import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; import { constants } from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as util from 'util'; import type * as Crypto from 'crypto'; import type * as os from 'os'; const asar = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_asar'); const Module = require('module') as NodeJS.ModuleInternal; const Promise: PromiseConstructor = global.Promise; const envNoAsar = process.env.ELECTRON_NO_ASAR && process.type !== 'browser' && process.type !== 'renderer'; const isAsarDisabled = () => process.noAsar || envNoAsar; const internalBinding = process.internalBinding!; delete process.internalBinding; const nextTick = (functionToCall: Function, args: any[] = []) => { process.nextTick(() => functionToCall(...args)); }; // Cache asar archive objects. const cachedArchives = new Map<string, NodeJS.AsarArchive>(); const getOrCreateArchive = (archivePath: string) => { const isCached = cachedArchives.has(archivePath); if (isCached) { return cachedArchives.get(archivePath)!; } try { const newArchive = new asar.Archive(archivePath); cachedArchives.set(archivePath, newArchive); return newArchive; } catch { return null; } }; process._getOrCreateArchive = getOrCreateArchive; const asarRe = /\.asar/i; const { getValidatedPath } = __non_webpack_require__('internal/fs/utils'); // In the renderer node internals use the node global URL but we do not set that to be // the global URL instance. We need to do instanceof checks against the internal URL impl const { URL: NodeURL } = __non_webpack_require__('internal/url'); // Separate asar package's path from full path. const splitPath = (archivePathOrBuffer: string | Buffer | URL) => { // Shortcut for disabled asar. if (isAsarDisabled()) return { isAsar: <const>false }; // Check for a bad argument type. let archivePath = archivePathOrBuffer; if (Buffer.isBuffer(archivePathOrBuffer)) { archivePath = archivePathOrBuffer.toString(); } if (archivePath instanceof NodeURL) { archivePath = getValidatedPath(archivePath); } if (typeof archivePath !== 'string') return { isAsar: <const>false }; if (!asarRe.test(archivePath)) return { isAsar: <const>false }; return asar.splitPath(path.normalize(archivePath)); }; // Convert asar archive's Stats object to fs's Stats object. let nextInode = 0; const uid = process.getuid?.() ?? 0; const gid = process.getgid?.() ?? 0; const fakeTime = new Date(); enum AsarFileType { kFile = (constants as any).UV_DIRENT_FILE, kDirectory = (constants as any).UV_DIRENT_DIR, kLink = (constants as any).UV_DIRENT_LINK, } const fileTypeToMode = new Map<AsarFileType, number>([ [AsarFileType.kFile, constants.S_IFREG], [AsarFileType.kDirectory, constants.S_IFDIR], [AsarFileType.kLink, constants.S_IFLNK] ]); const asarStatsToFsStats = function (stats: NodeJS.AsarFileStat) { const { Stats } = require('fs'); const mode = constants.S_IROTH | constants.S_IRGRP | constants.S_IRUSR | constants.S_IWUSR | fileTypeToMode.get(stats.type)!; return new Stats( 1, // dev mode, // mode 1, // nlink uid, gid, 0, // rdev undefined, // blksize ++nextInode, // ino stats.size, undefined, // blocks, fakeTime.getTime(), // atim_msec fakeTime.getTime(), // mtim_msec fakeTime.getTime(), // ctim_msec fakeTime.getTime() // birthtim_msec ); }; const enum AsarError { NOT_FOUND = 'NOT_FOUND', NOT_DIR = 'NOT_DIR', NO_ACCESS = 'NO_ACCESS', INVALID_ARCHIVE = 'INVALID_ARCHIVE' } type AsarErrorObject = Error & { code?: string, errno?: number }; const createError = (errorType: AsarError, { asarPath, filePath }: { asarPath?: string, filePath?: string } = {}) => { let error: AsarErrorObject; switch (errorType) { case AsarError.NOT_FOUND: error = new Error(`ENOENT, ${filePath} not found in ${asarPath}`); error.code = 'ENOENT'; error.errno = -2; break; case AsarError.NOT_DIR: error = new Error('ENOTDIR, not a directory'); error.code = 'ENOTDIR'; error.errno = -20; break; case AsarError.NO_ACCESS: error = new Error(`EACCES: permission denied, access '${filePath}'`); error.code = 'EACCES'; error.errno = -13; break; case AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE: error = new Error(`Invalid package ${asarPath}`); break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid error type "${errorType}" passed to createError.