import * as path from 'path'; import { IPC_MESSAGES } from '@electron/internal/common/ipc-messages'; const Module = require('module'); // Make sure globals like "process" and "global" are always available in preload // scripts even after they are deleted in "loaded" script. // // Note 1: We rely on a Node patch to actually pass "process" and "global" and // other arguments to the wrapper. // // Note 2: Node introduced a new code path to use native code to wrap module // code, which does not work with this hack. However by modifying the // "Module.wrapper" we can force Node to use the old code path to wrap module // code with JavaScript. // // Note 3: We provide the equivalent extra variables internally through the // webpack ProvidePlugin in webpack.config.base.js. If you add any extra // variables to this wrapper please ensure to update that plugin as well. Module.wrapper = [ '(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname, process, global, Buffer) { ' + // By running the code in a new closure, it would be possible for the module // code to override "process" and "Buffer" with local variables. 'return function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { ', '\n}.call(this, exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname); });' ]; // We modified the original process.argv to let node.js load the // init.js, we need to restore it here. process.argv.splice(1, 1); // Clear search paths. require('../common/reset-search-paths'); // Import common settings. require('@electron/internal/common/init'); // The global variable will be used by ipc for event dispatching const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util'); const { ipcRendererInternal } = require('@electron/internal/renderer/ipc-renderer-internal'); const ipcRenderer = require('@electron/internal/renderer/api/ipc-renderer').default; v8Util.setHiddenValue(global, 'ipcNative', { onMessage (internal: boolean, channel: string, ports: any[], args: any[], senderId: number) { const sender = internal ? ipcRendererInternal : ipcRenderer; sender.emit(channel, { sender, senderId, ports }, ...args); } }); // Use electron module after everything is ready. const { webFrameInit } = require('@electron/internal/renderer/web-frame-init'); webFrameInit(); // Process command line arguments. const { hasSwitch, getSwitchValue } = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_command_line'); const { getWebPreference } = process._linkedBinding('electron_renderer_web_frame'); const contextIsolation = getWebPreference(window, 'contextIsolation'); const nodeIntegration = getWebPreference(window, 'nodeIntegration'); const webviewTag = getWebPreference(window, 'webviewTag'); const isHiddenPage = getWebPreference(window, 'hiddenPage'); const usesNativeWindowOpen = getWebPreference(window, 'nativeWindowOpen'); const rendererProcessReuseEnabled = getWebPreference(window, 'disableElectronSiteInstanceOverrides'); const preloadScript = getWebPreference(window, 'preload'); const preloadScripts = getWebPreference(window, 'preloadScripts'); const guestInstanceId = getWebPreference(window, 'guestInstanceId') || null; const openerId = getWebPreference(window, 'openerId') || null; const appPath = hasSwitch('app-path') ? getSwitchValue('app-path') : null; // The webContents preload script is loaded after the session preload scripts. if (preloadScript) { preloadScripts.push(preloadScript); } switch (window.location.protocol) { case 'devtools:': { // Override some inspector APIs. require('@electron/internal/renderer/inspector'); break; } case 'chrome-extension:': { break; } case 'chrome:': { break; } default: { // Override default web functions. const { windowSetup } = require('@electron/internal/renderer/window-setup'); windowSetup(guestInstanceId, openerId, isHiddenPage, usesNativeWindowOpen, rendererProcessReuseEnabled); } } // Load webview tag implementation. if (process.isMainFrame) { const { webViewInit } = require('@electron/internal/renderer/web-view/web-view-init'); webViewInit(contextIsolation, webviewTag, guestInstanceId); } if (nodeIntegration) { // Export node bindings to global. const { makeRequireFunction } = __non_webpack_require__('internal/modules/cjs/helpers') // eslint-disable-line global.module = new Module('electron/js2c/renderer_init'); global.require = makeRequireFunction(global.module); // Set the __filename to the path of html file if it is file: protocol. if (window.location.protocol === 'file:') { const location = window.location; let pathname = location.pathname; if (process.platform === 'win32') { if (pathname[0] === '/') pathname = pathname.substr(1); const isWindowsNetworkSharePath = location.hostname.length > 0 && process.resourcesPath.startsWith('\\'); if (isWindowsNetworkSharePath) { pathname = `//${}/${pathname}`; } } global.__filename = path.normalize(decodeURIComponent(pathname)); global.__dirname = path.dirname(global.__filename); // Set module's filename so relative require can work as expected. global.module.filename = global.__filename; // Also search for module under the html file. global.module.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(global.__dirname); } else { // For backwards compatibility we fake these two paths here global.__filename = path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'electron.asar', 'renderer', 'init.js'); global.__dirname = path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'electron.asar', 'renderer'); if (appPath) { // Search for module under the app directory global.module.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(appPath); } } // Redirect window.onerror to uncaughtException. window.onerror = function (_message, _filename, _lineno, _colno, error) { if (global.process.listenerCount('uncaughtException') > 0) { // We do not want to add `uncaughtException` to our definitions // because we don't want anyone else (anywhere) to throw that kind // of error. global.process.emit('uncaughtException', error as any); return true; } else { return false; } }; } else { // Delete Node's symbols after the Environment has been loaded in a // non context-isolated environment if (!contextIsolation) { process.once('loaded', function () { delete (global as any).process; delete (global as any).Buffer; delete (global as any).setImmediate; delete (global as any).clearImmediate; delete (global as any).global; delete (global as any).root; delete (global as any).GLOBAL; }); } } // Load the preload scripts. for (const preloadScript of preloadScripts) { try { Module._load(preloadScript); } catch (error) { console.error(`Unable to load preload script: ${preloadScript}`); console.error(error); ipcRendererInternal.send(IPC_MESSAGES.BROWSER_PRELOAD_ERROR, preloadScript, error); } } // Warn about security issues if (process.isMainFrame) { const { securityWarnings } = require('@electron/internal/renderer/security-warnings'); securityWarnings(nodeIntegration); }