const cp = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const BASE = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..');
const NAN_DIR = path.resolve(BASE, 'third_party', 'nan');
const NPX_CMD = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npx.cmd' : 'npx';

const utils = require('./lib/utils');
const { YARN_VERSION } = require('./yarn');

if (!process.mainModule) {
  throw new Error('Must call the nan spec runner directly');

const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2), {
  string: ['only']

async function main () {
  const nodeDir = path.resolve(BASE, `out/${utils.getOutDir({ shouldLog: true })}/gen/node_headers`);
  const env = Object.assign({}, process.env, {
    npm_config_nodedir: nodeDir,
    npm_config_msvs_version: '2019',
    npm_config_arch: process.env.NPM_CONFIG_ARCH,
    npm_config_yes: 'true'

  const clangDir = path.resolve(BASE, 'third_party', 'llvm-build', 'Release+Asserts', 'bin');
  const cc = path.resolve(clangDir, 'clang');
  const cxx = path.resolve(clangDir, 'clang++');
  const ld = path.resolve(clangDir, 'lld');

  // TODO(ckerr) this is cribbed from read obj/electron/
  // Maybe it would be better to have this script literally open up that
  // file and pull cflags_cc from it instead of using bespoke code here?
  // I think it's unlikely to work; but if it does, it would be more futureproof
  const cxxflags = [
    `-isystem"${path.resolve(BASE, 'buildtools', 'third_party', 'libc++')}"`,
    `-isystem"${path.resolve(BASE, 'buildtools', 'third_party', 'libc++', 'trunk', 'include')}"`,
    `-isystem"${path.resolve(BASE, 'buildtools', 'third_party', 'libc++abi', 'trunk', 'include')}"`,
  ].join(' ');

  const ldflags = [
    `-L"${path.resolve(BASE, 'out', `${utils.getOutDir({ shouldLog: true })}`, 'obj', 'buildtools', 'third_party', 'libc++abi')}"`,
    `-L"${path.resolve(BASE, 'out', `${utils.getOutDir({ shouldLog: true })}`, 'obj', 'buildtools', 'third_party', 'libc++')}"`,
  ].join(' ');

  if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
    env.CC = cc;
    env.CFLAGS = cxxflags;
    env.CXX = cxx;
    env.LD = ld;
    env.CXXFLAGS = cxxflags;
    env.LDFLAGS = ldflags;

  const { status: buildStatus } = cp.spawnSync(NPX_CMD, ['node-gyp', 'rebuild', '--verbose', '--directory', 'test', '-j', 'max'], {
    cwd: NAN_DIR,
    stdio: 'inherit'
  if (buildStatus !== 0) {
    console.error('Failed to build nan test modules');
    return process.exit(buildStatus);

  const { status: installStatus } = cp.spawnSync(NPX_CMD, [`yarn@${YARN_VERSION}`, 'install'], {
    cwd: NAN_DIR,
    stdio: 'inherit'
  if (installStatus !== 0) {
    console.error('Failed to install nan node_modules');
    return process.exit(installStatus);

  const onlyTests = args.only && args.only.split(',');

  const DISABLED_TESTS = [
  const testsToRun = fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(NAN_DIR, 'test', 'js'))
    .filter(test => !DISABLED_TESTS.includes(test))
    .filter(test => {
      return !onlyTests || onlyTests.includes(test) || onlyTests.includes(test.replace('.js', '')) || onlyTests.includes(test.replace('-test.js', ''));
    .map(test => `test/js/${test}`);

  const testChild = cp.spawn(utils.getAbsoluteElectronExec(), ['node_modules/.bin/tap', ...testsToRun], {
    env: {
      ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: 'true'
    cwd: NAN_DIR,
    stdio: 'inherit'
  testChild.on('exit', (testCode) => {

main().catch((err) => {
  console.error('An unhandled error occurred in the nan spec runner', err);