`); } return error; }; const overrideAPISync = function (module: Record<string, any>, name: string, pathArgumentIndex?: number | null, fromAsync: boolean = false) { if (pathArgumentIndex == null) pathArgumentIndex = 0; const old = module[name]; const func = function (this: any, ...args: any[]) { const pathArgument = args[pathArgumentIndex!]; const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return old.apply(this, args); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); const newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath); if (!newPath) throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); args[pathArgumentIndex!] = newPath; return old.apply(this, args); }; if (fromAsync) { return func; } module[name] = func; }; const overrideAPI = function (module: Record<string, any>, name: string, pathArgumentIndex?: number | null) { if (pathArgumentIndex == null) pathArgumentIndex = 0; const old = module[name]; module[name] = function (this: any, ...args: any[]) { const pathArgument = args[pathArgumentIndex!]; const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return old.apply(this, args); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const callback = args[args.length - 1]; if (typeof callback !== 'function') { return overrideAPISync(module, name, pathArgumentIndex!, true)!.apply(this, args); } const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } const newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath); if (!newPath) { const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } args[pathArgumentIndex!] = newPath; return old.apply(this, args); }; if (old[util.promisify.custom]) { module[name][util.promisify.custom] = makePromiseFunction(old[util.promisify.custom], pathArgumentIndex); } if (module.promises && module.promises[name]) { module.promises[name] = makePromiseFunction(module.promises[name], pathArgumentIndex); } }; let crypto: typeof Crypto; function validateBufferIntegrity (buffer: Buffer, integrity: NodeJS.AsarFileInfo['integrity']) { if (!integrity) return; // Delay load crypto to improve app boot performance // when integrity protection is not enabled crypto = crypto || require('crypto'); const actual = crypto.createHash(integrity.algorithm).update(buffer).digest('hex'); if (actual !== integrity.hash) { console.error(`ASAR Integrity Violation: got a hash mismatch (${actual} vs ${integrity.hash})`); process.exit(1); } } const makePromiseFunction = function (orig: Function, pathArgumentIndex: number) { return function (this: any, ...args: any[]) { const pathArgument = args[pathArgumentIndex]; const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return orig.apply(this, args); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { return Promise.reject(createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })); } const newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath); if (!newPath) { return Promise.reject(createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })); } args[pathArgumentIndex] = newPath; return orig.apply(this, args); }; }; // Override fs APIs. export const wrapFsWithAsar = (fs: Record<string, any>) => { const logFDs = new Map<string, number>(); const logASARAccess = (asarPath: string, filePath: string, offset: number) => { if (!process.env.ELECTRON_LOG_ASAR_READS) return; if (!logFDs.has(asarPath)) { const logFilename = `${path.basename(asarPath, '.asar')}-access-log.txt`; const logPath = path.join((require('os') as typeof os).tmpdir(), logFilename); logFDs.set(asarPath, fs.openSync(logPath, 'a')); } fs.writeSync(logFDs.get(asarPath), `${offset}: ${filePath}\n`); }; const shouldThrowStatError = (options: any) => { if (options && typeof options === 'object' && options.throwIfNoEntry === false) { return false; } return true; }; const { lstatSync } = fs; fs.lstatSync = (pathArgument: string, options: any) => { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return lstatSync(pathArgument, options); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { if (shouldThrowStatError(options)) throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); return null; } const stats = archive.stat(filePath); if (!stats) { if (shouldThrowStatError(options)) throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); return null; } return asarStatsToFsStats(stats); }; const { lstat } = fs; fs.lstat = (pathArgument: string, options: any, callback: any) => { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return lstat(pathArgument, options, callback); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } const stats = archive.stat(filePath); if (!stats) { const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } const fsStats = asarStatsToFsStats(stats); nextTick(callback, [null, fsStats]); }; fs.promises.lstat = util.promisify(fs.lstat); const { statSync } = fs; fs.statSync = (pathArgument: string, options: any) => { const { isAsar } = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!isAsar) return statSync(pathArgument, options); // Do not distinguish links for now. return fs.lstatSync(pathArgument, options); }; const { stat } = fs; fs.stat = (pathArgument: string, options: any, callback: any) => { const { isAsar } = splitPath(pathArgument); if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } if (!isAsar) return stat(pathArgument, options, callback); // Do not distinguish links for now. process.nextTick(() => fs.lstat(pathArgument, options, callback)); }; fs.promises.stat = util.promisify(fs.stat); const wrapRealpathSync = function (realpathSync: Function) { return function (this: any, pathArgument: string, options: any) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return realpathSync.apply(this, arguments); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); } const fileRealPath = archive.realpath(filePath); if (fileRealPath === false) { throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); } return path.join(realpathSync(asarPath, options), fileRealPath); }; }; const { realpathSync } = fs; fs.realpathSync = wrapRealpathSync(realpathSync); fs.realpathSync.native = wrapRealpathSync(realpathSync.native); const wrapRealpath = function (realpath: Function) { return function (this: any, pathArgument: string, options: any, callback: any) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return realpath.apply(this, arguments); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; if (arguments.length < 3) { callback = options; options = {}; } const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } const fileRealPath = archive.realpath(filePath); if (fileRealPath === false) { const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } realpath(asarPath, options, (error: Error | null, archiveRealPath: string) => { if (error === null) { const fullPath = path.join(archiveRealPath, fileRealPath); callback(null, fullPath); } else { callback(error); } }); }; }; const { realpath } = fs; fs.realpath = wrapRealpath(realpath); fs.realpath.native = wrapRealpath(realpath.native); fs.promises.realpath = util.promisify(fs.realpath.native); const { exists: nativeExists } = fs; fs.exists = function exists (pathArgument: string, callback: any) { let pathInfo: ReturnType<typeof splitPath>; try { pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); } catch { nextTick(callback, [false]); return; } if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return nativeExists(pathArgument, callback); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } const pathExists = (archive.stat(filePath) !== false); nextTick(callback, [pathExists]); }; fs.exists[util.promisify.custom] = function exists (pathArgument: string) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return nativeExists[util.promisify.custom](pathArgument); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); return Promise.reject(error); } return Promise.resolve(archive.stat(filePath) !== false); }; const { existsSync } = fs; fs.existsSync = (pathArgument: string) => { let pathInfo: ReturnType<typeof splitPath>; try { pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); } catch { return false; } if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return existsSync(pathArgument); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) return false; return archive.stat(filePath) !== false; }; const { access } = fs; fs.access = function (pathArgument: string, mode: any, callback: any) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return access.apply(this, arguments); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; if (typeof mode === 'function') { callback = mode; mode = fs.constants.F_OK; } const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath); if (!info) { const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } if (info.unpacked) { const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath); return fs.access(realPath, mode, callback); } const stats = archive.stat(filePath); if (!stats) { const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } if (mode & fs.constants.W_OK) { const error = createError(AsarError.NO_ACCESS, { asarPath, filePath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } nextTick(callback); }; fs.promises.access = util.promisify(fs.access); const { accessSync } = fs; fs.accessSync = function (pathArgument: string, mode: any) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return accessSync.apply(this, arguments); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; if (mode == null) mode = fs.constants.F_OK; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); } const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath); if (!info) { throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); } if (info.unpacked) { const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath); return fs.accessSync(realPath, mode); } const stats = archive.stat(filePath); if (!stats) { throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); } if (mode & fs.constants.W_OK) { throw createError(AsarError.NO_ACCESS, { asarPath, filePath }); } }; function fsReadFileAsar (pathArgument: string, options: any, callback: any) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (pathInfo.isAsar) { const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = { encoding: null }; } else if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { encoding: options }; } else if (options === null || options === undefined) { options = { encoding: null }; } else if (typeof options !