# session > Manage browser sessions, cookies, cache, proxy settings, etc. The `session` module can be used to create new `Session` objects. You can also access the `session` of existing pages by using the `session` property of [`WebContents`](web-contents.md), or from the `session` module. ```javascript const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron') let win = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600}) win.loadURL('http://github.com') const ses = win.webContents.session console.log(ses.getUserAgent()) ``` ## Methods The `session` module has the following methods: ### `session.fromPartition(partition[, options])` * `partition` String * `options` Object * `cache` Boolean - Whether to enable cache. Returns `Session` - A session instance from `partition` string. When there is an existing `Session` with the same `partition`, it will be returned; othewise a new `Session` instance will be created with `options`. If `partition` starts with `persist:`, the page will use a persistent session available to all pages in the app with the same `partition`. if there is no `persist:` prefix, the page will use an in-memory session. If the `partition` is empty then default session of the app will be returned. To create a `Session` with `options`, you have to ensure the `Session` with the `partition` has never been used before. There is no way to change the `options` of an existing `Session` object. ## Properties The `session` module has the following properties: ### `session.defaultSession` A `Session` object, the default session object of the app. ## Class: Session > Get and set properties of a session. You can create a `Session` object in the `session` module: ```javascript const {session} = require('electron') const ses = session.fromPartition('persist:name') console.log(ses.getUserAgent()) ``` ### Instance Events The following events are available on instances of `Session`: #### Event: 'will-download' * `event` Event * `item` [DownloadItem](download-item.md) * `webContents` [WebContents](web-contents.md) Emitted when Electron is about to download `item` in `webContents`. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will cancel the download and `item` will not be available from next tick of the process. ```javascript const {session} = require('electron') session.defaultSession.on('will-download', (event, item, webContents) => { event.preventDefault() require('request')(item.getURL(), (data) => { require('fs').writeFileSync('/somewhere', data) }) }) ``` ### Instance Methods The following methods are available on instances of `Session`: #### `ses.getCacheSize(callback)` * `callback` Function * `size` Integer - Cache size used in bytes. Returns the session's current cache size. #### `ses.clearCache(callback)` * `callback` Function - Called when operation is done Clears the session’s HTTP cache. #### `ses.clearStorageData([options, callback])` * `options` Object (optional) * `origin` String - Should follow `window.location.origin`’s representation `scheme://host:port`. * `storages` String[] - The types of storages to clear, can contain: `appcache`, `cookies`, `filesystem`, `indexdb`, `local storage`, `shadercache`, `websql`, `serviceworkers` * `quotas` String[] - The types of quotas to clear, can contain: `temporary`, `persistent`, `syncable`. * `callback` Function (optional) - Called when operation is done. Clears the data of web storages. #### `ses.flushStorageData()` Writes any unwritten DOMStorage data to disk. #### `ses.setProxy(config, callback)` * `config` Object * `pacScript` String - The URL associated with the PAC file. * `proxyRules` String - Rules indicating which proxies to use. * `proxyBypassRules` String - Rules indicating which URLs should bypass the proxy settings. * `callback` Function - Called when operation is done. Sets the proxy settings. When `pacScript` and `proxyRules` are provided together, the `proxyRules` option is ignored and `pacScript` configuration is applied. The `proxyRules` has to follow the rules below: ``` proxyRules = schemeProxies[";"<schemeProxies>] schemeProxies = [<urlScheme>"="]<proxyURIList> urlScheme = "http" | "https" | "ftp" | "socks" proxyURIList = <proxyURL>[","<proxyURIList>] proxyURL = [<proxyScheme>"://"]<proxyHost>[":"<proxyPort>] ``` For example: * `http=foopy:80;ftp=foopy2` - Use HTTP proxy `foopy:80` for `http://` URLs, and HTTP proxy `foopy2:80` for `ftp://` URLs. * `foopy:80` - Use HTTP proxy `foopy:80` for all URLs. * `foopy:80,bar,direct://` - Use HTTP proxy `foopy:80` for all URLs, failing over to `bar` if `foopy:80` is unavailable, and after that using no proxy. * `socks4://foopy` - Use SOCKS v4 proxy `foopy:1080` for all URLs. * `http=foopy,socks5://bar.com` - Use HTTP proxy `foopy` for http URLs, and fail over to the SOCKS5 proxy `bar.com` if `foopy` is unavailable. * `http=foopy,direct://` - Use HTTP proxy `foopy` for http URLs, and use no proxy if `foopy` is unavailable. * `http=foopy;socks=foopy2` - Use HTTP proxy `foopy` for http URLs, and use `socks4://foopy2` for all other URLs. The `proxyBypassRules` is a comma separated list of rules described below: * `[ URL_SCHEME "://" ] HOSTNAME_PATTERN [ ":" <port> ]` Match all hostnames that match the pattern HOSTNAME_PATTERN. Examples: "foobar.com", "*foobar.com", "*.foobar.com", "*foobar.com:99", "https://x.