const { expect } = require('chai'); const { webFrame } = require('electron'); describe('webFrame module', function () { it('top is self for top frame', () => { expect(; }); it('opener is null for top frame', () => { expect(webFrame.opener); }); it('firstChild is null for top frame', () => { expect(webFrame.firstChild); }); it('getFrameForSelector() does not crash when not found', () => { expect(webFrame.getFrameForSelector('unexist-selector')); }); it('findFrameByName() does not crash when not found', () => { expect(webFrame.findFrameByName('unexist-name')); }); it('findFrameByRoutingId() does not crash when not found', () => { expect(webFrame.findFrameByRoutingId(-1)); }); describe('executeJavaScript', () => { let childFrameElement, childFrame; before(() => { childFrameElement = document.createElement('iframe'); document.body.appendChild(childFrameElement); childFrame = webFrame.firstChild; }); after(() => { childFrameElement.remove(); }); it('executeJavaScript() yields results via a promise and a sync callback', done => { let callbackResult, callbackError; childFrame .executeJavaScript('1 + 1', (result, error) => { callbackResult = result; callbackError = error; }) .then( promiseResult => { expect(promiseResult).to.equal(2); done(); }, promiseError => { done(promiseError); } ); expect(callbackResult).to.equal(2); expect(callbackError); }); it('executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld() yields results via a promise and a sync callback', done => { let callbackResult, callbackError; childFrame .executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(999, [{ code: '1 + 1' }], (result, error) => { callbackResult = result; callbackError = error; }) .then( promiseResult => { expect(promiseResult).to.equal(2); done(); }, promiseError => { done(promiseError); } ); expect(callbackResult).to.equal(2); expect(callbackError); }); it('executeJavaScript() yields errors via a promise and a sync callback', done => { let callbackResult, callbackError; childFrame .executeJavaScript('thisShouldProduceAnError()', (result, error) => { callbackResult = result; callbackError = error; }) .then( promiseResult => { done(new Error('error is expected')); }, promiseError => { expect(promiseError)'error'); done(); } ); expect(callbackResult); expect(callbackError)'error'); }); // executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld is failing to detect exec errors and is neither // rejecting nor passing the error to the callback. This predates the reintroduction // of the callback so will not be fixed as part of the callback PR // if/when this is fixed the test can be uncommented. // // it('executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld() yields errors via a promise and a sync callback', done => { // let callbackResult, callbackError // // childFrame // .executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(999, [{ code: 'thisShouldProduceAnError()' }], (result, error) => { // callbackResult = result // callbackError = error // }) // .then( // promiseResult => { // done(new Error('error is expected')) // }, // promiseError => { // expect(promiseError)'error') // done() // } // ) // // expect(callbackResult) // expect(callbackError)'error') // }) it('executeJavaScript(InIsolatedWorld) can be used without a callback', async () => { expect(await webFrame.executeJavaScript('1 + 1')).to.equal(2); expect(await webFrame.executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(999, [{ code: '1 + 1' }])).to.equal(2); }); }); });