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Bad arguments'); } const { encoding } = options; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath); if (!info) { const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } if (info.size === 0) { nextTick(callback, [null, encoding ? '' : Buffer.alloc(0)]); return; } if (info.unpacked) { const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath); return fs.readFile(realPath, options, callback); } const buffer = Buffer.alloc(info.size); const fd = archive.getFdAndValidateIntegrityLater(); if (!(fd >= 0)) { const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } logASARAccess(asarPath, filePath, info.offset);, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset, (error: Error) => { validateBufferIntegrity(buffer, info.integrity); callback(error, encoding ? buffer.toString(encoding) : buffer); }); } } const { readFile } = fs; fs.readFile = function (pathArgument: string, options: any, callback: any) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) { return readFile.apply(this, arguments); } return fsReadFileAsar(pathArgument, options, callback); }; const { readFile: readFilePromise } = fs.promises; fs.promises.readFile = function (pathArgument: string, options: any) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) { return readFilePromise.apply(this, arguments); } const p = util.promisify(fsReadFileAsar); return p(pathArgument, options); }; const { readFileSync } = fs; fs.readFileSync = function (pathArgument: string, options: any) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return readFileSync.apply(this, arguments); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath); if (!info) throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); if (info.size === 0) return (options) ? '' : Buffer.alloc(0); if (info.unpacked) { const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath); return fs.readFileSync(realPath, options); } if (!options) { options = { encoding: null }; } else if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { encoding: options }; } else if (typeof options !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Bad arguments'); } const { encoding } = options; const buffer = Buffer.alloc(info.size); const fd = archive.getFdAndValidateIntegrityLater(); if (!(fd >= 0)) throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); logASARAccess(asarPath, filePath, info.offset); fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset); validateBufferIntegrity(buffer, info.integrity); return (encoding) ? buffer.toString(encoding) : buffer; }; const { readdir } = fs; fs.readdir = function (pathArgument: string, options?: { encoding?: string | null; withFileTypes?: boolean } | null, callback?: Function) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = undefined; } if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return readdir.apply(this, arguments); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); nextTick(callback!, [error]); return; } const files = archive.readdir(filePath); if (!files) { const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); nextTick(callback!, [error]); return; } if (options?.withFileTypes) { const dirents = []; for (const file of files) { const childPath = path.join(filePath, file); const stats = archive.stat(childPath); if (!stats) { const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath: childPath }); nextTick(callback!, [error]); return; } dirents.push(new fs.Dirent(file, stats.type)); } nextTick(callback!, [null, dirents]); return; } nextTick(callback!, [null, files]); }; fs.promises.readdir = util.promisify(fs.readdir); type ReaddirSyncOptions = { encoding: BufferEncoding | null; withFileTypes?: false }; const { readdirSync } = fs; fs.readdirSync = function (pathArgument: string, options: ReaddirSyncOptions | BufferEncoding | null) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return readdirSync.apply(this, arguments); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) { throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath }); } const files = archive.readdir(filePath); if (!files) { throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath }); } if (options && (options as ReaddirSyncOptions).withFileTypes) { const