import { MessagePortMain } from '@electron/internal/browser/message-port-main'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { Socket } from 'net'; import { Duplex, PassThrough } from 'stream'; const { _fork } = process._linkedBinding('electron_browser_utility_process'); class ForkUtilityProcess extends EventEmitter implements Electron.UtilityProcess { #handle: ElectronInternal.UtilityProcessWrapper | null; #stdout: Duplex | null = null; #stderr: Duplex | null = null; constructor (modulePath: string, args?: string[], options?: Electron.ForkOptions) { super(); if (!modulePath) { throw new Error('Missing UtilityProcess entry script.'); } if (args == null) { args = []; } else if (typeof args === 'object' && !Array.isArray(args)) { options = args; args = []; } if (options == null) { options = {}; } else { options = { ...options }; } if (!options) { throw new Error('Options cannot be undefined.'); } if (options.execArgv != null) { if (!Array.isArray(options.execArgv)) { throw new TypeError('execArgv must be an array of strings.'); } } if (options.serviceName != null) { if (typeof options.serviceName !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('serviceName must be a string.'); } } if (options.cwd != null) { if (typeof options.cwd !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('cwd path must be a string.'); } } if (typeof options.stdio === 'string') { const stdio : Array<'pipe' | 'ignore' | 'inherit'> = []; switch (options.stdio) { case 'inherit': case 'ignore': stdio.push('ignore', options.stdio, options.stdio); break; case 'pipe': this.#stderr = new PassThrough(); this.#stdout = new PassThrough(); stdio.push('ignore', options.stdio, options.stdio); break; default: throw new Error('stdio must be of the following values: inherit, pipe, ignore'); } options.stdio = stdio; } else if (Array.isArray(options.stdio)) { if (options.stdio.length >= 3) { if (options.stdio[0] !== 'ignore') { throw new Error('stdin value other than ignore is not supported.'); } if (options.stdio[1] === 'pipe') { this.#stdout = new PassThrough(); } else if (options.stdio[1] !== 'ignore' && options.stdio[1] !== 'inherit') { throw new Error('stdout configuration must be of the following values: inherit, pipe, ignore'); } if (options.stdio[2] === 'pipe') { this.#stderr = new PassThrough(); } else if (options.stdio[2] !== 'ignore' && options.stdio[2] !== 'inherit') { throw new Error('stderr configuration must be of the following values: inherit, pipe, ignore'); } } else { throw new Error('configuration missing for stdin, stdout or stderr.'); } } this.#handle = _fork({ options, modulePath, args }); this.#handle!.emit = (channel: string | symbol, ...args: any[]) => { if (channel === 'exit') { try { this.emit('exit', ...args); } finally { this.#handle = null; if (this.#stdout) { this.#stdout.removeAllListeners(); this.#stdout = null; } if (this.#stderr) { this.#stderr.removeAllListeners(); this.#stderr = null; } } return false; } else if (channel === 'stdout' && this.#stdout) { new Socket({ fd: args[0], readable: true }).pipe(this.#stdout); return true; } else if (channel === 'stderr' && this.#stderr) { new Socket({ fd: args[0], readable: true }).pipe(this.#stderr); return true; } else { return this.emit(channel, ...args); } }; } get pid () { return this.#handle?.pid; } get stdout () { return this.#stdout; } get stderr () { return this.#stderr; } postMessage (message: any, transfer?: MessagePortMain[]) { if (Array.isArray(transfer)) { transfer = any) => o instanceof MessagePortMain ? o._internalPort : o); return this.#handle?.postMessage(message, transfer); } return this.#handle?.postMessage(message); } kill () : boolean { if (this.#handle === null) { return false; } return this.#handle.kill(); } } export function fork (modulePath: string, args?: string[], options?: Electron.ForkOptions) { return new ForkUtilityProcess(modulePath, args, options); }