import { ipcRendererInternal } from '@electron/internal/renderer/ipc-renderer-internal'; import deprecate from '@electron/internal/common/api/deprecate'; import { IPC_MESSAGES } from '@electron/internal/common/ipc-messages'; const { hasSwitch } = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_command_line'); const enableStacks = hasSwitch('enable-api-filtering-logging'); function getCurrentStack () { const target = {}; if (enableStacks) { Error.captureStackTrace(target, getCurrentStack); } return (target as any).stack; } let warned = process.noDeprecation; export async function getSources (options: Electron.SourcesOptions) { if (!warned) { deprecate.log('The use of \'desktopCapturer.getSources\' in the renderer process is deprecated and will be removed. See for more details.'); warned = true; } return await ipcRendererInternal.invoke(IPC_MESSAGES.DESKTOP_CAPTURER_GET_SOURCES, options, getCurrentStack()); }