dirents = []; for (const file of files) { const childPath = path.join(filePath, file); const stats = archive.stat(childPath); if (!stats) { throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath: childPath }); } dirents.push(new fs.Dirent(file, stats.type)); } return dirents; } return files; }; const { internalModuleReadJSON } = internalBinding('fs'); internalBinding('fs').internalModuleReadJSON = (pathArgument: string) => { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return internalModuleReadJSON(pathArgument); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) return []; const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath); if (!info) return []; if (info.size === 0) return ['', false]; if (info.unpacked) { const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath); const str = fs.readFileSync(realPath, { encoding: 'utf8' }); return [str, str.length > 0]; } const buffer = Buffer.alloc(info.size); const fd = archive.getFdAndValidateIntegrityLater(); if (!(fd >= 0)) return []; logASARAccess(asarPath, filePath, info.offset); fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset); validateBufferIntegrity(buffer, info.integrity); const str = buffer.toString('utf8'); return [str, str.length > 0]; }; const { internalModuleStat } = internalBinding('fs'); internalBinding('fs').internalModuleStat = (pathArgument: string) => { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (!pathInfo.isAsar) return internalModuleStat(pathArgument); const { asarPath, filePath } = pathInfo; // -ENOENT const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath); if (!archive) return -34; // -ENOENT const stats = archive.stat(filePath); if (!stats) return -34; return (stats.type === AsarFileType.kDirectory) ? 1 : 0; }; // Calling mkdir for directory inside asar archive should throw ENOTDIR // error, but on Windows it throws ENOENT. if (process.platform === 'win32') { const { mkdir } = fs; fs.mkdir = (pathArgument: string, options: any, callback: any) => { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (pathInfo.isAsar && pathInfo.filePath.length > 0) { const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_DIR); nextTick(callback, [error]); return; } mkdir(pathArgument, options, callback); }; fs.promises.mkdir = util.promisify(fs.mkdir); const { mkdirSync } = fs; fs.mkdirSync = function (pathArgument: string, options: any) { const pathInfo = splitPath(pathArgument); if (pathInfo.isAsar && pathInfo.filePath.length) throw createError(AsarError.NOT_DIR); return mkdirSync(pathArgument, options); }; } function invokeWithNoAsar (func: Function) { return function (this: any) { const processNoAsarOriginalValue = process.noAsar; process.noAsar = true; try { return func.apply(this, arguments); } finally { process.noAsar = processNoAsarOriginalValue; } }; } // Strictly implementing the flags of fs.copyFile is hard, just do a simple // implementation for now. Doing 2 copies won't spend much time more as OS // has filesystem caching. overrideAPI(fs, 'copyFile'); overrideAPISync(fs, 'copyFileSync'); overrideAPI(fs, 'open'); overrideAPISync(process, 'dlopen', 1); overrideAPISync(Module._extensions, '.node', 1); overrideAPISync(fs, 'openSync'); const overrideChildProcess = (childProcess: Record<string, any>) => { // Executing a command string containing a path to an asar archive // confuses `childProcess.execFile`, which is internally called by // `childProcess.{exec,execSync}`, causing Electron to consider the full // command as a single path to an archive. const { exec, execSync } = childProcess; childProcess.exec = invokeWithNoAsar(exec); childProcess.exec[util.promisify.custom] = invokeWithNoAsar(exec[util.promisify.custom]); childProcess.execSync = invokeWithNoAsar(execSync); overrideAPI(childProcess, 'execFile'); overrideAPISync(childProcess, 'execFileSync'); }; const asarReady = new WeakSet(); // Lazily override the child_process APIs only when child_process is // fetched the first time. We will eagerly override the child_process APIs // when this env var is set so that stack traces generated inside node unit // tests will match. This env var will only slow things down in users apps // and should not be used. if (process.env.ELECTRON_EAGER_ASAR_HOOK_FOR_TESTING) { overrideChildProcess(require('child_process')); } else { const originalModuleLoad = Module._load; Module._load = (request: string, ...args: any[]) => { const loadResult = originalModuleLoad(request, ...args); if (request === 'child_process' || request === 'node:child_process') { if (!asarReady.has(loadResult)) { asarReady.add(loadResult); // Just to make it obvious what we are dealing with here const childProcess = loadResult; overrideChildProcess(childProcess); } } return loadResult; }; } };