const { GitProcess } = require('dugite'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const ELECTRON_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..'); const SRC_DIR = path.resolve(ELECTRON_DIR, '..'); const RELEASE_BRANCH_PATTERN = /(\d)+-(?:(?:[0-9]+-x$)|(?:x+-y$))/; require('colors'); const pass = '✓'.green; const fail = '✗'.red; function getElectronExec () { const OUT_DIR = getOutDir(); switch (process.platform) { case 'darwin': return `out/${OUT_DIR}/`; case 'win32': return `out/${OUT_DIR}/electron.exe`; case 'linux': return `out/${OUT_DIR}/electron`; default: throw new Error('Unknown platform'); } } function getOutDir (options = {}) { const shouldLog = options.shouldLog || false; const presetDirs = ['Testing', 'Release', 'Default', 'Debug']; if (options.outDir || process.env.ELECTRON_OUT_DIR) { const outDir = options.outDir || process.env.ELECTRON_OUT_DIR; const outPath = path.resolve(SRC_DIR, 'out', outDir); // Check that user-set variable is a valid/existing directory if (fs.existsSync(outPath)) { if (shouldLog) console.log(`OUT_DIR is: ${outDir}`); return outDir; } // Throw error if user passed/set nonexistent directory. throw new Error(`${outDir} directory not configured on your machine.`); } else { for (const buildType of presetDirs) { const outPath = path.resolve(SRC_DIR, 'out', buildType); if (fs.existsSync(outPath)) { if (shouldLog) console.log(`OUT_DIR is: ${buildType}`); return buildType; } } } // If we got here, it means process.env.ELECTRON_OUT_DIR was not // set and none of the preset options could be found in /out, so throw throw new Error(`No valid out directory found; use one of ${presetDirs.join(',')} or set process.env.ELECTRON_OUT_DIR`); } function getAbsoluteElectronExec () { return path.resolve(SRC_DIR, getElectronExec()); } async function handleGitCall (args, gitDir) { const details = await GitProcess.exec(args, gitDir); if (details.exitCode === 0) { return details.stdout.replace(/^\*|\s+|\s+$/, ''); } else { const error = GitProcess.parseError(details.stderr); console.log(`${fail} couldn't parse git process call: `, error); process.exit(1); } } async function getCurrentBranch (gitDir) { let branch = await handleGitCall(['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], gitDir); if (branch !== 'master' && !RELEASE_BRANCH_PATTERN.test(branch)) { const lastCommit = await handleGitCall(['rev-parse', 'HEAD'], gitDir); const branches = (await handleGitCall([ 'branch', '--contains', lastCommit, '--remote' ], gitDir)).split('\n'); branch = branches.filter(b => b.trim() === 'master' || b.trim() === 'origin/master' || RELEASE_BRANCH_PATTERN.test(b.trim()))[0]; if (!branch) { console.log(`${fail} no release branch exists for this ref`); process.exit(1); } if (branch.startsWith('origin/')) branch = branch.substr('origin/'.length); } return branch.trim(); } module.exports = { getCurrentBranch, getElectronExec, getOutDir, getAbsoluteElectronExec, ELECTRON_DIR, SRC_DIR };