import * as fs from 'original-fs'; import * as cp from 'node:child_process'; import * as os from 'node:os'; import * as path from 'node:path'; export async function copyApp (targetDir: string): Promise { // On macOS we can just copy the app bundle, easier too because of symlinks if (process.platform === 'darwin') { const appBundlePath = path.resolve(process.execPath, '../../..'); const newPath = path.resolve(targetDir, ''); cp.spawnSync('cp', ['-R', appBundlePath, path.dirname(newPath)]); return newPath; } // On windows and linux we should read the zip manifest files and then copy each of those files // one by one const baseDir = path.dirname(process.execPath); const zipManifestPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'script', 'zip_manifests', `dist_zip.${process.platform === 'win32' ? 'win' : 'linux'}.${process.arch === 'ia32' ? 'x86' : process.arch}.manifest`); const filesToCopy = (fs.readFileSync(zipManifestPath, 'utf-8')).split('\n').filter(f => f !== 'LICENSE' && f !== 'LICENSES.chromium.html' && f !== 'version' && f.trim()); await Promise.all( rel => { await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(path.resolve(targetDir, rel)), { recursive: true }); fs.copyFileSync(path.resolve(baseDir, rel), path.resolve(targetDir, rel)); }) ); return path.resolve(targetDir, path.basename(process.execPath)); } export async function withTempDirectory (fn: (dir: string) => Promise, autoCleanUp = true) { const dir = await fs.promises.mkdtemp(path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'electron-update-spec-')); try { await fn(dir); } finally { if (autoCleanUp) { cp.spawnSync('rm', ['-r', dir]); } } };