// Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub, Inc. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "atom/browser/osr_window.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebScreenInfo.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_impl.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_delegate.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view_frame_subscriber.h" #include "ui/events/latency_info.h" #include "content/common/view_messages.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/dip_util.h" #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" #include "content/public/browser/context_factory.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "ui/compositor/layer.h" #include "ui/compositor/layer_type.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" #include #include #include #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPixmap.h" #include "cc/output/output_surface_client.h" namespace atom { OffScreenWebContentsView::OffScreenWebContentsView() { std::cout << "OffScreenWebContentsView" << std::endl; //std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10000)); } OffScreenWebContentsView::~OffScreenWebContentsView() { std::cout << "~OffScreenWebContentsView" << std::endl; } // Returns the native widget that contains the contents of the tab. gfx::NativeView OffScreenWebContentsView::GetNativeView() const{ std::cout << "GetNativeView" << std::endl; return gfx::NativeView(); } // Returns the native widget with the main content of the tab (i.e. the main // render view host, though there may be many popups in the tab as children of // the container). gfx::NativeView OffScreenWebContentsView::GetContentNativeView() const{ std::cout << "GetContentNativeView" << std::endl; return gfx::NativeView(); } // Returns the outermost native view. This will be used as the parent for // dialog boxes. gfx::NativeWindow OffScreenWebContentsView::GetTopLevelNativeWindow() const{ std::cout << "GetTopLevelNativeWindow" << std::endl; return gfx::NativeWindow(); } // Computes the rectangle for the native widget that contains the contents of // the tab in the screen coordinate system. void OffScreenWebContentsView::GetContainerBounds(gfx::Rect* out) const{ std::cout << "GetContainerBounds" << std::endl; *out = GetViewBounds(); } // TODO(brettw) this is a hack. It's used in two places at the time of this // writing: (1) when render view hosts switch, we need to size the replaced // one to be correct, since it wouldn't have known about sizes that happened // while it was hidden; (2) in constrained windows. // // (1) will be fixed once interstitials are cleaned up. (2) seems like it // should be cleaned up or done some other way, since this works for normal // WebContents without the special code. void OffScreenWebContentsView::SizeContents(const gfx::Size& size){ std::cout << "SizeContents" << std::endl; } // Sets focus to the native widget for this tab. void OffScreenWebContentsView::Focus(){ std::cout << "OffScreenWebContentsView::Focus" << std::endl; } // Sets focus to the appropriate element when the WebContents is shown the // first time. void OffScreenWebContentsView::SetInitialFocus(){ std::cout << "SetInitialFocus" << std::endl; } // Stores the currently focused view. void OffScreenWebContentsView::StoreFocus(){ std::cout << "StoreFocus" << std::endl; } // Restores focus to the last focus view. If StoreFocus has not yet been // invoked, SetInitialFocus is invoked. void OffScreenWebContentsView::RestoreFocus(){ std::cout << "RestoreFocus" << std::endl; } // Returns the current drop data, if any. content::DropData* OffScreenWebContentsView::GetDropData() const{ std::cout << "GetDropData" << std::endl; return nullptr; } // Get the bounds of the View, relative to the parent. gfx::Rect OffScreenWebContentsView::GetViewBounds() const{ std::cout << "OffScreenWebContentsView::GetViewBounds" << std::endl; return view_ ? view_->GetViewBounds() : gfx::Rect(); } void OffScreenWebContentsView::CreateView( const gfx::Size& initial_size, gfx::NativeView context){ std::cout << "CreateView" << std::endl; std::cout << initial_size.width() << "x" << initial_size.height() << std::endl; } // Sets up the View that holds the rendered web page, receives messages for // it and contains page plugins. The host view should be sized to the current // size of the WebContents. // // |is_guest_view_hack| is temporary hack and will be removed once // RenderWidgetHostViewGuest is not dependent on platform view. // TODO(lazyboy): Remove |is_guest_view_hack| once http://crbug.com/330264 is // fixed. content::RenderWidgetHostViewBase* OffScreenWebContentsView::CreateViewForWidget( content::RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host, bool is_guest_view_hack){ std::cout << "CreateViewForWidget" << std::endl; view_ = new OffScreenWindow(render_widget_host); return view_; } // Creates a new View that holds a popup and receives messages for it. content::RenderWidgetHostViewBase* OffScreenWebContentsView::CreateViewForPopupWidget( content::RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host){ std::cout << "CreateViewForPopupWidget" << std::endl; view_ = new OffScreenWindow(render_widget_host); return view_; } // Sets the page title for the native widgets corresponding to the view. This // is not strictly necessary and isn't expected to be displayed anywhere, but // can aid certain debugging tools such as Spy++ on Windows where you are // trying to find a specific window. void OffScreenWebContentsView::SetPageTitle(const base::string16& title){ std::cout << "SetPageTitle" << std::endl; std::cout << title << std::endl; } // Invoked when the WebContents is notified that the RenderView has been // fully created. void OffScreenWebContentsView::RenderViewCreated(content::RenderViewHost* host){ std::cout << "RenderViewCreated" << std::endl; } // Invoked when the WebContents is notified that the RenderView has been // swapped in. void OffScreenWebContentsView::RenderViewSwappedIn(content::RenderViewHost* host){ std::cout << "RenderViewSwappedIn" << std::endl; } // Invoked to enable/disable overscroll gesture navigation. void OffScreenWebContentsView::SetOverscrollControllerEnabled(bool enabled){ std::cout << "SetOverscrollControllerEnabled" << std::endl; } OffScreenOutputDevice::OffScreenOutputDevice() { std::cout << "OffScreenOutputDevice" << std::endl; } OffScreenOutputDevice::~OffScreenOutputDevice() { std::cout << "~OffScreenOutputDevice" << std::endl; } void OffScreenOutputDevice::Resize( const gfx::Size& pixel_size, float scale_factor) { std::cout << "Resize" << std::endl; std::cout << pixel_size.width() << "x" << pixel_size.height() << std::endl; scale_factor_ = scale_factor; if (viewport_pixel_size_ == pixel_size) return; viewport_pixel_size_ = pixel_size; canvas_.reset(NULL); bitmap_.reset(new SkBitmap); bitmap_->allocN32Pixels(viewport_pixel_size_.width(), viewport_pixel_size_.height(), false); if (bitmap_->drawsNothing()) { std::cout << "drawsNothing" << std::endl; NOTREACHED(); bitmap_.reset(NULL); return; } bitmap_->eraseARGB(0, 0, 0, 0); canvas_.reset(new SkCanvas(*bitmap_.get())); } SkCanvas* OffScreenOutputDevice::BeginPaint(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect) { std::cout << "BeginPaint" << std::endl; DCHECK(canvas_.get()); DCHECK(bitmap_.get()); damage_rect_ = damage_rect; return canvas_.get(); } void OffScreenOutputDevice::saveSkBitmapToBMPFile(const SkBitmap& skBitmap, const char* path){ typedef unsigned char UINT8; typedef signed char SINT8; typedef unsigned short UINT16; typedef signed short SINT16; typedef unsigned int UINT32; typedef signed int SINT32; struct BMP_FILEHDR // BMP file header { UINT32 bfSize; // size of file UINT16 bfReserved1; UINT16 bfReserved2; UINT32 