*.y.com:99" * `"." HOSTNAME_SUFFIX_PATTERN [ ":" PORT ]` Match a particular domain suffix. Examples: ".google.com", ".com", "http://.google.com" * `[ SCHEME "://" ] IP_LITERAL [ ":" PORT ]` Match URLs which are IP address literals. Examples: "127.0.1", "[0:0::1]", "[::1]", "http://[::1]:99" * `IP_LITERAL "/" PREFIX_LENGHT_IN_BITS` Match any URL that is to an IP literal that falls between the given range. IP range is specified using CIDR notation. Examples: "", "fefe:13::abc/33". * `<local>` Match local addresses. The meaning of `<local>` is whether the host matches one of: "", "::1", "localhost". ### `ses.resolveProxy(url, callback)` * `url` URL * `callback` Function Resolves the proxy information for `url`. The `callback` will be called with `callback(proxy)` when the request is performed. #### `ses.setDownloadPath(path)` * `path` String - The download location Sets download saving directory. By default, the download directory will be the `Downloads` under the respective app folder. #### `ses.enableNetworkEmulation(options)` * `options` Object * `offline` Boolean (optional) - Whether to emulate network outage. Defaults to false. * `latency` Double (optional) - RTT in ms. Defaults to 0 which will disable latency throttling. * `downloadThroughput` Double (optional) - Download rate in Bps. Defaults to 0 which will disable download throttling. * `uploadThroughput` Double (optional) - Upload rate in Bps. Defaults to 0 which will disable upload throttling. Emulates network with the given configuration for the `session`. ```javascript // To emulate a GPRS connection with 50kbps throughput and 500 ms latency. window.webContents.session.enableNetworkEmulation({ latency: 500, downloadThroughput: 6400, uploadThroughput: 6400 }) // To emulate a network outage. window.webContents.session.enableNetworkEmulation({offline: true}) ``` #### `ses.disableNetworkEmulation()` Disables any network emulation already active for the `session`. Resets to the original network configuration. #### `ses.setCertificateVerifyProc(proc)` * `proc` Function Sets the certificate verify proc for `session`, the `proc` will be called with `proc(hostname, certificate, callback)` whenever a server certificate verification is requested. Calling `callback(true)` accepts the certificate, calling `callback(false)` rejects it. Calling `setCertificateVerifyProc(null)` will revert back to default certificate verify proc. ```javascript const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron') let win = new BrowserWindow() win.webContents.session.setCertificateVerifyProc((hostname, cert, callback) => { callback(hostname === 'github.com') }) ``` #### `ses.setPermissionRequestHandler(handler)` * `handler` Function * `webContents` Object - [WebContents](web-contents.md) requesting the permission. * `permission` String - Enum of 'media', 'geolocation', 'notifications', 'midiSysex', 'pointerLock', 'fullscreen', 'openExternal'. * `callback` Function - Allow or deny the permission. Sets the handler which can be used to respond to permission requests for the `session`. Calling `callback(true)` will allow the permission and `callback(false)` will reject it. ```javascript const {session} = require('electron') session.fromPartition('some-partition').setPermissionRequestHandler((webContents, permission, callback) => { if (webContents.getURL() === 'some-host' && permission === 'notifications') { return callback(false) // denied. } callback(true) }) ``` #### `ses.clearHostResolverCache([callback])` * `callback` Function (optional) - Called when operation is done. Clears the host resolver cache. #### `ses.allowNTLMCredentialsForDomains(domains)` * `domains` String - A comma-seperated list of servers for which integrated authentication is enabled. Dynamically sets whether to always send credentials for HTTP NTLM or Negotiate authentication. ```javascript const {session} = require('electron') // consider any url ending with `example.com`, `foobar.com`, `baz` // for integrated authentication. session.defaultSession.allowNTLMCredentialsForDomains('*example.com, *foobar.com, *baz') // consider all urls for integrated authentication. session.defaultSession.allowNTLMCredentialsForDomains('*') ``` #### `ses.setUserAgent(userAgent[, acceptLanguages])` * `userAgent` String * `acceptLanguages` String (optional) Overrides the `userAgent` and `acceptLanguages` for this session. The `acceptLanguages` must a comma separated ordered list of language codes, for example `"en-US,fr,de,ko,zh-CN,ja"`. This doesn't affect existing `WebContents`, and each `WebContents` can use `webContents.setUserAgent` to override the session-wide user agent. #### `ses.getUserAgent()` Returns `String` - The user agent for this session. #### `ses.getBlobData(identifier, callback)` * `identifier` String - Valid UUID. * `callback` Function * `result` Buffer - Blob data. Returns `Blob` - The blob data associated with the `identifier`. ### Instance Properties The following properties are available on instances of `Session`: #### `ses.cookies` A Cookies object for this session. #### `ses.webRequest` A WebRequest object for this session. #### `ses.protocol` A Protocol object (an instance of [protocol](protocol.md) module) for this session. ```javascript const {app, session} = require('electron') const path = require('path') app.on('ready', function () { const protocol = session.fromPartition('some-partition').protocol protocol.registerFileProtocol('atom', function (request, callback) { var url = request.url.substr(7) callback({path: path.normalize(`${__dirname}/${url}`)}) }, function (error) { if (error) console.error('Failed to register protocol') }) }) ``` ## Class: Cookies > Query and modify a session's cookies. Instances of the `Cookies` class are accessed by using `cookies` property of a `Session`. For example: ```javascript const {session} = require('electron') // Query all cookies. session.defaultSession.cookies.get({}, (error, cookies) => { console.log(error, cookies) }) // Query all cookies associated with a specific url. session.defaultSession.cookies.get({url: 'http://www.github.com'}, (error, cookies) => { console.log(error, cookies) }) // Set a cookie with the given cookie data; // may overwrite equivalent cookies if they exist. const cookie = {url: 'http://www.github.com', name: 'dummy_name', value: 'dummy'} session.defaultSession.cookies.set(cookie, (error) => { if (error) console.error(error) }) ``` ### Instance Methods The following methods are available on instances of `Cookies`: #### `cookies.get(filter, callback)` * `filter` Object * `url` String (optional) - Retrieves cookies which are associated with `url`. Empty implies retrieving cookies of all urls. * `name` String (optional) - Filters cookies by name. * `domain` String (optional) - Retrieves cookies whose domains match or are subdomains of `domains` * `path` String (optional) - Retrieves cookies whose path matches `path`. * `secure` Boolean (optional) - Filters cookies by their Secure property. * `session` Boolean (optional) - Filters out session or persistent cookies. * `callback` Function Sends a request to get all cookies matching `details`, `callback` will be called with `callback(error, cookies)` on complete. `cookies` is an Array of `cookie` objects. * `cookie` Object * `name` String - The name of the cookie. * `value` String - The value of the cookie. * `domain` String - The domain of the cookie. * `hostOnly` String - Whether the cookie is a host-only cookie. * `path` String - The path of the cookie. * `secure` Boolean - Whether the cookie is marked as secure. * `httpOnly` Boolean - Whether the cookie is marked as HTTP only. * `session` Boolean - Whether the cookie is a session cookie or a persistent cookie with an expiration date. * `expirationDate` Double (optional) - The expiration date of the cookie as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. Not provided for session cookies. #### `cookies.set(details, callback)` * `details` Object * `url` String - The url to associate the cookie with. * `name` String - The name of the cookie. Empty by default if omitted. * `value` String - The value of the cookie. Empty by default if omitted. * `domain` String - The domain of the cookie. Empty by default if omitted. * `path` String - The path of the cookie. Empty by default if omitted. * `secure` Boolean - Whether the cookie should be marked as Secure. Defaults to false. * `httpOnly` Boolean - Whether the cookie should be marked as HTTP only. Defaults to false. * `expirationDate` Double - The expiration date of the cookie as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. If omitted then the cookie becomes a session cookie and will not be retained between sessions. * `callback` Function Sets a cookie with `details`, `callback` will be called with `callback(error)` on complete. #### `cookies.remove(url, name, callback)` * `url` String - The URL associated with the cookie. * `name` String - The name of cookie to remove. * `callback` Function Removes the cookies matching `url` and `name`, `callback` will called with `callback()` on complete. ## Class: WebRequest > Intercept and modify the contents of a request at various stages of its lifetime. Instances of the `WebRequest` class are accessed by using the `webRequest` property of a `Session`. The methods of `WebRequest` accept an optional `filter` and a `listener`. The `listener` will be called with `listener(details)` when the API's event has happened. The `details` object describes the request. Passing `null` as `listener` will unsubscribe from the event. The `filter` object has a `urls` property which is an Array of URL patterns that will be used to filter out the requests that do not match the URL patterns. If the `filter` is omitted then all requests will be matched. For certain events the `listener` is passed with a `callback`, which should be called with a `response` object when `listener` has done its work. An example of adding `User-Agent` header for requests: ```javascript const {session} = require('electron') // Modify