const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin'); const WrapperPlugin = require('wrapper-webpack-plugin'); const electronRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..'); class AccessDependenciesPlugin { apply (compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('AccessDependenciesPlugin', compilation => { compilation.hooks.finishModules.tap('AccessDependenciesPlugin', modules => { const filePaths = => m.resource).filter(p => p).map(p => path.relative(electronRoot, p));; }); }); } } module.exports = ({ alwaysHasNode, loadElectronFromAlternateTarget, targetDeletesNodeGlobals, target, wrapInitWithProfilingTimeout, wrapInitWithTryCatch }) => { let entry = path.resolve(electronRoot, 'lib', target, 'init.ts'); if (!fs.existsSync(entry)) { entry = path.resolve(electronRoot, 'lib', target, 'init.js'); } const electronAPIFile = path.resolve(electronRoot, 'lib', loadElectronFromAlternateTarget || target, 'api', 'exports', 'electron.ts'); return (env = {}, argv = {}) => { const onlyPrintingGraph = !!env.PRINT_WEBPACK_GRAPH; const outputFilename = argv['output-filename'] || `${target}.bundle.js`; const defines = { BUILDFLAG: onlyPrintingGraph ? '(a => a)' : '' }; if (env.buildflags) { const flagFile = fs.readFileSync(env.buildflags, 'utf8'); for (const line of flagFile.split(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g)) { const flagMatch = line.match(/#define BUILDFLAG_INTERNAL_(.+?)\(\) \(([01])\)/); if (flagMatch) { const [, flagName, flagValue] = flagMatch; defines[flagName] = JSON.stringify(Boolean(parseInt(flagValue, 10))); } } } const ignoredModules = []; if (defines.ENABLE_DESKTOP_CAPTURER === 'false') { ignoredModules.push( '@electron/internal/browser/desktop-capturer', '@electron/internal/browser/api/desktop-capturer', '@electron/internal/renderer/api/desktop-capturer' ); } if (defines.ENABLE_VIEWS_API === 'false') { ignoredModules.push( '@electron/internal/browser/api/views/image-view.js' ); } const plugins = []; if (onlyPrintingGraph) { plugins.push(new AccessDependenciesPlugin()); } if (targetDeletesNodeGlobals) { plugins.push(new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ process: ['@electron/internal/common/webpack-provider', 'process'], global: ['@electron/internal/common/webpack-provider', '_global'], Buffer: ['@electron/internal/common/webpack-provider', 'Buffer'] })); } plugins.push(new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ Promise: ['@electron/internal/common/webpack-globals-provider', 'Promise'] })); plugins.push(new webpack.DefinePlugin(defines)); if (wrapInitWithProfilingTimeout) { plugins.push(new WrapperPlugin({ header: 'function ___electron_webpack_init__() {', footer: ` }; if ((globalThis.process || binding.process).argv.includes("--profile-electron-init")) { setTimeout(___electron_webpack_init__, 0); } else { ___electron_webpack_init__(); }` })); } if (wrapInitWithTryCatch) { plugins.push(new WrapperPlugin({ header: 'try {', footer: ` } catch (err) { console.error('Electron ${outputFilename} script failed to run'); console.error(err); }` })); } return { mode: 'development', devtool: false, entry, target: alwaysHasNode ? 'node' : 'web', output: { filename: outputFilename }, resolve: { alias: { '@electron/internal': path.resolve(electronRoot, 'lib'), electron$: electronAPIFile, 'electron/main$': electronAPIFile, 'electron/renderer$': electronAPIFile, 'electron/common$': electronAPIFile, // Force timers to resolve to our dependency that doesn't use window.postMessage timers: path.resolve(electronRoot, 'node_modules', 'timers-browserify', 'main.js') }, extensions: ['.ts', '.js'] }, module: { rules: [{ test: (moduleName) => !onlyPrintingGraph && ignoredModules.includes(moduleName), loader: 'null-loader' }, { test: /\.ts$/, loader: 'ts-loader', options: { configFile: path.resolve(electronRoot, 'tsconfig.electron.json'), transpileOnly: onlyPrintingGraph, ignoreDiagnostics: [ // File '{0}' is not under 'rootDir' '{1}'. 6059 ] } }] }, node: { __dirname: false, __filename: false, // We provide our own "timers" import above, any usage of setImmediate inside // one of our renderer bundles should import it from the 'timers' package setImmediate: false }, optimization: { minimize: true, minimizer: [ new TerserPlugin({ terserOptions: { keep_classnames: true, keep_fnames: true } }) ] }, plugins }; }; };