bfOffBits; // pointer to the pixmap bits }; struct BMP_INFOHDR // BMP information header { UINT32 biSize; // size of this struct UINT32 biWidth; // pixmap width UINT32 biHeight; // pixmap height UINT16 biPlanes; // should be 1 UINT16 biBitCount; // number of bits per pixel UINT32 biCompression; // compression method UINT32 biSizeImage; // size of image UINT32 biXPelsPerMeter; // horizontal resolution UINT32 biYPelsPerMeter; // vertical resolution UINT32 biClrUsed; // number of colors used UINT32 biClrImportant; // number of important colors }; #define BitmapColorGetA(color) (((color) >> 24) & 0xFF) #define BitmapColorGetR(color) (((color) >> 16) & 0xFF) #define BitmapColorGetG(color) (((color) >> 8) & 0xFF) #define BitmapColorGetB(color) (((color) >> 0) & 0xFF) int bmpWidth = skBitmap.width(); int bmpHeight = skBitmap.height(); int stride = skBitmap.rowBytes(); char* m_pmap = (char*)skBitmap.getPixels(); //virtual PixelFormat& GetPixelFormat() =0; //assume pf is ARGB; FILE* fp = fopen(path, "wb"); if(!fp){ printf("saveSkBitmapToBMPFile: fopen %s Error!\n", path); } SINT32 bpl=bmpWidth*4; // BMP file header. BMP_FILEHDR fhdr; fputc('B', fp); fputc('M', fp); fhdr.bfReserved1=fhdr.bfReserved2=0; fhdr.bfOffBits=14+40; // File header size + header size. fhdr.bfSize=fhdr.bfOffBits+bpl*bmpHeight; fwrite(&fhdr, 1, 12, fp); // BMP header. BMP_INFOHDR bhdr; bhdr.biSize=40; bhdr.biBitCount=32; bhdr.biCompression=0; // RGB Format. bhdr.biPlanes=1; bhdr.biWidth=bmpWidth; bhdr.biHeight=bmpHeight; bhdr.biClrImportant=0; bhdr.biClrUsed=0; bhdr.biXPelsPerMeter=2384; bhdr.biYPelsPerMeter=2384; bhdr.biSizeImage=bpl*bmpHeight; fwrite(&bhdr, 1, 40, fp); // BMP data. //for(UINT32 y=0; y=0; y--) { SINT32 base=y*stride; for(SINT32 x=0; x<(SINT32)bmpWidth; x++) { UINT32 i=base+x*4; UINT32 pixelData = *(UINT32*)(m_pmap+i); UINT8 b1=BitmapColorGetB(pixelData); UINT8 g1=BitmapColorGetG(pixelData); UINT8 r1=BitmapColorGetR(pixelData); UINT8 a1=BitmapColorGetA(pixelData); r1=r1*a1/255; g1=g1*a1/255; b1=b1*a1/255; UINT32 temp=(a1<<24)|(r1<<16)|(g1<<8)|b1;//a bmp pixel in little endian is B、G、R、A fwrite(&temp, 4, 1, fp); } } fflush(fp); fclose(fp); } void OffScreenOutputDevice::EndPaint() { std::cout << "EndPaint" << std::endl; DCHECK(canvas_.get()); DCHECK(bitmap_.get()); if (!bitmap_.get()) return; cc::SoftwareOutputDevice::EndPaint(); SkAutoLockPixels bitmap_pixels_lock(*bitmap_.get()); //saveSkBitmapToBMPFile(*(bitmap_.get()), "test.bmp"); uint8_t* pixels = reinterpret_cast(bitmap_->getPixels()); for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) { int x = static_cast(pixels[i]); std::cout << std::hex << x << std::dec << std::endl; } } OffScreenWindow::OffScreenWindow(content::RenderWidgetHost* host) : render_widget_host_(content::RenderWidgetHostImpl::From(host)), delegated_frame_host_(new content::DelegatedFrameHost(this)), compositor_widget_(gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget), scale_factor_(1.0f), is_showing_(!render_widget_host_->is_hidden()), size_(gfx::Size(800, 600)), weak_ptr_factory_(this) { DCHECK(render_widget_host_); std::cout << "OffScreenWindow" << std::endl; render_widget_host_->SetView(this); root_layer_.reset(new ui::Layer(ui::LAYER_SOLID_COLOR)); CreatePlatformWidget(); compositor_.reset(new ui::Compositor(content::GetContextFactory(), base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get())); compositor_->SetAcceleratedWidget(compositor_widget_); compositor_->SetDelegate(this); compositor_->SetRootLayer(root_layer_.get()); } OffScreenWindow::~OffScreenWindow() { std::cout << "~OffScreenWindow" << std::endl; if (is_showing_) delegated_frame_host_->WasHidden(); delegated_frame_host_->ResetCompositor(); delegated_frame_host_.reset(NULL); compositor_.reset(NULL); root_layer_.reset(NULL); } bool OffScreenWindow::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { std::cout << "OnMessageReceived" << std::endl; bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(OffScreenWindow, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_SetNeedsBeginFrames, OnSetNeedsBeginFrames) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() if (!handled) return content::RenderWidgetHostViewBase::OnMessageReceived(message); return handled; } void OffScreenWindow::InitAsChild(gfx::NativeView) { std::cout << "InitAsChild" << std::endl; } content::RenderWidgetHost* OffScreenWindow::GetRenderWidgetHost() const { std::cout << "GetRenderWidgetHost" << std::endl; return render_widget_host_; } void OffScreenWindow::SetSize(const gfx::Size& size) { std::cout << "SetSize" << std::endl; size_ = size; std::cout << size.width() << "x" << size.height() << std::endl; const gfx::Size& size_in_pixels = gfx::ConvertSizeToPixel(scale_factor_, size); root_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Rect(size)); compositor_->SetScaleAndSize(scale_factor_, size_in_pixels); } void OffScreenWindow::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) { std::cout << "SetBounds" << std::endl; } gfx::Vector2dF OffScreenWindow::GetLastScrollOffset() const { std::cout << "GetLastScrollOffset" << std::endl; return last_scroll_offset_; } gfx::NativeView OffScreenWindow::GetNativeView() const { std::cout << "GetNativeView" << std::endl; return gfx::NativeView(); } gfx::NativeViewId OffScreenWindow::GetNativeViewId() const { std::cout << "GetNativeViewId" << std::endl; return gfx::NativeViewId(); } gfx::NativeViewAccessible OffScreenWindow::GetNativeViewAccessible() { std::cout << "GetNativeViewAccessible" << std::endl; return gfx::NativeViewAccessible(); } ui::TextInputClient* OffScreenWindow::GetTextInputClient() { std::cout << "GetTextInputClient" << std::endl; return nullptr; } void OffScreenWindow::Focus() { std::cout << "Focus" << std::endl; } bool OffScreenWindow::HasFocus() const { std::cout << "HasFocus" << std::endl; return false; } bool OffScreenWindow::IsSurfaceAvailableForCopy() const { std::cout << "IsSurfaceAvailableForCopy" << std::endl; return delegated_frame_host_->CanCopyToBitmap(); } void OffScreenWindow::Show() { std::cout << "Show" << std::endl; if (is_showing_) return; is_showing_ = true; if (render_widget_host_) render_widget_host_->WasShown(ui::LatencyInfo()); delegated_frame_host_->SetCompositor(compositor_.get()); delegated_frame_host_->WasShown(ui::LatencyInfo()); } void OffScreenWindow::Hide() { std::cout << "Hide" << std::endl; if (!is_showing_) return; if (render_widget_host_) render_widget_host_->WasHidden(); delegated_frame_host_->WasHidden(); delegated_frame_host_->ResetCompositor(); is_showing_ = false; } bool OffScreenWindow::IsShowing() { std::cout << "IsShowing" << std::endl; return is_showing_; } gfx::Rect OffScreenWindow::GetViewBounds() const { std::cout << "GetViewBounds" << std::endl; std::cout << size_.width() << "x" << size_.height() << std::endl; return gfx::Rect(size_); } gfx::Size OffScreenWindow::GetVisibleViewportSize() const { std::cout << "GetVisibleViewportSize" << std::endl; std::cout << size_.width() << "x" << size_.height() << std::endl; return size_; } void OffScreenWindow::SetInsets(const gfx::Insets& insets) { std::cout << "SetInsets" << std::endl; } bool OffScreenWindow::LockMouse() { std::cout << "LockMouse" << std::endl; return false; } void OffScreenWindow::UnlockMouse() { std::cout << "UnlockMouse" << std::endl; } bool OffScreenWindow::GetScreenColorProfile(std::vector*) { std::cout << "GetScreenColorProfile" << std::endl; return false; } void OffScreenWindow::OnSwapCompositorFrame( uint32_t output_surface_id, std::unique_ptr frame) { std::cout << "OnSwapCompositorFrame" << std::endl; std::cout << output_surface_id << std::endl; if (frame->delegated_frame_data) std::cout << "delegated_frame_data" << std::endl; if (frame->metadata.root_scroll_offset != last_scroll_offset_) { last_scroll_offset_ = frame->metadata.root_scroll_offset; } if (frame->delegated_frame_data) delegated_frame_host_->SwapDelegatedFrame( output_surface_id, std::move(frame)); } void OffScreenWindow::ClearCompositorFrame() { std::cout << "ClearCompositorFrame" << std::endl; delegated_frame_host_->ClearDelegatedFrame(); } void OffScreenWindow::InitAsPopup( content::RenderWidgetHostView *, const gfx::Rect &) { std::cout << "InitAsPopup" << std::endl; } void OffScreenWindow::InitAsFullscreen(content::RenderWidgetHostView *) { std::cout << "InitAsFullscreen" << std::endl; } void OffScreenWindow::UpdateCursor(const content::WebCursor &) { std::cout << "UpdateCursor" << std::endl; } void OffScreenWindow::SetIsLoading(bool loading) { std::cout << "SetIsLoading" << std::endl; } void OffScreenWindow::TextInputStateChanged( const ViewHostMsg_TextInputState_Params &) { std::cout << "TextInputStateChanged" << std::endl; } void OffScreenWindow::ImeCancelComposition() { std::cout << "ImeCancelComposition" << std::endl; } void OffScreenWindow::RenderProcessGone(base::TerminationStatus,int) { std::cout << "RenderProcessGone" << std::endl; Destroy(); } void OffScreenWindow::Destroy() { std::cout << "Destroy" << std::endl; } void OffScreenWindow::SetTooltipText(const base::string16 &) { std::cout << "SetTooltipText" << std::endl; } void OffScreenWindow::SelectionBoundsChanged( const ViewHostMsg_SelectionBounds_Params &) { std::cout << "SelectionBoundsChanged" << std::endl; } void OffScreenWindow::CopyFromCompositingSurface(const gfx::Rect& src_subrect, const gfx::Size& dst_size, const content::ReadbackRequestCallback& callback, const SkColorType preferred_color_type) { std::cout << "CopyFromCompositingSurface" << std::endl; delegated_frame_host_->CopyFromCompositingSurface( src_subrect, dst_size, callback, preferred_color_type); } void OffScreenWindow::CopyFromCompositingSurfaceToVideoFrame( const gfx::Rect& src_subrect, const scoped_refptr& target, const base::Callback& callback) { std::cout << "CopyFromCompositingSurfaceToVideoFrame" << std::endl; delegated_frame_host_->CopyFromCompositingSurfaceToVideoFrame( src_subrect, target, callback); } bool OffScreenWindow::CanCopyToVideoFrame() const { std::cout << "CanCopyToVideoFrame" << std::endl; return delegated_frame_host_->CanCopyToVideoFrame(); } void OffScreenWindow::BeginFrameSubscription( std::unique_ptr subscriber) { std::cout << "BeginFrameSubscription" << std::endl; delegated_frame_host_->BeginFrameSubscription(std::move(subscriber)); } void OffScreenWindow::EndFrameSubscription() { std::cout << "EndFrameSubscription" << std::endl; delegated_frame_host_->EndFrameSubscription(); } bool OffScreenWindow::HasAcceleratedSurface(const gfx::Size &) { std::cout << "HasAcceleratedSurface" << std::endl; return false; } void OffScreenWindow::GetScreenInfo(blink::WebScreenInfo* results) { std::cout << "GetScreenInfo" << std::endl; std::cout << size_.width() << "x" << size_.height() << std::endl; results->rect = gfx::Rect(size_); results->availableRect = gfx::Rect(size_); results->depth = 24; results->depthPerComponent = 8; results->deviceScaleFactor = scale_factor_; results->orientationAngle = 0; results->orientationType = blink::WebScreenOrientationLandscapePrimary; } bool OffScreenWindow::GetScreenColorProfile(blink::WebVector*) { std::cout << "GetScreenColorProfile" << std::endl; return false; } gfx::Rect OffScreenWindow::GetBoundsInRootWindow() { std::cout << "GetBoundsInRootWindow" << std::endl; std::cout << size_.width() << "x" << size_.height() << std::endl; return gfx::Rect(size_); } void OffScreenWindow::LockCompositingSurface() { std::cout << "LockCompositingSurface" << std::endl; } void OffScreenWindow::UnlockCompositingSurface() { std::cout << "UnlockCompositingSurface" << std::endl; } void OffScreenWindow::ImeCompositionRangeChanged( const gfx::Range &, const