the user agent for all requests to the following urls. const filter = { urls: ['https://*.github.com/*', '*://electron.github.io'] } session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders(filter, (details, callback) => { details.requestHeaders['User-Agent'] = 'MyAgent' callback({cancel: false, requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders}) }) ``` ### Instance Methods The following methods are available on instances of `WebRequest`: #### `webRequest.onBeforeRequest([filter, ]listener)` * `filter` Object * `listener` Function The `listener` will be called with `listener(details, callback)` when a request is about to occur. * `details` Object * `id` Integer * `url` String * `method` String * `resourceType` String * `timestamp` Double * `uploadData` Array (optional) * `callback` Function The `uploadData` is an array of `data` objects: * `data` Object * `bytes` Buffer - Content being sent. * `file` String - Path of file being uploaded. * `blobUUID` String - UUID of blob data. Use [ses.getBlobData](session.md#sesgetblobdataidentifier-callback) method to retrieve the data. The `callback` has to be called with an `response` object: * `response` Object * `cancel` Boolean (optional) * `redirectURL` String (optional) - The original request is prevented from being sent or completed, and is instead redirected to the given URL. #### `webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders([filter, ]listener)` * `filter` Object * `listener` Function The `listener` will be called with `listener(details, callback)` before sending an HTTP request, once the request headers are available. This may occur after a TCP connection is made to the server, but before any http data is sent. * `details` Object * `id` Integer * `url` String * `method` String * `resourceType` String * `timestamp` Double * `requestHeaders` Object * `callback` Function The `callback` has to be called with an `response` object: * `response` Object * `cancel` Boolean (optional) * `requestHeaders` Object (optional) - When provided, request will be made with these headers. #### `webRequest.onSendHeaders([filter, ]listener)` * `filter` Object * `listener` Function The `listener` will be called with `listener(details)` just before a request is going to be sent to the server, modifications of previous `onBeforeSendHeaders` response are visible by the time this listener is fired. * `details` Object * `id` Integer * `url` String * `method` String * `resourceType` String * `timestamp` Double * `requestHeaders` Object #### `webRequest.onHeadersReceived([filter, ]listener)` * `filter` Object * `listener` Function The `listener` will be called with `listener(details, callback)` when HTTP response headers of a request have been received. * `details` Object * `id` String * `url` String * `method` String * `resourceType` String * `timestamp` Double * `statusLine` String * `statusCode` Integer * `responseHeaders` Object * `callback` Function The `callback` has to be called with an `response` object: * `response` Object * `cancel` Boolean * `responseHeaders` Object (optional) - When provided, the server is assumed to have responded with these headers. * `statusLine` String (optional) - Should be provided when overriding `responseHeaders` to change header status otherwise original response header's status will be used. #### `webRequest.onResponseStarted([filter, ]listener)` * `filter` Object * `listener` Function The `listener` will be called with `listener(details)` when first byte of the response body is received. For HTTP requests, this means that the status line and response headers are available. * `details` Object * `id` Integer * `url` String * `method` String * `resourceType` String * `timestamp` Double * `responseHeaders` Object * `fromCache` Boolean - Indicates whether the response was fetched from disk cache. * `statusCode` Integer * `statusLine` String #### `webRequest.onBeforeRedirect([filter, ]listener)` * `filter` Object * `listener` Function The `listener` will be called with `listener(details)` when a server initiated redirect is about to occur. * `details` Object * `id` String * `url` String * `method` String * `resourceType` String * `timestamp` Double * `redirectURL` String * `statusCode` Integer * `ip` String (optional) - The server IP address that the request was actually sent to. * `fromCache` Boolean * `responseHeaders` Object #### `webRequest.onCompleted([filter, ]listener)` * `filter` Object * `listener` Function The `listener` will be called with `listener(details)` when a request is completed. * `details` Object * `id` Integer * `url` String * `method` String * `resourceType` String * `timestamp` Double * `responseHeaders` Object * `fromCache` Boolean * `statusCode` Integer * `statusLine` String #### `webRequest.onErrorOccurred([filter, ]listener)` * `filter` Object * `listener` Function The `listener` will be called with `listener(details)` when an error occurs. * `details` Object * `id` Integer * `url` String * `method` String * `resourceType` String * `timestamp` Double * `fromCache` Boolean * `error` String - The error description.