## Class: TouchBarSegmentedControl

> Create a segmented control (a button group) where one button has a selected state

Process: [Main](../glossary.md#main-process)<br />
_This class is not exported from the `'electron'` module. It is only available as a return value of other methods in the Electron API._

### `new TouchBarSegmentedControl(options)`

* `options` Object
  * `segmentStyle` String (optional) - Style of the segments:
    * `automatic` - Default. The appearance of the segmented control is
      automatically determined based on the type of window in which the control
      is displayed and the position within the window. Maps to `NSSegmentStyleAutomatic`.
    * `rounded` - The control is displayed using the rounded style. Maps to `NSSegmentStyleRounded`.
    * `textured-rounded` - The control is displayed using the textured rounded
      style. Maps to `NSSegmentStyleTexturedRounded`.
    * `round-rect` - The control is displayed using the round rect style. Maps to `NSSegmentStyleRoundRect`.
    * `textured-square` - The control is displayed using the textured square
      style. Maps to `NSSegmentStyleTexturedSquare`.
    * `capsule` - The control is displayed using the capsule style. Maps to `NSSegmentStyleCapsule`.
    * `small-square` - The control is displayed using the small square style. Maps to `NSSegmentStyleSmallSquare`.
    * `separated` - The segments in the control are displayed very close to each
      other but not touching. Maps to `NSSegmentStyleSeparated`.
  * `mode` String (optional) - The selection mode of the control:
    * `single` - Default. One item selected at a time, selecting one deselects the previously selected item. Maps to `NSSegmentSwitchTrackingSelectOne`.
    * `multiple` - Multiple items can be selected at a time. Maps to `NSSegmentSwitchTrackingSelectAny`.
    * `buttons` - Make the segments act as buttons, each segment can be pressed and released but never marked as active. Maps to `NSSegmentSwitchTrackingMomentary`.
  * `segments` [SegmentedControlSegment[]](structures/segmented-control-segment.md) - An array of segments to place in this control.
  * `selectedIndex` Integer (optional) - The index of the currently selected segment, will update automatically with user interaction. When the mode is `multiple` it will be the last selected item.
  * `change` Function (optional) - Called when the user selects a new segment.
    * `selectedIndex` Integer - The index of the segment the user selected.
    * `isSelected` Boolean - Whether as a result of user selection the segment is selected or not.

### Instance Properties

The following properties are available on instances of `TouchBarSegmentedControl`:

#### `touchBarSegmentedControl.segmentStyle`

A `String` representing the controls current segment style. Updating this value immediately updates the control
in the touch bar.

#### `touchBarSegmentedControl.segments`

A `SegmentedControlSegment[]` array representing the segments in this control. Updating this value immediately
updates the control in the touch bar. Updating deep properties inside this array **does not update the touch bar**.

#### `touchBarSegmentedControl.selectedIndex`

An `Integer` representing the currently selected segment. Changing this value immediately updates the control
in the touch bar. User interaction with the touch bar will update this value automatically.

#### `touchBarSegmentedControl.mode`

A `String` representing the current selection mode of the control.  Can be `single`, `multiple` or `buttons`.