std::vector&) { std::cout << "ImeCompositionRangeChanged" << std::endl; } gfx::Size OffScreenWindow::GetPhysicalBackingSize() const { std::cout << "GetPhysicalBackingSize" << std::endl; return size_; } gfx::Size OffScreenWindow::GetRequestedRendererSize() const { std::cout << "GetRequestedRendererSize" << std::endl; return size_; } int OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameHostGetGpuMemoryBufferClientId() const { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameHostGetGpuMemoryBufferClientId" << std::endl; return render_widget_host_->GetProcess()->GetID(); } ui::Layer* OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameHostGetLayer() const { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameHostGetLayer" << std::endl; return const_cast(root_layer_.get()); } bool OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameHostIsVisible() const { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameHostIsVisible" << std::endl; std::cout << !render_widget_host_->is_hidden() << std::endl; return !render_widget_host_->is_hidden(); } SkColor OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameHostGetGutterColor(SkColor color) const { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameHostGetGutterColor" << std::endl; return color; } gfx::Size OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameHostDesiredSizeInDIP() const { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameHostDesiredSizeInDIP" << std::endl; std::cout << size_.width() << "x" << size_.height() << std::endl; return size_; } bool OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameCanCreateResizeLock() const { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameCanCreateResizeLock" << std::endl; return false; } std::unique_ptr OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameHostCreateResizeLock(bool) { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameHostCreateResizeLock" << std::endl; return nullptr; } void OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameHostResizeLockWasReleased() { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameHostResizeLockWasReleased" << std::endl; return render_widget_host_->WasResized(); } void OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameHostSendCompositorSwapAck( int output_surface_id, const cc::CompositorFrameAck& ack) { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameHostSendCompositorSwapAck" << std::endl; std::cout << output_surface_id << std::endl; render_widget_host_->Send(new ViewMsg_SwapCompositorFrameAck( render_widget_host_->GetRoutingID(), output_surface_id, ack)); } void OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameHostSendReclaimCompositorResources( int output_surface_id, const cc::CompositorFrameAck& ack) { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameHostSendReclaimCompositorResources" << std::endl; std::cout << output_surface_id << std::endl; render_widget_host_->Send(new ViewMsg_ReclaimCompositorResources( render_widget_host_->GetRoutingID(), output_surface_id, ack)); } void OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameHostOnLostCompositorResources() { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameHostOnLostCompositorResources" << std::endl; render_widget_host_->ScheduleComposite(); } void OffScreenWindow::DelegatedFrameHostUpdateVSyncParameters( const base::TimeTicks& timebase, const base::TimeDelta& interval) { std::cout << "DelegatedFrameHostUpdateVSyncParameters" << std::endl; render_widget_host_->UpdateVSyncParameters(timebase, interval); } std::unique_ptr OffScreenWindow::CreateSoftwareOutputDevice(ui::Compositor* compositor) { std::cout << "CreateSoftwareOutputDevice" << std::endl; return std::unique_ptr(new OffScreenOutputDevice); } void OffScreenWindow::OnSetNeedsBeginFrames(bool enabled) { std::cout << "OnSetNeedsBeginFrames" << std::endl; } } // namespace atom