadURL(`${serverUrl}/no-auth`); const body = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript('document.documentElement.textContent'); expect(body).to.equal(`Basic ${Buffer.from(`${user}:${pass}`).toString('base64')}`); expect(eventRequest.url).to.equal(`${serverUrl}/no-auth`); expect(eventAuthInfo.isProxy); expect(eventAuthInfo.scheme).to.equal('basic'); expect(''); expect(eventAuthInfo.port).to.equal(proxyServerPort); expect(eventAuthInfo.realm).to.equal('Foo'); }); it('cancels authentication when callback is called with no arguments', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); w.webContents.on('login', (event, request, authInfo, cb) => { event.preventDefault(); cb(); }); await w.loadURL(serverUrl); const body = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript('document.documentElement.textContent'); expect(body).to.equal('401'); }); }); it('emits a cancelable event before creating a child webcontents', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { sandbox: true } }); w.webContents.on('-will-add-new-contents' as any, (event: any, url: any) => { expect(url).to.equal('about:blank'); event.preventDefault(); }); let wasCalled = false; w.webContents.on('new-window' as any, () => { wasCalled = true; }); await w.loadURL('about:blank'); await w.webContents.executeJavaScript('\'about:blank\')'); await new Promise((resolve) => { process.nextTick(resolve); }); expect(wasCalled).to.equal(false); await closeAllWindows(); }); });