'use strict' const ipcMain = require('electron').ipcMain const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter const {BrowserWindow} = process.atomBinding('window') Object.setPrototypeOf(BrowserWindow.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype) BrowserWindow.prototype._init = function () { // avoid recursive require. var app, menu app = require('electron').app // Simulate the application menu on platforms other than OS X. if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { menu = app.getApplicationMenu() if (menu != null) { this.setMenu(menu) } } // Make new windows requested by links behave like "window.open" this.webContents.on('-new-window', (event, url, frameName, disposition) => { var options options = { show: true, width: 800, height: 600 } return ipcMain.emit('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_OPEN', event, url, frameName, disposition, options) }) // window.resizeTo(...) // window.moveTo(...) this.webContents.on('move', (event, size) => { this.setBounds(size) }) // Hide the auto-hide menu when webContents is focused. this.webContents.on('activate', () => { if (process.platform !== 'darwin' && this.isMenuBarAutoHide() && this.isMenuBarVisible()) { this.setMenuBarVisibility(false) } }) // Forward the crashed event. this.webContents.on('crashed', () => { this.emit('crashed') }) // Change window title to page title. this.webContents.on('page-title-updated', (event, title) => { // The page-title-updated event is not emitted immediately (see #3645), so // when the callback is called the BrowserWindow might have been closed. if (this.isDestroyed()) return // Route the event to BrowserWindow. this.emit('page-title-updated', event, title) if (!event.defaultPrevented) this.setTitle(title) }) // Sometimes the webContents doesn't get focus when window is shown, so we have // to force focusing on webContents in this case. The safest way is to focus it // when we first start to load URL, if we do it earlier it won't have effect, // if we do it later we might move focus in the page. // Though this hack is only needed on OS X when the app is launched from // Finder, we still do it on all platforms in case of other bugs we don't know. this.webContents.once('load-url', function () { this.focus() }) // Redirect focus/blur event to app instance too. this.on('blur', (event) => { app.emit('browser-window-blur', event, this) }) this.on('focus', (event) => { app.emit('browser-window-focus', event, this) }) // Subscribe to visibilityState changes and pass to renderer process. let isVisible = this.isVisible() && !this.isMinimized() let visibilityChanged = () => { let newState = this.isVisible() && !this.isMinimized() if (isVisible !== newState) { isVisible = newState this.webContents.send('ELECTRON_RENDERER_WINDOW_VISIBILITY_CHANGE', isVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden') } } this.on('show', visibilityChanged) this.on('hide', visibilityChanged) this.on('minimize', visibilityChanged) this.on('restore', visibilityChanged) this.on('maximize', visibilityChanged) // Notify the creation of the window. app.emit('browser-window-created', {}, this) Object.defineProperty(this, 'devToolsWebContents', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function () { return this.webContents.devToolsWebContents } }) } BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow = function () { var i, len, window, windows windows = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows() for (i = 0, len = windows.length; i < len; i++) { window = windows[i] if (window.isFocused()) { return window } } return null } BrowserWindow.fromWebContents = function (webContents) { var i, len, ref1, window, windows windows = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows() for (i = 0, len = windows.length; i < len; i++) { window = windows[i] if ((ref1 = window.webContents) != null ? ref1.equal(webContents) : void 0) { return window } } } BrowserWindow.fromDevToolsWebContents = function (webContents) { var i, len, ref1, window, windows windows = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows() for (i = 0, len = windows.length; i < len; i++) { window = windows[i] if ((ref1 = window.devToolsWebContents) != null ? ref1.equal(webContents) : void 0) { return window } } } // Helpers. BrowserWindow.prototype.loadURL = function () { return this.webContents.loadURL.apply(this.webContents, arguments) } BrowserWindow.prototype.getURL = function () { return this.webContents.getURL() } BrowserWindow.prototype.reload = function () { return this.webContents.reload.apply(this.webContents, arguments) } BrowserWindow.prototype.send = function () { return this.webContents.send.apply(this.webContents, arguments) } BrowserWindow.prototype.openDevTools = function () { return this.webContents.openDevTools.apply(this.webContents, arguments) } BrowserWindow.prototype.closeDevTools = function () { return this.webContents.closeDevTools() } BrowserWindow.prototype.isDevToolsOpened = function () { return this.webContents.isDevToolsOpened() } BrowserWindow.prototype.isDevToolsFocused = function () { return this.webContents.isDevToolsFocused() } BrowserWindow.prototype.toggleDevTools = function () { return this.webContents.toggleDevTools() } BrowserWindow.prototype.inspectElement = function () { return this.webContents.inspectElement.apply(this.webContents, arguments) } BrowserWindow.prototype.inspectServiceWorker = function () { return this.webContents.inspectServiceWorker() } module.exports = BrowserWindow